Jan. 31, 1997 Issue 15 Loquitur

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The administrations plan to hold classes three days a week, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, wilt mainly affect firstyear and sophomore students in the fall semester.

According to Ray Matzelte, registrar and assistant dean of student academic services, the current schedule will remain the same for the fall semester except more intro-level classes wiU be offered on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. They will run 50 minutes.

The faculty is in the process of handing in schedules for the fall semester. So far, the only departments that have scheduled classes three times a week are English, Spanish, chemistry, computer information science, Italian, French, business and education.

Junior Patrice Miller, who is an education major, said sophomores would not be able to do their field experience on Wednesdays if a required class was scheduled to meet three days a week.

However, according to Dr. Dawn Middleton, division chair

College.celebrates BlackHistoryMonth

by HollieHavens copy editor

Black History Month is a time for all people to celebrate and recognize the uniqueness and vitality of African-Americanculture;to recognize people who have left unerasable impressions on this world, but who have slippedoff the pages of many history hooks.

The celebration starts on Sunday, Feb. 2, with the Cabrini College wide-screen premiere of "Malcolm X" at 8 p.m. in the WidenerCenter lecturehall. For the ultimateexperiencein blackhistory, a tour of the African-American History Museum is scheduled on Saturday, Feb. 8. Interested students should sign up in the student activitiesofficeand van servicewill be provided.

Laughter is the best medicine and comedian Kivi Rogers is the doctor, performing on Monday, Feb.10.

The seemingly most anticipated event in the celebrationis the arrival of MohammedBilal, star of MTV's "Real World ill: San Francisco."

Tentativelytitled ''Hangin' with Mohammad," the event is scheduled on Monday,Feb. 17. A specific time and place will be available soon. Large student attendance is anticipatedby senior John Lindsay, chair of the CAP Board.

"I feel the events are worthwhile for students to better themselves," Lindsay said. "The activities are not lecture-type. They are very entertainingand each one is a learning pos.5ibility." For information on more events, please contact Emma Legge at x 8407.

and professor of education, only one education course is scheduled to meet three days a week next semester and only first-year students will need to enroll. Middleton said firstyear students do not need to do tlreir field experience on Wednesdays.

"Wbat- if there is a lowerlevei class that I realized that I need to take?" Lori Jarosh, a sophomore education student, said.

Dr. Cynthia Halpern, department chair and associate professor of Spanish, said the Spanish department is offering intro-level classes three days a week, as well as two classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays to accommodate education and social work majors who need to fulfill their language requirements.

Middleton also said there cannot be courses only offered three days a week because it would not work out.

Miller also raised a question about the course load for threeday-a-week courses; "Professors may give the same amount of work and you only have one day to do it in," Miller said. •

Halpern said she, personally, would not expect the same amount of work for courses that met three days a week as opposed to two days a week because there would be more time to spread out the course work.

Halpern also said introS~nish courses have been offered here before and it has been on experience that stud~nts benefit from meeting more frequently.

Matzelle said the alteration in the schedule is linked to the desire to have classes on all five days in order to improve the quality of education at Cabrini.

Dr. Thomas Boeke, academic dean, added that the college is stepping forward to help the incoming students.

Other changes to the calendar will begin in the fall. Cla~ses will ·,,begin on the Thursday after Labor Day instead of before Labor Day. Dean's Fall Holiday is shortened to one day, a Monday.

The school day will continue to begin at 8:15 a.m. and end at 9:40 p.m., instead of from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. as had been considered.

Ebonics: noblackorwhneissue

In Oakland, Calif.,the birth of a new language has resulted in a silentwar. A decisionwas made by the Oakland school district to declare Ebonics (Black English) a secondlanguage to be used as a way to teach standardEnglish. According to Dr. MarilynJohnson, professor of English and communications,Ebonics seems to be what linguists have, for years, called "Black English."

• "Black English" bas been. d~bed oy the American Speech, Language and• Hearing Associationas a socialdialect. It has.its own rules and proµunciations. There ma:y be dr()pped ~al consonants, intel'Changediioundsand ~ible doubleand triple negatives. '


• The decisiontoconsider Ebonics a separateJan. guage has gainedmticli'disapprovaleven:from the community it"isintendedto benefit~ Rowever, no one-~ to have a defitµte opinion on thesubject. Rev. Jesse Jackson,whowas one of the first and'most vehement critics on the subject, recentlysaid, '!Theintent is to correctand teach standardEnglish." '

Both Jackson and Carolyn Gertridge, super• intendent of the Oakland school district,_agree that the decision to accept Ebonicsas a separate lan1.1guage wasmUQIJ.neededand greatlymisunderstood.

The m,ispnderstandiqg.stemsfrom the wordipg_

of the decision that states that the language patterns of African-Americansis "geneticallybased."

Thatexplanationof Ebonicscaused much debate becauseit traces the origin of the dialectnot to culture and upbringing,but to biology and genetics.

Several professors, students and staff members were asked their opinion on the Ebonics decision. Silence was the mostcommon answer. Somepeople said they did notknow enoughto makea comment. Some made jokes about the subject, The most common answer from all asked was, '1(0 comment."

,The problem of teaching standard English has existed for several decades. According to the San Francisco,Examiner,for the past 15 years,_the State Department' bas spollSQredthe 'StandardEnglish Po)icy(SEP). That policy is very similar in formand intent to the Oakland EboniC&decisi9n.

TheSEP has recognizedthata significantnumber of children entet schools not speaking .s~. English.

• Jackson said that the inability to speak stalldard F.nglishstemsfrom poverty, not gene~,~d thaf • ba1f of all African-Anieiicanchildren live in poverty. :"I

The Oakland schooJ board said, ''We are not teaching Ebonics." They said that they are merely usingEbonics a middle ground in the process of teaching a 1student to speakin standardEnglish.

Despite their stiitement, the battle wages on r becauseof what Gertridge{lalled"very ba&cm:isin~ terpretationsof the meaningand intent ofthe policy.''

CABRINI COLLEGE LOQUITUR VOL.XLIII, NO.15 A&E Kenny G and Toni B. p.5 Features Phobias & SAD pp. 6&7 FRIDAY,JANUARY31, 1997 INSIDE Sports The Cavaliers resume their winningways with a 90-76 victory over Centenary College. p.12 RADNOR, PA 19087
• •
Sophomore Sean Tait is shown here firing a three-pointer. Tait has been explosive on offense this season, averaging 17.1 points per game.
photo by


Friendly faces and welcoming arms reached out again to attract new members to add to the Cabrini clubs, but unlike the success in the fall, the spring fair did not capture many new people.

The club fair was held on Thursday, Jan. 23 in the Widener Center gathering ., area.

The overall involvement of the club fair was poor, not that many students or clubs participated.

Only a few _clubs participated in the spring club fair

The radio station, 89.1 WYBF participated and handed out free CDs. This seemed to attract more students to their table compared to the student involvement at the other tables. Still, only one new member sign up.

The dance ensemble club also was at the fair and saw one new member sign -up.

Many tables were taken down or abandoned after 1 p.m.

The fall club fair shared the gathering area with Trent

Graphics' poster sale and a promotional visit from Q-102. With these two organizations being held at the same time, more people were attracted to the club fair.

The public relations table seemed to have the most people sign up, with a total of two new members.

The public relations group helps prepar_e its members for the realities of the workplace by providing hands on experience.

They organized a campus group in the fall of 1995. Since that time, they have hosted a number of speakers, such as Ike Richman, Public Relations Director of the CoreStates Center.

The spring 1997 clubs consist of the accounting association, amnesty international, bodies in motion, CEC, chess club, commuter club, dance ensemble, ESA, international club, Kappa Sigma Omega, Campus Ministry, Student Government Association, ski club, WYBF, social work club, photography, young republicans, PSEA, pre-law, computer activities and programming, martial arts and psychology club.


