Nov. 08, 1996 Issue 10 Loquitur

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Willis presented with Cabrini Day award

A single shoe lace and an opJXlrtunity are what started Cabrini Spirit winner, Tun Wtllis, on the road to achieving his goals.

The award presentation is the highlight of Cabrini Day and is given to a person who promotes human dignity through the betterment of people's lives.

Willis began to lose his eye-sight at age seven to Coat's Disease. His eyes hemorrhaged and the doctors had no idea what had set it off. By age 10, total blindness had set in. This, however, did not decrease the expectations that his parents placed on him.

"I was expected to do the same things that my twin brother and my older sister did," Wallis said. ''I had to do chores at home, schoolwork and get into trouble just like the other kids did"

Entering his freshman year in high school, Willis wanted to get involved in athletics. He chose to join the cross country team in order to earn a varsity letter.Years later, jt is obvious that he has earned much more than just that.

With the help of a shoe lace and a sighted-person, Willis has been able to compete in a number of events.

Specter contributes to Cabrini's technological progression

His list of accomplishments is almost as big as his heart. He is the current holder of 12 USA national records for the blind in such events as the 10,000 meters, 4x-400relay and the mile.

in World War I suffered injuries which caused blindness.

This was the first time that the concept of the seeing-eye dog had come about.

A majority of the soldiers who fought in World War II were athletes. The injuries that they suffered often left them in wheelchairs or completely blind.

Their coaches, however, still wanted them to be competitive.

This brought about the idea of the Paralympic Games. This would give handicapped athletes an avenue in which to compete.

The Paralympics gave Willis the OpJX)rtunity to compete ·in his hometown of Atlanta this past summer and he did not disappoint, winning a gold medal. Willis was also the spokesperson for the 1996 games.

With all that he •has accomplished, Willis realizes the importance of giving back. He feels that everyone who is successful owes something to society.

''Everyone has received something from somebody, so it's irnJX)rtant to give back," Willis said.

Speaking at schools about having goals and the negatives of drug use is just one of the many ways in which he gives to society.

Willis will also donate the $1,000 that goes along with the Spirit award to the U.S. Association of Blind Athletes.

This organization is devoted to helping blind people get involveq at the grass-roots level.

Paul Monte new$ editor

legislation to amend the Goals 2000: Education America Act. strengthening state and local control over the program and restoring balance between state, local and fed-

In a landmark visit to Cabrini, Pennsylvania sen- eral resJXlnsibilitiesfor education reform. His amendator Arlen Specter announced a successful provi- ment was ultimately enacted into law as part of the sion, parhof the Fiscal Year '97 Omnibus Fiscal Year 1996 Omnibus Appropriations Bill.

Appropriati~ns Bill, which will provide $2 million Specter supported changes in the Higher Education to the Southeastern Pennsylvania Consortium for Act that expand the size of loans and grants and increase Higher Education. the number of students receiving them. As chainnan of

According to College President Dr. Antoinette the Labor, Health and Human Setvices, and Education Iadarola, Cabrini is receiving $500,000 from this Subcommittee, he increased the maximum Pell Grant package. These funds will- assist eight small from the $2,300 level to the present maximum of $2,700 Pennsylvania colleges to share library information which is being used by over 3.8 million college students. through computer networks and offer more courses

In a 20 minute address in front of more than 150 peothrough distance learning. pie in the mansion, Specter referred to ed!lcation as "our

"The educator senator," as Iadarola termed· key to the future." Specter, also assisted 43 other colleges and universi-

He runs a mile in 4:20 and runs at least 100 miles a week while in training.

The importance of asking for help is what allowed Willis to become a better runner. He stressed this lesson because no matter how hard you try, you cannot do everything alone.

• Looking back through history, Willis outlined bow changes brought about by war have actually helped the d_\sabled.

Many of the soldiers who fought

''If you made it this far, there is no reason you can't finish," Willis said. "A college degree doesn't always open doors, but not having a college degree often shuts them."

The road of achievement is still ongoing for Willis. His next goal is to earn a law degree and to practice law.

Just like a true boy scout, Willis is always prepared. The Paralympics in Sydney, Australia are already clearly marked on his long term calendar. Would you expect anything less?

"I'm convinced if we use a scalpel and not an axe,

In addition to urging students to make the most of ties across the state with the bill, by providing $2 their opJX)rtunities,Specter said that there is room at the million to the Pennsylvania Educational top for students to succeed and that they must be skillful Telecommunications Exchange Network. This to achieve this success. inves~etlt of funds will implement a resources- Specter also said that he believes adequately balancsharing video conference network across the state to ing the budget and providing funds for education are enhance student and teacher capabilities in access- compatible. ing data.

In September 1995, Specter held a hearing on we can keep necessary funds," Specter said. Goals 2000 to address the concerns raised by sever- Specter also answered questions on topics including al states regarding the requirements of legislation the '96 election, education and soft money. In regards to which were perceived as an intrusion of the federal education, Specter said that he does not support efforts government into state and local education tesponsi- to eliminate the Department of Education. bilities. When asked about soft election money, Specter

As.a result of the hearing, the Senator introduced responded, "It is an absolute scandal and disgrace."

VOL.XLIIl, NO.10 Features Sega hockey league p.5 Sports Men's Soccer p.·12 FRIDAY,NOVEMBER 8, 1996
photo by Stacey Caiazzo Pennsylvania senator Arlen Specter greets Mother Ursula Infante, college foundress, during his visit to Cabrini on Friday. Nov. 1.
INSIDE News Is child sex education book 'perfectly normal?' p.4
RADNOR PA 19087 photo by Stacey Caiazzo Blind runner Tim Willis, along with senior Andrea Kelliher and College President Dr. Antionette Iadarola, prepares to address the Spirit Day crowd.

Diverse·programs highlight Cabrini Day '96

Informational workshops, which reflected the college's core values, were offered as part of the day's activities.

Cabrini pyramid/

You're a winner! You've just won $25,000. Just kidding, but how will a free T-shirt and a $25 gift certificate to Bennigan's do?

That is exactly what many students who/participated in the Cabrini Day's Pyramid game won as prizes. The Cabrini Pyramid game modeled the •$25,000 Pyramid game show.

Students who were there were split into two groups of two and were told to pick acertain category to answer from Each group had 30 seconds to say the answers. to a particular topic such as types of fruits or sports at Cabrini.

The winner of the two rounds made their way to the grand prize circle.

The - finalists were junior Heidi Andrako and senior Liz Brister. Tn'the winner's tolllld, they were given two minutes to answer from several topics. They did so in the. correct amount of time and won.

SGA President and junior Andy Burke, along with juniors Milena Porreca and Hollie Havens headed the game. They alSGhad help from Andy King, director of counseling services.

Winner Liz Brister commented that she had a lot of fun.

•• • "It's a good game for exercising your mind," Brister said.

Value·of disabled workers

Before 1990 it was perfectly legal to discriminate agiiinst disabled people. It was not until then President George Bush signed the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) that disabled people were protected under discrimination laws.

Dan Sullivan, a disabled executive director of hire Ability, brought this fact to students on campus on Cabrini Day.

Sullivan stressed the importance of the ADA by telling the

audience gathered in room 309 at Sacred Heart Hall, that this bill makes employers see the disabled as people. • The bill allows disabled people to have the sarqe job opportunities· as anyone else. Sullivan and hire Ability work to serve as a "link between people with disabilities and businesses."

Sullivan said the country should invest in the handicapped like it does in education, because it will help in the long run.

According to Sullivan, to open doors to the disabled would allow them to contribute

Million man march

to our society and help the economy grow.

"At present, 65 percent cif disabled people are unemployed," Sullivan said. "Something.has to be done."

Sullivan also told the crowd that dis~led people make up 35 percent of the population.

"This is tne largest minority group in our country and we are the group most ignored by politicians," he said.

