Oct. 30, 1997 Issue 08 Loquitur

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PAC bound

Don't look now, but the Lady Cavs are headed for the PAC finals.

'The Million Women March, held in Philadelphia, united African-American women from all across the nation to address issues such as welfare reform and human rights. For many of the estimated 300,000 to 1 million women who crowded the Benjamin Franklin Parkway, the march was about the unity of sisterhood and family, which proved to be much more than just ...

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Handinhand, 1 millionmarchforthecommoncause

"One in a million," "Do for self' and "Boys support."

These were just a few of the signs and posters scattered throughout the Million Women March, which was held last Saturday, Oct. 25 in Philadelphia.

Franklin Parkway. Events carried on throughout the day until 5:30 p.m.

It is·estimated by police that 300,000 to 1 million women filled the Parkway.

From standing on the top of the Philadelphia Art Museum's steps, all the eye could see was a mass crowd of African-American women as well as supporters who covered the street and its surrounding areas.

sophomore Nidia Batista said. "It showed that womeffhave come a long way. Women are the biggest minority in the world and personally I think we need to unite. This shows that we can.

"Even if you didn't go, you're praising them [women] in your heart."

Among one of the male supporters was first-year student Kahiem Brockington.

"For me, it was a spiritual reunion of women of African descent, to uplift ourselves, to reaffirm our sisterhood, to empower and to organize ourselves," Dixon said. "It was a day of repentance, resurrection and restoration of each of us as individuals and collectively."

Tanya Hall, head of the multiculture affairs congress thought it was a success.

African American women came from all across the country to participate in what some are calling a historical event.

These women gathered to open up many

Some of these issues consisted of welfare reform, the start of independent black schools and human rights. But many of these women came together to celebrate and support sisterhood.

The event started at 5:45 a.m. on Walnut Street at Penn's Landing with a prayer service. Then the participants marched to Fifth and Market streets to the Liberty Bell.

At 7 a.m. they walked to Broad Street and around City Hall to the Benjamin

It was encouraged that men support this event, too.

Some women had their small sons with one hand closely held onto their mother ' and the other hand carrying posters that • said they supported their mother.

There were many scheduled speakers to talk about these issues. Among them were South Africa's Winnie Madikizela-Mandela, actress Jada Pinkett and Ramonna Africa of MOVE.

These were just some of the speakers that spoke about sweet liberty, justice and positive change.

"It was a positive event for women,"

"It was wonderful," Brockington said. "A lot of people were there and it was nonviolent. This is how people should be everyday. Everyone was happy."

"The organizer's intentions were to bring a million women to the city to address platform issues and they did," Hall said. issues that they think are not being addressed enough.

Brockington attended the march becaus.e he missed the Million Man March, which was held in Washington D.C., two years ago.

He also wanted to see what it was like to support and be a part of something with this much significance.

Shirley Dixon, coordinator of the office of diversity initiatives was one of thousands of women who attended this event. Dixon organized a group outside of Cabrini to participate in the march.

Now that the march has been a success, one of the many questions is will this bring African American women together in helping working through these issues?

"It's hard to tell," Hall said. "You can bring people together, but it is b.asedon an individual level. There was a call for people to come, but pow it's about how much they want to make a change. You have to look at the reasons of why each woman participated."

Speaker reinforces positive attitude toward race relations

Dr. Nancy Denton believes in hope. Without it she feels we can never exist together peacefully. With it she knows we can embrace diversity and each other.

Denton was the second speaker of this year's Race Relations and Population Diversity lecture series. Her book, "American Apartheid: Segregation and the Making of the Under Class," was co-authored by Douglas Massey and the result of years of research. It contains one of the most significant discussions of race relations in the past seven years, according to Dr. Kathleen McKinley, head of the sociology department.

McKinley speaks highly of Denton and her gift of understanding human relationships. She revealed that Denton is much closer to Cabrini than people think.

"I think that her knowledge of human behavior came not just from her courses at various universities but from living with students on Cabrini's campus," McKinley said.

Denton was a resident assistant of Woodcrest dorm nearly 20 years ago.

"It's a pleasure for me and many other faculty members to have known Nancy from way back then. To see her happy and successful makes us very proud," McKinley said.

Denton has a master's and a Ph.D. in demography from the University of Pennsylvania. She also has a master's in sociology

from Fordham University. Currently, she is serving as associate professor of sociology at the State University of New York at Albany.

The lecture was held Thursday, Oct. 23 in the Widener Center lecture hall to a packed house of students and faculty. Throughout the hour, Denton focused on the integration of society and its timelessness.

"People often forget that race relations was just as much of an issue now as it was back in the early 1900s," Denton said. "There were people from all over trying to adjust to living with one another. It was not just a black/white issue."

Immigrants coming to America in the 1900s were coming from places such as Italy, Ireland, China and Germany, to name a few. According to Denton, segregation was apparent in those days, too, but it was easier for certain races to overcome it.

"Black segregation rnse faster than their population growth could ever predict," Denton said. "That is why they have and still are experiencing racial segregation today."

Denton does believe, however, that society has come a long way but racial segregation is still a problem. She is particularly interested in residential segregation, the separating of African Americans, hispanics and whites in American neighborhoods.

"A lot of people say they want to come home and be with their own people. There is nothing wrong with that, but then again that only adds to racial segregation," Denton said. "It is a natural progression that we

must face. We can't stop the integration of the many races we have living in America today. If we learn to understand and accept that, I think we will become more unified."

Faculty member Jill Moniz voiced her opinion during a group discussion on the topic of residential segregation.

"I admit that when I have kids I'm going to want them to grow up around people who look like them. Yet I certainly would expose them to many different people and races," Moniz said. She also said that while neighborhoods should become more diverse, individuals should not Jose site of their ethnicity.

Denton agreed and went on to say one of the comments that stood out most to senior Jennifer Delaney.

''To say the problem is unsolvable confines us to a life of hopelessness and despair," Denton said.

"That's extremely true," Delaney said. "We have to be a lot more positive about it. I enjoyed her lecture very much."

Denton was so popular with the audience that she agreed to answer questions in the Grace Hall board room after the lecture was over. Once again she addressed a large, hushed crowd.

''These issues are not easy for people to talk about. It's seems like if we use the word diversity, it's OK to talk about it," Denton said. "The biggest issue, though, is finding a solution. A solution is essential.''

CabriniDay Schedule

Tuesday,Nov. 4, 1997 10:30 a.m. Celebrity Brunch

ActivityBlockI at noon

ActivityBlock II at 1:15 p.m.

0 Listening

0 ConflictResolution

0 Empowerment

0 AppreciatingDiversity on Campus

0 Sem 300 - Does it fulfill its purpose?

0 The Cabrinian Charismat Other Missions

0 "Savage Inequalities" in education

2:30 p.m. Liturgy

3:35 p.m. Keynoteand presentationof awards

The CharlesA MastronardiAwardsfor service and leadershipwill be awardedfor the first time during CabriniDay.

4:45 p.m. Thanksgiving Dinner

6-8 p.m. Special CabriniGamesand Ice CreamSocial


AlclhalAWIPIIIIIIWiiklnllPIII campus

During Alcohol Awareness Week, Oct. 20-24, Cabrini student got a brief taste of what the realities of alcohol abuse can do to a person. Students learned that abusing alcohol is not just fun and games. For some it is a lifetime struggle. For others, it is one night gone terribly wrong. One night that could scar them for the rest of their lives.

A shock to students about realities of alcohol

Sgt. Harrity was an alcoholic himself for 17 years. The students were both hocked and appreciative as a result of Harrity's past and recovery. It made the students realize that Harrity was speaking from experience and created a greater impact in the student ' atten-


Harrity covered several types of drugs from illegal drugs, like cocaine and heroin, to legal drugs, like aJcohol and hou ebold inhalants. Harrity educated students with an abundance of fact about these drug However, they were left with a lasting impression when informed about the horrendous results that drugs cause on the in-

Binge drinkers are warned of alcohol consequences

As a kick off event for Alcohol Awarenes Week at Cabrini, Oct. 20-24, Beth Mingey presented a binge drinking seminar Monday night in the great room of Xavier Hall.