One of the most difficult things a professor faces is taking' the knowledge accumulated by their students in the learning process and putting it into action in real-life situations.

Ann Servey's personal taxes class will be doing just that in the next two-and-a-half months.

The campus community, as well as the community at large, will have the opportunity to have

their tax returns done free of charge by Servey's class of about 15 students.

The program, Volunteer Income Tax Assistaoce(VITA), which is sponsored by the Internal Revenue Service, was started in the 1970s, but did not make its way to Cabrini until the mid 80s when Servey implemented it during her first year.

Servey felt that it would be a way for the students to better improve their interpersonal communication skills.

"I think that it is a great program," junior Phil Gagliardi said. "It gives you a chance to interact with other people in a work-like situation and use everything that we learned in class.

"Most of the people that I have talked to do not know about the program, though," Gagliardi said.

The program itself is geared toward any taxpayer looking for volunteer help, but it also focuses on those with special needs such

as low income or foreign speaking families as well as those who suffer from a disability.

Each student is responsible for doing a minimum of 10 returns, but in the past this number has almost always been largely exceeded because of the students' work ethic.

"We average well over 100 returns per year," Servey said. "That includes federal, state and local returns."

According to Servey, the volunteer component is very impor-

tant to the class. It can almost be taken to another level when you have a specialty because that skill is not widely available to everybody.

"Anybody can serve food at a soup kitchen, but when you can use an acquired skill to help other people who need it, it makes you feel good," Servey said.

If this service could help you or someone you know, give Ann Servey a call at x8322 to schedule an appointment or drop be her office #233 in Grace Hall.


Security incidents as reported by Public Safety from 1/26-1/28.

O Possible Vandalism 1/26

While on routine patrol of Residential Blvd., Public Safety noticed in the area surrounding House seven large amounts of empty beer cans littering the lawn. Upon further investigation, Public Safety found between 20-30 empty beer cans to the right of the door.

It appeared that they were thrown from the second floor hallway window, due to the fact that they were right below the window.

O Turfing & Reckless Driving 1/28

A resident of House one called Public Safety stating that an unknown person was driving

and turfing the area behind the house. The unknown driver of the car might have been visiting House two.

O Maintenance Emergencey 1/27

Public Safety received a call from a House four resident stating bis room and the rest of the second floor was cold. An officer responded and found the temperat-ure to be 62 degrees. The temperature was raised by Physical Plant.

O Major Flood 1/27

Public Safety found the entire first floor of the Widener Center under three inches of water, which came from a first floor men's bathroom. Water to the toilet was closed. The housekeeping supervisor was notified and assessed the damage.

photo by Stacey Caiazzo Sophomores Dina Tartaglia and Kirsten Yard sign junior Cathy Pagano up for the public relations club at the club fair held on Thursday, Jan. 23. Attendance by both students and clubs was low.
After 5 years on the job and 50,000 repetitions ot 11 Po Goes the Wease I" Har final oes " o 11

Loqulblr'stributeto Cabrini'sfoumlress, MotherUrsulaInfante, anda preview to her 100thbirthday celebration.

Studentsofferviews onTVratingsystem

Attention viewers. This program is designed especially for adults and, therefore, is unsuitable for children under 17. It is designed for a mature audience only.

The new television rating system headed by Jack Valenti, president of the Motion Picture Association of America, officially began on Jan. 1, 1997.

The system includes all of the major network stations such as CBS, NBC, ABC and Fox.

The rating system, which was made by the producers and distributors of the shows, is especially designed to protect children from programs including nudity, profanity and frightening acts.

The ratings are as follows:

Children's shows are rated TV-Y, appropriate for all children, and TV-7, which contains some violence and should not be viewed by children under seven.

There is TV-G which is fine for any audience as well as TVPG which suggests parental guidance. TV-14 is not recommended for children under 14 because it may contain sexual content or profanity. Last but not least, is

TV-M suitable for mature audiences only.

- Although the system has its advantages, many parents and advocates of the system think it should l,,emore specific in listing the actual content of the show, whether it be graphic sex scenes or strong profanity. Some parents are complaining because the rating of say, PG, does not tell them exactly what the show contains.

Another question surfaces as to whether or not the new rating system will take the place of parenting. Some education majors here at Cabrini were asked to give their opinions.

Sophomore Leena Joseph thinks the system is a smart move because parents are not home everyday.

Joseph said it should not replace parenting and parents should know what their children are watching.

Junior Tara Pfeiffenberger said it would not take over the duties of parents and that parents would use their own judgment about ·what shows their children may or may not watch.

Senior Dan Lorenz said it is a useful tool for parents to use, but in reality parents have the final say.

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January 31, 1997 NEWS Comingnextweek.
Feb.7, 1997
Cabrini College 61 O King of Prussia Rd. Radnor, PA 19087-3968 (610) 902-8304,5,6 (phone) (fax) 902-8307 LESBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL Student Hotline 902-8790 CALL FOR: Upcoming Events & Discussion Groups or e-mail at andy,king@cabrini.edu 3




February is Black History Month. Contact Student Activities at x8407 for festivities commemorating this month of awareness.

The Cavaliers are in action Saturday, Feb. 1 at Beaver College. The women begin at 6 p.m. while the men tip off at 8 p.m. Come out and support the Cavs.

The Faculty Art Exhibit is still on display in the Holy Spirit Library now until Sunday, Feb. 23.


The Lady Cavs face off against Immaculata College on Monday, Feb. 3 at 7 p.m. Come out and support the Cavs.


The Lady Cavs come home to take on rival Rosemont College on Wednesday, Feb. S at 7 p.m.


"The game of life is not so much holding a good hand as playing a poor hand well."

-H.T. Leslie

Help Wanted AdministrativeAssistant.

Last Week In the World Of News


Amy Grossberg and Brian Peterson granted bail.

Delaware Superior Court Judge Henry du Pont Ridgely allowed bail to be set for the accused baby killers. The two college freshmen will wear electronic monitoring devices and obey a strict curfew from 8 p.m. to 6 a.ni.

However, the two are permitted to see each other.

Peterson's mother, Barbara Zuchowski, worked with the Grossbergs to pay $600,000 in cashiers' checks in return for the release of their children. The two were released and are separately residing at undisclosed areas.

O 1/23

~wanda army kills hundreds in strikes against rebels.

The strikes were aimed at Hutu insurgents, aid workers and residents. Hutu insurgents have increased their attacks

against the Tutsi-controlled government provoking counterattack. This violence has not only killed rebels, but also many doctors of the world, working there to aid the peace process. With this increase of violence, the United Nations has restricted relief aid to only daylight hours.


Blood clots kill c.ancerous tumors.

At the University of Texas, scientists are destroying cancerous tumors in mice by using blood clots. The clots are used to starve the tumors to death. Cancer-cell death by using this therapy occurred within 24 hours. This therapy could be used on people within two years if the work on mice is successful.

O 1/24

A panel renounces claim that women in their 40s should have mammograms. According to a panel of experts at the National Institute of Health in Bethesda, Md., it

is up to women in their 40s to decide whether or not they want to have a mammogram. A debate on whether or not women in their 40s should have mammograms has been going on for years.

Even though the panel was convened to settle the debate, it only appeared to intensify it because some doctors do still believe that detecting a tumor early could benefit women more than falsely alarming them.


Vatican reaffirms the ban on women priests.

The Vatican has reaffirmed its stand on the ban of women priests. Those who oppose it are committing doctrinal errors, according to Vatican theologians. This announcement resulted from a theologian's support of women priesthood. A Sri Lankan priest, Tissa Balasuriya, was excommunicated last month for heresy. Women's groups have avidly contested the doctrine.


This & That

O The Spike Lee film "Malcolm X'' will be shown on Sunday,Feb. 2 at 8 p.m. in the Widener Center lecture hall.

Sunday, Feb. 2 marks the beginning of Health and WellnessAwarenessweek.