"Mayor Ed Rendell has fought hire Ability," Sullivan said. "He refuses to make sidewalks accessible for the disabled. Those curbs are like the Berlin wall for us."

It was last October when the Million-Man March took place in Washington. One million AfricanAmericans from all over the country took part in this rally.

The point of this workshop was to get some feelings from the people who participated in it.

What Tamika Warner, sophomore and President of the ethic and student alliance club had planned was to have participants reminisce about their journey.

Things did not turn out that way because no one that marched showed up.

Instead, many students that were there, such as sophomore Tammy Gowans and junior ·Tanisha Rufus talked about their feelings on the march and what they thought it meant to the African-American race.

Sophomore Maurice Blassingame cornmented that he did not think as many black people could get together and not fight or engage in any type of cooflictst

She said there were many nf;gative things mentioned aboul the march before it happened, but nobody talked about the positive thinzs afte1it happened.

Others felt that prejudices with minorities start in the family.

Children learn to act certain ways when they are taught by their parents that they should not associate with different colored people.

Faith in ·t'1eworkplac~ ,·Mother·urslilaInfante

With the spirit of Cabrini Day possessing. him, • Fr Dennis Berry, S.T.~ a member_ of the Missionary Servants of the Most Holy Trinity, reminded Catholics of their obligation to serve.

Faith in the workplace · helped to remind Catholics of their duty to be apostles even in our vigorous and competitive society.

Berry said that people could

be more effective ~ban the pope • in spreading the ,message of Jesus.

According ·10 Berry, we are co-creators with God by sharing in God's work and spread-, • ing the messag.e' of Jesus in' our small environment.

Berry said he found it a struggle to know how to live in a sometimes - anti-Christian environment and tjiat he felt confusion over how to utilize the experiences of men and women to inform those entering the workplace.

staff writer

Academy-Award-nominated film animator Paul Fierlinger and his v,,ife Sandra, both recovering alcoholics, revealed their personal struggle in the workshop ·UsingMedia For Good."

"And Then I'll Stop" is Fierlinger's 20 minute film on alcoholism and how it affects otherwise normal people. The film is used in working institutions as a

' •

The woman who founded Cabrini College, Mother Ursula .Infante, spent a light-hearted hour· with a standing room. only crowd of mostly women in the communications classroom on Cabrini Day.

While seatl;!dcomfortably in a chair, she told her story of joining the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart and how it has affected her life.

During her talk, she spoke about the differences between students now and then.

'"They dress a little bit different now," Mother Ursula said with a chuckle.

One question asked was, ''Who will you vote for?"

guide to' help those with drug and/or alcohol problems. It is used not only to inform, but also for them to help them realize that they do indeed have a problem.

"The hardest part is admitting you have a problem," Fierlinger said. Before making this film for Pyramid, Fierlinger said that he needed to get help with his alcoholism. After refusing to make a film for the World Health Organization, Fierlinger needed-

to restructure his life.

·Moth.erUrsula's one word answet--"Clinton."

Finally, she stood in order to read a passage about Mother Frances Xavier Cabrini.

As a child, Mother Cabrini made paper boats and put. violets in them ~nd sent them down the river.

Mother Cabrini imagined that the violets were missionaries that she was saving. Just like Martin Luther King, Jr., Mother Cabrini had a dream; to bring people of earth tp the heart of Jesus.

Mother Ursula will be 100 years old on Feb~18.

She spends most of her time now reading and translating Mother Cabrini's writings from Italian to English.

It is evident from her talk that she realized 80 years ago exactly what she wanted to _dowith her life. She has truly enjoyed it.

According to Fierlinger and his wife, they met in Alcoholics Anonymous, where both were suffering from the effects of alcoholism.

''If we were both still drinking, there is no way we would be able to do the things we do together," Fierlinger's •wife said. Slie works as a cell painter for her husband and has experienced her own struggles with alcohol.

"Now I have everything I wanted

alcohol to do for me," she said.

Fierlinger, who is from the Czech Republic, is glad to be in America and happy to experience the freedom here. He is thankful that he left the Czech Republic and that he is free {rom the effects of alcohol.

"l wasted a lot of years. If I had known that I could ask a question, things wo~ld have been a lot differ-. ent," Fierlinger said. "I would never want to go through.that again."

photo by Dana Nentwig (from /~ft to right): First-year student Melissa Lessig, sophom9re Jam[e Fagan, junior Mia Fitzgerald, sophomores Kellie O'Neill and Lisa Pappalardo and first-year student o;ane Soto, members of Cabrini's dance troupe, Bodies·1n Motion, strut their stuf(.arthe bbnfire pep rally held on Monday, _Nov.4
• \ • l , • •
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Using the media for· good





Mystery Day takes place on Friday, Nov. 8. Mystery weekend continues on Saturday, Nov. 9 with Murder Mystery. Can you figure out who done it? Call Student Activities at 9028401 for information.


Take in a movie Sunday night, Nov. 10 at 8 p.m. in the Widener Center lecture hall with the humorous and heart-warming tale '.'With honors," starring Joe Pesci and Brendan Fraser. A bum teaches a Harvard student the greatest lesson in life, to listen to your heart.



Make a difference in someone's life by giving blood on Monday, Nov. 11 in the Widener Center - gathering area. Call Health Services at 902-8400 for stipulations regarding giving blood.



A reminder to juniors that they pre-register for spring 1997 classes on Tuesday, Nov. 12. Make a note.


There will be an SGA general assembly meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 12 at 9:45 p.m. in the Widener Center lecture hall for all members of Studimt Government Association.



A reminder to sophomores that they pre-register for spring 1997 classes on Thursday, Nov. 14. Make a note. Plan a meeting with your adviser as well.



The premiere of the controversial production "As Is" takes place on Friday, Nov. 15 at 8 p.m. in the Red Cloud_ Coffeehouse. The cost is $5 for students and $7 for nonstudents.

Last Week In the World Of News


China silences revolutionaries again.

Pro-Democracy leader Wang Dan was convicted this week for his attempt at overthrowing the government. The conviction silenced the revolution for democracy for the first time in 20 years. Wang-was senten~ed to 11 years in 'prison for his challenge of the, Communist Government.

The crackdown and arrest of Wang brought an end to one of the major reformists in China. The communist country has evolved with time and now has one of the most communist happy societies they have ever had.


J_enny Jones is in hot seat, The crack down on TV talk

shows seems imminent after testimony by Jenny Jones in the trial of Jonalhan Schmitz for the murder of Scott-Armedure after their appearance on her national talk show.

The defendant was arrested • for the murder of Armedure after the taping of the episode "Secret Admirers" on the Jenny Jones show in which Armedure admitted that he had homosexual feelings for Schmitz. Schmitz claims that he stated to the producers of the Jenny Jones show that he would not appear on the show if the admirer were male.

The defense hopes to prove that it was Schmitz' history of mental illness and the humiliation that he felt after the taping of the show that caused the snapping of Schmitz's mind and caused him to murder Armedure.

The appearance by Jenny Jones is yet another blow to the talk shows and may lead to a

This & That

change in their controversial content.

11/2 Simpson civil trial begins.

At his trial for the civil lawsuit filed by the Goldrnans, OJ Simpson got in a shouting match with Fred Goldman. Simpson is currently involved in the wrongful death suit filed against him by the Goldman family.

Simpson got caught in a confrontation with Fred Goldman, the father of Ronald Goldman, who was also killed at Nichole Brown Simpson's home.

The shouting started when Fred Goldman -shouted "Don't give me any of your dirty looks," to which Simpson responded, "I'm not looking at you, I was looking at our daughter, who was staring at me. Your daughter, she plays her staring games." The trial continues for OJ and is in its opening process.

Senior Paul Marturano returns to the Widener Center lecture hall on Sunday, Nov. 17 at 8:30 p.m. where he will be performing original songs, requests and others.

