March 19, 1998 Issue 21 Loquitur

Page 1

Public safety officers have made themselves available to students at any time with their new technology.

eW S tect the jobs of Cabrini's professors. There has been a disagreement for the _______ past four years, and now it may be coming to an end.

A proposal has been sent out to pro-

Technological advancements in public safety are happening as we speak. See what measures public safety is taking to help students feel safe.

Story on page 3


Faculty battle administration over tenure

A four-year battle between faculty and administration over the distribution of tenure is nearing an end, according to Dr. Sharon Schwarze, department chair of philosophy.

Schwarze, also the faculty senate president, said the faculty has presented a proposal to the administration that. if approved, will end a debate that has existed since May 1994 when the board of trustees implemented a policy concerning an alternative to tenure.

According to Schwarze, the board of trustees approached members of the faculty senate in I 994 and asked them to write a proposal outlining alternatives to the tenure system.

Tenure is an agreement between the college and an individual faculty member for continued and permanent employment, meaning once a professor is granted tenure, that professor is granted a significant amount of job security, according to the current faculty handbook.

In fact, the faculty handbook outlines only three reasons for the dismissal of a tenured professor.

A tenured professor can lose his job for incompetence, serious

misconduct, or "extraordinary circumstances," such as a large financial loss by the college.

In other word, unless a tenured professor skips class for an entire semester, sexually harasses someone or works at a college that has just gone bankrupt, he or she is guaranteed a job for as long as they want.

Tenure can be applied for and received after working at an institution for six years.

But a staff with too many tenured professors can also create problems for colleges, which is why the board approached the faculty senate in the first place.

An alternative to tenure was being considered because, while tenure does an adequate job of protecting faculty, it isn't always in the best interest of the academic institution, according to Dr. Thomas Boeke, provost and academic dean.

"It's (an alternative to tenure) trying to protect the interests of the college, the faculty and the student," Boeke said.

A non-tenure based system would also provide a college with some added flexibility.

A college with a large number of tenured professors might have less financial flexibility than a similar college with a smaller number of tenured faculty, because there ea


This graph depicts the national percentage of tenured professors compared to _t~eCabrini percentage. It also shows the percentage of part-time faculty members nationally and at Cabnnr. The perc~~~age of. tenured professors at Cabrini is nine percent below the national percentage. However, Cabnn, s part-time faculty exceeds the national percentage by nine percent. are less professors locked into their jobs, meaning less money to be paid out in salary.

But the faculty never wrote the policy the board requested.

Schwarze said the faculty, uncertain as to why such a policy needed to be written in the first place, did not respond to the board's request right away.

"Our response to them was why, what's the point?" Schwarze said. ''What's Moog with tenure? What do you mean by alternative? We didn't get an answer to that, so we dragged our feet. Because we dragged our feet, we had a policy written for us."

The policy, entitled "Alternatives to Tenme," was written by Boeke and called for a cap on the number of faculty who could have tenure.

In other words, 70 percent of the full-time faculty may .be tenured. The president of the college may waive this clause "under exceptional circum1tances," according to Boeke's proposal.

Currently, about 60 percent of the college's full-time professors are tenured, but with the addition of new faculty next semester, Schwane said that number will drop to 54 percent.

But Boeke said those numbers were a reflection on the recent fac-

ulty hi.rings the college has made in the past few years.

"Part of the reason the percentage of tenured faculty has been so high is that the number of faculty hasn't changed," Boeke said.

Under Boeke's proposal, which be said rests on existence of a strong base of tenured faculty, the

ing the last year of his contract at Cabrini.

But that proposal was deemed unsatisfactory by the faculty.

"That policy had a lot of loose ends in it," Schwarze said, "and it was still unclear what problems it was supposed to be addressing."

So the faculty senate spent the past year overhauling the proposal. fleshing it out in a way they fell would be agreeable to both sides.

They voted on that proposal about a month ago, approving it and presenting it to the administration. It will be included in a draft of the faculty handbook, which Boeke said be and Schwarze are currently working on.

From there, it will either be approved or rejected by the board of trustees.

college can still retain a professor's services after six years by offering that professor a three-year rolling contract, which would automatically "roll over" for another three years at the end of the second year of the professor's original contract.

If the college chose not to retain the professor's services, they would notify that professor at the end of the second year of his contract, meaning that professor would bave a full year to seek employment elsewhere while fulfill-

The faculty's proposal also uses the idea of three-year rolling contracts, but is more specific, according to Schwarze. The faculty proposal also made it clear that tenure will be granted to the professors with three-year rolling contracts on a seniority basis, something the Boeke's proposal did not do.

Schwarze said she didn't expect the 70 percent number to come into play very often, if at all, and both she and Boeke said they were optimistic the issue would be completely resolved soon.

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In an emergency you can call public safety

Do not think you cannot get in touch with security if there is an emergency such as a power failure. The fact is, public safety responds quicker to your call then the police, even if the lights go out.

Power is cut off and the building goes dark. You call public safety to find out what is going on and all you get is a busy signal.

This happened about a little over a month ago, when one of the telephone lines leading into Cabrini was struck by a car. All of the power and telephone systems·in the area were down.

How do you reach public safety in an emergency, if you cannot reach them by phone?

Usually when a rare occurrence like this happens, all of the security officers are instructed to stop what they are doing and make themselves more available to student if there is an emergency.

An occurrence like this is not

a frequent occurence. The problem was that a phone line went down, not a power line. If the public safety communication system goes down, it may be due to one of two reasons: the phone lines or the power system may be down.

If the phone lines go down public safety officers will not be able to be reached until the lines come back up. If the power system goes down it only takes about a minute befo~ the backup generator kicks in.

Public safety officers are trained to make-themselves available to the students as much as possible during these periods of time, according to Rich McErlean, director of pu,blicsafety.

How does Cabrini communications system work?

There are two types of systems that are used here, but they all work through the same power

source. "Cabrini has invested in the best technology that is out there," said McErlean.

Security has seven walkie talkies three are standard walkie talkies. Additional walkie talkies are available from physical plant if needed.

But four out of the seven walkie talkies are Motorola walkie talkies, which also work as a phone.

The benefits of these are that they are small and com_pact.An offa;er can carry them anywhere because of their light-weight design.

These new walkie talkies allow public safety officers to pick up incoming calls while they are patrolling around campus.

Cabrini's walkie talkies run off an antenna located on top of the Widener center gathering area. The communication system is

serviced by an outside contractor every few years and each year the oldest two walkie talkies are replaced by two new ones.

This feature allow the public safety officers to make outside calls to ambulance or the police department if necessary. This will cut down the time that it takes an emergency vehicle to get to the scene.

They travel over seven bands and have a five mile radius which allows officers who are escorting students to Sullivan lot to pick up incoming calls.

"I have worked on other campuses that have had more down time then we have bad here at Cabrini," said Rich McErlean.

All of the public safety officers are certified in first aid and CPR. An officer can call emergency crews while he is responding to the incident.

The average time that an emergency vehicle takes to reach an individual is about 10 minutes. The average time for a public safety officer to respond to an individual is about three to five minutes.

Cabrini is looking to upgrade its system this swruner. During the summer break public safety is looking to add a new recording system to its communications system. The new system will record all calls _overthe communications system.

The new system will record the time, date and message of the caller.

This new feature will give public safety officers the opportunity of instantaneous replay on incoming calls if a person is under distress and could not communicate the problem clearly to the officer.

Cost of credit cards may be more than it is worth

Plastic money equals debts to pay off.

The increase of credit card sales to college students is adding to the debts they will have to pay off on top of any money they will owe after graduating.

Recently, the selling of credit cards has been banned on many campuses throughout the nation. The people selling the cards are not telling the students everything they need to know about the cards.

Too many of the students are

getting caught up in the free gifts that usually accompany the signing up for the cards and they are not realizing how much interest can add up.

John Heiberger, chair of the business administration and computer information science, said, "Students need to be very careful with credit cards. Most students do not realize the cards are coming from Delaware and they can charge very high interest rates."

First-year student Joe D'Amico owns a Visa card. He quickly found himself $2,000 in debt.

"I bought a lot of my equipment for the band I play in with AMNIOI

my Visa. Now I need to get a job to pay off the money that I owe," said D' Amico.

It is not uncommon for students to own more than one credit card. Sophomore Merrie Lewis owns six credit cards of her own.

'"I have a Visa card, Mastercard, Eddie Bauer, Express, Sears and a Victoria Secret charge card, I also owe a lot of money because I have so many credit cards," Lewis said.

Lewis said she bought a lot of clothes and some other things, and before she knew it, she realized that she was in debt.

"Right now I work at the Countryside Market and Delicatessen as a waitress," Lewis said. "I am going to·try to save the money I get there to pay off some of my debts."