O Therewill be a healthfair on Tuesday,Feb. 4. Call student activities at x8407 for more information.

a Campusministrywill sponsor Scripture and Supper on Tuesday, Feb. 4 from 5:30 p.m.-7 p.m. in the Campus Ministryapartment at Xavier Hall.

O 89.1 million viewers tuned into Super Bowl XXXI last Sunday,comparedto 94.1 million for Super Bowl XXX.

O RandomQuote: "Aman who viewsthe world at 50 the same as he did at 20 has wasted 30 years of his life."


Campus ministry plans to "make a difference" in the spring, according to their newsletter distributed throughout the campus.

There are several events planned for the spring for campus ministry, among the big events! The 40th Anniversary Celebration and Mother Ursula's 100th birthday, Project Appalachia and the new Liturgy Committee.

The campus will join on Sunday, Feb. 9 at 11 a.m. to celebrate the 100th birthday of Mother Ursula as well as the 40th anniversary of the college.

There will be a mass for the

entire community in celebration of this special day, her 100th birthday.

The mass will celebrate everything that Mother Ursula has done for the coJlege and her role in making this college a community in which students can learn and grow.

Project Appalachia is the second biggest event planned by campus ministry.

Project Appalachia is a week in which students from Cabrini, instead of vacationing, will spend their spring break trying to help poor people in Appalachia by building their homes and fixing them. The event is not necessarily planned just for people to build things it is also planned to let people

learn about those who live in Appalachia.

There wilJ be a new mass time this semester as well. There will be a later mass on Sundays. People will now be able to get to mass on time since it is moved back an hour.

Masses will be held Sundays at 7 p.m. as opposed to the 6 p.m. regular time slot.

John DiMucci, campus minister, said, "We want to make liturgy times accessible to the most amount of students."

The time change was scheduled for students returning to campus.

The liturgy committee will discuss and decide different liturgical functions.

The liturgical committee will

decide what happens around the campus as far as campus ministry is concerned. -

"This committee wi11 give students opportunity to express what their interests are in and the opportunity to learn more," DiMucci said.

There also plans to provide help for some students who wish to be baptized in the Catholic faith. There are currently classes being taught to several students who wish to become Catholic.

Campus ministry is all set for this semester and plans a productive semester culminating with the baccalaureate mass for the seniors.

This mass will be a send off for all graduating seniors.

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Sultrysoundsof-KennyG,BraxtonLOQUITUR I

Kenny G and Toni Braxton mesmerized audience members at the CoreStates Center, on Jan. 23. After Philadelphia, the tour continues through Pittsburgh and Atlantic City.


Friday, January 31, 1997

staff writer off of his new album "The Moment." He also played several other songs like "Havana"

With an entourage of fans and many songs from his older following behind him, Kenny G album "Breathless." entered the packed CoreStates Kenny G was not the only Center. act that was on hand.

As the lights came on and the The popular diva Toni band started to play, the smooth Braxton opened for Kenny G. sounds that are recognizable With an illustriou~ set of white from only one man, made their floors, rotating stairs and specway down the stairs in section tacular intelligent lighting, 119 towards the floor. Braxton entertained the cr~wd Holding a note for four min- for half an hour. utes, he made his way toward Braxton did a lot of music the stage from the middle of the from her first album including floor. "Another Sad Love Song" and The CoreStates Center was "Breathe Again." in a dead silence on Thursday Braxton highlighted the Jan. 23, as the beautiful and night when she made her rhythmic sounds of the golden announcement that she was sinsaxophone floated throughout gle. the building. She then proceeded to pull a Kenny G came out and start- man from one of the first few ed the show with a lot of his , rows onto the stage and have popular songs. him lay on a couch that was on His first song was the title hit stage.

Braxton then sat in his lap, put his hand on her leg and gave him a box from Tiffany's and a box of cigars. The man then laid there while she danced around him seductively and sang to him.

One of the Braxton costume changes was also highlighted by a performance by Mint Condition. They sang their smash hit "Pretty Brown Eyes (Don't Go Breakin' My Heart)."

Braxton performed one song with Kenny G, which is on his album called "Somebody Was You."

Braxton then ended her fantastic performance with her current hit "Unbreak My Heart."

There were also a lot of different aspects to Kenny G's performance.

It is not unusual for him to walk around the building that he plays in while he is performing.

Kenny G would disappear for several minutes and then reappear in another section of the building.

There was also a 15 minute solo by his percussionist, Philadelphian Ron Powell. Kenny G also did about 45 minutes of "unplugged" music. That is when all of the electric equipment is "unplugged" and only acoustic equipment is used to play.

The Kenny G set was very plain and simple.

There were a lot of blue lights used in the lighting scheme, along with white lights and yellow.

Thi~ tour will continue locally into Pittsburgh and Atlantic City. If you like Kenny G or Toni Braxton, this is a concert that you definitely cannot miss. For ticket information, call Ticketmaster at (215)-3362000.

AmericanMusic AwardWinners


Gospelrama in WCLH

A high school student stole the spotlight at the third annual Gospelrama. by Paul Moser assistant sports editor

Jamal Smith, a junior at University City High School, highlighted a night filled with gospel music at the third annual Gospel-rama.

The music presented at Gospelrama on Saturday, Jan. 25 was sung loud and clear to all kinds of ages, races and sexes who attended the Ethnic Student Alliance (ESA) sponsored event in the Widener Center lecture hall.


Favorite Male Artist


Favorite Female Artist


Favorite Band, Duo or Group & Dunn Pop/Rock

Favorite Male Artist


Favorite Female Artist


Favorite Band, Duo or Group & the Blowfish

After a short prayer and scripture reading, first-year student Lee Gamble welcomed the audience to the event chaired by juniors Tanisha Rufus and Gina Sanders.

Rufus, her sister Tiffany Rufus and first-year student Fontaine Coleman gave a wann-up performance with live accompaniment for the church, high school and college choirs who performed to the crowd of about 150 people.

Faith Ministry, consisting of both Rufus sisters and Nelcine Thompson, quickly followed to prepare the crowd for the "Angels of Harmony."

The Eastern College Gospel Choir, called "Angels of Hannony," consisted of about 50 members. Opening the Gospelrama with three different gospel songs, the choir was accompanied by a pianist and a band that played background music for all of the choirs.

Cabrini graduate Rich Grace led the next performance by Picken's Hallelujah Choir from First Timothy's church, which gave way to the highlight of the night.

Smith, a soloist for the choir, spellbound the entire crowd with his rendition of -"Eyes of a Sparrow." The young gentleman, who has been singing for seven years, left the audience in utter awe with his gospel song.

It is hard to follow an act like that but the Workshop Ensemble did just that. The crowd gave a great response to the choir which was led by future Cabrini College gospel choir director Rudy Yuille.

The night was ended by Central High School's gospel choir from Philadelphia.

Sophomore Tamika Warner said, "Being Catholic I appreciate seeing gospel music. It was very nice to see the community come out."

Dr. Iadarola said in her speech, ''l am very impressed. It's a nice collaborative effort of the colleges and churches around the area. It's nice to see all races enjoy a night of gospel music."

After Iadarola's speech, Shirley Dixon announced plans to start the new gospel choir. The choir will be open to all of Cabrini students and hopefully will be ready by the fourth annual Gospelrama.

Garth Brooks Shania Twain G's latest CD, 'The Moment," is currently at No. 9 on the Billboard Charts. For concert dates visit Ticketmaster Online.
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FEATURESLearn to cope with ..

Friday, January 31, 1997 I

Phobic Faces

Name: Derek Scates

Year: junior Phobia: bananas

Name: Andrew Letavec, professor of education Phobia: heights

If the thought of spiders makes you cringe; or the idea of not having a job after graduation is terrifying, do not worry. You may be one of the millions of people who suffer from some kind of phobia.