There is no cost. Also inquire about purchasing bis CD release "How Many Days?"

Donations for the senior challenge will be accepted at Paul's concert.

O Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week begins on Monday, Nov. 11 with a day of fasting. Members of the Cabrini community are asked to give up their lunch for the day.

Donations will be used for hunger and homelessness programs. Inquire about other programs for the week by contacting Campus Ministry at 902- 8225.

Cabrini welcomes new faculty members

Three instructors have joined Cabrini's faculty for the 1996-97 academic year. They are Dr. Rocco Paolucci, chairman of the computer information- science department, Janet Lohmann, sociology department professor, and Dr. Amanda Radspinner, chemistry department professor.

Paolucci brings experience from the industrial world to the college. He worked research and development in the computer communications and tele-communications departments for Bell Laboratories.

Paolucci, who earned two masters degrees, one in applied mathematics from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and the other in information science from Drexel, is finishing off a doctoral degree in educational computing at Widener University. His previ-

ous position, as an adjunct professor at Drexel's college of information science and technology,gives him the experience to teach at a college level.

Paolucci arrived at Cabrini in the summer to teach a course on the Internet, which he also teaches this semester.

Paolucci immediately saw that the students were enthusiastic about the course and asked good questions.

As for the college, Paolucci said, "I like that it is a small community with camaraderie, cooperation, and collaboration amongst the faculty. The school is very receptive to new ideas and open for changes and bringing in outside help."

Paolucci's main goal here is to teach what he has learned and to share his expetiences and knowledge of the industrial world.

As ,the newest member of the sociology faculty, criminal justice

coordinator Janet Lohmann hopes to establish a criminal justice focus in the sociology department.

Lohmann also wants to organize an internship program for the students in the department.

Lohmann, a native of this area, has been focused on education since college. She earned her undergraduate and master's degrees in ber field at Lehigh and · a doctorate at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst.

Lohmann then went on to teach at Mt. Holyoke College, Springfield College and University of Massachusetts before coming to Cabrini.

Lohmann has enjoyed starting her experience at Cabrini. She has been busy since her first day.

"My first day was a baptism by fire," Lohmann said. "It was a Wednesday, which meant classes in the afternoon and evening and morning meetings."

Lohmann is glad she picked

this college because of its size, community and the fact that students are engaged in the topics taught in class.

Radspinner is the new assistant professor in chemistry. Radspinner, like Paolucci, has brought experience from the industrial world to incorporate into her teaching. She has worked for the Smithkline,BeechhamCo. for 10 months until the company was moved.

Radspinner chose to stay back and instruct temJX>rarilyat West Chester before coming to Cabrini. Radspinner describes her first Cabrini experience as hectic because her courses were not set and her office was not quite ready.

'"Thestudents are very friendly, attentive in class and seem interested in the subject matter," said Radspinner.

She is very happy with her choice of Cabrini as a permanent teaching JX)Sition.


They:should also know some calculus. If you are looking for work-grant hours and are interested in tutoring, call Steve Murray at 8458.

8, 1996
(_. I{ t •I S E J ( ) B S Students Needed! Earn up to $2,000+/mo. working for Cruise Ships or Land-Tour compa• nies. World Travel Summer aod Full TIIlle Positians available. No experience necessary. For more information call: (206) 971-3550 ext. Cri5381 Tutor Wanted Xavier Hall is looking for a math tutor. Potential tutors should be pm• ficient in College Math 112, 113 and 114.
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Is it all perfectly normal?

The book, "It's Perfectly Normal" describes the process of puberty and various sex issues in a fashion that children can understand. The book contains many explicit photos and illustrations, which its authors say are suitable for viewing by children as young as 10 years old. Some call the book an accurate and unbiased source for answers. Others call it an act of encouragement for children to begin desiring sexual gratification.

Is it perfectly normal for a child of any age to have access to a sex-education book containing drawings that are deemed by some to be obscene, immoral and

the book's critics. Joan Scalia, a resident of Exton, is one of the book's most vocal critics. In a Philadelphia Inquirer article, she said "The book is an act of encouragement for children to begin desirurg sexual gratification and that indecent?

The book, "It's Perfectly Normal," is under intense scrutiny from critics for it's explicit drawings and controversial topics of discus-

"I would be horri- •

child had open access to the book."

senior sion.

The main topics of the book are sex, our bodies, puberty, families and babies, birth control and how to stay healthy. Each of these topics is complimented by extremely graphic illustrations, which include naked drawing of men and women of all

is what is causing the -degradation of women and men, too. The

book is a clear example of child pornography."

." T h e book is way -too graphic. I'm not being conservative or anything, but before anyone forms an opinion on it they should see it," senior Jessica Bilotta said.

"I would be horrified if my child had open access to the book."

This cartoon, contained in the book "Its Perfectly Normal, is only one of many sexually explicit illustrations designed for c!'Jifdrento see.

shapes and sizes, men and women having sex, a boy and a girl masturbating and a boy putting on a condom.

The book is available on adult library

-Kirkus Reviews

head of a Channel 17 news

Barbara Ebb, director of the Chester County Library wrote a

Scalia voiced her opinion of the book at the Chester County Library, where she threw a copy of the b o o k , almost hitting the shelves along with children's library shelves, which is the main problem in the eyes of

letter in May to Scalia addressing her concerns about the book.

Ebb wrote that "the book repeatedly told children to talk to an adult they trusted if they had questions and that it discouraged young people from early parenthood," according to the Philadelphia Inquirer article.

Jane R. Eisner, editor of the editorial page of The Philadelphia Inquirer read, the book and wrote in the Inquirer that ·she felt there was some-

Fall gala fades out on successful note

It was on campus and it was free. The almost 400 people who attended Cabrini's firstever Fall Gala saw the Grace Hall atrium as never before.

There were more highheeled shoes and fancy ties imaginable last Saturday night than ever before on Cabrini's campus,

Despite confusion beforehand on proper dress attire, students were dressed to kill by the end, gliding around the Grace Hall atrium to kick off the first-ever Fall Gala, at 9:30p.m.

The Gala was a success because it was held on-campus and was free of charge.

Emma Legge. director of student activities, said close to 400 people attended.

Students were up until all hours_ of the night decorating for the event and did a tremendous job at that.

Kappa Sigma Omega president Melissa Hunsberger said she overheard and had lots of students approach her remarking on how elegant and classy the atrium had become.

Old-fashioned crepe drapery was covering the red, kinked-

textured wallpaper over the bare walls. Two huge gold pillars occupied one end of the atrium, opposite the DJ.

The crepe drapery flowed from the center of the Grace Hall ceiling to each comer of the room, creating a soft, floral effect. The color scheme was red and gold.

Planning for Saturday's evening event began as early as last year, but the idea was not generated to the board until this year.

One of the things that will be different next year will be tuxedo rentals on campus.

It was not realized how far in advance something like that must be planned, commented Campus Activities and Programming (CAP) board chairman, John Lindsay. But the committees are already starting to plan for next year's Gala to make that one even better.

Besides tuxedo rentals, more confirmed regulations regarding the proper dress attire, in general, will be used next year.

The idea was for "prom" for-

mal, but some people refused to acknowledge that fact.

"People took advantage of an on-campus dance. Som_e people were not dressed appropriately," Hunsberger said.

Among all the positive feedback the board was receiving, a tad of criticism managed to sneak out.

"Some people complained of the dress code. This was discouraging because people complain that there is nothing to do on campus," Hunsberger said.

"Now when. ~e throw a new idea at them, they turn their nose up at it."

First-year student Denise Lawley brought up the idea to have special visitation policies on the night of the event and also to have professional pictures taken.

Lindsay commented on how difficult it is for the very first time of something to try out.

"The turnout wasn't as big as the hat and tie, but we did pretty good for this being the first time event," Lindsay said. "It's ,. hard to run arid start out a specific event for the first time."

thing missing in the text of the book.