Not everyone with a credit card owes a lot of money. There are some people like first-year student Nick Insogna who owes a little bit of money as opposed to some who owe thousands.

"As of right now, I only owe $420 on two credit cards, and

Credit card debt has so many students overwhelmed

as to how they are going to pay their bills and still have money left. with my job bartending, I plan to pay them off in the very near future," Insogna said.

There are three simple ways that students protect themselves from spending to much on their credit cards, according to Heiberger.

• Call the company and set up a payment plan.

• Do not purchase things you do not need. Make sure your purchases are wise and thought


• Develop an envelope system. In this system money is set aside into groups. Once the money for the group is gone, nothing should be purchased until the envelope is filled again.

"Credit cards provide a valuable service if used correctly, otherwise they can prove to be very expensive, Heiberger said.

Thursday, March 19, 1998 NEWS
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photo by Jim Snook and concerned

College students, loan me your years

Even though changing your name and leaving the country may seem like the best solution, there are some slightly more feasible ways to deal with paying off student loans.

According to a recent issue of USA Weekend. the average college student leaves school owing $12,000 in student loans. Add to that the fact that six months after graduating, you are required to begin making payments on the tudent loans.

So what is a recent college graduate, who is possibly poor or jobless or both, to do to alleviate the debt created by student loans? The first step should have been performed senior year with guidance meetings provided by the financial aid office.

A loan officer for the financial aid office contacts seniors receiving student loans and sets up exit interview sessions, according to KayDeMito.

These sessions, which are offered about four or five different times. serve the seniors by ex-

plaining to them general ideas and options about their student loans.

A student loan payment plan is not actually set up through the school. Payment plans are arranged by the provider, which is most likely a bank. The financial aid office just gives the students a list of options for paying back their student loans, according to DeMito.

The payment plans for Joans can either be long-term or shortterm. depending on the pecific loan. The maximum time limit for repayment on Stafford and SLS loans is 10 years.

It depends on the lifestyle of the particular person as to whether or not he/she wants to spread out the payments or pay off the Joan quickly, according to John Heiberger, chair of the business administration and computer information science department,

A loan should be paid off quickly only if money is being built into personal savings at the same time, Heiberger said.

Although it is cheaper because of less accumulated interest. it is a mistake to put everything into repaying a loan as quickly as possi-

ble if you have no personal savings.

Once a payment plan has been set up and approved by the respective loan provider, the next step, according to Heiberger, is to set up a budget. Part of this budget must include paying back the student loan.

Other actions Heiberger recommends are:

Recording all expenses (i.e. food, entertainment).

Making the student loan bill one of the first monthly bills to pay.

Heiberger said both of the e activities create and instill personal discipline.

If the student loan payments are monthly, Heiberger also suggests setting up a savings account for the sole purpose of loan payment funds. A certain amount of money, like $5 or $10, should be placed into the account each time a job paycheck is received.

If regular paychecks are not coming in or if education is being continued through graduate school or some other avenue, there are other options for handling _studentloans.

One of these options is applying for deferment. A deferment simply means that loan repayments are put on hold for a certain amount of time.

two types of deferments are economic hardship deferments and in-school defennents, according lo DeMito. The requirements for in-school deferments are met if the deferment-seeker is a halftime student at a graduate school or some other accredited institution. A half-time student is a student talcing at least six credits worth of classes. Economic hardship defennents are for those who simply do not have the money to pay back the loans.

Another option for people having difficulty paying off their loans is to apply for forbearance.

Forbearance is a lesser form of a deferment that, unlike deferments, still involves paying back student loans, but in significantly smaller amounts than regular payment plans, according to DeMito.

lf the process of paying back student loans is still confusing and overwhelming, help is available.

Peer educators lend a helping hand to students

Looking out for the students is their job and sometimes it goes unappreciated. Thing like flyers, patnphlets and newsletters are put out by the peer educators to help students become more informed.

It's a tough job, but this year's peer educators are up to the challenge of teaching students how to be happy, healthy and wise.

With their new supervisor, health educator Trisha Buonacore, the peer education program hopes to reach out and grab students.

Sophomore and peer educator Tamara Conan said, "Trisha is a great supervisor. She is very interested in new ideas for workshops and programs," "We just put out an informational flyer which has been posted to the doors of all the restrooms."

This flyer named "Toilet Talk," is simple for students to see and gives them advice on health issues.

"We've always had pamphlets

and newsletters for anyone interested in particular issues such as sexually transmitted diseases and alcohol," Conan said.

Once a month a newsletter is published by the peer educators telling students about past and future programs.

Being a peer educator is a fulltime job, according to Conan.

Every Wednesday, the six students gather in the Rooymans Center with Buonacore for a one hour meeting to brainstorm, dicuss and plan their next workshop.

Conan said they work well together as friends, knowing each other from before their peer educator days.

"We all pretty much knew each other before we interviewed for the positions," Conan said.

As with any job, the peer education hopeful had to write a re-

sume and letter to Dr. Robert Bonfiglio, vice president for student development.

Once the applicants were narrowed down, those still in the running were interviewed by Buonacore.

The position of peer educator is a paying one, with students receiving $1,000 a year for their commitment to the community.

All peer educators have their own office duty at the front desk of the Rooymans Center.

'We've decided that we really want to have someone there in the office as much as possible," Conan said. "Each of us is here for at least two hours a day to answer any questions a student might come to us with."

Every fall they go into the college success classes required by fir t-year students and talk to the new students about their general


Conan said this is a very important step for the program. It helps to inform the students about the program so they know that it's there and what it's all about. according to Conan.

Past workshops and programs prove that the peer educators are reaching students. Last year a work hop was given about the sensitive topic of rape.

"We were so happy with the turnout," Conan said. "A woman came to speak to everyone from a rape clinic nearby and 1 think it really was successful for all of us. We had a huge turnout of people and that means we educated a lot of people about this subject."

Fellow peer educators include sophomores Sherri Arpin. Lee Gamble, Joshua Hage, Beth Stanback and junior Michelle Blouin.


What's Happening

During the week of March 20-25


0 Spring

Spring begins on Friday, March 20. Superthon also begins on Friday, March 20-22. See the student development office for more information.


D Reunion

The Business Alumni Reunion will be held on Sunday, March 22 in the Mansion. Attend and make great contacts and networking skil1s. See John Heiberger for more information.

D WYBF What's up

Rock band Colorblind joins "Sound Check Live's" Kelly Ann Monahan for a live performance and interview on 89.1 WYBF-FM. The show airs on Sunday, March 22 from 2 p.m.3 p.m.


D Music montage

89.1 WYBF-FM hosts a music montage on Monday, Wednesday and Friday starting March 23. Listen between 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. and at a random time, the montage will be played. Be the first caller to guess the songs and artists and win the CD of your choice. Call the station for any questions or requests at 902-8453.


0 Registration

Sophomores pre-register for summer/fall 1998 on Tuesday, March 24. Check the course booklet for more information or see the registrar's office.

0 Scripture and supper

Attend the scripture and supper on March 24 from 5:30-7 p.m. in the Xavier Great room. See campus ministry for more information.

Last Week in the World of News

0 3/11

Clinton reschedules China visit

In an attempt to improve U.S.-China relations, President Clinton has moved up his planned trip to China from Noveml)!:!rto late June of this year.

The trip is scheduled to last 10 days, beginning in the last week of June and ending in the first week of July. White House officials deny any correlation between the rescheduling and the May 27 Paula Jones sexual misconduct trial.

This will be the first visit by an American president to China since the 1989 Tiana,nmen Square

0 3/12

Asteroid to miss Earth

An asteroid thought to have the potential to collide with Earth will actually miss the planet by 600,000 miles.

Astronomers announced on March 11 that they had discovered a mile-wide asteroid that, in 30 years, would pass within 30,000 miles of the Earth's center and possibly hit the planet.

Astronomers have now found new data that indicates the asteroid will pass no closer than 600,000 miles away and has zero potential for impact.

0 3/13

Clinton admits sexual relations with Flowers

A swom statement W\lS released in which President Clinton admitted having sexual relations with Gennifer Flowers.

The statement was made during Clinton's Jan. 17 deposition for the Paula Jones sexual harassment suit.

In the released deposition, Clinton said he had sex with Flowers only once in 1977. Flowers continues to claim she and Clinton had a 12-year relationship that began in 1977.


McKinney cleared of sexual misconduct charges

The former highest-ranking enlisted U.S. soldier, Sgt. Maj. Gene McKinney, was acquitted of all sexual misconduct charges. He was, however, convicted on one charge of obstruction of justice.

McKinney had consistently denied all 19 of the charges, the

majority of those coming from Staff Sgt. Christine Fetrow. A total of six military women filed charges against him.

McKinney may face up to five years in prison for the one guilty verdict.


Pastor found innocent for performing same-sex union

A Methodist pastor in Omaha, Neb. was cleared of charges of going against the church's rules for his blessing of a same-sex union between two women.