A phobia is an irrational fear geared at a specific object. This fear does not necessarily have to be geared at a physical object, but at an object paired with something that one is afraid of.

Most of us have some sort of fear. Fears are common, even helpful, _in some cases according to counselor Andy King. "Phobias kept us alive when we lived in the wild, but in the 20th century they are not of much use," King said.

In today's society a phobia can be nothing more.than an interruption of day-to-day living. When the fear of that spider becomes so severe that it paralyzes a person, it becomes a problem.

In the United States, nine to 11 percent of people have some sort of phobia that is severe enough to be clinically diagnosed.

A phobia creates an immediate anxiety response and the person recognizes it. This anxiety is real for the person experiencing the phobia.

There are five subtypes of phobias, according to King. They are animals, natural environment, blood injection/ injury type, situational and other.

In the animal subtype, these fears usually start in childhood. It is usually associated with excitement when a specific animal is near a person.

Natural environment subtypes are usually associated with storms, heights, water and are also started during childhood.

Blood injection/injury type subtype have to do with fear of blood, injury or a medical procedure. This fear usually creates some

Name: Joseph Simons

Year: senior Phobia: closed spaces

sort of hyper response.

Situational subtypes occur in childhood and usually relax during adolescence until it peaks again in their mid 20s. These fears include public transportation, close spaces, flying and the dark.

Other fears associated with phobias are choking, vomiting, illness, falling down when away from walls and loud sounds.

Seventy-five to 90 percent of females with some sort of phobia experience a fear of animals or the natural environment. However, the fear of heights occurs only in 55 to 70 percent of females.

Fifty-five to 70 percent of females with phobias have some sort of fear associated wilh blood or injury.

"Women have more phobias than men," King said. "In our culture women are taught it is okay to respond to their fears."

The way one reacts to a fear is learned from how others, usually family members, react in situations. King said this learning happens quickly and dramatically and the person is not aware that they are learning fr.

Reasoning is the best cure for a phobia that is not clinically severe. "Reasoning through a situation can cure most phobias," King said.

For phobias that are more severe, systematic desensitization is used to help cure it. This modifies behavior through systematic exposure to the specific object. Someone who is afraid of snakes would be desensitized by sitting in a room with a small harmless snake in an aquarium on the other side of the room, then slowly move up to touching the snake.

Most phobias, according to King, are simple things that most people use logic to get through. Education is the best way to come to terms with a phobia.

If you feel you are experiencing a phobia that has gotten out of control, stop by or call the Rooyman's Center to talk to Andy King or any of the other counselors available. They will be happy to listen.

Name: Helene Casinelli

Year: first-year student Phobia: heights

Name: Heather Phillips

Year: junior Phobia: spiders

P o ia checklist

O Achluophobia - fear of darkness

O Acrophobia - fear of heights

D Amathophobia - fear of dust

D Arachnephobia - fear of spiders

D Arachibutyrophobia - fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of mouth

D Brontophobia - fear of thunderstorms

D Cibophobia - fear of food

D Chiionophobia - fear of snow

D Dentophobia - fear of dentists

D Entomophobia - fear of insects

D Hemophobia - fear of blood

D Linonophobia - fear_9{~tring

D Musophobia - fear of mice

Phobophobia - fear of phobias

D Potophobia - fear of alcohol

D Thanatophobia - fear of death or dying

Xylophobia - fear of wood or forests


What is Seasonal Affective Disorder?

More than just the winter blues

Depression, in various forms, seems to become more prevalent around the holidays and in the winter season. One of those forms of depression is Seasonal Affective Disorder, better known as winter depression.

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a documented mood disorder, the symptoms of which are common to most forms of depression. The symptoms of SAD include low energy, insomnia, hypersomnia, appetite disturbance, low self-esteem, difficulty making decisions, poor concentration and a feeling of helplessness. Someone suffering from SAD may also suffer from irritation, a quick temper and a sense that everything is annoying.

Light therapy is a common method used to cure Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). SAD is a form of what some may call winter depression. During light therapy, the patient sits in front of a special lightbox for 30 to 60 min• utes a day. The light reaches the part of the brain that controls Melatonin levels. Melatonin is a hormone that our brain releases when it is dark and is said to affect our mood. It takes at least two years to diagnose SAD.

SAD symptoms include:

energy concentration self esteem disturbance of helplessness

Never take it upon yourself to self-diagnose. If you have five or more of these symptoms you may suffer from SAD. The counselors in the Rooyman's center or your family physician should be consulted.

Counselor Andy King said, "Everyone walks around with one of these things every week. But if a person is experiencing five or more, there may be a problem."

The treatment for SAD is called light treatment. A patient would be exposed to bright fluorescent light at close range for two to three hours a day. Though the treatment may seem simple, the diagnosis is a long, thorough investigation. According to King, it takes up to two years to diagnose SAD. The symptoms must be verified and must be linked to the change of the seasons. That is, the symptoms increase as the days shorten and decrease as the days lengthen.

Age, gender and geography also play a role in the prevalence of SAD. The younger a person is, the greater the chances that they will suffer from SAD. Women account for 60 to 90 percent of the documented cases of SAD. Men account for 10 to 40 percent. However, King said, "In our society it is more acceptable for women to be depressed than men." So, it is possible that gender roles may taint those statistics. For example, men have a higher suicide rate than women. Finally, the further away a person lives from the equator, the higher risk of suffering from SAD.

King warned students not to perform a self-diagnosis. He said if a student is suffering from symptoms, to discuss them with one of the counselors in the Rooyman's Center.

Since most forms of depression have similar symptoms, only a qualified counselor should make a diagnosis. Someone suffering from a bi-polar disorder or another form of depression could be diagnosed with SAD and vice-versa.

Another disorder that could be mistaken for SAD is adjustment disorder.

Adjustment disorder affects anyone who is undergoing a major life change. It is prevalent on college campuses where students are adjusting to a new school and life on campus, away from home.

Anyone suffering from any symptoms of depression should not perform a self-diagnosis. It is recommended to speak to one of the counselors in the Rooyman's Center. All counseling is free and confidential.

Tips for fighting the winter blues, blahs

0 Pay attention to your moods and energy levels. If your spirits sink, take preemptive action.

D Plan active events for yourself in advance of the fall.

0 Expose yourself to as much bright light as possible. If it is a sunny day spend most of the day outside. If it is grey and cloudy, use large amounts of bright light inside.

0 Stay physically active and begin to exercise before the winter blues get to you.

0 Try to develop a mindset that will help you to get some pleasure out of the winter season.

Information provided by Dr. Gila Lindsley, Ph.D.

January 31 1 1997 FEATURES ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiii~- - - - - ~~iiiiiiiiiiii


published in Loquitur are the views of the student editorial staff and the individual writers, not the entire student body or the {acuity and administration.

Friday, January 31, 1997


Whatcha talldn' bout' Willis?

Ebonics. It sounds kind of funny, does it not?

First of all, some misconceptions need to be cleared up. Ebonics has been officially recognized by the the Oakland Unified School District, but it will not be taught in schools. It is an experimental program that places select black students in a class which will help them learn standard English. It does not command the spending of any extra tax dollars.

According to the mainstream, the people who run this country, the dialect that has developed is unacceptable. However, just saying that is not going to change a damn thing. This program is meant to address a situation that thus far has not been handled by any other state or local agency,

The fact is, we all know individuals must present'themselves in a certain way, verbally speaking, to be successful in the modem marketplace. Many African-American children are entering schools unexposed to standard English and steps need to be taken to facilitate a gradual change.

The object of Ebonics is glorification of the dialect as a vehicle to promote learning proper English. If there are consistencies in a dialect, that can in fact be taught and used to show where inconsistencies exist, it deserves recognition.

One criticism of the program is that recognition of the slang as an official language might discourage youths from ever learning proper grammar. Are there any better suggestions out there to help people visualize the importance of strong oral communication skills?

