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Two Cents
Doyouthinkcheatingwouldbe asprevalent if theschool institutedanhonorcode?
Deanna Brady, a sophomore: I don't think people would not cheat from feeling guilty about it, but if the consequences of getting caught are made clear, they might be scared.
Dave Coons, a junior: If people are going to cheat, they are going to cheat. It is a person's nature; cheating is the easy way out.
Kathy Malone, a senior: It would be more effective if students were actually expelled when teachers caught them cheating.
Chris Natali, a sophomore: I don't think they'd ever get an honor code put through. Too many people think they can get away with cheating, so it would not matter.
Betty Storti, a junior: An honor code might spark a few consciences. Some people might think twice after signing an official form.
David J. Nothstein, a senior: It is a good idea to have it because, for future work, they would think twice about turning in work that is not theirs. Cheating will not get you anywhere in the real world.