Approximately a dozen tudent • attended this very informative presentation intended to heighten the awareness of this unfortunate and wide- pread problem among college and some high school campuses.

Mingey filled the majority of her speech with surprising statistics about the effects of drinking in general, as we11 as lessons concerning the four stages of alcohol use and metabolism of each drink per various person.

She concentrated on the definition of binge drinking as five or more drinks in the course of an occasion and its immediate effects.

Binge drinking falls into the third category of aJcohol use titled "abusive."

This type of drinker distinguishes him or herself by choosing to overuse the drug

and/or alcohol and results in po sessing the well known assortment of attached problems including poor grades, poor health, etc. What exactly occurs to someone while they are binge drinking?

According to Mingey, this abuse of alcohol bypasses the defense mechanism in the central nervous ystem resulting in the infamous • passing out," or otherwise shutting-down of the brain.

In order to be a responsible drinker, Mingey suggests a plan called, 0-1-3. If one i under 21, pregnant. or taking any medicine, they should induce 0 drink . Otherwise, a safe rule to abide by remains, one drink per hour. not ex.ceeding three drinks per occa ·ion.

She warns everyone to acknowledge the consequences of their actions and stay sm, rt.

Mingey, a former alcohol abuser, spoke candidly about her own experiences and delivered an overall impressive contribution to the week' activities.


He explained that "for people who are addicted to drugs, it becomes their sole priority over other, more important priori tie· in their life.·•

People lo e sight of their goal and dreams and their purpose in life. Harrity made the students realize the magnitude of the addiction. He made it clear to students that the more

you use a certain drug, the more the dose it takes to get a "buzz" out of it.

Therefore, drugs cause a person's life to get progressively more out of control.

Harrity also pointed out that drugs can lead to life-threatening diseases, such as AIDS.

The distribution of drug needles heavily contribute to the transmission of this disease.

This was a solid, concrete fact that assumably scared students. educating them about perhaps the most tragic consequence of drug use.

One of the last, most influential messages that Harrity left students with was to "be careful with alcohol. Do not take the road that I did. It will take you down faster than you know it."

A brutal reality for drunk drivers

Michael Vosely, a member of the Pennsylvania law enforcement agency and Randy Armestead, a representative from the Bryn Mawr Rehab Center, told their stories of alcoho1 abuse on Thursday, Oct. 23.

Anne Miller staff writer

·'My hopes and my dreams are shot because I was having too much fun and coasting through life," Michael Vosely said. Vosely poke at Thursday nighfs seminar entitled "Cruisin' not Boozin'" in the great room of Xavier Hall.

Vosely was accompanied by Randy Armastead, a member of the Pennsylvania law enforcement agency and a representative from the Bryn Mawr Rehabilitation Center.

Both Vosely and Armastead told of how their live have been changed after falling victim to an accident involving drugs or alcohol, while the repre entative stood by to answer questions addre ed by the audience.

Peer pres ure caused Vosely to start drinking at an early age and as a result he found him elf lost in his abuse of alcohol substance . He spent his high school career a a successful athlete who prided himself on hi drinking abilities. It was his dream to run track and field in the Olympics. However. all aspirations for

his future were washed down the drain following his 21st birthday. After celebrating the occasion in Atlantic City, Vosely and a friend traveled home in a drunken state. Unfortunately, Vosely never made it home that night. "There's no way to be a safe driver once you have been drinking," Vosely said.

As a re ult of the accident, Vosely had a shattered spine, paralyzed left side, damage to the brain and lied in a coma for four months.

He spent six years in rehabilitation and is living with no feeling in his left side, a speech impediment and a limp. In closing he said, "You got to appreciate what you got" and left the audience to ponder on the remark.

Armastead·s life changed after a head-on colli ion with another car, whose driver wa determined to have been using drugs. In this case Armastead was the innocent by. tander.

He was on his way to assi t another state trooper when his car collided with another vehicle traveling on the shoulder of I-95. All passengers of the other

car were killed. including a four- year-old boy and a fivemonths pregnant woman.

Armastead was the only survivor but suffered severe brain injuries and damage to his respiratory system. Therapy and rehabilitation for Arma tead la ted about three years. Still not fully recovered, he explained that be experiences '•agitation periods," moments of a strange and bizarre manner,and has trouble expressing himself fluently and quickly due to the loss of ·hort term memory. ·'It's not worth it," he acknowledged.

AJcohol and substance abase are supported by many myths and misinterpretations. Some are the cold shower or cup of coffee theory which are believed to relieve a hangover.

The truth is that liquor and drugs lower one's activity in the brain and nothing can be done to regenerate such aclivity in a short period of time.

The only sure way to guarantee safety when drinking or using drugs i to ''be responsible for yoursel r:· proclaimed the Bryn Mawr Rehab representative.

. "' " ·•,,..,,_ Thursday, October 30, 1997 NEWS c; 3


Do you crave the fraternity and sorority life? Cabrini coJlege is the wrong place to be if that is the case. Cabrini does not support these organizations.

The stereotypical image of fraternities and sororities with their tortuous ignitions, wild parties and exclusionary attitude do not exist at Cabrini College and inquiring minds want to know the reason why.

The seven houses currently resided by students· on this campus serve as a substitute without the gruelingly and feared process of initiation and the judgment forced upon the members.

Dr. Robert Bonfiglio, vice president for student development, said, "Because of our houses, students can develop even closer knit, small living units like the frats without initiation, membership dues, pledging and judgment."

According to Bonfiglio, Cabrini students do not demonstrate the need or desire for fraternities and sororities. "Only one time

in 10 years have students came to me and requested to establish a sorority,., Bonfiglio said.

While various universities -and colleges are trying to disband the forceful and always present bond of fraternities and sororities because of their negative impact on campus life, Cabrini continues to remain a close-knit and personal society.

For many students, this is a positive and an attractive attribute of the college.

The_ first-year students always possess various expectations of campus life and partying at college, typically of continuous fun and drinking.

For some new students, the existence of fraternities and sororities are essential to the college experience but the majority of firstyear students here do not crave this experience.

First-year student Mike Rupice said, "Frats just cause headaches. You can have just as much fun without them."

First-year student Janice Funk said, "They always tend to separate students. This opinion permeates throughout the

campus community.

Sophomore Annmarie Brown also held negative feelings toward fraternities and sororities.

She said, "They're bad because my friend got hurt really bad trying to get into a frat. It becomes cliquey. It's cool here because everyone can hang out together."

The general feeling among students is that you can go anywhere and be welcomed.

The presence of these exclusive organizations would negate this feeling, according to Bonfiglio. •

Cabrini has core values, which are the basis for everything we do. One of these values is community.

"Everyone is part of something here. By nature, these organizations are exclusionary rather than inclusive. When I came here, this value of community attracted me and it attracts students," Bonfiglio said.

Fraternities and sororities do not produce negative emotions among everyone. Catherine Caulfield, director of resident life, was a member of a sorority at Susque-

hanna University. For her, it was a positive experience."

For me it was good. It gave me great leadership opportunities, great friends and exciting social events. I am still involved now as an alumna," Caulfield said.

Some students do feel positive towards fraternities and sororities. Senior Ted Smith said, "If there's enough interest, we should have frats and sororities. It's hard, though, because we don't have enough people."

Despite personal opinion, you will not encounter fraternities or sororities at Cabrini College.

According to Bonfiglio they are c-0ntradictory to the basis of the community essence of Cabrini College. Students generally agree with this and enjoy Cabrini for its atmosphere of togetherness.

If you are searching for the professed golden ideals of fraternity or sorority life, do not look at Cabrini College.

Cabrini, according to Bonfiglio and students, can offer you a close-knit and fun community without the renown initiation and costly membership dues.

'Tis the season for unfair games in the toy store industries

Maybe you liked that goofy giraffe or even got hooked on being a Toys 'R Us kid, but according to officials, this popular toy chain is not playing fair.