The book talks about making babies and creating families, but never mentions marriage.

The word is not in the text, nor is the concep talked about.

According to Eisner's article, the closest reference to marriage is the sentence, "There are kids whose mothers and fathers live together."

The book also said that it makes good sense to wait until you are old enough and respon-

sible enough to have a child, but it never said that it would make good sense to wait until marriage or a stable relationship is formed

Senior Bridgid O'Donnell said, "I don't think it should be available to children without adult supervision."

Most agree that the book istoo graphic for children to read by themselves. Adults should accompany a child while they are reading. Yet, many book reviewers agree that "It's Perfectly Normal" is just that.

Attention: Cabrini Campus Community


Don't forget that the food court is opened until 11 p.m. Monday through Thursday for late night snacks! All your favorites are available, including pizza, chicken fingers, steak sandwiches, fries, mozzarella sticks, etc.


See you there!

November 8, 1996 NEWS 4
fled if my
-Jessica Bilotta, a
"A terrific teaching tool that just may help slow the spread of sexual disease and ignorance."

Cabrini's ghosts rise from dead fo raise awareness

Death roamed the halls as pale faces scattered among the healthy and the fresh. On Tuesday, Oct. 22, the College Activities and Programq1ing (CAP) Board members walked the halls with their faces painted white and wearing all black.

CAP members did this to portray people that have been killed drunk driving accidents. The students spent the day not able to talk or have interactions with anyone, neither students nor professors.

"The day made me realize all of the people who are.killed in a single day," first-year student Heather Holesak said. "It was a joke to some people at first, but when I went into the cafe it scared a lot of people. It was kind of morbid and scary to be out of the picture·for an entire day. It's sad that there's nothing you can do about it."

Every 20 minutes someone· is killed by drunk driver. This event was supposed to familiarize students and faculty of the horrors of drunk driving.

CAP members all a_greedthat the hardest part of the day was not talking to anybody. That was the pan that made them feel like

they were really dead.

Sophomore, Lisa Pappalardo said that she had a cousin that was killed iJJ.a drunk driving accident. Her cousin was not drunk. The other driver was.

"Most who die in drunk driving accidents are not drunk," Pappalardo said. "You don't have to be drunk to die."

Tombstones were placed outside the cafeteria and the gathering area.witb the names of actual people who died in drunk driving accidents.

"The tombston,es had the most impact on students. It put names with the dead, not just numbers," Pappalardo said.

Junior Nicole Hartman said that the day really impacted her. It made lier realize that the problem is real in society.

"lf people would just stop and think before they got into a car a lot of people would not ·die," Hartman said.

Some of the professors were really struck by the fact that students were unable to participate in their classes.

Senior Cathy DeSant said her Italian professor, Mr. Russo tried to get her to speak. Hartman said that Dr. Adelaine Bethany was especially disturbed by having someone dressed as a dead person sitting in her classroom:

IFriday, November 8, 1996 J

What started out as a drunken contest played almost two years ago between mommates, has evolved into the most comprehensive, complex gathering of people this side of a Kennedy family reunion: the Mother~of-all Sega Tournaments.

Organized by the lnfante House Alulilni Association (or qqite simply a group of former House three residents that many might feel have too much time on their hands), the 14-player tour.anament was played on Saturday, Nov. 7 and blended a mixture of Cabrini students and alumni.

The tournament was adirect result of the somewhat overactive imaginations of several fonner. House three residents, , Bryan Bell, Nate Carter, • Bob MacCartney and Doug Eppler, all of

whom graduated in 1995.

Only students who bad spent an exorbitant amount of time in 'I-louse three two years _ago, affectionately dubbed "unofficial members" of the house, were extended an invitation to the prestigious event.

The player fi:eld was rounded out by graduates Eric 'Ildwell, Pete Musumeci, Larry Foster, George Clarke, seniors Justin Mirigliani, Bill Maloney and Da.n Lorenz, juniors Kevin Eppler and Tom McKee and Mike Lelli

Tournament participants were kept up to date of the latest developmen,tsthrough informational packets, memorandums or by accessing the tournament's official .homepage. - '

The motto for the event was "Just overdo it" and rightfully so.

The tournament itself, while fun, was nothing compared to the amount of legwork and planning that went into the event.

These guys should work for NASA

Once the 14 players were chosen, informational packets, complete with cover letter were sent out.

Teams were then selected trades were made. It is rumored, though not confmned, that Mirigliani had everyplayer in the NHL on his roster at least once.

In-depth programs, containing player's vital statistics and biographical infonnation, were passed out to participants and spectators. The program even contained a how-to-viewthe-t.ournamentguide for women. Most significant, of course, was the no interruptions rule which stated that interruptions should be of biblical importance. Acceptabl~ interruption: Armageddon. Unacceptable interrup-tion: fire. Just put it out.

Any mention of a word that even remotely suggested childbirth or pregnancy not only had the participants scrambling to knock on wood. but saw the steering committee band out penalties as well. Depending on the severity of the infraction, players might have to

play with a telephone to their ear or in a worst casescenario, fall prey to the dreaded cross-handed grip, in which a play:er must bold his Sega controller the reverse of bow he normally holds it. •

MacCartney placed odds on every-thing from who would be the first to damage something in the apartment where the tournament was being played (McKee accidentally knocked the sliding screen door off of its track, go figure) to whether or not Lorenz would score 10 goals in the entire tournament. He did, but the steering committee of the tournament is now investigating an alleged point-shaving scheme.

When all was said and done, it was Tidwell who remained standing, defeating MacCartney two games to one in the best of tliree championship round. His prfze?

A silver beer pitcher and $28. Now that is style.

_ photo suppliedby public relations Above: Junior Lori Harbeson prepares junior Paul Klsshick for his 'death' during Alcohol Awareness Week. Students dressed in black with white make-up representing people killed in drunk driving accidents.
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I Friday, November 8, ~996 I •

Journey down the 'open path'

The fine arts department is about to take a journey down "The Open Path."

Jerry Cannon'~ art exhibit, "The Opell Path" will open with a reception celebrating interfaith unity, in the fine arts gallery. Cannon's reception will include several guests. Jonathan Granoff, an attorney and world peace activist, will tell stories that accent the beauty of the human journey. Daniel Moore, a Philadelphia poet, will be reading selections from his· new book, "The Ramadan Sonnets." Moore will also accompany himself on specially tuned zithers. The Sufi choir will also be performing with their leader Jerry Foreman.

Dr. Adeline Bethany, fine arts department chair said, "This is the first time that we've had an artist that requested an .all inclusive art presentation including art, music, P,0etry and storytelling,"

Cannon has a tact that is different. He integrates all fonns of art instead of keeping them separate. Bethany said there has never been a presentation like this at Cabrini before. '

"We'll have touch, sight, sounds, storytelling and the beauty of words and thoughts in addition to the images," Bethany said.

Cannon, a Narberth resident, has an eclectic background. Painting was his major at the San FranciscoArt Institute. Cannon then received his bachelor's degree in theater and commµnicatiqn from ,Antioch University. In addition, he received his master's degree in dramatic writing from Brandeis University.

Cannon has some of his works on permanentdisplay in galleries in Ohio and Maine. He requested. the use of the -fine arts gallery. He was then reviewed by a committee from the fine arts department. The integrationof arts and.diversity in his work was a major factor in their decision.

"The Open Path'' reception will take place on Sunday, Nov. 10, from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. It is open to the public and is free. "The Open Path" exhibit will be on display in the fine arts gallery, located on th.esecond floor·-of the Holy Spirit library.

For more infonnation on the Cannon exhibit or the opening reception,call the fine arts department at 902-8380.

Suicide, Manson Style·

on-stage perfonnance, anotherentertaining aspect when attending a Manson show, is their

To some people's dismay, unconventional costumes and there was no live suicide. their many extreme fans.

