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Ghosts, legends and videotape

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by Anne MIiier

staff writer


Gary White, a 1995 graduate of Cabrini College, has sparkednew interest in ghost stories of local colleges, including Cabrini.

White, aided by a small film crew, has produceda video entitled "College Hauntings." The video includes re-enactmentsof the bone-chillingtales along with studentinterviewsand reactions.

Cabrini College graduatesRob Marish and Tma Corraowere part of White's crew. Marishtook on the role of cinematographer, while Corraoassumeda place on the stage in the re-enactments.CurrentCabrinistudent Sean Simpson also assisted in the performances.

White's interest in producingthe documentarywas provokedby Dr.CarterCraigie, a retiredprofessorat Cabrini.

"I got the idea throughmy own student days at Cabrini,"White said.

Ratherthan demonstratingopinions, the video is strictly of a documentary nature. The purpose of the production was "not to prove or disprove," said White. Instead, it was meant to provoke interest and curiosity.

Other local colleges featured in the video are Temple University and Beaver College.

Tales at Temple University say that the founder, Dr. Russell Conwell, was visited by his deceased wife, Sarah Conwell. Upon several occasions during a six-month period of time in 1919, Russell Conwell experienced his wife's presence.

At Beaver College, it is reported that dancing figures can be seen in the mirrored walls of the college's Grey Towers Castle. The images are said to be those of the castle's first owners.

As for Cabrini, it is well versed that the daughter of the wealthy owner, who was once an inhabitant of the mansion, fell in love with the stable boy and became pregnant. The traditional lore says that after the young girl's father found out about the affair, the stable boy hanged himself. This tale bas two endings. In one, the girl plunges from the balcony in the mansion, killing herself and the unborn child. In the other, she buries her stillborn baby somewhere on the estate.

From the haunting tale it is suggested that the girl still wanders campus in search of her child and her lost love. Also, as a result of the tale, it is hinted that the furious father paces the commons between the mansion and Grace Hall, which had served as the original stable of the estate.

The video includes all the original stories and exceeds a length of27 minutes. A viewing of the production is to be held in House 2 on Oct. 27 at 9 p.m. in honor of the Halloween holiday. Additional information can be obtained through the Internet at www.collegebauntings.com.

White, himself, tends not to believe in the tall tales.

"I prefer to disbelieve. It would be too scary if ghosts were real,.. be said.

The video is on sale now in the bookstore I I


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