The idea is to revitalize young people's sense of culture and community that has been lost in most AfricanAmerican communities in tbe United States.

It is unreasonable to expect people to abandon what has become their own through generations. Rather let us hope that what the ages have come to determine as proper will complement what the generations have come to know as their own.

Loquitur .isestablishedas a forum for student expression and as a voice in the uninhibited,robust, free and open discussion of issues.

Growing older, growing wiser

I called Jim two days ago and I hate him for it, because he made me remember.

Just when I had grown accus• tomed to the fact that I had grown up, that it was time to assume some responsibility, that I needed to begin to take things seriously, Jim called me and made me remember what it was like to have a good time.

It had probably been a good year since the last time I had really talked to him. Strange, when you consider that he probably would have been the best man at my wedding (mental note: knock on wood). I never had an argument with him, not even an unkind word. He was Tonto to my Lone Ranger, yet at the same time, I was Robin to his Babnan, a schoolyard symbiosis of sorts.

We provided each other with more good times in one year, then most people have in a lifetime.

We used to joke occasionally about what it would be like to meet up, have a beer and talk about the good old days once we

got to college.

Falling out of touch always seemed like the last thing that would happen between Jim and me. In fact, if you had asked either one of us about it, we probably would have said we were both occupied with other things. Still, copying each other's homework in homeroom soon turned into daily phone calls and midnight runs to Denny's. When he went away to college, the daily phone calls turned into letters. Now we exchange e-mails and talk about getting together real soon.

I called Jim that night completely out of the blue. I was not feeling nostalgic, nor was I look• ing to catch up on old times. I called because I could.

•I called because I wanted to.

Jim was smprised, and for a moment, a brief moment, it ahnost seemed like we did not know what to say to one another. The moment passed and for all we knew we could have been seniors in high school again.

As you grow old(:r, you lose

touch with the people you care about It is inevitable.

I cannot say for·sure, but I do not think Jim and I grew apart, I think we just grew up.

I think that at some point we both realized that we had to let go a little bit in order to maximize the experiences we had ahead of us and I think we were both OK with that Maybe we could have tried to force ourselves, but that really is not friendship. It is just an attempt to hold onto some past glory we both experienced.

By refusing to let go, we would have destroyed our friendship, because it would have prevented us from affecting other people the way we affected each other.

I think I will go home tonight ·and e-mail Jim and ask him to meet me for a beer.

Growing up does not bring an end to our fun. It just makes us work a little harder for it.

Talking to Jim made me realize that.

Lettersto theeditor


I am a prisoner on Death Row at the Arizona State Prison and was wondering if you could assist me and place this letter in your campus newspaper.

I am seeking correspondence. I'm not looking for anyone particular to write to, just anyone that would be interested. I don't get mµch mail and the mail I do get is usually from the courts and generally bad news, so it's just like not getting any, depending on how you look at things.

Anyway, if you could run this with the letter to the editor for me I would really appreciate it.

Male prisoner on death row

at the Arizona State prison would like mail from anyone that would like to write. I am without family and have been in this cell for almost a dozen yean; already. I would like correspondence from anyone who has the time to write letters and would enjoy receiving letters from me in return.

This life has been a hard and lonely one and I would be grateful for any company anyone would care to give.

I will answer all letters written to me and to those who do write, pl!!asefeel free to talk about or ask whatever you are curious about.

Being a condemned prisoner I am kept strictly isolated and locked in my cell I am not


Thank you for the article on ska. I am a huge fan of ska. I found a liking for it after I got into punk.

The reporter said ska has been around since the early '60s. Actually, ska was born in Jamaica in the late '50s. Another thing is Prince Buster was one of the artists that originated ska. Others were the Skatilites, Desmond Dekker, the Maytals, lll}dthe Wailers. The reporter also never mentioned that there are three waves of ska. The first was when ska originated, the second wave, alsoknown as twotone, was when ska was revived in England in the late '70s and the third wave is

going on now. In the latest wave, ska has expanded to ska-core and punk-ska.

Those bands named are just a couple of bands that have popularized ska. But Diane Grimaldi left out the Dance Hall Crashers, Skankin' Pickle, Voodoo Glow Skulls and Less than Jake. The last band was just signed to Capitol Records after gaining a fan base so big that an independent label couldn't give this band enough distribution. Operation Ivy, which contained Tun Annstrong of Rancid, possibly the greatest punk-ska band ever, was also missing from the article.

I would like to know wl;tat sources the reporter got her information from. If she had done her

allowed to work to get money for stamps, so if you could send me some it would be a big help to me.

Anyone interested please write: MichaeJ Correll # 51493, Arizona State Prison, P.O. Box 8600, Florence, Arizona 85232.

Again, I would like to thank you for running this ad for me. I really do appreciate any help you can give me on this matter. Life on death row can get pretty lonely and the company through some correspondence could go along way to change a lot of that.

Sincerely, Michael Correll research from Moon Ska Records, she would have gotten the correct information. By the way, Moon Ska is the top source for ska music. Rob Hasley of the Toasters founded the label in 1984 and has made it the longest running ska label in existence.

On my radio show, Wednesday from 8-10 p.m. on WYBF, I play lots of ska, punk and alternative music. So listen to my show and Nick and Erin's Ska/Punk show to find out first hand what ska is. I definitely know it's not the Buzzcocks. They are punk.

Dave Shearer sophomore

8 I LOQUITUR The editorials, viewpoints and
NewsEdlWr l'aul Monte Editor,.in-Cblef Thomas McKee Sports Editor Jim Martin PerspectivesEditor Chris l.omaono Asslslaut News Editors Becky Raetsch ·KirstenYard Assistant Sports Editors Jason Jungreis Assistant Penpeetlves Editor - A&E & FeaturesEditor JeanneLombardo Bill Maloney Paul MO$¢r Laura Casamento Assistant A&E Assistant Featlln!s EiJitors Editors Colleen Ehrle Michelle Bums lames Kuhn Erin McHugh Ad-mer Dr.Jerry Zurek BusinessManager Dina Thrtaglia Staff RonP'Orazio Justin Falciaoi Mark Friel Mildred Metz Kelly Monahan Danielle MU1Tay Dave Jurkiewicz Jen Kietur Gavin Mirigliani Copy Editor Hollie-Havens Assistant Copy Editors Andrea Koch Kevin Scoll Dina Tartaglia Photography1111dGraphic Design Adviser Don Dempsey PhotographyEditor Stacey Caiazzo SalesAssociates Becky Raeti,ch Kirsten Yard Asslstaut PhotographyEditor Dana Nentwig Cartoolllst Victor Sgro Diane Grimaldi Loquitur is a laboratory newspaper written, edited and produced by students of Cabrini College registered in COM 346, 350, 351, 352, 353 and 354. Members of the campus community are invited to work on or submit stories for publication. Only students registered in the above classes. however, are eligible to receive academic credit. Subscription price is $25 per year and is included in the benefits secured by tuition and fees. Loquitur welcomes lelters to the editor. Letters should be signed and the authorship known to the editors. However, if the writer wishes and the editor agrees, the writer's name may be left off the publication aod an inscription inserted, such as "name withheld at the request of the writer." Letters to the editor should be submitted by noon on Mondays. VIEWPOINT

You do not realize how lucky you are

My family taught me the values of sex and marriage as I grew into a young woman. The Catholic church teaches it is wrong to have intercourse before marriage. So why are all these young girls getting pregnant at the age of 16? Sure, they all arenot Catholic and some come from troubled homes. but what about the other ones?

As I sit in my home and look through my Catholic high school year book I realize that out of 222 girls I graduated with, more·than 30 are now JDOthers.I only graduated three years ago. I used to laugh and tease when I would hear about girls I know getting pregnant, but now I cry.

My view on these pregnant girls changed in 0l;J.enight. I was sitting in the car with a friend and he told me someone we knew was pregnant, a 16-year-old girl we worked with.

