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Primiano discusses nationwide interest in angels
by Alison Briant staff writer
A powerful trend currently pervading popular culture in America is the abundance of angelic images and encounters throughout both the media and the daily thoughts of modern people.
This was the topic of conversation and lecture at the most recent and unique Scripture and Supper meeting
Unbeknownst to many here, an expert on angels exists in our midst at Cabrini College.
Dr. Leonard N. Primiano, assistant professor of religious studies, gave a presentation in the lounge of Dixon House on Tuesday, Sept. 29 at 5:30 p.m. about Angels to approximately 25 students. This speech was inspired by the recent and long running nationwide interest in the heavenly bodies known as angels.
As explained by Primiano, the Vatican Art Museum in Rome has, for the second time in history, arranged for 100 pieces of "angel art" to visit the United States as a gift to the Roman Catholic Church in this country for their contributions.
These pieces of "angel art" range in age from ancient times, the oldest dating back to 900 BC, through the developing
Christian Era to our present modern time.
This heavenly artistry has already toured across the country, reaching the cities of Los Angeles, St. Louis and Detroit.
More than 210,000 enthusiastic viewers have discovered the art so far on this tour.
The exhibit will stop next in Baltimore, Md. and continue on to visit West Palm Beach, Fla. and Toronto, Canada.
Primiano has made numerous television appearances discussing the popularity of angels in America's society today with spots on such shows as CNN Live and an appearance on a special edition of the acclaimed television show "Touched By an Angel."
Primiano is most often asked on these appearances, "Why are angels so popular in America?"
"Americans today are turning to angels for help with answers to questions about all areas of life," Primiano said. "In particular, young people," he said.
The main reason that Primiano attributes angels to becoming so adored among Americans is because they are "relevant in so many differing religious traditions."
"The impact of angels really has no boundaries," Primiano said.
The presentation on Tuesday night de- veloped into a discussion about the personal experiences with angels that have occurred among those attending the talk. About half a dozen stories were shared regarding encounters with guardian angels and various previous teachings about angels.
In addition, different opinions about the definition of an angel were raised.
Students readily discussed with Primiano, campus ministers Arlene Smith and John DiMucci, and the group, their personal angelic experiences.
Some students regarded angels as messengers to and from God, while others felt that they saw angels in everyday humans.
The curiosity of the campus community sparked a school sponsored trip to Baltimore to participate in the Vatican Art Museum exhibit.
Dr. Primiano will be the guest speaker on this day trip, held on Nov. 14. The Campus Activity Planning board is partially subsidizing $50 of the $75 ticket fee.
For further information about this trip, contact Martha Dale in the Institutional Advancement office at extension 8252.