The rumor going around was Having a show on the eve of that when the infamous industri- Halloween only exaggerated al group Marilyn Manson made this factor. their stop in Philadelphia on The band did not deviate Oci. 30, the'leitd vocalist would from their norm. Manson was in take his own life on stage at the his usual limiting attire of Electric Factory. ripped shrouds of gauze and

According to ,an MTV inter~· • nylon which covered his black view on the same day, Manson leather-th,ong. said he plans to stay around

The gothic theme was the awhile longer to continue mak- choice of the crowd, many of ing people uncomfortable. whom had painted their faces

The band played a full set white with excessive amounts • with a.bout 75 percent of their of black eye make-up and lipmaterial from their latest stick. release, "Antichrist Superstar,'' Others looked like they which debuted at number three walked off the set of Michael on the Billboard charts two Jackson's "Thriller" video or a weeks ago. campy horror flick.

Besides the band's imposing The band played both an

incredible and intense set of about 16 songs, only three of which were from their 1994 debut release, "Portrait of an American Family."

The band dedicated their MTV hit "Sweet Dreams," originally performed , by The · Eurythmics, (from their EP of remixes "Smells Like Children"} to all their new MTV bandwagon fans. All remaining songs were from their new disc.

The strongest portion of the show was the visual impact of their song, "Antichrist Superstar."

Rev. Manson (he is an ordained reverend of the Church of Satan) came back out dressed in a black and crimson -suit, where a wooden pulpit emerged from the stage.

Manson sang behind the pulpit pointing at the crowd in a

mock-evangelist manner. The back of the stage displayed imagery from their new CD. In his introduction for the song "1996," Manson teased the crowd with the suicide rumor by announcing, "I was brought into this world in 1969. I want each of you to help me destroy it in 1996."

It was only around 11 p.m. when the band exited the stage. Everyone. assumed this was their break for an encore. It Wl!S too e{lrly to be done. The crowd • _gotpsyched for their reappearance.

Unfortunately, after 20 minutes of waiting, fans realized that they were being denied total salvation from their leader. Although Manson played an awesome s)low, many fans went home unsatisfied and disappointed.

Other concerts coming to the Electric Factory in November

- ti' Nov. 8-Crash Test Dummies at 8:30 p.m.All tickets are $17.50 (with opening act Ashley Macisaac) ,I Nov. 23-Tool with special guest Psychotica. The show begins at 8:30 p.m. and tickets are $16.50. ti' Nov. 26-No Doubt with Shelter at 8:30 p.m. Tickets are $15.25. To charge tickets call:(215)-336-2000.

photo credit: Joseph Cultice Marilyn Manson played to a sold out crowd at the Electric Factory on Wednesday, Oct. 30. Prior to the show, rumors were circulating that Manson (lead vocalist) was going to commit suicide on stage. Manson's current CD, "Antichrist Superstar" (produced by Nine Inch Nails trontman, Trent Reznor}, debu_tedon the Billboard charts at no. three. Manson is winning popularity over acts such as The Smashing Pumpkins.

displayed in an exhibit titled "The Peale Family: Creation of an American Legacy, 17701870" at the Philadelphia Museum of Art through Jan. 5.


ing will be featured in an exhibit titled "The Cadwalader Family: Art and Style in Early Philadelphia,'' which runs through Feb. 2. The painting dates back to 1802 and will be included in an exhibit containing paintings and decorative arts pertaining to four generations of Cadwaladers, • who have had a strong influence on artistic taste.

For more information on these or other "' .g exhibits contact the "" l5 Philadelphia Museum of Art at: j (215)-684-7860

Pictured below: a European shawl from 1870, is draped around an American brocaded silk dress, which dates back to 1873. This is just one of mariy pieces featured in u A Passion for Paisley: Indian and European Shawls," which will be displayed through Jan. 19. photo credit Graydon Wood Pictured left: an oil rainting entitled "Nancy Hallam as Fidelius (in Shakespeare's 'Cymbeline')" by Charles Willson Peale. The painting, which dates back to 1771, will be right: an oil painting by Gilbert Stuart entitled "Portrait of Frances • Cadwalader Montagu, Lady Erskine." This paint-
· USOU/11 t1 · rt Hereare2waystohavesomefunandshow your-supportofCabrini'sSeniorChallenge ProceedsbenefitSacredHeartHallRenovations,asvotedonbythe_SeniorUlass! Hermit Crab Racing Tuesday, Nov. 12 at 8.p.m. &Bingo Night Thursday, November 14 at 9 p.m.
in the Widener Center Gathering
Both events will take place


or the faculty and administration.

j Friday, November S, 1996 I

EDITORIAL A vision of excellence

It is safe to say that people learn from examples set by others. If you were present for Tim Willis' acceptance of the Cabrini Spirit Award, you were no doubt exposed to a we~lth of knowledge and inspiration.

It is easy to understand why Willis was•bestowed with one of the college's top honors.

Willis, who began losing his sight at the age of seven, found himself completely blind by the time he reached the second grade.

Rather than feel sorry for himself, Willis managed to maintain the high expectations placed on him by his family and himself.

Willis downplayed his own limitations throughout his speech, stressing instead the importance of giving back to society. It is often easy to take w~at we have for granted, but taking an occasional moment to reflect on what one has been blessed with only serves to make for a better person.

The intention of this editorial is not to say, "Do not take things for granted." Instead, it is to salute Willis, a man who is certainly worthy of this award and will undoubtedly live up to the expectations bestowed upon its winner.

•During the course of his speech, Willis talked about role models. In a generation where the youth of America tend to look up to the prima donnas and cry babies on the silver screen or within. professional sports, it is refreshing to see such a worthy candidate for emulation.

Willis' physical limitations prove only one thing. With hard work, dedication and desire, anything can be accomplished.

There may have been several candidates for the Cabrini Day Spirit Award, but Willis' own hard work, desire and dedication have proven that he is the most deserving recipient.

We salute Tim Willis, for being both ·a model and a vision of excellence.

Loquituris established as a forum for student-expression and as a voice in the uninhibited, robust, free and open discussion of issues.

To thy significant other; remain true

"Cross my heart, hope to die. Stick a ne~dle in my eye."

Do you remember this phrase from back when you were a child? Whenever you were telling the truth you would say it.

Well if this statement were used today by adults, I think it is safe to say, many of them would be blind or dead.

Lying has become such an expected form of behavior.

And the &ad thing is, if you have not already noticed, every lie is justified, or supposedly so. An excuse is never far behind any fib, be it a "little white lie." or a malicious falsehood.

The most common excuse and the one that I could not disagree with more, is the ever-so-popular, "I did it to spare your feelings."

I can remember the first time I was the recipient of this justification. I was involved in my first long-term relationship and was still very naive. I never expected someone who said they loved me to feed me constant fabrications.

'What was even worse was the pathetic plea for forgiveness that always followed.

"I did not want to hurt you," he would say What he would not understand was the fact that, regardless of how thoughtful he was trying to be, I would be more upset later upon the realization that my trust had been betrayed.

I guess he was hoping that I ,would not find out, that what I did not know would not hurt me.

But then, how strong could the love he had for me really be?

How could we even call it that?

It took all I had to forgive, but I knew I would never forget.

That day, I felt as though my heart had been shattered into a million pieces. It was also the day that I made a very important vow.

I promised myself that I would never lie to a significant other for as long as I live.

No matter how much the truth may hurt, I did not want to betray anyone and make them feel as hurt as I did that day.

Though I know my stand on honesty, to this day I do not know how tp trust.

I think that honesty is the most abused virtue in today's society.

It seems as though being dishonest has turned into a disease and has spread to almost every individual, those with bad intent and even those with good.

The seriousness of a lie cannot even ·be determined anymore because it has become such a common tradition.

