2 minute read
Whodoneit, Roxv,the~~ detectiveordiscokingil
by Paul Moser staff writer
Somebody died Saturday night in the mf/,nsion and it was not a stable boy or a girl in a blue dress.
by Bill Matoney staff writer
The ransom was arguable to say the leas.t. I have never been in a movie theater, where the person to my left is snoring and drooling on my shoulder while the person on my right is on the edge of their seat I was caught in the middle, with a full bladder, craving for nicotine and a slight interest of how it ends.
Directed by Ron Howard, this is the story -of a rich airline entrepreneur (Mel Gibson) who is married to a super-babe (Rene Russo). With their son, fhese multi-millionaires reside in the wealthiest district of New York.
The plot goes like this. Gibson and Russo take their son to the park where a science fair is being held. The son gets kidnapped by thugs, led by Donnie Wahlberg.
Oh, it was not the kidnapping that was scary, it was the thought of the former New Kid on the Block breaking out into song. Surprisingly, Wahlberg did not strive to be a teenage girl idol and seemed to have the right stuff to play his role.
After the kidnapping, -Gibson is contacted by the crime group's leader played by Gary Sinise. Sinise is holding the kid for ransom, a sum of $2 niillion.
At first, the movie moved as fast as that money that left my pocket at the box office. It then took a sudden tum·at a false climax and moved slowly till the end. Howard tried to gain the momentum back, but by this time,Iwasaggravated. Afterthe fake climax, the guy to my left offered to pay the ransom in exchange for the credits to roll, because at this point the movie was not.
I went there with great expectations, which were met up until the middle of the movie.
The movie finally ended two hours and five minutes later. An hour, two minutes and thirty seconds too late.
I give this movie two out of five possible stars. Good try, Ron. Better luck next time.
It was Bobbie the disco king. The murder took place in the mansion during a murder mystery event sponsored by the Campus Activities and Programming (PAC) board.
The premise of the event was to present a murder mystery in a "who dunnit," type of way.
The actors in this disco murder were Becky Raetsch as Roxy, Paul Moser as Wanna-be, and professional actors and actresses Chrjg Limauro as Angela, Keith Rowland as Bobbie the disco king, Daryl Cummings as the detective and Janet Ciancola as Blanche.
The actors went around and confessed their motives in conversation and stuck to the general plot.
The whole night was improvised and relied on the talent of the actors to make the night a good murder mystery.
The detective wanted to everyone to guess who had done it, so audience members wrote their guesses down on a card.
Only one person correctly guessed the murderer. A student of Moore College of Art and Design guessed that Angela, the disco dancer who was sleeping with Bobbie to try and get on his upcoming show about disco, kilied Bobbie because he was stringing her along.
The professionals perform all over the east coast and to different groups such as colleges, high schools and businesses.
Heather West said, "It was really neat, we saw it on one of the bulletin boards. It's a shame more people did not come. The college should have more stuff like this."
Rowland said, "It would have been a lot better if more people had shown up."
This was the general consensus of the night.
The CAP board's intention was to give residents something to do on the weekend.
The fatal flaw was that only. 12 students showed up.
The Party People can be reached at 230 Woodmont Rd suite b28 Milford, Conn., 06460.
!Friday, November 15, 1996j