Last year it was Tickle Me Elmo, but whatever the big toy is this Christmas, you can bet Toys 'R Us will have it.

Do not even think about going to a discount or warehouse store. Toys 'R Us has made sure you will not find what your looking for, Washington Judge James


According to the New York Times, Timony found the Toys 'R Us corporation in violation of Federal trade laws on Sept. 30. It was discovered that the company has been forcing manufacturers like Mattel Inc. and Hasbro to sell top selling toys only to them or risk the loss of Toys 'R Us as a buyer.

Deals were made with big toy makers forbidding them to sell to discount and warehouse dubs. These are the very types of stores Toys 'R Us is competing with because of their lowered prices. With their competitors out of the race, the stores began raising their prices on big demand pieces such as Hall of Fame G.I. Joe and Fisher Price brands.

The manipulation went even further when the discount stores were only sold higher priced packages of certain items fooling customers into thinking they got a better deal at Toys 'R Us.

Federal Trade Commission officials cited Hollywood Hair Barbie, which was sold at Toys 'R' Us for $10.95.

Customers could only buy the doll at warehouse or discount stores in a package, including a dress, for $15.99.

"I think it's really sad what their doing," Alicia Taggart, merchandise manager at FAQ Schwarz in the King of Prussia mall, said.

"I can understand that it's a competitive business but you've got all these parents who are just trying to get nice toys for their

kids. They shou1dn'thave to hunt for them or pay ridiculous prices," Taggart added. •

FAO Schwarz is also a popular toy merchandise chain, but according to Taggart, they carry a wide variety of items, top selling or not.

"We've always had a big variety of brands here. A lot of our merchandise is speciallymade just for our stores," Taggart said. "We've never had a problem with competition with warehouse or discount stores."

Ann Chirinko is the manager of the Toys 'R Us store located in King of Prussia.

According to Chirinko, her particular store and the employees have not heard much about the ruling by Tunony.

They have received no instructions from the Toys 'R Us company on changing their selling methods.

"We have always carried a huge variety of merchandise," Chirinko said. '1t's a big store so how could we possibly fill it with just the popular toys?"

In fact, Chirinko explained that they have what is called "10,000 different skins," meaning that the store orders from and sells 10.000 different brands throughout the year.

There is a lot of competition in this business. I don't know about other stores but our location tries to match the prices of our competition," Chirinko said.

:MichaelS. Feldberg, the company's head lawyer, said they did indeed pose a choice to manufacturers.

"It's us oi:.them. If you sell an item to the warehouse clubs, we may not buy it," Feldberg reportedly said shorty after the ruling.

Feldberge also said the company has always competed fairly and that they are simply engaging in business matters that are "perfectly lawful."

They plan to appeal the ruling by Timony and prove that they have the customers' best interests in mind.

photo by Stacey Caiazzo FAO Schwarz carries a variety of toys including the everpopular Barbie doll. Meanwhile, until a final decision is made by the courts, Toys 'R Us will continue with their business as before but this time under the watchful eye of the Federal Trade Commission.

Thursday, October 30 1997

Last Week in the World of News

During the week of Oct. 31-Nov. 7


0 Halloween Celebrate Halloween on Oct. 31, 1997.


0 Fall Gala

The dress is semi-formal for the 2nd annual fall Gala on Nov. 1, 1997.

Admission is free and will be held from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. in the atrium.

0 Cross Country

Support the cross country team in their PAC championship on Saturday, Nov. 1, 1997. The time will be announced at a later date.


0 Cabrini Day

Participate in Cabrini Day activities on Tuesday, Nov. 4, 1997 from 10:30 a.m.-8 p.m.

0 Election Day

Be sure to vote in your local elections on Tuesday, Nov. 4, 1997.


0 Soccer

Go out and support the Mens' soccer team as they play in the PAC semifinals. The date and time will be announced at a later time.

0 10/20

Teenager charged in murder

Samuel Sheinbein, 17, was accused of the murder and dismemberment of another teenager in Maryland. Before he was found to be arrested,. he took a plane to Israel, where he stated he was a.citizen. There was an argument between the United States and Israel as to whom should handle the boy's trial.

He would be extradited in Israel under their extradition laws. Maryland state attorneys found that Scheinbein's family immigrated to the United States in 1950 and sought citizens~p here as well as m Canada.

0 10/21

Obstruction of arms

The United States told U.N. leaders that Iraq should pay for the obstruction of arms inspectors. What they hoped to gain was the support of passing tougher sanctions there. The proposal would be opposed by France, Russia, Egypt, Kenya and China of the U.N. Security Council. Even with the help of Britain, the United States would fail having their proposal accepted.

A negotiation may be made with a six-month delay in imposition of travel restrictions. If Iraq is cooperative, this may be pushed back as well.

0 10/23

Fighter jet collision

Over the Edwards Air Force Base in California, two planes, one a training jet, and the other an F-16, collided. The crash killed the two airmen in the

training jet. The crew of the F16 survived. The crash happened on Wednesday, Oct. 23 after I p.m., EST.

This was not the first accident with the military this month. Thursday, Oct. 16, a Marine Corps AV-8B Harrier fighter jet crashed in an Ohio cornfield. The pilot ejected to safety and nobody below was hurt.

0 10/24

Baby death trial

In Massachusetts, 19-yearold Louise Woodward's trial continues for the murder of 8month-old Matthew Eappen. Woodward came to the United States in 1995 from Britain.

Woodward gave her side of the story by taking the stand. She claimed she always loved children. On the night of Eappen's death she also admitted to being a little rough with

him. Eappen had been shaken and his head hit against an object which caused his fatal brain injuries. The Boston area, ·as wel1 as Britain, anxiously await the decision of the jury.

Scary voting

As voting time comes nearer and nearer for Bogota, Colombia, rebels are getting more and more dangerous. They set off bombs, stopped transportation and caused the closing of numerous schools and businesses.

Over 2,000 candidates have declined from voting after receiving death threats over the past several weeks. Nearly 28 have already been killed. Most of those targeted are rather remote and small areas. However, major cities have been prime targets as well.


lieves that studying abroad will change your -

- - - lite. - - - -

Educating the heart 1s what St. Frances Cabrini had always believed.

Students today are not only receiving the well-rounded liberal arts education as intended by Cabrini, but also opting to emerse themselves into another culture.

Junior George Badra spent a semester living with a family in Sevilla, Spain, where he was exposed to a whole new experience.

"It makes you appreciate more of what you have here than if you were in another culture like Spain," Badra said referring to the elegant malls in the United States.

Studying abroad in another country allows for a broad range of opportunity, according to Loma R. Stem, associate director of the,center for education abroad at Beaver College, who discussed the program with 14 students, including Badra.

The workshop on study abroad was a part of United Nations Day on Thursday, Oct. 23.

To celebrate the event, the Widener Center gathering area was transformed into a conglomeration of cultures fitted with flags of different countries, displays and various musical acts.

Stern, who is from South Africa, has studied in different countries all her Jife. She-be-

The program that Stem is involved with at Beaver is 37 years old and has over 80 programs of study. Last year, 1,400 students studied abroad.

Despite popular belief, you do not have to speak another language to study abroad. England, Ireland, Greece and Mexico are just some of the countries participating in Beaver's program.

Because Cabrini is a consortion college with Beaver, Cabrini students have equal opportunities and discounts for this program.

Dr. Cynthia Halpern, associate professor of Spanish and coordinator of study abroad for Cabrini, helped to organize this workshop.

According to Stem, the junior year is typically the year to apply for study abroad.

This allows the student wishing to participate to show at least four semesters of dedicated work behind their belt.

A GPA of 3.0 is required although some students are accepted with a 2.7 GPA.

Also required for application js a transcript, recommendation and an essay explaining why you wish to study abroad. Scholarships are also available to all that apply.

Basically the cost you are paying for study abroad include your flight, tuition, housing and sugport services, if you should neeqJge~:

"Living at the university allows you to meet more people and get rooreinvolved-;-Stemsaid. "However, Beaver is always communicating with you. You are never left alone or on your own."