My friend laughed and thought it was funny. As I sat there in the car listening to the laughter, I then realized this was no joking matter. It was sad.. I was about to cry and my friend did not know the reason. About a month before that night I had found out that my sister who is married can not have children.

This happening not only <;.hangedmy feelings on girls get-


ting pregnant, but on my view of sex too. I look at my sister and her husband and 1 see a couple who followed the rules. They got married, have jobs and bought a home. These two have saved up for children and have the love to share, but they m_ay n~ver have the chance to share it

Before all of this happened I was just like most ·young people having no real view on sex. Sure, we may be taught right and wrong by our parents. But like most children, when parents say no, we think yes.

My friends in school were having sex when they were 16 and I know now they really did not underst!Uldwhy. I cannot say that the only reason not to have sex is because of God's rules. I learned other reasons in the past year.

My sister's problem with fertility has driven me to decide to wait. It hurts me to seeteenagers having babies, and I can only imagine what she is feeling. I do not want to be a statistic along with the others and I could not break my sisters heart either.

Sure, there is birth control and other ways to prevent pregnancy.

.So why are there so many pregnant teenagers? I have he_ardal! the answers to how to have safe sex and the best one I have come up with is to not have sex. I am upset

Two Cents

to see my sister, who is successful in life and love, depressed because • of this problem. I think it is sad that there are young men and women out there having babies when they do not even know why.

I thought to myself at one point, why follow the rules and wait? Look at what happened to my sister. But that is just the point. Is it fair to say she cannot have children, but it is OK for a girl who is not out of high school to raise a family she can not afford? It is not.

After that night in the car I realized that these two girls who are having babies think they have it under control but really it is their parents.

The young girl who I work with is going to have a baby and her mother will raise it while she finishes school. I am 20-years-old and I cannot even imagine having a baby. So I know at 16 I was nowhere near motherhood.

I really do not know why kids today cannot see that there is more to life than sex. I learned through my sister's heartache; however, not everyone will have someone to learn from. But truly someone needs to teach the right way.

So the point I want to make is that while all these young girls are having babies, there is one woman at home taking her fertility medicine praying for an answer.

that the phrase "rule of thumb" is derived from an old English law which stated that you could not beat your wife with anything wider than your thumb?

that a pig's orgasm lasts for 30 minutes?

that the glue on anIsraeli postage stamp is certified kosher?

that 111,111,111 x 111,111,111 = 12,345,678,987,654,321

that in England, the Speaker of the House is not allowed to speak?

Do you or any of your friends dabble in the trendy, new age, on line chat rooms? What is the appeal?

Rob Marish, a senior: Yes, I love it. You don't have to deal with the possibility of face-to-face rejection and also you don't have to worry about kicking anyone out in the morning.

Vanessa Turner, a first-year student: Most of all of it is funny. You can talk to all kinds of people and find out who they are and where they are. You can even meet someone and go to a private room.

Danielle Friedland, a rust-year student: It is kind of addictive. You are sitting there laughing the whole time, but you want to see what they write back to you.

Chris Schmid, a junior: Yes! I found that the creative ingenuity of one man lets me talk to someone on the .other side of the world.

Erika Jungreis, a first-year student: I have, but it is not really appealing. All of the guys are pigs and perverts. I don't really go on anymore unless I am really bored.

Sal Iaquinto, a sophomore: My friends and I do it just to have fun. We like to find out how far people will go.

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After a sluggish first half, the undefeated womens' basketball team continued their rampage through the Pennsylvania Athletic Conference on Saturday, Jan. 25, destroying Cedar Crest College 97-48.

"We had heard that Cedar Crest was not going to _bea tough opponent, and we made a mistake by going into the game thiaking that it would be a blowout. We didn't play up to our capabilities for a while," first-year guard Jackie Pierangeli said.

"Once we realized what was happening, though, we stepped it up a lot," Pierangeli added. "The second half really was a blowout."

The team led by just 10 points at the half, with the score reading 30-20. However, once the second half began, the Lady Cavs were unstoppable. In less than five minutes, the team scored 20 points, stretching their lead to a comfortable 50-20 margin.

The Lady Cavs continued to dominate the rest of the second half, scoring 47 points in the next 15 minutes of play.

Sophomore center Melissa Posse, fresh from being named ECAC Southern Region Player of the Week after averaging 27.3 ppg and 11 rpg in last week's contests, dominated the game, scoring 35 points.

In addition to this career-high scoring total, Posse collected 17 rebounds.

Senior guard Kelley Kempton

also contributed a devastating scoring attack, starting the second half by sinking three threepoint shots in a row.

"Kelley totally sparked our team in the second half, with the three-pointers and the foul shots she hit," Pierangeli, who contributed 11 points to the victory, said. "She got us to pick up our game, and after that we really started scoring some points."

Kempton, who returned to the team after sitting out last season, has been a niajor reason why the Lady Cavs ar~ off to such a good start. She has been coming off the bench to give the team an offensive spark and is the team leader in three-point field goal percentage.

Erin Barney, a 5 '-11" firstyear student and forward for the team, also set a career record for herself, scoring 13 points against Cedar Crest.

Senior guard Megan Dillon coqtinued to pile on the record breaking performances during the game.

After reaching 1,000 points against Lycoming College on Monday, Jan. 13, Dillon put herself within two rebounds of breaking Cabrini's all-time rebound record, set in 1987 by Karl Sartor.

Sophomore guard Janice Egan also helped by _contributing 13 points to the Lady Cavs' attack.

The victory improves the Lady Cavs' overall record to 132 and their PAC record to 8-0. They face Beaver College as the visiting team at 6 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 1.

Sixers find themselves in familiar spot as AllStar break approaches

PHILADELPHIA WARRIORS vs. LANCASTER STORM Cabrini's Gy~ Saturday, Feb. 1,1997 7:00 p.m. Adults $7. I · Children (under 2) $3 I Students w / ID $2 IAll students' names go into a drawing I for a free pair of tix to a concert of I their choice. Concert must be held at CoreStates Spectrum or Center.

IWhen the Sixers started off the season with a 7-8 record, there was hope and optimism about the Sixers for the first time in a while.

How quickly things change.

Since that 7-8 start, the Sixers have won two games and now have a record of 9-33 as they are in last place in the Atlantic Division.

Allen Iverson, the Sixers wonderfully talented guard, has shown that although he can be a great player, he is still far away from becoming one.

It does not seem as if Iverson has fully grasped the point guard position. One game he will play under control and get his teammates involved,and the next game he will tum the ball over seven times and shoot the ball 25 times.

Second-year guard Jerry Stackhouse has taken a step backward this year. After a promising rookie season, Stackhouse is shooting around 38% and is second on the team in turnovers.

Before getting injured, Derrick Colemanwas the one bright spot for this season as he was starting to look like the All-Star player that he was two years ago.

After these three players, however, there is not much left.

Sixers GM Brad Greenberg seems to have made some bad free agent decisions. Guard Lucious Harris, who was given a seven year contract, has looked like a bust in averaging less than three points a game. Forward Don McClean has been injured most of the season and has been inconsistent in the games he has played.

The Sixers are also in trouble because will have little money available to sign free agents this summer.

However, the nucleus of Iverson, Stackhouse and Coleman still give us hope.

If the Sixers are able to get center Tun Duncan in the 1997 NBA draft, they will probably be a playoff contender for years to come.

However, if they are unable to get Duncan, then the Sixers will be in trouble because he seems to be the only chance they have of getting the quality big man they desperately need.

photo by Diane Grimaldi
lil ii!@! Iii
First-year guard guard Andrea Muller shoots a free throw in the Lady Cavs 97-48 victory over Cedar Crest College on Saturday, Jan. 25. The Lady Cavs are now 8-0 in the PAC.
·Cabrini's own Billy and Patty Carr make their debut in the EASTERNIASl(ETIALLALLIANCE.


by Kevin Scott and BIii tan project seems to be going wonder if Steve Knowalchuck drafting a defenseman instead excuses. They both have comMa~oney according to plan at the and Jason Allison are listening? of a center. plained that they need a good assistant copy editor and ass,s- moment The add'f fW To make matters worse, they center to set them up. Give me a tant sports editor • 1 ion ° ~yne b Gretzky has certamly energized have consistently lost key play- Western Conference reak. Try earning your rubles. the Rangers in the regular sea- ers to injury.


