1 minute read
by Bill Matoney assistant sports editor
The party's over, for now.
Due to repeated violations and occurrences after legal parties, student development has canceled legal parties for the rest of the year.
After a legal party there is a significant increase in security incident reports, according to the Director of Public Safety, Rich McErlean.
Other problems McErlean stated occur from visitors off campus. vandalism. littering, false alarms, noise disturbances. disorderly conduct and binge drinking before the parties.
Robert Bonfiglio. vice president for student development, was unavailable for comment.
If legal parties were to come back. "there would be lots of limitations, according to John Lindsay, campus activities and programming board chair.
Limitations may include a novisitor clause or a requirement of holding onto a visitor's driver's license, as well as a checkpoint at the entrance, eliminating already intoxicated individuals.
Alternatives to be proposed to student development by CAP and the Student Government Association are separation of alcohol from the actual party and\or a limitation of drinks consumed by an individual.
To ensure that alcohol is not the focus of the legal party, it has been proposed that it be put in a different room, for example the commuter lounge. Minors would be prohibited from entering the room, where consumption and possession of alcohol would remain.
The downfall here 'might be that one room would be filled with students over 21 and the party itself would be underage students.
Another proposal would be a limitation of beverages. Students over 21 would receive a bracelet with five tabs hanging from it. After each drink, a tab would be pulled. enforcing a five drink maximum.
The problem with this proposal is that tolerance of alcohol varies from person to person.
SGA and CAP welcome any feedback on these ideas and are open to student suggestions.
'There are a lot of responsible students, and it is my responsibility to get legal parties back for these people,'' Andy Burke, president of SGA said.