This does no! necessarily mean students have no time to sightsee. Actually, it is quite the contrary experience for some students.

Badra not oniy got involved with the family he was living with but also familiarized himself with the country, too.

He met other Spanish exchange students and interacted with the Spanish culture firsthand.

There were lots of planned trips to experience the culture but, according to BadFa, he could also go on his own. "It opens your mind to different, new things," Badra said.

Badra, who went through the Center for Cross Cultural Studies, based in Massachusetts, said it was an incredible experience for a first-timer. "It will change your whole aspect on life. You will see a new country and have a new understanding," Badra said. "It was fun."

If interested or if you would like more information on study abroad you can contact Stern at (215) 572-2901 or e-mail her at stern@beaver.edu.


An Irish pub is not only a place of hearty drink and good times. But, it also can be the place a viewing for the deceased as it is in the play "Lafferty's Wake" now featured on the weekends at the Society Hill Playhouse in Philadelphia.

"Lafferty's Wake" is a both a comedy and a musical.

It also happens to be an environmental production, which means the audience is expected to actively participate in particular scenes.

When one enters the Cabaret of the playhouse, they are instantly transported to Rory's Pub in Ballyslattery, County Donegal, Ireland.

Each audience member is greeted by the family of the deceased, a priest aod a bartender in a receiving line who offer their.thanks. fot attending Charo lie Lafferty's wake.

A toast to "Lafferty's Wake'

Wooden crates holding Jameson scotch-whiskey bottles uphold the oak casket, which houses the body of the departed Charlie Lafferty. Obviously this is not a typical final rites ceremony.

The audience actively takes the role of family members and friends, who have joined together in the celebration of the life and memories of their beloved husband, father and friend, Charlie Lafferty.

Personal stories, songs, dances and games portray the life and spirit of the late Lafferty in good old Irish fashion with plentiful amounts of beer and spirits.

The main attribute and fault of this play are one in the samethe stress on audience participation.

The characters maintain the attention of the crowd through the personal interaction with the • ati\liehoe, whi"Ch•enllii.onmentalpr.oductions thrive on.



relying too heavily on audience suggestions and contribution.

The production loses some credibility by shifting the actors' responsibility onto the audience.

Members of the audience should not be expected to contribute their original memories of the deceased Lafferty on the spot, which the cast did occasionally. Thus, producing some mediocre exchanges of dialog, because the audience is not comprised of theater profes-sionals.

of these Irish enthusiasts sang along to the familiar Irish folk songs and enjoyed the parody of Irish stereotypes.

"Lafferty's Wake" is held in the cabaret area of the Society Hill Playhouse.

This room provides an intimate experience for the audience, which holds about 50 people in attendance.

In addition, the amusing conflicts that arise from the differing interpretations of the memories that Lafferty's loved ones exchange among each other add to the humor of the play.

Though the script of "Lafferty's Wake" encourages audience participation, The cast, in this case,r took'it to an extreme by

The cast includes: Sean Mc Grath as Rory Finn, Michael Wescott as Fathef Terence Pettigrew, Kimberly A. Rehfuss as Kathleen Lafferty, Lisa Timmons as Maggie Clancy, Jeremy Chacon as Patrick Clancy and Peggy Smith as Molly Greaney.

As expected, the audience essentially was comprised of middle aged to senior citizens of .Irish dectmt: _ - This worked well ~ihce mllhy

Keeping in tune with the setting of the performance the theater provided an array of alcoholic beverages for the audience with Guinness on tap as the main feature.

"Lafferty's Wake" plays Friday and Saturday nights at 8 p.m. and Sunday afternoons at 3 p.m. until Jan. 4, 1998.

For tickets and more information call the Society Hill Playhouse at (215) 923-0210. The Society Hill Playhouse is located at 507 S. 8th Street.

photo provided by the Society Hill Playhouse The cast of Lafferty's Wakejoin together for a toast for the man of the hour , Charlie Lafferty, at Rory's pub in Ballysfattery, County Donegal , Ireland wheretiris comedytakes piace.

Gwar/Misfits shock Philly

Imagine walking through a crowd mixed up with skull shirts, vinyl and flannel dispersed across the floor. The only thing this crowd had in common was the fact that they were ready to rock. This was the setting for the Gwar, Misfits, Mephiskapheles and Earth Crisis concert on Thursday, Oct. 23.

Earth Crisis, a vegan straight-edge hard-core band, initiated the show with a Jot of slurred words screamed into the microphon6. The singer pounded his chest with the straight-edge symbol of the X, visible on his hand.

The crowd responded to the hardcore jams by creating the first mosh pit of the photo courtesy

NYC night. People's hands shot into the air, Mephiskapheles opened for Gwar and the rhythmically following the beat of the Misfits, adding their ska flavor to the bill. drums and vocals.

The tunes took a definite curve in the concert as the next opener, Mephiskapheles, played.

Fairly new to the ska scene, Mephiskapheles was the outcast of the concert being the only band with additional trumpet, organ, saxophone and trombone players ,engaged in reggae rooted melodies.

With influences by the Blue Meanies, John Coltrane and even Judy Garland, Mephiskapheles played a very intriguing set. The center of the crowd bonded together and skanked like mad, yelling in unison to the words of their song "Saba."

Other songs from their first album, like "Bumble Bee Tuna," "Danse Me Not" and "Doomsday" created ,an uproar from the ska crazed portion of the audience.

Mephiskapheles were definitely in a unique situation as the only ska band in the lineup of hardcore and punk.

After a long lull, the Misfits came on stage led by a hooded skull figure carrying a huge torch. The audience shouted in anxiety and awaited the four buff Glen Danzig-look-alikes to rip some tunes.

The original Misfits began playing in 1977 with well-known vocalist Glenn Danzig and then broke up in 1983. They officially restarting in May of 1995 with only two original members left, those being Jerry Only on bass and Doyle on guitar.

Besides the steadfast fans crowd surfing and kicking each other in the head, many people who were fans of their older albums seemed disappointed with the performance.

The Misfits attempted to play "I Want Your Skull," but failed to entice the audience since some crowd members began to shout, "Gwar, Gwar, Gwar!"

Of course these shouts were to be ex-


Hopefully, you read it. How about writing for it, too?

Loquitur is always looking for eager people willing to make a contribution, whether it be a story, a photo or a late night run to WaWa. There are also positions available for graphic designers and artists. So if you think you fit these qualifications, or even if you just have a pulse and a lot of free time, contact Diane Grimaldi in the newsroom at 902-8412. Or just stop in to say hi. We'll be waiting.


pected, as it is tradition of every Gwar show to "boo" their opener off the stage. Finally, this leads to the zaniest hardcore punk band one will ever encounterGwar.

You could have heard a pin drop as the crowd stood on edge, waiting for the great shock of their lives.

The members of Gwar broke through a wall on stage and displayed their huge five-foot spiked outfits with medieval helmets and leather loin cloths accompanied by their infamous girl dancer, with her special talent for spitting fire across the stage.

After a small humorous skit involving two big bears trick-or-treating, Gwar began their fast, punky beats and sent the crowd into a moshing and screaming frenzy.

Another traditional aspect that fans of Gwar anticipate at their concerts are the twisted skits and vulgar displays of battles that end with the audience covered in fake blood and other bodily fluids.

The 'real' Gwar fans could be noticed a mile away as they sported plain white tee-shirts prepared to show off the goodies, when shot at them from the stage.

The crowd called them back to the stage twice and went wild one last time to their final song, "Sex Cow." From the look of the audiences smiling, reddish faces, Gwar put on a compelling and pleasing performance.

Gwar's frontman Oderus Urungus claims their show "is the single, most dangerous and silly thing that exists on the planet."

Even for those inexperienced to the madness of Gwar, this concert by far, was a crowd pleaser. Most certainly 'real' Gwar fans at the show will frame their clothes as mementos!

We can't promise you on-campus parking, but we're trying.