The Rev. Jimmy Creech, who was the first Methodist minister ever placed on trial for performing a same-sex unity ceremony, plans to return to his ministry.


Fires rage uncontrollably in Brazil

In the northern Amazon in Brazil, 2.2 million acres of farmland has already been destroyed as fires continue to rage out of control

The fires were set by Brazilian subsistence farmers in the state of Roraima and are being encouraged by the six-month

drought that is victimizing the region.

The fires have been burning for two months.


Dead newborn found in sewageplant

Workers discovered the dead body of a newborn girl on a conveyor belt of a sewage treatment plant in Jersey City, N.J. Police have no suspects and have not commented on how they believe the 7-pound infant got into the sewage system. The workers believe the infant was tossed into a sewer or manhole.


Major demotion

Sgt. Maj. Gene C. McKinney, once the Army's top enlisted soldier, was demoted one rank after a court-martial conviction of obstruction of justice. He was accused of sexual misconduct by a female soldier and will now file for a libel suit against her. The suit is worth $500,000 in actual damages and $1 million in punitive, according to the New York Times.

Roadkill for dinner, anyone?

Hungry? Try some road kill. True it is now legal to eat the carcass of the animal you have just hit on the Blue Route. Naturally there is some red tape you have to deal with first.

A nice peaceful drive in the city could be no easy task.

The constant stop and go, dodging of bikers, cars and people could be frustrating to most people.

What if you accidentally hit a person while you were driving? Would you get them help? Most people would.

This is probably one of the ideas the state Senate Committee in Charleston, W.Va. had when they passed a proposal to eat roadkill.

Ironically, the proposal was

passed on Feb. 2, Groundhog's Day.

The idea of eating, let alone touching, roadkill is sick to many but it was still passed.

First-year student Tony Barrett thinks of the idea as pretty insane.

"I'm pretty sure that I would not pick up roadkill and throw it in the back of my car, go home and cook it.," Barrett said.

The idea was put forth because of the amount of wild game hunting that goes on in West Virginia.

The idea will hopefully cut dowQ on the a.mount of money spent every year on disposal of

dead animal carcasses on the side of the road.

''I think it is sick!" sophomore Mike McGann said. "I think that if people are allowed to eat the roadkill, they are just going to go out and run over animals for fun, at least that is what my friends would do," McGann said. People will not be able to just run over an animal and take it home.

People will have to contact the local authorities and report what happens before it is taken by the driver.

Unfortunately to the person waiting to take the animal's carcass home, it could go bad and be


Sophomore Brian MacDonald thinks it is a waste of time.

"After you hit the animal you need to call the authorities. That is just wasting the police's time that they should be concentrating on solving crime and drugs. It just does not seem good," MacDonald said.

When the idea of roadkill comes to the minds of many peop1e they might often be lead to think about dirty, nasty animals that have been nailed by a speeding car on a dark country road.

But to the people of West Virginia, the idea might mean dinner.

, ~· I , ,-. l Thursday, March 19, 1998

Pop art has come to Philadelphia and is on display at the Museum of American Art of the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. The exhibit, entitled Pop Abstraction, runs through April 19 and presents works spanning four decades.

According to information on display at the exhibit, pop art originated in England and in the United States during the 1950s. It thrusts everyday imagery into the realm of painting and sculpture.

"Everyday imagery" of objects like vacuum cleaners, boxes of laundry detergent and hoods of cars find their way into the different work~ of the exhibit. One such work, Stuart Netsky's Vacuum Cleaner and Cozy on a Pedestal (1997), is simply a vacuum cleaner with a pink knit cover over it. In its accompanying description, Netsky said, "Vacuuming is a form of meditation unto itself."

Pop explosion of abstract art

Some of the comments heard over and over again at the exhibit were statements like, "Why is this in an art museum?" or "A child could do this." It is true that practically anyone could place a vacuum cleaner on a pedestal or paint a car hood orange, but pop art is more about the message and the impact received from observing the works than it is about displaying artistic skill. Luckily, the sometimes difficult-to-observe intended messages are often explained in the accompanying descriptions of the pieces.

Not all the pieces of the exhibit appear easy to recreate. One sculpture, Judy Plaff's Great Glasses (1988), is a ceiling-high complicated structure made of brightly painted plastics.

Another complex sculpture, John Chamberlain's Aucassen and Nicoletter (1992) is an artfully twisted structure consisting of painted steel.

The materials used in the works of the Pop Abstraction exhibit are incredibly imaginative. Aside from the traditional paint

on canvas, objects like pills, hemp and carpet also creatively serve as mediums. The colors of the pieces are mostly bright, primary colors that scream out for attention.

Among the highlights of the exhibit are the works of artists Roy Lichtenstein and Andy Warhol. Pop Abstraction is actually dedicated to Lichtenstein, who died last year. His painting entitled Little Big Painting (1965), on loan from New York's Whitney Museum, graces the brochure for the exhibit and is likely the most famous piece of the exhibit.

Several of the late Warhol's works are a part of the exhibit. His Four Jackies (1964) is a beautiful blue-green silk-screen of four images of the then Jackie Kennedy.

The piece situated in the center of the exhibit is also a standout. It is Richard Artschwager's Bristle Explanation Point (19956) and it is made out of wood and polystyrene. The work looks like a gigantic explanation point cut

out of an even bigger green Koosh ball.

Pop Abstraction is a fun exhibit full of bold, sometimes bordering on garish, works that are definitely worth checking out. The hours of the Museum of American Art are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mondays through Saturdays and 11· a.m. to 5 p.m. on Sundays. The museum is located on Broad and Cherry streets and admission is $5.95 for adults and $4.95 for students.

photo courtesy of the Whitney Museum of American Art Roy Lichtenstein, ~LittleBig Painting, " 1965, oif and synthetic polymer on canvas
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photo courtesy of Mickey Beyer Peter Halley's Dangerous Game, 1993 photo courtesy The Andy Warhol Museum, Pittsburgh Andy Warhol's Brillo Box, 1964
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photo courtesy of Locks Gallery Richard Artschwager's "Bristle Exclamation Point," 1995-96

What the audience wants, it gets in the competition known as ComedySportz. The Brick Playhouse hosts these games each Saturday night between two teams of improvisors based upon audience suggestions.

They're witty, crazy and great for parties. No, it's not the blac.k sheep of your family. They're ComedySportz.

ComedySportz, Philadelphia's only professional competitive improvisational comedy troupe, combines live comedy theater with the excitement of a sporting event

DuTI{lga match, two teams of players vie for points by playing a series of improv theater games based on suggestions from the audience.

The referee times the games, tallies the scores and calls the fouls, including the Groaner Foul (called if a player makes the audience groan from a bad pun) and the Brown Bag Foul (called if a player or fan says anything off-color, whereupon a brown paper bag is placed on the head of the offender).

ComedySportz begins like any other sporting event: vendors hawk their wares (pennants, peanuts, laugh sickness bags, etc.), the teams and referee assemble in uniform on

the artificial turf, the audience joins in singing the Star Spangled Banner, the coin is tossed and the match is under way.

The audience definitely gets swept up in the action. They help the referee call the fouls, judge which team deserves to win each round and one or two lucky fans become honorary members of ComedySportz by participating in games.

ComedySportz is completely unrehearsed, spontaneous and hilarious. Since no two matches are alike, fans can return again and again to cheer on their favorite team.

If a game gets boring, the referee can call the Stop, Drop and Roll Foul, which makes the players stop where they are, drop to the floor and roll over. They then have 15 seconds to make something interesting happen.

The referee keeps the action fast-paced and the Brown Bag Foul keeps the show appropriate for all ages.

ComedySportz performs every Saturday night at 10 p.m. at the Btjck Playhouse, located on 623 South Street (above Montserrat restaurant).

Sno-core flops in Philly

The ElectricFactory,Friday,March13

Primus, Blink 182, the Alkaholiks and the Mighty Aquabats were on the bill and despite great performances by Primus and theAlkaholiks, the atmosphere in the Electric Factory brought rainy moods for Sno-Core '98.,the complaint list for a show of this magnitude is very short, but this year it is longer than Philadelphia's snow drought The Factory was filled to capacity, but there were many people there who probably had a curfew before midnight. "I accidentally slammed a little kid who was probably not even 10 yet," Jeff Pietrusko, a member of the audience, said

Also, with many musical genres represented including punk, ska, loud rock and hip hop, the ethnically diverse crowd was ready eb mosh, slam and dance the nighl away. Ironically, no one was really dancing. The reason for this was the poor sound quality at the Electric Factory.

Both Blink 182 and the Mighty Aquabats were the two most affected because their music and lyrics are perfonned at a fast tempo. The sound quality became distorted and it was hard for both old and new fans to distinguish the bands' songs from one another.

