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CIScorerequirementchange to affectonlyfirst-yearstudents
The change, which will take place during the fall semester, will be more advanced than the current requirement and can be taken for tlrree credits.
by Danielle Murray staff writer
The computer science department has initiated a new core requirement that will take place in the fall of 1997 for new students.
This requirement replaces, for new students, the present computer information science re-quirements: word processing and spreadsheet or database.
The new course, Information Management and Technology, is a more advanced course that will have a prerequisite of the current skills courses.
This course will be worth three credits.
However, if a student does not have the prerequisite knowledge of word processing, spreadsheets and database or is not familiar with the internet, the student will have to take a course titled "Introduction to
Computing" be-fore taking the course to fulfill the requirement.
Thus, new students with little computer background will have to take six credits in CIS.
On Tuesday, Jan. 21, the fulltime faculty voted unanimously for the new computer requirement.
·'Cabrini College, as previewed through the internet, is one of the few colleges making the step toward computer advancement," Rocco Paolucci, chairperson of the computer science department, said. "We are the leading edge."
The new computer requirement will consist oflocating sources and analyzing and presenting information from the internet.
By the end of the course, students must be able to demonstrate competence in these skills to succeed in an information age society.
Students may preview the course in detail on Paolucci's web page, located at this online address: http://www.netaxs.com/-paolucci/. toast on Sister Ursula's behalf and then the presentation of Sr. Ursula's birthday cake will follow.
Also, upon completion of the course, students may also create their own web page.
Transfer students who have already taken a computer science course would need to demonstrate their skills.
There will be an assessment of the student's prior learning and whether or not it is suitable to the courses' requirement. The credits will then be given to the student, enabling them to bypass the course.
The core requirement is for new students who are starting in the fall of 1997. It does not affect current students.
"We are thinking beyond the technological shift. We are teaching students to use the digital information to exceed their boundaries." Paolucci said.
Robert D' Anjolell, chairperson for, the board of trustees, will then speak. Following this, Sister Ursula will make some comments.
After all remarks and comments, a video created by alumna Adrienne O'Brien will be shown depicting Sister Ursula's works at Cabrini. There will also be an invitation-only testimonial dinner for Sister Ursula on Friday, Feb. 28. Any faculty or staff wishing to go may call Gretchen Dingee in the development office at 902-8212.
In order to attend. every person is asked donate $ I 00 to help fund the Sister Ursula Infante Learning Center, which will be the new name for Sacred Heart Hall once renovations are completed,, les,divemty,and group well as a presentatton of roles availl;lbleat ~allntn ~year Jlllli1. for . . ,... .