0 Coyotes-This team will

Eastern Conference

0 Penguins- The line of Mario Lemieux, Jaromir Jagr and Ron Francis may have taken over as the sole owners of the name "The Legion of Doom." Since the trio was put together, they have registered 51 goals and 59 assists in just 21 games. The addition of Darius Kasparaitis (D) and role players such as Stu Barnes and Jason Wolley have also contributed to the Pens' rise. Goalie Patrick Lalime has been sensational, but can he continue his brilliance once the league's elite get to know his tendencies?

0 Panthers- It doesn't matter where this team finishes in the standings. Fact is, they are built for the playoffs. The trade of Barnes and Wolley upset the team's chemistry and has some team members questioning the move. Defensemen Robert Svehla and Ed Jovanovski are on the verge of becoming superstars while goalie John Vanbiesbrouck is (pick just one) A) great B) spectacular C) unbelievable. Hard, isn't it?

0 Rangers- The Manhat-

son, but what he and his team- 0 Canadiens- This team

O Stars- This has got to be Nikolai Khabibulin in net. He is

OAvalanche- Even th ough do some damage in the playoffs. mates do in the playoffs will has plenty of firepower, with they loSt Peter Forsberg for a Keith Tkachuk and Jeremy gauge just how successful this three guys over the 40-point considerable amount of time Roenick are players who will acquisition was. Look for GM mark thusfar, but goalie Jocelyn and Joe Sakic is currently side- get better in a rougher and Neil Smith to try and deal for Thibault has not given them a lined, they continue to win. tougher playoff atmosphere. another scorer now that Alexei solid effort every night. If Saku Why? Roy. The only question mark is Kovalev is done for the season. Koivu returns in the coming

0 Sabres- Whatever goalie weeks, the Canadiens will get the surprise team of the year. very erratic. If he hits a hot Domink Hasek is being paid, it into the playoffs. If not, Les Andy Moog's goaltending has streak, however, lookout for the

O Flyers- Best team in the is not nearly enough. Of their 55 Habitants will be Les Golfing in been nothing short of sensation- Coyotes. points this season, Hasek has April. al. This is true team effort, not O Blackhawks- It was no East. Since Eric Lindros returned from injury, the Flyers have gone 15-4-6, which included a 17-game unbeaten streak where they went 14-0-3. The addition of defenseman Paul Coffey will improve the Flyers under-achieving power play. Bob Clarke will probably look to add a physical defenseman near the trading deadline.

probably earned about 30 of O Lightning- The Light- juSt a few guys carrying the secret that- goalie Ed Belfour them all by himself. With Pat ning must have taken a vote not load. was unhappy sharing the net LaFontaine's inevitable retire,- to play hard until their starting O Red Wings- The Wings with fellow teammate Jeff ment due to injury, the Sabres goalie Darren Puppa returns have a great offense and a pair Hackett. That growing discontruly have no offensive leader. from his back injury. Word is of fantastic goalies. Question: tent is what caused the Hawks Despite that fact, this is a team Puppa may begin skating within Why then haven't they won the to trade Belfour to the Sharks that nobody wants to play in the a week, which is too late. The Stanley Cup? Because they are last Saturday. Now that he is playoffs. Could they possibly be Lightning do not have a shot at very small. In fact, they are the gone, the Blackhawks playoff the Florida Panthers of 1997? the playoffs. Defenseman smallest team in hockey. In the hopes may soon follow.

0 Devils- In goal~· the Roman Hamrlik has also been a playoffs, finesse is out and O Mighty Ducks- Teemu Devils are in a similar situation huge disappointment. physical is in. They just get heat Selanne and Paul Kariya will to the Sabres. Martin Brodeur O Bruins- The Bruins have up by the bigger teams. That's get the Ducks into the dance all proved two years ago that he made it to the postseason for 29 why th ey traded for tough by themselves. With some help could carry a team in the play- consecutive seasons. The streak guy/scorer Brendan Shanahan. from Kevin Todd and Steve offs. What they need, however, -ends this year. Congratulations, They are Slill looking for anoth- Rucchin and good goaltending is scoring from guys like Steve we have some lovely parting er big forward before the trad- by Guy Hebert, the Ducks will Thomas and Brian Rolston. gifts for you (early tee-times ing deadline. pull a surprising upset. They are also lacking when it and comfortable sandals). Rick O Blues- Now that Mike O Flames- Theo Fleury is comes to production from the Tocchet and Adam Oates will Keenan is gone, it is up to the getting some much needed help blueline (i.e. Scott Stevens and most likely be gone before the man that got him fired to make from rookie Jarome Iginla in the Scott Niedermayer). prizes are handed out. some waves of his own on the goal-scoring department, but

0 Wh I L O I I d ice. Brett HuU convinced man- this • th h l ks a ers- et's get s an ers- In two or IS ano er team t at ac something straight from the three years, this team will be agement that Keenan was hurt- size. Better luck next year. Th ing his production, now he must O Ki Th • start. 1s team lS a fraud. They one of the best in the game.

ngs- e Kmgs are in

·11 k fill the net with rubber to prove w1 not even ma e the play- Youngsters such as Bryan the midst of rebuilding. Dimitri ff Th his argument. Grant Fuhr con0 s. e- true colors always Berard, Travis Gree.iiand Marty Khristich is their best player, h · h h tinues to play well despite his come s mmg t roug Goalies Mcinnis are going to develop but he is not the superstar-calSean Burke and Jason Muzzatti into great NHL players. age. iber type player that you build

1 NHL O Oilers- If the Oilers are not qua 1ty goalies. It's Zigmund Palffy is quietly your team around. that simple. They continue to becoming one of the NHL's best make th e playoffs, and it O Sharks- With Belfour rely on Geoff Sanderson and players, but he needs more help. appears as if they will, it will be • h • now m t e mix, they have to get Andrew Cassels for points and They 1·ust need to deci'de who a great accomplishment While • some scormg. Eddie will defithat wiU not keep them in con- will be the netminder to lead most Canadian-based teams • • mtely improve this team, but tention for the playoffs. this squad. Best bet is Eric continue to struggle with high- he's not a miracle worker.

0 Capitals- The Capitals Fichaud. priced players, the Oilers have will sneak into the playoffs O Senators- All of their built wi th youth and have been because their goaltending tan- young players like Alexi Yashin, successful. Curtis Joseph is a dem of Jim Carey and Olaf Alexandre Daigle and Daniel veteran who has been to the Kolzig is just too good. Peter Alfredsson have played playoffs, so don't be surprised if Bondra will probably add extremely well. They are still they win a round or two. another SO-goal season, but like however, the worst team in O Canucks- What should the Devils, they need more hockey. Here's a hint: With your have been a monster season for offense from other players. I next number one draft pick, try Alexander Mogilny and Pavel Bure has turned into a lot of

0 Maple Leafs- Toronto has a tough decision to make. Should they acquire a few more veterans to make a run at the playoffs or should they have a firesale and rebuild with youth? Did I mention that Canadian hockey fans are a tad impatient? Decisions, decisions.


D Sophomore center Melissa Posse was named ECAC

Southern Region Player of the Week after averaging 27.3 ppg



rpg in three Lady Cavs' victories last week. Also, last

became the first player in Cabrini's history to be

named National Columbus Multi-Media

after averaging 16 ppg while shooting 61.8 % from the field.

Sophomore forward Cory Miller scored a career high 16

points and pulled down 9 rebounds in the Cavs 90-76 victory over Centenary College.