The $25 ticket for the show was a little high. but the acts of Primus with DJ Field and the comical beer lyrics of the Alk:aholiksmade it worth the price of admission.

Primus, the headliner, came .on around midnight:,

when all of the "kiddies'} started to go home for curfew.

Blink 182 probably had the greatest number of fans in the crowd. However, their sexist attitudes, comments towards women and their all of their songs s0W1dingexactly the same, turned a lot of smiles into frowns. Blink 182 played many songs off their '97 release, "Dude Ranch." They did not forget to play their anthem "Dammit/' which was the only song everyone was singing along to.

The Alkaholiks were the surprise of the night. 1-Iailing from sunny Los Angeles, Calif. and being a hip hop band made them the the underdog with the least amount of fans supporting them. Nevertheless, after their performance, which contained beer drinking games for the crowd and some of their more popular songs like "Hip Hop Junkies" and "Lilcwidation," their fan base grew a little larger on the east coast.

Fmally, after a few episodes of South Park (Les Claypool, vocals and bass for Primus, wrote and performs the show's theme song) on the big screen. Claypool and his lunatic bandmates, known as Primus, made the night The only downfall was that the sound technician botched songs like "My Name is Mud," "Frizzle Fry" and "Tripping with a Duchess."

In any case, Primus had the more mature crowd dancing and moving in ways never seen before. Some people were quite aggressive, others were dancing like hippies and then there were others who just'let Claypool's lyrics and booming bass lines take over their body.

Overall, the show could have be,ena great success, but the Electric Factory continued to ruin the sound of a potentially awesome show. In addition, 'The Long BeachAllstars," (the

Admission is $10, $8 for students. Shows often sell out quickly, so arrive early to assure getting a seat.

Inexpensive parking is available in lots on 8th Street between Lombard and South streets, just two bloc.ks from the Brick Playhouse.

For more information on weekly shows, private bookings, or workshops, call 215-98LAUGH.

band composed of the musicians of Sublime minus their deceased vocalist and guitarist Bradley Nowell), did not perform, which created yet another let down. Apparently, they were only doing the West Coast dates of the tour. In exchange, the East Coast received migraines from the outlandish Aquabats, who have~ band member coW1tbeyond reason and a guy who actually dressed up like a chicken.

Thursday, March 19, 1998 A&E
photo courtesy of the Brick Playhouse Members of the ComedySportz improv troupe in the middle of a competition at the Brick playhouse located at 623 South _St. above Montserrat restaurant. photo courtesy of lnterscope records Primus, sno-core's headliner, gave the crowd a performance worthwhile at the Electric Factory in Philadelphia.

c. and everyone is starting to go outside to enjoy the weather and anticipate wanner weather to come. Even though it is still a little chilly out, some are taking advantage of the mild weather.

There ate many outside activities that cannot be done when it is cold or snowy. There is rollerblading, running, walking and bicycling that some love to do.

First-year student Amy Taylor has taken up a different kind of sport this spring. Her new-found sport is rugby. But not just any kind of rugby. It is men's rugby. She started off spring by joining the West Chester league. There is a reason why she is not on the women's team. "I originated on the women's team. But because of the injuries I caused, I was forced to play on the men's team." She also adds that she loves it.

Taylor is also applying for more jobs so she can do something different for the springtime.

First-year student Christine Conley said the only thing she is going to do is quit smoking for the springtime. She also adds that she is a winter person, so not much of her activities are going to change.

First-year student Jay Ferraro said he is trying to pass the semester. That is

the first thing on his mind. On the activity side he usually plays ice hockey. But, when the warm weather comes around he will play street hockey. "I usually don't play street hockey unless it's nice outside."

First year student David Wiley starts up a whole list of activities once spring comes around. He starts to do more running, jogging, swimming and weightlifting. "I come out of hibernation and start shedding off those pounds that I have put on."

Wiley likes to jog on a track, but if he can he likes to do it around a pond or lake because of the scenery.

Junior Becky Grabie starts to exercise a lot more once winter is over with. She jogs and does sit-ups. There are two different places where she runs. When she is at school she runs the Cabrini mile, which is running around the entire campus. When she is at home she likes to run at Bethamill Park in New Jersey.

As the weather warms up we will see more people jogging or riding their bikes around campus. It seems that some of the students have found interesting ways to forget about winter and welcome spring. These are just some of the ways to do it.

8 LOQUITUR t • • 0 r
The weather is beginning to get warmer and jogger's muscles are ready to be used. photo by Erin E. McHugh Since Cabrini is an open campus, students are not the only ones seen prancing though the grounds. Many resi, dents of Radnor enjoy the view as well. photo by Julie Shallis Valley Forge park is a popular place in the spring and summer for all who like to enjoy the outdoors.


o longer is a toot of your car horn-the signal that a driver is aggravated. In recent years driving has taken a tum for the worse. A phenomenon called road rage has flooded streets and highways throughout the United States.

Road rage is described as violent and aggressive driving. People engage in this dangerous form of driving for a wide variety of reasons.

First-year student irmala Narayan does it for the sake of reaction.

"It's fun. especially watching the reaction of others," she said. "It is my way of showing aggression and I e pecially do it in India where people think women should not drive and when a woman curses it is very much a big deal."

Road rage does not stop with simply cursing. It can include extreme cases of tailgating, overuse of the horn, loud music and changing lanes without signaling.

When a person is in a hurry sometimes the car in the far left lane that is the fastest moving car simply is not fast enough o what do_they do, is drive a close as possible to the rear of that car. Hom honking and the flashing of headlights then come into play.

Incidents of violent driving have been increasing by seven percent steadily each year since 1990, according to the American Automo-

bile Association. In Australia half of all traffic incidents are due to road rage.

In he United Kingdom 83 percent of the 2.8 million company car drivers have been victims of some form of road rage, according to a study by Lex research. Twenty-one percent of these drivers report having been run off of the road and 18 percent have actually been physically threatened.

Here in the nited States an estimated 1,800 reports of violent road behavior were reported in 1996.

Some peop1e, like first-year student Christine Conely, do not engage or agree with road rage.

''It's retarded," she said. "People should just mind their own business then it wouldn't happen. Just leave each other alone when you are driving."

Sophomore Kelly Graham has a different opinion. According to Graham she does partake in road rage and will continue to do so.

Stress has been noted as the thing that starts the raging.

Stress expert Dr. John Larson think drivers tend to put themselves in a stressful position because they are constantly trying to beat the clock.

"Everything that interferes with our self~im• posed time goals becomes an object of frustration, and potentially rage," Larson said.

One cause of road rage may be that people are trying

Dr. Richard Martinez, administrator of the U.S. national safety administration advises drivers to do the following ...

• Don't take trafficprobleJruipersonally

• Avoideye contactwith an agg~ive driver

• Don't makeobscenegestures

• Don't tailgate

• Use yourhorn sparingly (polit.ehonkscan be misinterpreted)

• Don't blockthe ~ing lane

• Don't blockthe right bandturninglane

By using these tips and creating a relaxing environment in your car with soft. music, traffic can be a cooperative activity. Stay away from those who you think are aggressive drivers.

Jerry, Oprah, Monte), Dave, Sally,Jenny, Ricki, Jay, Conan and Rosie. We know them all by their first names. They host those shows that many people can't get enough of talk shows.

Talk shows have become a norm in society. To some people, they're like a religion. Everyone has encounteredor beard of people that have to tune in at 2 p.m. to watch Jerry Springer or 4 p.m. to watch Oprah.

Whether they're a member of Oprah's book club, are II)'· ing to build on their Happy Meal toy collection like Rosie O' Donnell or are a proud owner of Jerry Springer' "Too Hot For TY." video, many Americans are becoming as addicted and obsessed with talk sbow hosts as they are to soap operas.

So, what is really so great about talk shows?

First-year student Mike Butler, who loves Jerry Springer, said, "Jerry brings new things to television. He gives everyone what rhey want to see sex and violence. Every once in a while he'll feature that feel-good-of-the-monthepisode. You know, like rescuing a 1,6(X).;.poundman from his house because he's too fat to get oul"

It seems that many people become obsessed with talk shows because, believe it or not, they can make people feel good about themselves.

"We are really obsessed," Butler said. "It has gotten to the point where me and my roommates b.avedebated on whether or not to go to class or watch Springer. Most of the time class wins out, unless I'm having a bad day. Then I'll sit around, watch Jerry and thank God that I'm nor a lesbianpre-op transsexual. Jeny makes me feel like maybe my life isn't as bad as I think it is."

Show topics such as "I was fat and now I'm all that," "I am a cheating lover and I want to confess:' "I hate your sexy occupation•·and "I b.avea secret fetish" are common themes that you'11find if you tune in to Jeny Springer or Jenny Jones.

But what do people think about serious talk shows such as Oprah and Monter!