It breaks my heart to see people in committed relationships deceive each other and betray the bond they have for a night oflust.

Cheating is lying. -

It is lying about the Jove that is shared and hopefully understood between the two.

The selfishness of such actions makes me sick. Everyone at one point or another can experience temptation.

If this is acted upon, betrayal has occurred. The only logical thing to do, is to tell the truth.

But how many people would

actually do that in this situation?

For the fear of losing their significant other, many would not.

It is much easier to lie than to admit a wrong.

The way I see this situation is that the love between the two must not have been strong enough in one of either two ways.

Either it was not strong enough to restrain the guilty party from cheating or it was not strong enough to make it past the lie to the ultimate remedy, honesty.

I believe honesty can fix anything. People make mistakes. They tell lies and then regret it. But, they should not lie again to cover it up.

Sure if someone admitted lying to me about something, I ,would be hurt for a while, but I would also be appreciative of the honesty.

It takes a big person to admit that they were wrong. And it takes a lot of heart to be honest.

I do not think it is a hard job. The feeling that comes from knowing that you are being honest is one of the greatest that Ihave ever felt.

I know that I hide nothing from my .significant other and this helps me each day to take a step toward trusting again. For those of you who live your lives fu)l of lies and empty promises, I feel sorry.

But for those of you who know the value of the word. I hope if nothing else, you are rewarded with the same satisfaction and self-worth that Ifeel everyday,

.,., 8 I LOQUITUR The editorials. viewpoints and opinions published in Loquitur are the
views of
student editorial staff and the individual writers, not the entire student body
News Editor Paul Mon~ Managing Editor & Copy Editor Mi«!llaAddesi \ \ Pbotopwpby Editor Stacey Caiazzo Edltor-lu-Cblef Thomas McKee Sports Editor Jim Martin BIISIDessManacer Dina Tartaglia Perspectives Editor Chris l.omlMO Arts & .EntertllDJDent& FeaturesEditor Jeanne Lombardo Alslstut Pbotogntpby Editor DanaNentwig Pbotograpby and Graphic Design Advbier Don Dempsey Adnser Dr, Jeny Zurek Staff Michelle Burns Hollie Havens Kelly Monahan Ron D'Orazio Jennifer Kietur Paul Moser Colleen Ehrle Andrea Koch Danielle Murray J,ustin Falciani James Kuhn BeckyRaefsch Mark Friel Bill Maloney Kim Rubiilo Diane Grimaldi ErinMcHugh Kevin Saitt Ja:oonJungreis Mildred Metz Dina Tartaglia Dave Jurkiewicz, Gavin Mirigliani Kirsten Yard SalesAssociates Ad Designers Becky Raetsc:h Lisa Mininno Kirsten Y.ard Cartooalst Heather Beltran Victor Sgro Loquitur is a laboratory newspaper written, edited and produced by students of Cabrini College registered in COM 346, 350, 351, 352, 353 and 354. Members of the campus community are invited to work on or submit stories for publication. Only students regis• tered in the alx>veclasses, however, are eligible to receive academic credit. Subscription price is $25 per year and is included in the benefits secured by tuition and fees. Loquiturwelcomes letters to the editor. Letten should be signed and the authorship known to the editors. However, if the writer wishes and the editor agrees, the writer's name may be left off the publication and an inscription inserted,such as "name withheld at the request of the wri~r." Letters to the editor should be submitted by noon on Mondays. • VIEWPOINT
• In the story Xavier Hall survives scabies, cral>s scare, in the November 1 issue of Loquitur, Lisa Need, associate nurse, was incorrectly identified as Lisa Leamer. • We regret the errors. ,· 't\£/ \ ',J\.\A1""Al' / -,0\) DlYJ°"S>W:, ~\t.J&-


Co-ed students express opposing views on a controversial book for young adults entitled "It's Perfectly Normal," which gives kids a graphic look at changes they will encounter and their own sexual development.

Is RobieH.Harris'book'It'sPerlectlyNormal' SexEducation ...

In a worJd where teenagers and youn~r children are getting pregnant and where AIDS is growing in astronomical numbers, it~is good to see a book, "It's Perfectly Normal," targeted at the sexual issue surrounding children.

Yes, the book is explicit and I think there are some _picturesthat cou]d have been excluded, but all in all the book is a great teaching too].

I grew up in the city of Philadelphia. Luckily, 1 had parents who were able and willing to answer all of the questions I had about sex. Many of the questions were derived from talking to kids on the street. Children talk about sex, whether adults want them to or not.

Children look at pornographic magazines, whether adults want them to or not. The biggest argument with this book is that children are being introduced to sex. I have news for parents, you cannot shelter your kids from sex. As the years go on, children are getting more and more sophisticated at younger ages.

Children have a lot of questions about sex at relatively young ages. As a parent, which would you rather have as the source that answers those ques-

tions, the book we are discussing here or Viper the corner drug dealer?

Every child has questions about their owh sexuality. All of us wondered if th~ thoughts we had as children were normal. We

also had trouble, because of our embarrassment, asking ou.r parents all of the questions we neede<lanswers to. Why should more children go through life wondering if they are normal or not?

This book answers questions that children need to know.

I agree that this book is not for very young children. The ages suggested on the back of the book are from ages 10 and up. Ten-year-old children have been reading pornographic magazines. I would rather see my kids looking at these pictures than those in the magazines.

I think this book is very appropriate for these children.

Manyof the people seen on the news arguing against this book are older people with primitive

Two Cents

ideas about sex. The people that I saw oppose this book were screaming and uncivilized. This book should be discussed in a civilized manner.

One of my problems with this book was that it did not mention marriage. I think that the book would have sent a better message if it recommended that children wait to have sex at least until they are in a monogamous re]ationship.

Whether we want to believe it or not, children are talking, exploring and having sex. This book may not prevent them from having sex, but_ it might teach them to be more responsible. This could save countless AIDS cases and unwanted pregnancies. Many children who are having sex do not know how women get pregnant and how AIDS is spread.

Children who are going to have sex will have it. Children who decide not to have sex will not. I highly doubt that this book will be a deciding factor for a kid having sex.

I think it will do more to stop children, because they will be more aware of the dangers that sex can lead to. Isn't that what we want, more educated children?

or kiddieporn?

I cannot believe my ey~s. There are actually illustrations of naked boys and girls masturbating. There are pictures of people having sex. Would you want yo1:r adolescent child looking at such a thing they call literature?

"It's Perfectly Normal," a book by Robie H. Harris, is not only graphic, but it's down right dirty. I could not even imagine giving this book to tnY child to find out about the birds and the bees. Not only does it contain explicit sexual images, but it basically is a how-to guide to having sex. Sure, there are chapters on staying healthy and decision making, but we should get real. If you were a kid, which page would you automatically tum to? I think it would be the one with tbe dirty drawings. Well, they atl have them.

I could see having a few drawings of how boys and girls are different, but there are an enormous amount of these explicit illustrations.

There are some frontal views. There are some views from behind. There are some with one leg raised. And there is even one of a girl bent over with a mirror in her hand to see her sexual organ from a different view. Are you grossed out yet? I sure am.

Do you know the correct way to masturbate? Or how about the correct way to put on a condom?

What did you think about Tim Willis, the winner of the 1996 Cabrini Spirit Award?

Andrea Bell, a junior: I am a mother of two handicapped children. Tim is a very special person. When I looked at his life and spirituality, I was touched in certain ways to be that individual.

Allison Verdelli, a senior: He was excellent, he is a truly amazing person and I am amazed by his athletic ability and his time in the mile (four minutes and 20 seconds).

Carter Craigie, a graduate student: He is amazing. It would be so easy for him to sit back and let the system take care of him, but he does not do that.