Thursday, October 30, 1997 A&E
of MoonSka
30 8PM to? Red CloudCoffee House CabriniCollegeAtrium ~estions/Directions ... J JitOsbo~~~ 902 8458 or Schierbaum 902 8048 7

Aliens are a big trend in Halloween costumes this year. Mars attacks (above) contributed to the growing market.

faces to meet

Michael Myers' head lies among some of the many weapons he once knew how to use so well.

, Halloween Adventure carries all of one's needs to become a Freddy Krugar look-a-like.


"When 900 years you reach, look so good you will not/'


Masks, masks everywhere you see, now just decide who you're going to be.

It is only one day away from Halloween. Do you know who you are going to be trick or treating as this year?

"I got kids. I got protect my fami

"The truth is out there"



"The question is not who am I, but where am I."



Twix Chocolate Caramel Cookie

serving size.: 1 cookie ( 16g)

calories: 80

total fat: 4g

New! from Tootsie Roll

CaramelApple Pops

Serving size: 1 pop (-l8g)

calories: 70

totaLfat: 0.5g

*Masks shown are available at the Halloween Adventure Shops.

Milky Way

serving size: 2 bars (40g)

calories: 180

total fat: 7g

Ree~'s Milk Chocolate

Peanut Butter Cups

Serving size: 2 pieces (34g)

Calories: 190

total fat: 11g

Thursday, October 30, 1997 FEATURES
- Mike Tys


A sea of unity, peace and sisterhood flooded Philadelphia's streets on Saturday, Oct. 25. They came from all over·, the country. Family, friends and ~wen strangers marched hand-in-hand down the streets of Philadelphia celebrating their heritage and seeking hope for the future of their race.

The number of women who participated in the Million Women March is uncertain, but their message is quite clear. Joining hands and hearts to save their race should be used as an example for everyone to follow. Whether black or white, sister or stranger, man or woman, the message that echoed through the city streets wa,.sone of strength and unity.

Even though all of the participants were predominately black, their message needs to be applied to all races. Being black is not a prerequisite for wanting change. In fact, it was their diversity that brought them together as a unified representative of what needs to be accompli~ed.


The Million Women March was not a black or white issue as many may have interpreted it as. The AfricanAmerican women who gathered were passionately re~vealing their dismay with their community and wanting to make change within themselves to better their race.

An ignorant person may view the march as an exposition of black pride, a seclusion of their race to celebrate their own identity. As the march promotes a unity of one race, it also is perceived as another barrier between blacks and whites. The barrier th.at has infested genera- tions, some of which were present at the march.

But, the sensitive person would decipher their message and use their celebration as a benchmark for other races to follow. It would take a much more profound understanding of the message. An understanding that sees no color, just hope for a better future.

Race relations is a complicated issue requiring an . open mind and hope. The Million Women March was an example of the union of African-American women in search of that hope, not only for equal rights, but also for their families. With hope they can rise up from despair.

Perhaps other races would be capable of doing such a profound act if they would not stand in judgement and look on it in awe. Awe of their strength. Awe of their love of their race. Awe in the belief that things can change.

10 The editorials, viewpoints, opinions and letters to the editor published in Loquitur are the views of the student editorial staff and the individual writers, not the entire student body or the faculty and admirtistration.
:I: F I HAD M~ ov/N 'f"~T~RN\\,::1J vJHA, WOUL-D J: GALL I1"<_ JI. .l>'-\t-.i\<At-'\E&A ¥\€<:rA. *ALRHA B~TA ~lDATA..,._:DRlNKA,Tor.JA BEG.RA. JI.Sr-->..OKABlbA B\JDA. » :C PH6L.TA THI.. PEA"1 BOB WOULD N~V~R ALLOW IT A~ 0€AN OF ··n--t~~HOO\... :t. \,.,/ILL NOT AL.LOW ASOR~I~ OR +:RATf:f:JV!T j/ IT WI L-1- D~~ACJ?: tf-\E= sc_Hoo L. ! \ Attention seniors! Get Mugged. Get your senior portrait taken with Tim Scott of Spencer Studios and get a free yearbook. That's like money in your pocket! Contact Tim Scott (610) 429-4467 DO YOU NEED EXTRA MONEY??_? IF SO, WE COULD USE YOUR HELPTHEGARDENS IS LOOKING FOR MOTIVATED SALES ASSOCIATES TO WORK THROUGH THE HOLIDAY SEASON AT THEIR NEW KING OF PRUSSIA LOCATION. THIS IS YOUR CHANCE TO EARN MONEY AND GAIN VALUABLE EXPERIENCE IN A FUN, PROFESSIONAL ATMOSPHERE. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED WE WOULD LIKE TO MEET YOU! CONTACT TOBI CALHOUN TODAY TO SET UP AN INTERVIEW! (610) 594-1780

Theage of innocence

I, being a naive youth, did not think that I could be affected by the violence that our society has been poI1raying.Tiris view was changed after what had happened to a friend of mine and her family. Desiree and her family had lived around the corner from me and they were having problems at home.

Desiree's mother had been diagnosed as having cancer and was projected to die within a few months. As time had passed, Desiree's mother had gotten worse and passed away.

Tiris is not the end of this story. This is where it begins.

A few days after the funeral, Desiree's uncle had talked to her father and asked him for custody of Desiree and her little brother. Her father was appalled and did not want any parts of his brother-inlaw.

Jt was the summertime and one of my best friends, Joe, and I ran down to the corner candy store which we had done every night all summer long.

This night was unlike every summer night that we had seen before. We had worked for a little, old couple down t.lie street and that day \ve got paid.

We were only l 3 years old and five dollars could entertain us for a few hours at the candy store. Joe was always better than me at video games and that night, as usual, he bad beat me again.

He continued to play and I began to get bored. I decided to walk outside because I ran out of money. I had five cents left, just enough for some Bazooka bubble gum. I waiked out of the store with my gum, not expecting what was going to happen next.

Where.I lived, there were numerous gangs who you knew to stay away from. I have also witnessed friends being beaten up by a group of people with weapons.

Two Cents

This night had changed my outlook on life. Even though I had seen violent acts before, I never thought that someone could be murdered on the corner of my street, let alone in front of me.

Desiree's father was walking toward the store that I had been waiting on the stoop of and only got across the street, which was ten feet wide. I was standing in the doorway waiting for Joeto finish his game.

I looked down the street to see

Desiree's uncle walk up to her father from behind and shoot him. Her father was shot five times. The first shot exploded into his chest. the next two into his gut and the final blow hit his arm.

I can remember time stopping for me, I saw one of the teenagers who lived in the neighborhood turn the corner and duck out of the way.

The smm.d of gunshots echoed like firecrackers on the Fourth of July through my bead and I had no idea of what was happening.

After the gunman stopped firing, he turned with a grinand looked toward me, now everything moved in slow motion and I could see the lights flashing of the police car, but I could not hear it.

The gunman had seen the lights and heard the sirens and took off down the street Still frozen in fear I tried notto c..ry,,~I saw Desiree's father reach up in my direction.

I managed enough strength to nm down the street toward my home screaming, "Someone has been shot," not focusing on anything but my own fear.

As I raced toward my home, I

saw my sister sitting on the step across the street. I started screaming at her to get in the house.

I did not let her respond.

I grabbed her by the scruff of her neck and threw her into the house. I did not care if I was hurting her. I just knew that we had to go into the house. It was the only safe spot left for me to tum.

I sat in the house trying to tell my frightened parents what was going on and at the same time trying to calm down my heart that was beating through my chest.

I finally told my parents what had happened, trying to control my shaking appendages. At this point, they began to walk toward the door. There was no one on the street who did not know what happened on the comer of my street.

I was scared and my parents told me that I did not need to be a witness because there were so many other witnesses who were already talking to police about the incident that had occurred.

That night I did not sleep. My parents told me that I could spend the night in their room, but every tim I closed my eyes I saw Desiree's father reaching out. Even if I did not close my eyes, I could still see Desiree's father and her uncle standing over him with a sinister grin.

The reality of the world was opened up to me. I never knew that this could happen to someone at the end of my block, let alone someone ten feet in front of me.