SophomoreMeghan Myers said, "Montel gets too serious. I used to like Oprah when she featured show topics like family disputes and fashion makeovers, but now she gets on my nerves. I only watch her when she has good actors on. Now, I watch Jerry Springer and Dave Letterman. They are entertaining and funny."

Recently, an advertisementwas run on the Internetby the Jerry Springer show that was only looking for responses from non-U.S. citizens. The ad wanted people to phone in or write in any suggestions that they could think of that were unusual or that have not already been the focus of a show. Because the

shows aren't as popular in other countries, Springer wanted to II)' to attract foreign viewers.

Sinead McClinton, an exchange student from Belfast, Ireland, said she was never really interestedin talk shows until she came to America.

"I like to watch Oprah but everyone in the house always wants to watch another talk show," McClinton said. "I think a lot of the other shows seem kind of silly. I think that they·re fake and lack credibility. I prefer to watch Oprah because she is more nuthful and interesting."

Talk shows contro1the aiJWaves,not only in America, but at Cabrinias well. If you walk through any of the apartments houses or dorms between 2 and 5 p.m. you will find groups of • people sitting around watchingtalk shows.

·'It's almost like a ritual, first-year student, Mike Bonnes, said Everyone comes back from classes and watches Jerry Springer.Someone is always borrowingthe ''Too Hot For TV video, too. I guess people are addicted to them because they are entertaining. 1 think everyone likes Springer because he is good for a laugh. Life is seriousenough. That's why I'd rattier watch Springer than Oprah. Oprah is too depressing. I guess that is why Springer beat her in the ratings."

Thursday, March 19, 1998 FEATURES -
photo by Megan Zustra to beat the clock.
• 0 otto •

The editorials, viewpoints, opinions and letters to the editor published in Loquitur are the views of the student editorial board and the individual writers, not the entire student body or the faculty and administration.

EDITORIAL Runnin' out of time

Tenure is something teachers strive for. It is job security. After seven years of working at the college, teachers are eligible for tenure, granting them a significant amount of job security. Just as many corporations have unions that protect the workers from being fired without reason, tenure provides that same security. A new proposal has been implemented which institutes a three-year rol1ingcontract as an alternative to tenure. If too many professors are tenured, then this new non-tenure contract will be implemented, which does not provide permanent employment. This may result in more temporary teachers being hired. The issue of tenure is not oµly something for teachers to worry about, but students. Loquitur wants the board of trustees, administration and faculty to think about tenure from the viewpoint of the students.

The benefits for having a tenured professor teach instead.of a three-year faculty member are:

• Tenured professors have gained a considerable amount of experience in their field. They are full-time teacb~who have taught at Cabrini for at least seven years.

• These professors may know the wants and needs of their students in their field. Therefore, since they have job security they may be willing to stick their neck out for a new program or, in fact, a new facility to accommodate those students without fearing te:rmination.

• Tenured professors may in fact choose new classes, pemaps based on controversial material, without fear of being :fired.A part-time faculty member or non-tenured professor may have that fear and avoid controversy.

• And tenured professors.are respected by students. They are the advisers. They are the ones who have earned the respect of students through their --::teaching and their interaction with students.

However, there are some downfalls to having too many tenured teachers:

• If tenured professors have job security, they may become lazy in their field. They may not initiate any new programs or courses.

• Since tenured teachers may remain at the college for a long period of time, and since there is no forced retirement age, their teaching ability may decrease due to either physical or psychological circumstances. •

• The lack of new blood on campus, perhaps bringing in fresh ideas and tactics may be hindered due to the amount of tenured professors.

It is a fact that colleges across the country are ruming more toward hiring pa.Ft-time,adjunct and three-year faculty members because they can pay them less and terminate them when necessary. Adjuncts cannot be full-time because they have other responsibilities. Therefore, they do not have office hours to discuss scheduling or course work. Three-year faculty may spend more time looking for their next job. Putting a number on how many teachers can acquire,tenure may weed out those professors whom students Jove, causing them to get new jobs, or bounce from college to college looking for work. Even though hiring teachers with less experience may bring new faces to campus and cost less, tenured professors have the respect needed to maintain students.

A new proposal, submitted to the administration by the faculty senate, has drawn a clearer draft as to what the tenure policy should be. Not only is :,employment at stake, but also the quality of education we may receive. Who would you want to be taught by? Professors with experience and commitment to Cabrini? Or by three-year teachers who are worried about their next college?


"Say it ain't so, Jerry, say it ain't so."

These were the words I said when I heard that after nine seasons of pure entertainment, brilliant writing &nd constant laughter, my favorite sitcom ever, "Seinfeld," was calling it quits.

For those of you who don't know me, that is a bold statement.

I am the expert at Cabrini College when it comes to situation comedies. Ask Neal Newman, theater director. He has dubbed me the sitcom king.

Unfortunately as it stands right now, there will be no 'Tm back, baby," from Seinfeld.

As sad and depressing as it may seem, the end is near for "Seinfeld", six more episodes, to be exact, with the sixth to the last airing tonight on the "Night of a Thousand Laughs."

There have been critics who said Seinfeld has been declining over the past few seasons.

I disagree. The episodes have been just as funny if not funnier than they have ever been.

When the final episode airs and Seinfeld is over I can guarantee you that there will be no "high fives on the flip side," in the Moser household.

Why all this emotion about a television show, you may ask?

Hey, I'm no crazy Joe Davola but Seinfeld has been a part of life to many people for the past nine seasons. I can't imagine waking up

Friday mornings and not being able to talk to someone in the newsroom about Kramer's wackiest venture, Jerry's neurosis, Elaine's superficiality or George's temper that I witnessed the night before.

We watched this group of friends through thick and thin. We knew they were not perfect, but it didn't matter. We all could see a little bit of ourselves in the charac-

Every character has some trouble with a normal occurrence that Seinfeld would have in his comedy act.

The characters then, along with the writing, are the show. Without each one of them, there would not be any Seinfeld success.

Jerry Seinfeld worked to make every show perfect and it was that dedication that eventually, it seems, may be burning him out. On the other side, though it was that dedication that showed through and made it successful. Perhaps it is good that Seinfeld is going out on the top.

Thereare just six more. Excuse me, I say that every once in a while.

PAUL MOSER ters. This form of sitcom was entirely new to television and now it has reshaped the way we view sitcoms.

We also found ourselves acting like the characters. Who can forget the "Yada, Yada, Yada,:" escapade. In the episode Jerry did about the pilot, he and George told NBC that for the pilot to succeed the people would have to love the characters and that is exactly what happened to this show about nothing in real life.

Every person I know has a different character who they think is the greatest. Some people like George where others adore Kramer.

It is time to say good-bye to all the little Seinfeld sayings that have been in our conversations for the past nine seasons.

Snubbing, sponge worthiness, picking, missed chances, stopping short, the contest, the keys, Cinnamon Babka, Bosco, assman, pigman, The Kramer, Jay Peterman,Tbe Soup Nazi, Poppy, Frank and Estelle Castanza, Bob Sacamano, Neumann and Puddy are just a few of the many phrases and names that will be only supplied by reruns.

It's been great "Seinfeld", I'll miss you. Though I can look at the bright side, at least I'll be able to go out on Thursday nights nbw. PaulMoserisa juniormajoringin EnglishJcommunications. Heis oneof Loquitur'ssportseditors.




•QDear Ben,

I am a senior who is graduating this 0 spring. I have a lot of fears, along with many decisions to make. I feel more pressure than excitement about graduation. In a couple of weeks, life is going to slap me in the face. With all of this, I am finding myself bemg very moody and reacting to things I shouldn't. The one who gets most of this is my boyfriend. This, I know, is not fair. I feel bad. All he does is try to help.

Sincerely, Senior

A:Dear Senior,

Your problem is very common one for graduating seniors, according to Dr. Andy King. I am not a graduating senior and therefore I have had some trouble relating to your situation.

I've been talking to King and


he's been a great help.

You seem to be anticipating a transition. This would be your impending graduation. With any transition there will always be an adjustment that must be made. This should come as no surprise to anyone. Your problem may just be that you are unsure of how you'll adjust to your new situation. Basically, you are unsure of where to tum and where you'll be.

This could account for your mood disturbances. You are naturally stressed and therefore moody. Your boyfriend can see that you are stressed and he's just trying to help you. I'm sure he is not holding any grudge against you for it.

You also seem to be rather unsure of your future. I'm sure that you would not be so worried if you knew exactly where you'd be six months from now. There are a few things that you could do to help with this. •

First of all, I think that you should update your resume and visit career counseling in Grace Hall. Talking to a favorite professor in your field could also gain you some perspective on future employment. These should at least help you to know what you '11be doing after graduation.

As far as where you'll be after graduation, you can help this, too. Will you be living at home? If so, then discuss this with your parents. They may have problems

coming to terms that things will not be exactly as they once were. You'll be there, but you most likely won't be the same. College is for growing and that's something I'm sure you've done. However, they may not realize that.