Well, some may say that teaching this sort of stuff early is an early precaution. But I say it is jnviting the children who read this book to do it. Come on. When you were a kid I am sure you were curious about those R rated movies you were not allowed to see or maybe those books your parents would not let you view. But there was a reason for us not to see them. I think it was because our parents did not want to warp

our adolescent minds. Well, what would your mother say if she saw this book? Mine would have a heart-attack.

"It's PerfectJy Normal" is actually being put in the juvenile sections of many libraries. I remember being an eight-yearold and going to the library to do • a book report. I think eight is a little too early to come across this on a shelf.

Do not get me wrong. I am not as conservative as it may seem. But whatever happened to tradition? Whatever happened to going tQ your parents to ask

about the facts of life?

Depending on a book cou]d be dangerous. Interpretation is in the eye of the reader. I do not think it is a bad idea for a parent to have the choice of providing this manual Jo their children when they feel it is a right time. But having it on a shelf available to tots is pushing it a little too far.

Even if the kid actually reads the words, after drooling over the drawings, the information itself is very vivid. It tells the reader how to move and what to touch while having sex.

It sounds very inviting, especially to visual learners. The author does mention very briefly that this person, which whom you have sex with, should be someone you love and that you should do it when you are mature.

But let's face it. Kids are immature. A part of growing up is to become older and wiser. You never know how someone will react to some things.

I think parents or guardians should be able to raise their children according to their beliefs until those children become old enough to think for themselves. This book could actually threaten parents' rights in addition to warping a child's mind.

They always say, "A picture is worth a thousand words." Well, in this case they are wrong.

Donna Schaeffer, a senior: There is no reason for anyone to feel bad about themselves after listening to him speak. With everything he has accomplished, there is no reason you should be afraid to try something.

Jamie Fagan, a sophomore: He is an amazing man. He has accomplished great things that even people without disabilities have not achieved. He is a perfect role model for people striving to attain their own goals.

Melissa Mancini, a junior: Tim was very inspiring and I thought his sense of _ humor was a nice touch. He is very deserving of the Cabrini Spirit Award.

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Eagles finally taste sweetness of revenge

It was great when the Eagles intercepted Troy Aikman's pass in the end zone.

It got even better when James Willis pitched the ball to Troy Vmcent. Vincent's touchdown ~d off a perfect day for the Eagles and their fans.

Adding insult to injury. That is exactly what Vmcent's touchdown did for the Eagles.

Who could have thought of a better ending to a game?

The Eagles had come into Dallas losing the last six games played in Texas Stadium.

Their season ended in Dallas last year with a 30-11 loss in the second round of the playoffs.

Coming into this game, many people did not give the Eagles much of a shot at defeating the Cowboys.

After all, the Eagles had already lost to the Cowboys 23-19, in their first meeting of the season.

When Herschel Walker returned the opening kickoff to the eight yard line, it looked as if the game would once again result in an Eagles' loss.

However, after Dallas scored a touchdown, the Eagles did something that championship teams do. They answered the Cowboys'

score by driving down the field and scoring on a Ricky Watters touchdown run.

Watching the Eagles drive down the field, you got the feeling that maybe this game would be different.

After Dallas took the lead with a field goal, the Eagles answered with another tremendous drive that ended when 1y Detmer rushed for a five-yard touchdown.

As halftime ended, the expression on the face of the Eagles players was one of confidence instead of fear.

They were not only leading the mighty Cowboys at halftime, but also completely outplaying them.

Unlike previous match-ups against the Cowboys, the Eagles offensive line was holding their

own against the likes of Leon Lett and Charles Haley.

With good pass protection, Detmer was responding by picking apart the Cowboys' defense with passes to Irving Fryar and the other Eagles' receivers.

After the Eagles increased their lead to 21-13, it looked as if they were on their way to victory.

However, Dallas showed what a great team they can be by driving for a touchdown and converting the two point conversion to tie up the score.

Then, the Eagles showed us what they are made of.

After punting, the Eagles defense came up big when they intercepted an Aikman pass at the 40 yard line. After Gary Anderson kicked a field goal to put the Eagles

up by three points, it was the defense's turn to hold the lead.

As Dallas drove down the field and inside the five-yard line, Eagles fans had to be worried as the thought of a Dallas comeback victory went through their minds.

However, this time it was not to be. When Willis intercepted the Aikman pass, giving the Eagles a 31-21 victory, jubilation engulfed the Eagles and their fans.

Sunday's win placed the Eagles among the elite teams in the league. They never backed down against the Cowboys and they made the plays that championship teams make.

It was the biggest win of the Ray Rhodes era and the guess here is that the Eagles are headed for many more wins like the one on Sunday.



- Sing a little, dance a little, tell a joke, read a story. Whatever. We don't care what it is you do, but please, prepare your performance a head of time. Admission is free.


- Be sure to check out the world premiere of Cabrini's very own comedy troupe, Cavalier Attitudes. The premiere will also serve as a benefit. Keep an eye out for more information.


- The band Strange Sun will unveil their newest songs to Cabrini in a free concert. The band features Cabrini juniors Kevin Eppler and Tom McKee, as well as former Cabrini student Mike Lorenz, Jack Yang and Rob Munroe



- Cabrini's own piano man will display his talents in the Widener Center Lecture Hall. The concert is free.



Cabrini's women's soccer team won the Pennsylvania Athletic Conference (PAC) championship in 1994 andrepeated in 1995, but last year's champions were not defending their championship when they took the field against Wesley College, Oct. 29 in their final game of the season.

The team had already been eliminated from playoff competition, but defeated Wesley s.o. They finished their season with a record of 12 wins and 5 losses. It was their best regular season fin• ish ever.

However, losses to College Misericordia and Beaver College earlier in the year squashed any hope of a three•peat.

The final game may have meant nothing to the regular fan, but it meant everything to the

Lady Cavs. It especially meant a lot to the six seniors who were playing in their fmal game-for the Lady Cavs.

Nancy Kraus needed two points to reach the lO0•point milestone, which had never been achieved before in Cabrini history.

Kraus got one in the first half, assisting on sophomore Joanne Dougherty's goal.

She stayed at 99 through half time and picked up ·numbers 100 and 101, when she ~cored her 41st career goal at the 23•minute mark of the second half. Kraus was not finished.

Points 102 and 103 were achieved at the 16 minute mark, as Kraus etched her name even further in the record books.

She was excited about the record, but acknowledged the players who had assisted her over • the years, on the field and off.

"It feels great, but I owe a lot

to others, especially the other seniors," Kraus said. ''They encouraged me when I got down. They were always there for me."

Her teammates seemed to be excited also.

"It's been a long four years with Kraus," senior Stephanie Caldwell said, "but as a close friend and teammate, I couldn't be happier for her."

Almost every player felt that this year's team was -the best in all their years playing, playoffs or not.

"I'm proud to have been part of this team," Caldwell said. "We have absolutely nothing to be ashamed about. We worked hard and had fun."

Was this year's team better than the previous two PAC championship winning teams?

Coach Dianne Pierangeli felt so.

"This year we had the most talent, the most versatility. Our

bench was much better [than pre• vious years]," Pierangeli said.

The bench will have a few open spots, six to be exact.

Along with Kraus, hard working Amy Hummel and Denise Canaris will graduate.

Mandi Hopta's goaltending, and 15 career shutouts will leave, as will last year's transfer phenom Marisa Kane.

Kane's aggressive style is arguably the hardest to replace. Few players possess her tenacity.

Caldwell, who has called Pierangeli coach for the past 8 years (four in high school and four here at Cabrini), migbt be on the bench next year as an assistant to Pierangeli.

According to Caldwell, coaching is a definite possibility _ and coaching at Cabrini would be great.

However, Caldwell is making no promises.

"Eight years with Di,"

Caldwell said. "A break is look• ing real good."

Pierangeli was happy the seniors played as much as they did.

"They played their hearts out," Pierangeli said.