I am set in my ways about gun control and feel that there is no need for the average citizen to own a handgun. If Desiree's uncle did not. have a gun, her father would still be alive today.

It took a few days for Jtle to go outside and walk past the constant reminder of Desiree's father-a chalk outline.

But it's-more than likely your letter will be printed, especially if it's well thought out and about a relevant subject. Letters should be sent by noon on Mondays. Don't forget to include your name.

us at

Should Cabrini mandate the prices in the school book store?

Bridget Kelly, a junior: Yes, we pay enough on tuition. We should get at least half for our book. It should be included in tuition.

Colleen Murphy, a junior: Yes, it is a ridiculous amount of money that we pay for books. We should get at least half back and there is nothing we can do about it.

Andy Virtue, a sophomore: Yes, I think that it is wrong that the school store, which is for the srudent, exploits students by raising prices, like, 400 percent.

Christine Conley, a first-year stlldent: Yes, because they are too expensive. I spent $300 on books this semester and it is ridiculous.

Tonya Rice, a first-year student: Yes, I pay enough for tuition and half the time the books are wrong.

Gregory Salvato, a sophomore: Yes, because of inflation. It is pretty expensive for the quality of books that you get from the bookstore.

Thursday, October 30, 1997 PERSPECTIVES VIEWPOINT
dgrimal 1@cabrini.edu 11

Sneakers, mayonnaise, semen and body hair

It's official. My jogging

•• shoes have run south for the winter. All summer long I had managed to parcel off a 30-minute block of my time after work each night for exercise. Ten brisk laps around the track at Monsignor Bonner High School, which complimented my daily sit-up and push-up routine.

But it is October now, and I have no problem admitting my disdain for the cold weather. So for the next six months or so, the sneakers stay under the bed,

where they hibernate until the calendar reaches a month that doesn't end in a-r-y.

It's kind of becoming a routine by now.

Sometime in March I'll pull them out again and try to work off a winter full of sloth.

I sort of became a closet health nut at the end of my first year at Cabrini. Weighing 225 pounds will do that sort of thing to you.

I admit •I had grown a bit beefy, but I still take great pride in the fact that I managed to get there without consuming a single drop of mayonnaise.

Personally, I don't touch the stuff. I never understood its appeal. Some guy figured out a way to liquefy fat in its truest

form. Then he whipped it and sold it to the gluttons.

Cheesesteak in hand, I had actually begun expanding geometrically when I decided it was time for a change. So I started eating nothing but lettuce, turkey and fat-free yogurt. Literally.

I gave up tacos, chocolate and french fries and probably consumed less than five grams of fat over the course of the entire summer.

And I started jogging. And then it got cold, so I stopped.

Now, I know what you're thinking. When it comes to staying fit, there are plenty of logical alternatives to jogging on an outdoor track at night in October.

I could maybe jog during the day, right? Tried it. Big mistake. See, I always jog in shorts,. without my shirt on. With a body


as hairy as mine, a person couJd easily be arrested for indecent exposure, even if all the necessary extremities were covered.

You don't even want to know about the time a conce~ed neighbor called the local police to report a bear cub sighted jogging around Bonner's track.

When the SWAT team got there, things turned messy.

Let's rule out the daytime thing for the time being.

Join a gym?

Be serious. Do you really think a guy who feels the need to whine about a nickel increase on a bag of pretzels is going to shell out the big bucks to pump some iron?

My options are definitely limited. If I run at night, I freeze. I could drop out of school and join a gym, but I'm not sure that real-

ly helps me in the long run. I probably could run during the day on Halloween and just hope people mistake me for a costumed wolfman getting a head start on his trick or treating.

Or I could take the sneakers off active duty again.

Almost always, logic prevails. The occasional push-ups and situps and a sensible diet will keep me fit. No rabbit food either. I gave all that stuff up too.

Where I used to consider myself a tub-of-yogurt-and-bottleof-water-for-breakfast-type guy, I now see myself as a turn-downthe-fifth-slice-of-pizza-at-lunchtype guy.

I even treat myself to some fries once in a while.

But I still don't use mayonnaise.

It's the devil's semen.

Loquitur is established as a forum for student expression and as a voice in the uninhibited, robust, free and open discussion of issues.


The vision and call for the Million Woman March, came from a group of six concerned women of African descent, grassroots, individuals who reside and work in the community.

For over a year and a half, the groups listed to black women across America raise their issues of concern. After much analysis and with determination, the group formed a National Organization Committee to coordinate the Million Women March.

Their belief is that through collective efforts, women of African descent will determine the road map that will be used to regain control of their families, rebuild their foundations and acknowledge the strengths thatexist within womerr:

Holding the Million Woman March in Philadelphia bears an important, African-American legacy as the gateway to freedom, as the first stop on the Underground Railroad.

Many African Americans believe that the conditions. in

America point to the fact that we are still not free.

Therefore, the initiators of the Million Woman March decided to return to the gateway of freedom with all of its contradictory symbols of freedom, to stand before the world and the American Government to state a clear message that African Americans still face too many challenges in a democratic society to their freedom.

For me, it was a spiritual re-

union of women of African descent, to uplift ourselves, to reaffirm our sisterhood, to empower and to organize ourselves.

It was a day of repentance, resurrection of each of us as individuals and collectively.

Shirley Dixon Coordinator of the office of diversity initiatives and student liaison for service learning



Loquitur is a laboratory newspaper written, edited and produced by students of Cabrini College registered in COM 346, 350, 351, 352, 353 and 354. Members of the campus community are invited to work on or submit stories for publication. Only students registered in the above classes, however, are eligible to receive academic credit. Subscription price is $25 per year and is included in the benefLtssecured by tuition and fees. Loquitur welcomes letters to the editor. Letters should be signed and the authorship known to the editors. However, if Lhewriter wishes and the editor agrees. the writer's name may be left off tbe publication and an inscription inserted. such as "name withheld at the request of the writer." Letters tQthe editor should ~aJ:n:_n(tt~,b)', noon on~ ~da~!t.· • "

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News Editors Jen Kietur Becky Raetsch A&E Colleen Ehrle Photography Editor Stacey Caiazzo Adviser Dr. Jerry Zurek Laura Casamento Shannon Downs Joseph Elliot Maria Izzo Jason Jungreis David Jurkiewicz Nicole Klimas James Kuhn Melissa Lessig Business Manager Nicole Klimas Illustrator Bill G;bson Christi.an Nolan Carleen Rollo Victor Sgro Editor in Chief Diane Grimaldi Managing Editor Dina M. Tartaglia Copy Editor Andrea Koch Perspectives Editor Gavin Mirigliani Staff Sports Editor _ Laura _!:asamento Paul Moser F ea tu res Editor Erin E. McHugh Layout and Design Editor Thomas McKee Photography and Graphic Design Adviser Don Dempsey Karin Letcher - Nicholas Levandusky Photojournalists Joseph Elliot Erica Jungreis Cory Miller Erica McGee Michele Mongelli Jennifer
MeganZustra Sales
Shallis Aimee Somers


I just can't catch a break.

As everyone from Cabrini Co11egeprobably already knows, I predicted that the Baltimore Orioles would win the World Series. A few days later, the O's were eliminated from the American League Championship Series. Okay, so everyone guesses wrong sometimes. However, all the total strangers out there who felt the need to comment on my misfortune seem to believe otherwise.

Two weeks later, I had put the entire incident behind me and

Field Hockey

The women's field hockey team moved to the championship round of the Pennsylvania Athletic Conference finals with a semifinal win over College Misericordia on Wednesday, Oct. 22. Senior Tara Pfeiffenberger scored on a penalty shot, while teammates Katie Valerio, a fi~styear student, and Jessi Valerio, a junior, contributed one goal each to give the Lady Cavs the 3-0 victory. Junior Mary Lear made 13 saves in goal.

Men's Soccer

The Cavaliers were unable to mount a successful offensive attack on Thursday, Oct. 23 as they fell to Widener University, 1-0, in their final regular season home contest.