If you don't want to live at home try talking to your friends that will be graduating with you. Are any of them staying in the area? How would you feel about living with them?

How would they feel about living with you? Is your boyfriend graduating? The point is, you don't have to go directly back home and it is possible to have some type of idea of where you'll be. That should to dispel some of • your fears. But don't worry too much.

You're not alone. Like King said, it's natural. "The feelings you're having right now are very normal for a graduating senior and this is just your mind's way of motivating the behavior that will help you to adjust." I hope I was of some help.

If you have any problems or questions, don't be afraid to write in. If you have a problem, another opinion could always help. Sometimes, I may also get a second opinion on my advice. Besides, if you don't agree with what I have to say, just don't listen. Otherwise, keep writing in. My e-mail is

Which Direction Will You Choose?

Areyou feeling contusedandstressedabout your careerdinc1ion? Thistwo-sessionMt!Mrl workshopcan help! •As part of tis workshop you willcompleteThe Myers-BriggsType Indieator4

Sessionswill be held on: Tuesday, March 31, 1998 , 7:00 "' 8:00 PM & · WednesdayApril I, 1998,.1:00-8:00 PM

Officeof~tive BdooationandCareerSe.rvic~s - 160GraceHall

To register,pleaseeall: MariaBeazleyin the RooymansCenterat ext. 8566 Callsoon.. - spaceis limited!

Are people more aware about sexual harassment and sexual assault after this week?

Allison Hart, a first year student: No, I think more people are aware but not just after one week.

Danielle Wawrzynek, a first year student: Yes, I think it opened up their eyes and ears to what really happens in today's society.

Beth Macardle, a first year student: 1 do not know if this week will change anybody, but I am hoping that it will.

Natopha Forbes, a first year student: Yes, because people know what to be aware of now.

Maninda Cruz, a first year student: Yes. We have a lot of programs going on in all of the buildings to make us aware.

Lisa Gray, a first year student: Yes, I think that the programs were very helpful and they provided a lot of information to you.

Thursday, March 19, 1998
-.~bt • 11


Irish eyes are smiling again

Happy St. Patrick's Day, Last Tuesday, it seemed like the entire world celebrated St. Patrick's Day. This holiday is focused around little green men and lucky four leaf clovers.

I had never actually found a four leaf clover before in my life. Needless to say I am not the luckiest guy in the world today.

How is a four leaf clover supposed to bring you lucky anyway? All it really is a weed. A weed that we all have wanted in some point in our lives.

Another thing that makes this holiday great. is the worshiping of a child's cereal cartoon character.

"Frosted Lucky Charms, they're magically delicious."

Yes, it is that little green man, not the one that lurks in the back of your refrigerator after ordering a pizza and forgetting about it for six months.

No, what I am talking about iS' that little green man call a leprechaun. The legend is, if you spot one he must grant you three

wishes. But if you follow him to the end of the rainbow you have a chance of receiving his pot of gold.

I know what you are thinking, and no you may not follow me around. Sure I have the height of one of these guys but the gold, is another story.

people like this holiday so much, and the answer is green beer. The one day in the year that beer looks the same going down as it does coming up.

I do not ever think that this line ever worked, at least not for me. But there might be a reason for that. If you will notice from the picture to the left, I do not have an Irish look about me.

The dark hair, the brown eyes and the olive completion tend to lean toward another nationality. Well if you have not guessed, look at the last name, but not the first.

Hey, I do have something in common with St. Patrick. Maybe I, too should start looking for these leprechl).uns.

St. Patrick's Day means a lot to a lot of people. It is a time where Irish people feel a strong tie to their homeland. And are filled with natio'nalism to Ireland. Everywhere that you walk you will find people wearing the famous: Kiss me I'm Irish pins. Lets face it, we all know why

Well for now I guess that I will just have to settle for a nice, cold, green shamrock shake and one of those little Irish potatoes. A belated Happy St. Patrick's Day.

GavinMiriglianiis a juniormajoringin English/communications.Heis the perspectiveseditorof Loquitur.

Corrections Box:

- In issue 19, page 9, the pictures for the story, "Not just another pair of blue jeans" were actually taken by Melissa Generelli.

- In issue, 20, page 3, the story, "Networking proves to be priceless for any career" ends with: field," Jensen said.

We regret all of our errors. - - ~--- - -

E-Mail Us.

We'11almost certainly print your comments, especially if they are well thought out and about a relevant subject. Letters should be sent in by noon on Mondays. Don't forget to include your name.

E-mail us at dgrimal

352,353 and 354. Members of the campus community are invited lo work on or submit stories for publication, Only students registered in the above classes, however. are eligible to receive academic credit. Subscription price is $25 per year and is included in the benefits secured by tuition and fees. Loquitur welcomes letters to the editor. Le.tiers should be si.glll!dand the authorship known to the editors. However. if the writer wishes .and the editor agrees., the writer's name may be left off the poblicatioo and llil inscription inserted, such as "name withheld at the ,request of the writer." Leners to the editor should be submitted by noon on

;,:. - :, t.,.f.( :-:.~, PERSPECTIVES
Gavin Mirigliani
Loquitur is established as a forum for student expression and as a voice in ihe uninhibited, robust, free and open discussion of issues News Editors Jen Kietur Becky Raetscb Assistant News Editors MelissaLessig Julie Shallis Editor in Chief Diane Grimaldi, Managing Editor Dina M. Tartaglia Assistant Managing Editor Nicole Klimas Copy Editor Andrea Koch Sports Editors Laura Casamento Paul Moser Assistant Sports Editor Aimee Somers Features Editor Erin E. McHugh A&E Editor Colleen Ehrle Assistant Copy Editor Megan Zustra Assistant Features Editors Assistant A&E Editor Karin Letcher Assistant Photo Editors Emily Mercer Jim Snook Adviser Jerry Zurek Persp,:ctives Editor Gavin Mirigliani Assistant Perspectives Editor Shannon Downs Photography and Graphic Design Adviser Don Dempsey Erica McGee Jennifer Nespoli De.sign Editor Thomas McKee Asststant Design Editor Nicholas Leva(ldusky Staff EditorialBoard Andrea Altman Alison Briant Ron D'Orazio Joseph Elliott Hollie Havens Illustrator Bill Gibson Carleen Rollo Victor Sgro Maria Izzo J.ason Jungreis David Jurki.ewicz Heather King l\,UcbelleSaboja Diane Grimaldi Jen Kierur Andrea Koch Erin E. McHugh Business Manager Nicole Klimas Cartoonist Bill Gibson Th6mas McKee Gavin Mirigliani Paul Moser Beck)' Raetscb Dina Tanaglia Photojournalists Melissa Generelli Bill Gibson HollieHavens Emily Mercer Jim Snook
is a laboratory newspaper written, edited and produced by student~ of Cabrini College registered in COM 346,350.351.
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UpsetsmakingNCAAtournament a 1m1emoreinteresting

ting at No. 4, 70-69.

1\vo upsets I can handle. Two upsets in the same bracket? No way. Shouldn't happen.

Massachusetts went down hard to St. Louis, 51-46, in another first-round upset.

St. Job.n'salso took the early bus home with a 66-64 loss to Detroit.


Oh, for crying out loud.

Wtll somebody please tell me what in the World is going on at the NCAA men's basketball tournament?

Not only am I totally confused as to who is even in this thing anymore, but I was out of the basketball pool by the first half of the first round.

Here's some of the crazy stuff that's been going on so far:

In round one, No. 12 pick Florida State beat No. 5 seed Texas Christian by a score of 9687.

Valparaiso, seeded 13th, defeated Missi sippi, who was sit-

Richmond, seeded at No. 14, squeaked by No. 3 South Carolina with a 62-61 victory.

Also in the first round, No. 6 seed Xavier was sent home by No. 11 Washington by a score of 6968.

Okay, close game. That happens. But explain to me how 10thseeded West Virginia can move to the next round with a 30-point, 82-52 victory over Temple.

Now for round two.

Now I do not feel quite so bad. I think pretty much everyone else in the pool went down in flames after No. 1 seed Kansas was defeated by p.ttle-bitty 8th-seed Rhode Island.

At least I have some company now.

UCLA also put on quite a show in their 85-82 upset victory over third-seeded Michigan.

West Vrrginia went crazy again, beating second-ranked Cincinnati in another shocker, 7574.

And. of course, Valparaiso scored another upset with its win over Florida State, 83-77.

Valparaiso is in the Sweet Sixteen. Now I've seen it all.

Now, don't get me wrong. As with any other year, we have also seen some classic battles.

No. 4 Maryland came away with a 67-61 victory over llinois in the second round after one of the hardest-fought games in the tournament.

