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Soine claim no binging problem on campus
Binge drinking is defined as five or more drinks for men and four or more for women. Most students are not aware of what binge drinking can cause. Most claim, though, that this is not a problem on campus like it used to be.
by Nicholas Burch staff writer
Cabrini students seem to have some self-control when it comes to binge drinking.
There is no dilemma concerning over-consumption of alcohol on Cabrini's campus.
If there is a problem with binge drinking, students are keeping it private and away from administrators and health educators.
Students' lack of knowledge on binge drinking is a concern to health educator Karen Pollack.
"Binge drinking is defined as five or more drinks in one sitting for a man and four or more in one sitting for a women," Pollack said.
The danger with binge drinking is alcohol poisoning and the effects on the body. The long-term effects are liver and brain damage.
"Binge drinking affects major bodily organs because the body is forced to keep up with metabolizing the alcohol," Pollack said.
Short term effects include social problems such as lower grades, missing class, unplanned sexual activity and violence.
The reason for binge drinking's popularity is the perception from people coming to college that it is the thing to do. People believe it is a tradition.
vomiting, unconsciousness, or if someone combines alcohol with drugs," said Pollack. "You need to get that person medical attention right away by calling public safety."
Pollack stresses that if someone has a problem with binge drinking, they can talk to professionals through the counseling center.
"Randy Sander has an emphasis in drug and alcohol related addictions and problems," said Pollack. "If someone thinks they have a problem with binge drinking they can attend an AA meeting at Cabrini or Villanova."
Although Pollack is concerned about students who are binge drinking, it does not mean that you should not drink.
Studentsdie of alcohol-related incidentsat nation'scolleges
"I have not encountered it as an RA. The old ways of binge drinking died down with the graduating classes. I have experienced it my freshman year and it was a mess. There were people passed out everywhere."
Binge drinking seems to occur among athletes, especially throughout the first-year class.
"It is more of a tradition between sports teams, like a rite of passage to first-year students from upperclassmen," said Scates.
"It is not intimidating to firstyear students because they do not force them to drink. but it is a way of bonding."
byChrlsVescl staff writer
Many students have been victims of binge drinking. These are more than a few cases of college students that have died from this act.
Scott Krueger, a student at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, was attending an off--campusfraternity party. He Jost consciousness and had to be rushed to a hospital. His blood-alcohol level was 0.41 and his heartbeat had stopped. Thonghit was restored, he remained in a coma and died three days later.
Pollack believes that students do not know the seriousness of binge drinking.
"The major problem is that someone could die," Pollack said. "If someone is in danger, it is important to get help right away."
"Signs that binge drinking should be a major concern are
"Drinking in moderation is okay, as long as you drink legally and responsibly," said Pollack.
Junior Derek Scates, a resident assistant, believes that binge drinking is no longer a serious problem among Cabrini students.
"People seem more and more responsible nowadays," said
If anyone is interested in finding out more about alcoholism or binge drinking, Alcohol Awareness Week is the week of Oct. 1824.
''There will be a lot of programs to inform students about alcohol prevention," Pollack said.
So wlo's a 6iage lrinker?
According to a recent reportfrom the Harvard School of Public Health, people in many different categories can be cjo..~-d:as--bin~drifilatrs.
Another death occurred at Louisiana State UnivetSity when Sigma Alpha Epsilon pledge Benjamin Wynne at• tended a fraternity celebration entitled "bid night.•
The 20-year--old drank until bis blood-alcohol level reached six times the legal limit. He died and six other pledges were hospitalized.
Universities in Vuginiawere faced with•a binge drinking epidemic throughout 1997.
Five Virginia students died in alcohol-related incidents within a one-month period.
On Halloween, one drunken Virginia Tech student fell eight stories from her donn-room window.
On Dec. 2, University ofVirginia student Leslie Anne Baltz fell down a flight of steps and hit her head.
She had been celebrating the Vrrginia vs. V'rrginiaTech football game that Saturday night and had a blood-alcohol level threetimesthe legal limit. She died the next moming in a hospital bed.
Binge drinking is regarded as a disease.
A survey l>y the Harvard Schoo] of Public Health found that religious students were not likely to drink much, while whites, athletes, fraternity and sorority members were likely to be heavy drinkers.