However, they rebounded on the road against Marywood University, winning that game 4-0. First-year student John Amerman, senior Ted Malampy, junior Don Eadie and first-year student James Gosser each contributed one goal in the match, while

managed to listen to those comments without bursting into tears and running away.

I decided that although I loved the Florida Marlins, they simply did not have what it takes to defeat the Cleveland Indians. I chose the Tribe as the 1997 World Series Champions.

However, thol!gh I told everyone seeking my•.infamous expert opinion that the Indians would win it all, I watched the games as a Marlins fan.

By game one, I was confident.

Game two, disappointed.

Game three, happy.

Game four. uneasy.

Game five, ecstatic.

Game six, desperate.

Last week may have been the first time in my life that I had six different moods in seven different

days and could not attribute it to PMS.

Now that every guy on Cabrini's campus has simultaneously put down this paper in disgust, I can continue.

On Monday, Oct. 27, at approximately 12:30 a.m., the Cleveland Indians lost the 1997 World Series.

With the Marlins' victory, a realization dawned on me.

I am cursed.

I am a living, breathing jinx.

Talk about letting Halloween superstitions get to you.

I now truly believe that I am jinxed.

Every one of my predictions has been wrong, whether or not it involved sports or not. In fact, no matter what I say, exactly the opposite occurs.

This is enough to give me a serious complex.

So I have now decided that I

must combat this dark curse which overshadows my life.

I'll simply predict the opposite of what I think will happen.

For example, the Philadelphia Flyers will not win the Stanley Cup. Instead, they will finish in last place after Eric Lindros and John LeClair decide that ice hockey is much too violent and decide to drop out of the NHL and concentrate on training for the 2002 Olympics as figure skaters.

Ty and Koy Detmer will win a spot on the football edition of "Wheel of Fortune" after becoming two of the millions of people that Hooked on Phonics has worked for.

Ken Griffey Jr. will never hit another home run for the rest of his life, leaving the record of Roger Maris intact until it is finally broken by a four-foot-twoinch midget named Mikey.


goalies Anthony Noel, a senior, and Richard Balasa, a first-year student, shared the goaltending duties.

Women's Soccer

The Lady Cavs were unable to stop a strong offensive attack by Widener University on Wednesday, Oct. 22, falling 7-1. Kelly Williams netted the only Cabrini goal in the match.

The team turned the tides against St. Mary's College on

Saturday, Oct. 25, posting a 1-0 shutout. First-year student Susan Sipes scmed for the Lady Cavs. Sophomore Meghan Myers played in goal for injured goaltender Karen Hale, a first-year student, who was out with an injury. In addition to picking up her first collegiate shutout, Myers made 18 saves against St. Mary's, bringing her total for the week to 44 saves.

The Lady Cavs finished the season with s 2-1-1 record in the PAC and next play in the PAC

championships on the road against Misericordia. The team is undefeated in their two previous PAC championship games.

Women's Volleyball

The Lady Cavs ended their season with a loss to the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science by a score of 3-1.

First-year student Angela Grassa contributed to the team's totals


In a stunning development, Cabrini College's softball team finally gets a field on campus.

To the delight of fans around the country, pro basketball actually becomes a team sport (okay, maybe some things are a bit too much to ask for).

And at Cabrini College in Radnor, Pa., a sophomore sports writer is taken out of class in a straitjacket after breaking every mirror in house two and running underneath ladders being used by those hard- working construction guys at the SPARC site, screaming about breaking some ancient voodoo curse.

Well, I at least hope I'm wrong about that one.

But if you happen to see me mumbling and twitching as I walk through the Widener Center, stand back.

I'm only trying to pass my jinx on to someone else. with 24 assists and 25 digs.

The Lady Cavs finish the season with a 4-6 PAC record and a 6-17 overall record.

Women's Tennis

The Lady Cavs finished up their regular season with a 8-1 victory over Alvemia College on Tuesday, Oct. 21. With the win, the Lady Cavs stand at 4-4 in the PAC and 9-7 overall.


eJunior Jessi Valerio finished the PAC regular season as the league's leading scorer with 16 goals. She was followed on the list by first-year student Katie Valerio (13 goals) and junior Becky Grabie (12 goals) in 2nd and 3rd place, respectively.

• First-year students Lori Gibbons and Karenn Love both made it to the final round of the PAC championship tennis tournament at No. 3 and No. 4 singles. Gibbons was defeated by Immaculata College's Michele Sylvester, 8-4, while Love lost to Eastern's Jen Nuss, 8-5. The No. 2 doubles team of junior Michelle McDevitt and first-year student Colleen Martin also made it to the championship round, where they were defeated by Marywood University's Allison Fisher and Karen Geise, 8-1.

eon his way to a 1st place finish at Saturday's Cabrini College Invitational, first-year student Chuck Hartzell finished a fu]l 28 seconds ahead of the 2nd place runner, Marywood's Joe Piabiega.

Thursday, October 30, 1997 SPORTS 13

Sixers begin season under Brown

With the addition of a new head coach and several new players, are the Philadelphia 76ers about to crawl out of the basement of the NBA and into a playoff berth?

The losing disease, a disease that has plagued the Philadelphia 76ers for a long time, may finally have been cured.

During the off-season, team president Pat Croce started from Scratchby firing inconsistent and inexperienced head men Johnny Davis and Brad Greenburg in much the same way that one would remove. an annoying cyst.

ence and successful recent stints with the Indiana Pacers, Los Angeles Clippers and San Antonio Spurs under his belt.

Croce needed someone with a history of coming into 9rganizations and turning them around. He received that coaGh when he hired La~ Brown.

Brown came into a situation last year that was hampered by lack of discipline and good coaching. He also had an atrocious list of overpaid veterans.

it will be beneficial to the Sixers.

Gone are Lucious Harris, Don Maclean and Michael Cage. But the most refreshing part of all is not the fact that the Sixers got rid of those players, but that they actually got some decent players in return.

From the Nets, the Sixers received Jimmy Jackson, Eric Montross and Tim Thomas.

This major move in the offseason and the signing of Terry Cummings should help bolster the roster for Brown.

Iverson has to prove this year that he is more than a one-man team.

So far this preseason he has been doing just that.

The Sixers have a long road a head of them and will hit a lot of bumps, but it is up to Brown to try to make some of those bumps Jess bumpy.

The Sixers are among the many mediocre teams in the league who got better in the offseason.

With the addition of Brown and the addition of Jackson, the Sixers should at ]east make the playoffs.

Projected Starters

Point Guard Allen Iverson

Shooting Guard Jimmy Jackson

Center Eric Montross

Small Forward Jerry Stackhouse

The next order of business

The first act as coach for for Croce was to Brown was to heal the wound try to find out left by the re- ways to unload moved cyst. To the players that do so _youneed. a_ 76er head coach Larry Brown were not pe.rformsoothmg trans1t10n ing up to expectato allow the team to heal. tions.

Croce healed that wound by Brown did what seemed imhiring Larry Brown as 'head possible during the first couple of coach of the 76ers, the most ex- months during his career with the pensive Neosporin on the mar- Sixers: he erased much of the ket.

Brown comes to the 76ers with 25 years of coaching experi-

Seasons: 7

Years with Sixers: 2

Greenburg era.

At this time, the draft-day trade with New Jersey looks like

College: Syracuse University

Position: Power forward/Center

The key to the season for Brown may be controlling one of the best players in the league, 1997s Rookie of the Year Allen Iverson.

At times last year, Iverson was unstoppable. His speed and jumping ability made him one of the greatest athletes in the game.

At times though, Iverson also looked bad. He was sometimes criticized as being a ball-hog and his 4.4 turnover average was among the worst in the league.

Iverson proved without a doubt that he was the Rookie of the Year, but under Brown the reigns will be pulled much tighter.


What he has to do: Coleman bas to play consistently in order for the Sixers to have any chance whatsoever to make the playoffs. He has to at least come close to where he was before the slip into mediocrity. He also has to learn to play every night.