D In track and field, junior James Williams, sophomore John

Colmon and first-year students Miguel Williams, Will Wright and James Sturgis all qualified for the ECAC indoor track champi-

onships in the Widener University Indoor Track Invitational, held on Jan. 25.

0 Three members of the women's basketball team are ranked

among the nation's best in four categories. Sophomore Melissa

goal percentage as she shoots 62.3 percent

January 31, 1997 SPORTS 11
Team W-L O/A North Cabrini 66 lmmaculata74
Men's Basketball
Basketball Results
Alvemia 71 Neumann 38
Cabrini 8-2 10-6 Team W-L O/A Beaver 68 Rosemont 49
Alvemia 7-2 12-3 Cabrini 97 Cedar Crest 48
Beaver 6-3 8-8 Alvemia 6-0 11-3 Allentown 88 Beaver 49
0 First-year stttdent
Anderlonis was
Gwynedd 6-3 8-8 Allentown 6-2 11-4 Gwynedd 72 Neumann 55 Southern Rookie
Allentown 5-3 7-8 Misericordia 5-2 9-4 Immaculata 82 Eastern 49
Misericordia 5-4 7-7 Beaver 4-4 5-7 Alvemia 62 Allentown 59
Eastern 3-6 4-11 Marywood 3-5 4-10 Marywood 1-8 3-14 Cedar Crest 1-7 4-9 Women'sPACleaders
Neumann 0-9 1-14
South Scoring Be~ul~ Melissa Posse 22.0 ppg
W-L '?LA Cabrini 67 Alvemia 66 Rebounding
Cabrini 83 Marywood 69 Cabrini 8-0 13-2 Melissa Posse 10.1 rpg
Misericordia 79 Eastern 60 'Gwynedd 5-2 8-5
Beaver 71 Allentown 68 lmmaculata 4-3 7-6 Assists Alvemia 64 Allentown 59 Eastern 2-7 3-9 Megan Dillon 7.9 apg Posse
Gwynedd 98 Marywood 65 Neumann 1-6 3-11 Kelley Kempton 3.9 apg field
Cabrini 83 Neumann 46 Rosemont 0-7 1-10 Jackie Pierangeli 3.6 apg Senior
7.5 apg
7th in three-point
as she shoots 48.4 percent.
of the Week.
named ECAC
of the Week for the second consecutive week
is 15th in scoring with an average of 20.1 ppg and 3rd in
from the field.
in the nation in assists
field goal percentage

Friday, January 31, 1997

While the standard notion is that players learn from their coaches, many people aigue that the coaches could stand to learn from their players. In any event, both coaches learned a lot in the men's basketball game agrunst the Centenary Cyclones, and it may not have been just on the court.

The game on Monday, Jan. 27 not only pitted the Cabrini Cavs against the Centenary Cyclones, but it also marked the return of former Cabrini player-turned coach Pat Zipfel, who led Centenary against his own former coach, John Dzik.

Going into the game, the Cavs knew that the Cyclones had been strong contenders against two Division I schools, but still had an overall record of only 2-11 through the 1996,.97season.

The coaches exlnbited their differences in coaching early in the game. Dzik eased back into his chair and looked on as his boys played, while Zipfel crouched down on the floor anticipating his team taking the lead

As the young coach tried to match strategies with his mento(, the players were starting to resemble controlled pawns on a chessboard during the first half, until talent and instances put the game back into the players' hands.

The Cyclones took control at the beginning of the game but the Cavs stonned back by taking the ball to the basket and drawing many fouls. Sophomore Cory Miller did a great job underneath the basket and he con-verted eight of 13 foul shots on the way to a career high 16 points.

After tying the score at 26, the Cavs blew the game open asthe Cyclones struggled to score against the Cavs' tenacious defense.

The Cavs held a 10-point lead with only 3:15 left in the first half and held on to take a 36-29 advantage into halftime.

''We were right there in the first half. Our boys played well," Zipfel said.

"It is hard. We're a small school and we


John Dzik faced former Cav player Pat Zipfel in a battle of teacher vs. student. Zipfel's Centenary Cyclones have not had much success this season, putting up a 2-11 mark, but they have played·well against some tougher Division I opponents.

had four of our seniors graduate last year," Zipfel said.

The Cavs continued their excellent play by jumping on the Cyclones in the beginning of the second half.

Their high-pressure defense led to many easy baskets as the Cavs began to increase their lead. Junior Mark Palumbo then hit three consecutive three-pointers that broke the backs of the Cyclones.

From that point on, the outcome of the game was never in doubt. Every time the Cyclones would score, the Cavs would answer. Bill Farina had two three-pointers late in the second half for the Cyclones. Ken Skitek and Tun Anderlonis matched it, keeping a 20 point lead.

With the outcome of the game already having been decided, the crowd was out of the game until sophomore Khalil Bundy .soaredthrough the air with 2 minutes and 12 seconds left and slammed home a perfect pass from senior forward Kevin Breslin to put an exclamation point on the Cavs' victory.

"This game has truly been an honor for me. Coach Dzik is a man whom I idolize. In many reasons he is why I am as successful as I have been," Zipfel said.

"Coach Dzik has not just affected my life, but also the lives of all my kids. He is my mentor and I usehis influences in coaching my kids," Zipfel said

The Cavs went on to win the game by the final score of 90-76.

First-year student Anderlonis tied Miller for the scoring lead by netting 16 points, while senior tri-captain Ken Skitek dripped in 12 points.

In addition to scoring 16 points, Miller also led the Cavs with 9 rebounds, including four on the offensive end.

''It is nice to see a former player coaching. It means what I am doing is worthwhile," Dzik said.

"I take no joy in winning, I wish that both teams could come away with a win," Dzik said.

'"This game was not Centenary's biggest game, but for Zipfel it was a dream to walk down in victory and shake my hand and say

high 1B points.

'nice game.' I dodged a bullet," Dzik said The Cavs face PAC rival Beaver College on Saturday, Feb.1.

Tri-captainstakingadvantage ol linalopportunity

After graduating all but three players from last year's men's PAC championship team, the men's basketball team faced a leadership void this season as many of their players were underclassmen.

At the beginning of the 1996-97 basketball season, Coach John Dzik decided to fill that leadership void by giving his three seniors, forwards Ken Skitek, Kevin Breslin and guard John Watson the title of tri-captains. In the pre-season, Dzik said that he needed leadership on his team and that the seniors would be the best candidates for the job.

Hard work, dedication and love of the game is what keeps the men's basketball tri-captains going.

All three players have taken different roads to becoming captains this season. Both Skitek and Watson transferred to Cabrini with years of playing experience. Skitek played two years at a community college and Watson played one. Breslin is in his fourth year at Cabrini and has gone from being a first-year student who saw little time as a N player to getting some playing time on a well-stacked varsity


Skitek leads the team in scoring, averaging almost 17 points per game, while Watson is the team leader at the point guard position.

These three seniors have all been through the ups and downs of college, which they feel makes them more unique and experienced than the underclassmen on the team. However, they are able use their age and college history to their advantage. "The team looks up to us [the tri-captains] both on and off the court," Skitek said.

All three players have been through the days of riding the bench, being redshirted, playing in meaningless JV games and watching the team leaders prove themselves.

Now that these three players are seniors and the team is involved in a "youth movement,,. they have the most important job of all to accomplish, which is to leave the young team with a legacy of leadership and to help them take the first steps down the road to a future PAC championship.

Watson summed it up best by saying, "I want to leave Cabrini the same way I came in, with a PAC championship."

Miller goes up for a rebound in the Cavs' 90-78 victory over Centenary College on Jan. 27. Miller Jed the Cavs with a career
Sophomore Cory
photo by Diane Grimaldii From right to left: Senior tri-captains John Watson, Ken Skitek and Kevin Breslin have made the most of the opportunities given to them.

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