Hopta had the shutout and was pulled in the final seconds along with the other starting seniors.

Beside Kraus' two goals, Joanne Dougherty had a goal and an assist. First-year student Megan Myers added another goal as did junior Kelly Williams.

Kraus; Hopta, and junior Becky Ward were recently acknowledged for their outstand· ing play this season, as a11three were named to the All-PAC team. The off-season agenda for Pierangeli is to find replacements for the graduating seniors so the Lady Cavs can come out next season and make a run at the PAC champion~hip for the third time in four years.

Men's cross country falters at finish line

The men's team accomplished their goal of taking second place in the PAC. However, the women's team did not place 1:?ecause of a lack of .runners.

The men and women's cross country teams' run for a Pennsylvania AthleticConference championship ended with the men's team taking seco.nd place and the women's team finding themselves in a familiar position.

On Saturday, Nov. 2, the cross country team headed to Allentown to finish off their season.

The women's team had strug· gled all season because they did not have enough runners to place in meets.

In order to place, the women's team needed at least five run• ners, which they did not have for the PAC championships.

They were ranked in the mid• dle of the PAC at the beginning and had not progressed any higher during the season.

Although the Lady Cavs did not place as a team, there was one high point. Junior Lindie Paladino captu~ed second placeindividually.

The women's team hopes to' have more runners come out next year so they will have enough runners to place in meets.

The men's cross country team had personal goals to fill this

season, due to their tough loss last year.

The men had come close to second place last season but had been beaten out of it by just one point.

This past year, third place fin~ ishes in the men's cross country PAC championship left a sour taste in their mouths.

Only four members retL1med from last year's team, making it hard to compete in the beginning of the season.

The men had a problem with injuries but worked through them to wor~ their way up to second place.

"Being out f~r a couple of weeks can really add onto your time," junior John Mack said. "It is hard to come back and make up the time.

"As far as we are concerned, tli:e mission was completed," Mack said. "We were shooting to better ourselves_and we-did.

"We did not have the depth that Allentown had and we knew we would have to fight to win," Mack said.

The men knew that they were going to struggle with the competition against Allentown on Saturday.

Allentown was picked ,to win the PAC championship in the beginning of the year. The Cavs knew it was going to be a strug-

- Sunday, N~v. 10 8 p.m.

Widener Center Lecture Hall

gle beating them_withhome field advantage. Weather conditions also were a factor in Cabrini's second place finish. Some of the runners had. trouble with their footwork because it was cold and slippery. -

Allentown's top- seven runners all placed very highly, which enabled them to run away with the first-place overall finish jn the.PAC championship.

The top finisher for the men's team was Miguel Williams, who ran in the second position all season.

Captain Joe Uff placed second for the Cavs, finishing right behind Williams. Those who did .not place in the top rankings worked hard to push back the scores of opposing teams.

Coach Tom O'Hara hopes to have more runners come out for

the cross country team next season. He is hoping that some. members of the 1rack and field team will run cross country next year. With Allentown moving out of the PAC conference, Cabrini is looking to improve itself and take first place next season. With new recruits and an injury free offseason, improvement might be in Cabrini's_ near future.


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Friday, November-8, 1996 SPORTS 11

Friday, November8, 1996

After tasting the glory of ~inning the Pennsylvania Athletic Conference championship for the past three years, the men's soccer team finally felt the agony of defeat.

On Wednesday, Oct. 30, the Cavs were defeated 1-0 in sudden death overtime by College Misericordia in the PAC semifinals.

The men's team took the field on •Wednesday looking for a victory that would put them~ the PAC finals against Allentown College.

The Cavs came out in the firsthalf and took control of the game, keeping the ball at Misericordia's end of the field in the opening minutes of the game. However, scoring opportunities by seniors Joe Morris and Jim Martin and sophomore Paul Donaghey were missed and the game remained scoreless.

As the first half wore ·on, Misericordia began to mount some of its own scoring opportunities. However, the Cavs', defense and the goaltending of junior Anthony Noel kept the game at 0-0.

When the whistle sounded to end the first half, the game remained tied at 0-0.

The Cavs came out in the second half and started to gain control of the ganie. However, the team continued to fail to capitalize on their scoring opportunities as the game went further and further into the second half.

Tension began to build in both the players and the fans as they realized that a goal by either team would probably win the game because time was running out.

The game began to get a bit more physical. Frustration was evident in the faces of the players from both teams as they were unable to score.

At one point, a Cabrini player became tangled between the feet of a


After playing to a scoreless tie in regulation, the Cavs lost a heartbreaker in the PAC semifinals when Misericordia scored in the fourth and final overtime period. The loss prevented the Cavs from winnil).g their fourth consecutive PAC title.

Sophomore Wayne Brown tries to stop a Misericordia player from passing the ball down the field. The Cavs suffered their first loss to Misericordia in four years when they lost 1-0, in sudden death overtime. Brown finished the year as the Cavs' leading scorer. The team will be counting on him to help them recapture the PAC championship next year.

Misericordia player until a foul was finally called.

Angry parents and fans began to scream obscenities at the referees, who seemed blind to some of the fouls occurring on the field.

Excitement filled the stands when Cabrini had three scoring opportunities in front of the Misericordia goal with Jess than 15 minutes remaining in the game.

The Cavs then took a comer kick and a scramble ensued inside the box. The ba11 popped up in the air and the Misericordia goalie was out of position.

However, as junior Larry Teal headed the ball into the comer, a Misericordia defender made a great play by heading the ball out of the goal area.

In the final minutes of the game, the , Cavs tried desperately to tie the game but were unable to do so and the second half ended with the game stfll scoreless.

The rules of the PAC state that the teams would play two 15 minute overtime periods.

If the game still remained tied, the • teams would then play two 1S-minute sudden death overtime periods. If the score was still tied after that, then the teams would go to a shoot-out.

A. shoot-out is when each team picks five players to take penalty shots against the opposing team's goalie.

As the Cavs took the field for the first overtime, it was apparent that some of the players were tired. The team had lost their two starting defenders, junior Paul Hollinger and first-year student Michael Primavera to injuries during the c~urse of the season.

Without Hollinger and Primavera available, the·Cavs lacked depth and did not use a lot of substitutions.

Misericordia began to pick up the play and mount scoring opportunities.

However, they were unable to score and the game remained 0-0 going into the first of two sudden death overtime periods.

In the first sudden death overtime period, Noel made a sRectacular save off a head ball from a Misericordia player to keep the game scoreless.

The Cavs, tired and exhausted, struggled to keep Misericordia from scoring.

Finally, the two teams headed into the final 15 minute overtime period looking as if they would go to shoot-outs.

That would not be the case.

The Cavs kept the ball io their offensive zone for the first five minutes of the overtime period, but were still unable to score.

As the Cavs controlled the ball, Misericor<;liasuddenly stole the ball and passed it down the wing.

The Cavs defense raced frantically to catch up to the Misericordia player. However, it was too late.

The Misericordia player passed the ball to a teammate in the middle and he shot the ball past a diving Noel.

The loss ended the Cavs' quest to win their fourth consecutive PAC championship.

After the goal, some of the Cavs dropped to the ground in agony over the loss.

The players agreed that being shorthanded hurt the team, but they all said it was no excuse for the loss.

photo /Jy Mirella Addesl photo /Jy Mire/ls Addesi Sophomore Paul Donaghey jumps in the air and heads the ball down the field to
In the first two overtime periods, neither team was able to get many scoring opportunities, due to strong opposing defenses.
The Cavs got a few corner kicks but were unable to _capitalize.
"I had. four great years with this team and I would have liked to have ended my career with four PAC championships," senior Joe Morris said, ''but I know we have nothing to be ashamed of because we all played as hard as we could."
of his teammates in the game against Misericordia. Donaghey played great in defeat for the Cavs. generating many scoring opportunities. In the second overtime period,

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