Seasons: 4

Years with Sixers: none College: North Carolina

Position: Center

Power Forward Derrick Coleman

Bench Contributors

Guard Mark Davis

Forward Tim Thomas

Forward Clarence Weatherspoon

Forward Terry Cummings

Seasons: 1

Years with Sixers: 1 College: Georgetown

Position: Point Guard


What he has to do: Iverson is in his all-important 2nd year. It is of the utmost importance for him to continue the progress that he started last year and not to regress. Unless Iverson learns to pass the ball, he will continue to hurt the team.


What he has to do: Montross does not have extremely high expectations placed on him. That said, it is still important for him to be a presence in the middle, something the Sixers have lacked for a long time.

Seasons: 3

Years with Sixers: 3 College: North Carolina

Position: Small Forward


What he has to do: Stackhouse has to improve his outside game. The move to small forward should help him. The question is, can he continue his progress?



The Lady Cavs were able to shake off a muddy field and chilly weather to defeat St. Mary's College, 1-0. First-year student Susan Sipes scored the team's only goal, while sophomore Meghan Myers recorded the shutout.

The weather on Saturday was anything but nice for the Lady Cavs as they hosted St. Mary's College on Saturday, Oct. 25 for their final home game of the year.

A pesky rain, chilly wind and a muddy field awaited both teams at game time.

.,Despite the forbidding weather conditions, many fans came out to cheer on the • LadyCavs.

What they saw was a hard fought battle between both teams.

Both teams played well, but the Lady Cavs worked together to get a victory for their last home game of the season.

The Lady Cavs' seniors also got a victory as they played their final home game as a Lady Cav.

Throughout the first half of the game, both teams were held scoreless. Neither team was able to convert on their offensive drives.

Though the weather co.uldhave played a factor in the game, the players on the field fought hard for the ball. Both teams were sliding in the mud going after the ball. The field was very muddy due to the steady rain that had fallen the night before.

The beginning of the second half was dominated by St. Mary's.

However, the Lady Cavs responded midway through the half with a goal by first-year student Susan Sipes.

St. Mary's was held scoreless for the rest of the game giving the Lady Cav's a 1-0 victory.

"Everyone played well together today,"

junior Christina Pryor said. "The team came together to get a victory for our last home game."

Sipes' goal was all the Cavaliers needed to get the victory. However, a strong performance was also given by sophomore goalie Meghan Myers.

Myers replaced the Cav's ·regular goalie, first-year student Katie Hecht, after Hecht went down with an injury last week. Myers tallied her first collegiate shutout in the Lady Cavs' victory.

"Everyone worked well together as a team," senior Becky Ward said. "It was a re-ally good win."

This victory was a special one for the seniors on the team.

This game was their last regular season home game jn a Lady Cavs' uniform for the senior member of the team. There was a feeling of S<ldnesseven though the team won.

''The team ·pulled together and played extremely well," senior Kelli Williams said.

Williams, Ward, senior Cara Santelli and senior Lori Pfaff were honored at the game.

On this gray rainy day, the Lady Cavs, as a team, honored and said a sad good-bye and good luck to Williams, Santelli, Ward and Pfaff.

'Tmjustglad to see we won the final home game of our season and of our college years today," Williams said.

"I just want to wish the seniors good luck next year," Pryor said. "They really will be missed."

"I'm glad the team won our last home game and my final home game," Pfaff said. "I will definitely miss everyone after l_graduate."

"The team played well," Santelli said. "We

The women's soccer team squeezed out a win Saturday, Oct. 25 against St. Mary's College by a score of 1-0. This win moves the Lady Cavs into the PAC finals where they will face College Misericordia. played as a team. That made it one of our best games. We deserved to win today."

With a poem read to the seniors after the game by their underclass teammates, the seniors walked off the field for the last time in

the regular season for the Lady Cavs.

The team ne.xt plays in the PAC championship game at College Misericordia. In its two previous championship games, the team is undefeated.

Lady Cavs fall short of championship

Despite a goal by first-year student Katie Valerio, the women's field hockey team was unable to hold off a strong offensive attack as they fell to Eastern College, 2-1. Junior Mary Lear made 10 saves in goal. ....

Despite making it the championship round of the Pennsylvania Athletic Conference playoffs for the first time ever, the Lady Cavs' field hockey team was unable to win just one more game.

On Saturday, Oct. 25, the team fell to Eastern College by a score of 2-1, giving them the runner-up trophy and 2nd place in the PAC standings.

However, they did not go down without a fight.

At just 19:14 of the first half, first-year student Katie Valerio found the back of the net for her 13th goal of the season.

Valerio's goal came off a feed from first-year student Laine Reddish.

The Lady Cavs' lead held until three minutes later, when, at 16:02 of the first half, Eastern's Dana Casey converted a shot from teammate Deb Ellerson and put Eastern on the board.

Katie Harris followed Casey's goal with one of her own, a shot assisted by Shelly Barkman.

Sophomore Christine Aldorasi, a Cabri-

ni defender, was disappointed with the loss.

"Our momentum was there," Aldorasi said. "We just didn't get any good breaks."

Altogether, the Lady Cavs drove 17 shots toward Eastern goalie Gina Schlegal, who turned back all but Valerio's.

Lady Cavs' goalie Mary Lear collected 10 saves in the defeat.

"It was disappointing," Aldorasi said. "We worked hard, but that day it seemed like we couldp't buy a goal."

The team made it to the final round of

the playoffs after defeating College Misericordia on Wednesday, Oct. 22, by a score of 3-0.

The team finished the season with a record of 11-9 overall.

"At least we made it," Aldorasi said. 'Tm proud of what we did as a team. There were lots of other teams who were just wishing they were in that game, but we were actually there."

Saturday's game marks the first time that the Lady Cavs have made it to the final round of the playoffs.

Thursday, October 30, 1997 SPORTS 15
photo by Cory Miller
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PAC Semifinals TBA


PAC Championships TBA


PAC Championships at College Misericordia

Time TBA


PAC Championships at Belmont Plateau

Time TBA

HartzellpropelsCavsto first-placefinish

Chuck Hartzell placed first at the Cabrini College Invitational, pacing the men,s cross country team to a first-place finish. Sabrina Smith also placed first for the women, who finished second overall.

In one of the most competitive races in recent memory, Cabrini's men's cross country team finished first at the Cabrini Invitational, while the women placed second.

The meet took place at Belmont Plateau, which is widely regarded as being one of the most difficult college courses on the East Coast.

In addition to taking place at the Cav's home course, this meet was important as a preview of the PAC Championships, which are scheduled to take place on Saturday, Nov. l.

The men's team was lead by first-year students Chuck Hartzell. who won the race, and Jason Bull, who finished in 10th place.

Both Hartzell and Bull have already been elected PAC athlete of the week.

Each member of the team ran solid times and the team does have a trophy to show for their efforts.

But, as first-year runner Colin Broderick said, "The trophy we won this weekend means nothing oext to the PAC trophy we will have after next weekend."

For the championship race, the team hopes to have runners Andy Virtue and Shawn Hazlett make strong comebacks from their nagging injuries. In fact, this meet may ultimately be decided by the runners in the middle of the pack.

First-year student Sabrina

The men's and women's basketball teams kicked off their seasons with a celebralion at this year's Midnight Madnessfestivities. A six-on-six tournament, with the winners facing an alumni all-star team, started this year's event, which included the introductu>nof the 1997-98 Cabrini Cavaliers and Lady Cavaliers and practice by both teams. The rowdy rally ended with a slam dunk contest.

Smith, who won the race, and senior Lyndi Palladino paced the women's team to a strong second-place finish.

Like Hartzell and Bull. Smith has also been elected PAC athlete of the week this season. Other runners who ran their

season-best times were first-year students Becky Jurich and Kelly Dorrian and senior Nicole Voli.kas.

As of now, Cabrini is feared throughout the league as a serious threat to win the PAC this year. Because a majority of runners are

first-year students the cros country team expects to continue their success for many years. Lead by team captains John and Ed Mack, both seniors, and PalJadfoo and Volikas of the women's team, the rookies have grown and matured.

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