Syracu e and New Mexico, ranked at o. 5 and No. 4 respectively, also went head-to-head before the defense-minded Or-angemen could pull away with the 5646 upset victory in another exciting game.

Of course, along with those "classic battles," we have to take some joke matchups as well.

Like Purdue 95, Delaware 56.

Kansas llO, Prairie View 52. Arizona 99, Nicholls State 60.

Where is Nicholls State, anyway?

But, again, the big story in the tournament is the huge number of upsets.

Just what is going on with these Learnsthat are supposed to go far and end up going home? Are they too overconfident?

Could be the case. I don't see any reason why No. I Kansas should have been fearful of a No. 8 Rhode Island team.

Are the lower-ranked teams just getting lucky?

You have to wonder when a team like No. 14 Richmond beats No. 3 South Carolina by just one point in the opening round, and then gets blown out of the water by No. 11 seeded Washington, 8166.

Are the higher-ranked teams choking?

Maybe. Just ask Mississippi, whose No. 4 ranking in the Midwest meant nothing to the offensive powers from No. 13 Valaparaiso. Mississippi's defense just

could not get going against Valpo's inside players.

And the high seeds that are pulling off the wins eem to be doing their best to keep the scores as close as possible. For example, No. 2 Cincinnati should have been a little more competent in their 6562 win over No. 15 Northern Arizona.

Whatever it is that's going on with tho e high seeds, it's pretty much thrown everyone off.

The Sweet Sixteen, which should have been compri ed of teams like Kansas, Michigan, South Carolina and Cincinnati is now looking at Rhode Island, Valparaiso, UCLA and West Virginia. No one knows who is going down next and who will pull off the next big upset.

And nobody really has a clue about who's winning the office pools.

Even if it's ugly, it sure is interesting.

LauraCasamentoisa sophomore majoringin English/communications. Sheisoneof Loquitur'ssportseditors.


The men's game at Lycoming College scheduled for Saturday, March 14th was postponed due to snow.

The Cavs fell to Lynchburg College, 11-6, on March 7th.

First-year player Michael Bonnes led the Cavs with two goals and remains third on the team in scoring.

Women's Lacrosse

The women opened up with a 2-0 start last week with victories over Widener University and Catholic University.

Junior Lesley Kerrigan picked up where she left off last season, leading the Lady Cavs offense with six goals and nvo assists in their season-opening win over Widener on Wednesday, March 11th.

Senior Carrie Borish added four goals and junior Jessi Valerio contributed two goals and two assists in the win.

On Saturday, March 14th. the Lady Cavs came away from Catholic with a 144 victory.

Borish led all scorers with three goals in the win.

First-year students Megan Rush and

First-year student Heather Stinger also scored her first. NCAA goal in the win and continues to lead the team in assists with four.

The Lady Cavs will open up at home on Saturday, March 21st with a rematch against last year's Pennsylvania Athletic Conference champion Cedar Crest College.

The Lady Cavs fell to Cedar Crest in the champion hip game last year, 15-12.


The Lady Cavs fell in their home opener against Widener on Thursday, March 12th, as a three-run eighth inning dropped the Lady Cavs record to 2-6-1 on the seaon.

The Lady Cavs scored all three of their runs in the bottom of the second inning to take a brief 3-2 lead.

Sophomore Michelle Gabriel drew a lead-off walk and advanced on an error by Widener's catcher Katie Marro, which also aJlowed freshman Katie Valone to get on base.

After junior catcher Mary Lear struck out, sophomore Kelly Griffith knocked in

Griffith then cored on an ensuing squeeze play by freshman Holly Waterman.

The Lady Cavs will travel to Swarthmore College for a 3:30 p.m. start Thursday, March 19 in a non-PAC matchup.

The Lady Cav now have a record of 46-1.

Men's Tennis

The Cavaliers fell to King's College in a 4-3 loss on Sunday, March 15 in their season debut.

Senior Dan Dot ey won at first singles in two sets to pick up his first victory tw~ years. Dotsey sat out the 1997 season with an injury.

Senior Alex CorkhiU returned to the Cavs • lineup to pick up a two-set win at second singles and first-year student Pete Pietranik won in hjs NCAA debut at fourth singles in two-straight sets. 6-0, 6-0.

Men's Golf

The Cavaliers' season opener scheduled for Tuesday, March 17 was postponed and will be rescheduled at a later date.

at their home course al Jefferson County Club against Neumann College and Beaver College and the Philadelphia College of Textile and Science This is the first match of the season for the Cavaliers.

Indoor Track

Sophomore Miguel Williams finished third in the 500-meter run, setting a new indoor track record at Cabrini in the process with a time of I :06.28.

Williams was also named to the AllEastern CollegeAthletic Conference team. The 4x800-meter relay team of firstyear students Ryan Jones, Jason Bull, Shaun Hazlett and Colin Broderick also e~tablished a new school record with a time of 8:58.63.

The 4x200-meter relay team of seniors Sue Buccholz and Nicole Volikas and firstyear students Sabrina Smith and Becky Jurich set a new school record in the event while finishing in the top 15 in the event, The 4x800-meter relay team of Volikas, junior Michele McDevitt, Smith and Jurich also established another school record with their finish of 10;48.23 in the race.

Thur. day, March 19, 1998 ,SPORTS , .. 13
Men's Lacrosse Monica Paolucci each scored their first career goals in the victory.
Gabriel and Valone with a single. The Cavs will now open the season on Wednesday, March 25

The men's tennis team faces a new year with new players and new expectations. As they bounce onto the court, they maintain poise and confidence.

Coach Reggie Day expects only the best from his team this


With the return of skilled players and the arrival of new players, Day said his team will do quite well throughout the season.

The men's tennis team has two fifth-year seniors, Dan Dotsey and Alex Corkhill.

They will be the powerhouses of the team at No. l and No. 2 singles and at No. 1 doubles as well.

"They will do quite well. They're a real strong one-two punch .and they can win consis-

tently. [Dotsey] and [Corkhill] will be a force to be reckoned with in the [Pennsylvania Athletic Conference]," Day said.

''If we get all the players we're looking for by the time our matches start, we should win the PAC," Dotsey said.

"I feel good going into this season. I was absent for a year and I'm excited to get back into the swing of things and get a PAC championship," Corkhill said.

The middle of the lineup is fairly new, according to Day.

No. 3 singles will be first-year student Chris Cox and at No. 4 singles will be junior Chris Vitale. Cox and Vitale will be No. 2 doubles as well.

"Cox was good in high school. He'll do very well and I'm looking forward to having him play No. 3 singles," Day said.

Yitale joined the team last year. "He hustled. He's very athletic. [Vitale] is very coachable and willing to learn. He contributed to the team last year," Day said.

Returning for the men's tennis team are sophomores Joe Elliott and Mike McGann as No. 5 and No. 6 singles and No. 3 doubles.

"They both were forced into tough situations Jast se'ason where they played stronger one and two players, but they stuck in there, learned a lot and improved as the season went on.," Day said. "They

can do real damage."

Dayandcompanypreparetoserveupanotherseason ~n's Tennis

Two newcomers who will contribute to the success of the team are first-year students Tony Barrett and Eric Kenny.

Day said they are not that strong as players, but they will develop and do well.

"They are hard workers who want to learn," Day said.

Day feels confident with his team. "We're back and we're strong. We're pretty strong at the top with [Corkhill] and [Dotsey]. [Cox] and [Vitale] will be important players because No. 3 and No. 4 singles and No. 2 doubles will be key and pivotal matches," Day said.

The competition ip_the PAC, as the focus of the team, basically exists between four teams, according to Day.

Beaver, Marywood, Eastern and Cabrini will all have their eyes towards the prize of a PAC championship.

Most PAC teams have a good one and two and then drop off after that and a few PAC teams have a good top three and then drop off after that, so the competition rests among four strong teams, according to Day.

"It's a four-team race," Day said. "Beaver has really improved over the years.

"Marywood is the team to beat," Day said. "Eastern is the de-

First-year student Chris

returns a teammate's volley during a recent practice.

fending PAC champion. Every match is important."

Day said it is difficult to determine how well the team will do in - the PAC.

"It is hard to judge how we'll do because every team is a new team and every year is a new year," he said.

"We have strength at the top and we have new players. We have to see how well we play under pressure and in game situations," Day said.

Day possesses good expectations upon approaching the season.

"We expect to play well, learn and improve," Day said. "It's a new year with new players and they need experience. As long as we are doing our best, I'm happy."


A college athlete spends a great majority of his or her time practicing to be the best that he or she can be at a sport. Days and hours can be spent shooting the same foul shot or the same three-pointer until the perfect shot is attained.

Senior John Drummond, captain of the men's basketball team, has worked to reach this perfection.

Drummond has worked ever since he was a little kid to excel in basketball. Since the fourth grade, Drummond has been playing basketball. His interests in basketball started when two of his uncles introduced the sport to him.

