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Morereactionto printingol hatemail
I am incensed by the letter to the editor that you chose to run in the Feb. 20 edition of Loquitur.
Why did you use the pages that should be expressing the views of Cabrini students to print such hateful propaganda from an anonymous ignorant bigot in another state?
I found it to be especially disturbing that this article is being printed at the same time that a large forum was being held where international and minority Cabrini students discuss their very real, ugly encounters on this campus with the behavior that is fostered by such distorted rhetoric.
Your printing of the article and the malicious acts of prejudice experienced by students at the forum make me question where the spirit of Mother Cabrini and the respect for one another that make up this college's mission have gone. It has become very uncomfortable to be a member of any minority group on this campus.
Janet G. Shoemaker, M.Ed.
Corrections Box
0 In the March 13, edition of the Loquitur, the Public Safety Report contained an entry titled "Littering." The van in the report was a fan bus, and did not contain the men's basket ball team.
0 In the March 13 edition of Loquitur, in the article "Changing with the times," part one in the series "Shaping the Future of a College," the name of Laurie Turns, director of admissions was misspelled in the photo caption of the photo that ran alongside the story.
We regret the error.
As our weekend progressed we became more curious, and the more curious we got, the more friendly we became.
The group was also introduced to other situations. We learned conflict mediation and we were picked for an argument that we had to solve. It was a very amusing situation now that I can sit back and think about it. At the time, it was exciting to see the range of emotions and feelings in the room. It began with anger, excitement, frustration, misunderstanding, defense and finally resolve which Jed to solutions.
We learned that behind every impressionable student, there is a leader waiting to emerge. We saw that not everyone is a leader, but when working together we can make things happen.
The leader just happens to be able to take other's strengths and weaknesses to complete a task, run a business, run a hospital or lead a nation. The tools we were taught to use this weekend put us in a position to do any or all of the above. The most interesting thing was the fact that in the beginning, we were just a group of 21 students, but in the end we were united and our destination became apparent.
The trip we took will lead us down the paths that would make us tomorrow's leaders. As one of 21 students, I realized my potential. I encourage everyone to partake in this journey because you never know one's potential until you go looking for it.
Mike Bergels, first-year student
Loquitur 1s established as a forum for student expression and as a voice in the uninhibited, robust, free and open discussion of issues.
So what is all the fuss about?
Surely, no one with half of a brain would believe any of the drivel in what's her name's letter- let alone anyonelike a liberallyeducated student at Cabrini College. I am loatheto even respondto such ignorance, but I am quite curious. What reason could the editorialstaff have had in mind to publish such a Jetter?
If the intent was to stir up controversy-at least print somethingthat is worthy of refuting or arguingabout. I think you shouldhave left that lady and her twaddle in misery. ( or was that Missouri?)
Carol Serotta, mathematicsdepartmentchair
Loquitur is a labomtOI)' newspaper written, edited aad produced by students of Cabrini College registered in COM 346. 350, 35 I. 352. 353 and 354. Members of the campus community are invited to work on or submit stories for publication. Only students registered in the a,ove classes. however, are eligible to receive academic credit. Subscription price is $25 per year and is included in the benefits secured by tuition and fees. Loquitur welcomes letters to the editor. Letters should be signed and the authorship known to the editors. Ho.,.-ever,if the writer wishes and the editor agrees. the writer's name may be left off the publication and an inscription inserted, such as "name withheld at the request of the writer." Letters to the editor should be submitted by noon on Mondays.