2 minute read


Security incidents as reported by Public Safety from 1/25-1/31.

0 MotoristAssistance



Public Safety received a call from a House three resident stating that his car was sliding down the hill.

An officer found a green Ford Taurus on the hill to the right of the driveway.

The driver stated he was trying to tum around when the car slipped off the side of the driveway.

With the help of another officer, Public Safety managed to get the car off the hill without the use of wooden planks.

While the car suffered no damage, there were tire tracks to the right of the driveway.


An unknown person ripped off an exit sign from the ceiling by the front door of House two.

Because the sign was not hanging low by wires, Public Safety taped the sign up.

Wires were left hanging from the ceiling.

Public Safety also found a half-can of beer thrown on the floor.

byKevlnSt:Qtt atsl$tant~tlditot

CabriniCollep's ho~ bas a forwardi1g address (http://www.cabrinLedu),but basD.btyet founditshomeontbe ~· aceotdingto JimHirscb.vice ptesi&iJtbfenrollmentservices:

• Itl the'lmddleof last year.the colldgedecidedthatit W'OU!dlike to createits own web paae. aneffectiveandattractive can·be difficuJt.

"Creatinga website always •; ;lC>bgerthaa expected."

Hiiscb "Peoplethin1(that it•s a ~.that* be cbte o~ but,tfn isj"9tso ~bt-to~dpne bef~ it c:-anlie availableto the public,''

The tbing needed tol,e .... to COJl)e'up with'aii ' of lbe _ _,_ the page~- lion. Bverything bas to be in sync;·NancyGainer.directtrof college tdatiou. said. ''If we began worlt_. theycameback with a·differentdesign concept. everything would have to be changett,. GametWants all wblioations and websites to be coordinated.·

The one area that can be worlc.ed-0nwhile waiq for lhe design conceptis the «eation of the ·\\rebpolicy manual. This stipulates .such.$ the site's content as well as its i~Cioo;~.

Once a is ap~ved ~alloftbel,)~~ bate·_,_hammered. - then tbewbedsef ~wiU l!eset into motion.

Many tesQU.n:C:$ will be availabletc, its.._, oncetbesiJe is oP and ...,, ~~ve will·11M>the abili oftbe

Many employees are just taking the responsibility of recycling upon themselves.

Lourdes Barretto, coordinator of faculty support services, takes home her aluminum cans and bottles every day.



The page

. its C that your stomach has to produce a new layer of mucus every two weeks? Otherwise it will digest itself. that every time you lick a stamp, you consume one-tenth of a calorie? that the longest word in the English language, according to the Oxford English dictionary, is pneumonoultrarnicroscopicsilicovolcanoconioses? that Al Capone's business card said he was a used furniture dealer? that Ben and Jerry send the waste from making ice cream to local pig farmers to use as feed? Pigs love it, except for one flavor: Mint Oreo. En

This & That

0 You're invited to a Mardi Gras "open house" party on Tuesday, Feb. 11. Join campus ministry for food, fun, music and refreshments from 12:30 p.m. to 1:45 p.m. in the Student Development conference room and the campus ministry office.

0 A reminder to the campus community that the hew mass time is 7 p.m. on Sundays. There are also masses on Tuesdays and Wednesdays at 4:45 p.m.

0 Random Quote: "Siskel or Ebert?"

-Mulder(David Duchovny), upon finding a severed thumb on 'The X-Files."

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