At an early age, Drummond was becoming a dominant force on the basketball court. By the age of 13, Drummond was doing what he has been known to do best - dunking the ball.

'Tue first time I ever dunked a ball, I was pretty young. I was also pretty nervous," Drummond said.

Drummond's basketball career picked up after his senior year in high. school. Drummond played his only year of high school basketball for Overbrook High School.

At the end of the season, Drummond was named to theAllPublic team.

"I was pretty nervous playing basketball sometimes. I was

Cabrini to play basketball.

"I have some friends that went to bigger schools to play basketball, and they did not like the schools. I really found it easy to make friends at Cabrini, and the people that the coaches have gotten are really good players for the team," Drummond said. •

This past year, Drummond earned the starting forward position and was named captain of the men's varsity team.

'This year was different then the years past. We did not have the true depth to run the ball. We relied on a more halfcourt game and it proved to be a winning method," Drummond said.

After looking back at what Cabrini has meant to him, it has been a great ride.

-senior John Drummond

especially nervous every time I had a chance to dunk the ball. The first time I dllllked the ball was against Chester, and I was pretty nervous about that one. I just wanted to get the two points and not blow the dunk," Drummond said.

Drummond was very happy with his decision to come to

"I have really learned a lot at school. I'm majoring in graphic design and I hope that I will find something in that field when I graduate," Drummond said.

"I was also very happy that I was able to be a part of a Cabrini team that has been such a dominating force in the PAC. I'm especially happy that I was able to end my career at Cabrini with another PAC championship," Drummond said

photo by Jim Snook Junior Chris Vitale hits the ball to a teammate in a recent practice. photo by Jim Snook Cox
"I was pretty nervous playing basketball sometimes. I was especially nervous every time I had a chance to dunk the ball."

Even with over 30 rules and regulations, 14 different clubs and various courses for very level of skill across the United States and the world, golf is still a mainstream Ort.

There are many things to consider if you want take up this age-old pastime. Golf clubs in- the ea offer a variety of programs and memberships. Shops designed especially for golfers are rampant and sell equipment ranging in prices.

• Some historians feel that golf originated in the Netherlands in the early 14th century. In the 15th century, the people of Scotland actually devised the game, applying rules and order to it.

The game was then taken to France and England through various members of Scotand 's royal family.

The object of the game of golf is to advance e ball around the·course using as few strokes as ossible.

Iron and wood clubs are used to hit the ball and achieve distance, height and accuracy in the placement of the ball.

A traditional golf course is divided into 18 sections, called holes, which vary in length. The main grassy part of the course • is called a fairway .and on either side of this area is the rough: ground covered with long grass, bushes, trees and sand.

Traps are set up on the course to add difficulty to the game. These traps are large holes filled with sand known as bunkers.

The United States Golf Association was founded in 1894 and is one of the governing bodies of golf in this country. Organizations like this establish rules for the game to be followed around the world. These rules are numerous and complex and include a code of etiquette for behavior on the green.

Once you've • learned the rules of the game, it is time to head to a golf club and practice your skills.

There are cur:' rently more than 12,400 golf

courses in the country and over 20 million people play golf a year, according to the USGA.

Two kinds of golf clubs or courses exist: private and public. Private clubs can only be used with a membership.

Kimberton Golf Club in Phoenixville, Pa. is a public and private club with an 18 hole course, a restaurant, a bar and an equipment shop.

Kimberton does offer private memberships to those interested. Memberships are all $675 for one year and there are no student discounts for this price. The memberships allow players to use the course every weekday after 3 p. ., according to manager Steve Holauchock.

Non-members must pay $15 for every round of golf and must call for specific times for availability of the course. For beginners, Holauchock suggests lessons at the club. They cost $30 for half an hour of lesson time with an experienced instructor.

"We offer a student discount of about $15 for 15 minutes. Lessons can go longer, according to the individual's preferences and needs," Holauchock said. "We also provide equipment for the lesson if the person doesn't have theirown."

Woods Golf Center is a public course that does not offer any memberships and is located in Norristown, Pa.

Lessons are offered with two professional players, one male and one-female. They provide group lessons that cost $5 per person for an hour, according to Jen Wood, a manager at Woods Golf Center.

Groups can be made UP. of eight people and vary in levels of skill and experience. Private lessons are offered for $25 every half hour and $45 per hour.

One round of golf costs $8 on weekdays and $10 on weekends. Woods has two miniature courses, a driving range and a nine-hole chip and putt course. Prices for each of these three games range from $4 to $6 per round.

Another important facet of the game is the equipment. The basic essentials are a 14-club set, a box of golf balls and a golf bag, according to Paul Tomasulo, manager of the Somerset Springs Golf Shop in Devon, Pa. For people who don't have a lot to spend on golf equipment, Tomasulo suggests a basic set of Spalding or Square-Two gold clubs. A set of 14 clubs and a golf bag from either of these brands would cost $340 at the cheapest price.

A lot of preparation and work goes into the game of golf with all of the rules, lessons and equipment needed to play.

"Jt is a complicated game," Wood said. "But once you master it, it can be very exciting."


•1ryotl·wailt (o play the gsrile,you bave to-knowthe roles. Theseate t~e mostlmpodant,~mifl9rl() theDniter:;,Sta.tesGQ/f.Associa'titm:"··

• Yw mustpman idi£ntiticatlon tnaxk.9n yourball. If You ~an•tidentifrit .asYOW'S,it'slost. .,·• :, -

• Count·yourclut>s.Yooean onlyhave 14.

• Don't ~f'or acMce,fromimyooe-exc:eptyour · oryout caddre. : • s\'. ' •.•

• • Theorder of play:is by i~~jQg.

• Pia. y the ball M if~, 061ft !OuchitJlts a;mle permits. - If "

• You Qnlylift your balli.(it assistanother pl~er.. "

• lf'y() is in a natural~ such as a~YotJmavdrop the nearest reliefpoint

Thursday, March 19, 1998
The grass is g birds are c • just itchin around in carts. Her, some of at the b favorite


The new Dixon Center is scheduled to open within the next few weeks. Among the inside attractions are a pool, weight rooms and a basketball court.



Thursday,March 19' at SwarthmoreCol.leF 3:30.p.m.•

Saturday,March21 AlverniaCollege l p.m. (DH)

Saturday, • -• Sunday, _ AlfredUnivem ·m

.Tuesday,. atF

As someone would watch a student mature over their first couple of years in college, the Cabrini community has watched with a close eye the maturing process of the Dixon Center, which was formerly known as the Sports and.Recreation Center.

The long wait, however, may be over soon. According to Dr.

Tony Verde, chairperson of the sports science department and overseer of the construction of the building, the center is 98 percent done.

The .center began construction about two years ago when the first lump of earth was taken away from the Edith Dixon field by Dt. Antoinette Iadarola, college president. It has culminated in the huge monstrosity that we now see before us facing towards Grace Hall.

The ant1c1pation may finally be over. The little odds and ends are all that remain of this major construction.

There are, however, a few things that are holding up the opening da.y.The most important is the basketball court floor inside the gym, which has yet to be finished.

Currently there are humidifiers inside the building to try and get the wood to expand before the finish is put on it. This precaution is to prevent the floor of the gym from cracking later on down the line.

The equipment aod facilities appear to be almost ready but there is a difference between being completed for show and being completed for use. Verde said he would rather have the building done the right way slower as opposed to the wrong way quicker. "Do it right the· first time," he said.

Although not all of the policies. and the rules of the center are known, there are a few facts that are beginning to surface about the use of the Dixon Center. There will be a check-in desk that all members of the center (students and other card members) must use in order to get into the center.

There also will be openings and positions available for students at Cabrini for work grant and work study. Positions will vary from check-in and trainers to assistants and technicians who work there.

Faculty will be able to buy memberships for themselves and their families, although it is not known yet the cost nor the proce-

dure for off0 campus memberships of people in the community.

There will, however, probably be pool passes available for senior citizens in the area.

Sports science classrooms and offices will be located inside the center as will their labs.

There will be state of the art equipment for both training and fitness.

The center also boasts equipment, such as a whirlpool, that will be used for treating sports injuries.

Perhaps it is fitting that graduation may be the first event in the Dixon Center. In a way the students who will be graduating inside of it grew up at this campus along with the Dixon Center. As one chapter in Cabrini's history comes to a close, another begins.

Saturday,March21 Wesley College lp.m.

Trackand Field

Saturday~Match21 Emory CollegeInvitational

photo by Stacey Caiazzo Free-weight machines, such as these, will be a major attraction in the new Dixon Center. photo by Stacey Caiazzo The men's and women's basketball teams will use the gym in the Dixon Center starting next season.
Volleyin. up .;. 1. for
Get a sneak peek at the men's tennis team's prospects·Jorthe 1998 season. PAGE 14

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