1 minute read
lebrates 100 years of life Sister Ursula answers your questions
by Diane Grimaldi assistantphotography editor
DG: Tell us about meeting St. Frances Cabrini.
SU: "I met Mother Frances Xavier Cabrini during my grammar school days at St. Charles School in Brooklyn. I was fourteen. Later on, she invited the officers of the Parish Sodalities to see her at Columbus Hospital in New York City and it was then that she asked me what were my plans for the future. I told her I wanted to join her order. Mother Cabrini asked me if I had my parents' permission. I told her that I was an only child and my parents would never let me go. She told me that I had to wait until I turned eighteen and then I could join without my parents' permission. I guess she .knew American laws. I loved Mother Cabrini. She was very approachable and I was ready to receive her answers."
DG: Why did you decide to join her order?
SU: "I decided to enter her order because I liked the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. I enjoyed their friendship and admired their work, both spiritually and materially. And since I wanted to work for God and His people, I chose the Missionary 1977Elvis dies and
Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus."
DG: What made you decide to open a college in honor of Mother Cabrini?
SU: "I didn't decide to open a college. That decision was made by the Superior General, Mother Antonietta Della Casa, Mother Cabrini's successor. She asked me to look into the matter of starting a college, and when I saw the Dorrance Estate, which belonged to the Campbell Soup Company owners, up for sale, I knew that would be a suitable location. Mr. Leo Mc Manu;, negotiated for its purchase, and I took over from that point."
DG: What is your secret to a long life?
SU: "I don't think there's a secret to a long life. If we live properly, physically and spiritually, we will be ready when God calls us.''
DG: What are some things you like to do?
SU: "I wish I had a job. I miss being busy. I like reading. I like to play 500 Rummy with Sister Eleanor. I mostly watch the news and I like detective stories."
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