1 minute read

Bill: TheStoryof a TYPicalCabrini Student

by Mike McGann and Joe Elliott

Petition: November 1998


To Sister Ursula Infante, College Foundress; the Community of the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Stella Maris Province; the Members of the Cabrini College Board of Trustees; President Antoinette Iadarola, Ph.D.; and the Members of the President's Cabinet:

As graduate and undergraduate members of the class of 1999, we have affixed our signatures to this document as an expression of our firm desire that the 1999 Baccalaureate Liturgy and Commencement Ceremonies be held in the courtyard behind the mansion and NOT in the Dixon Center. We strongly feel that this traditional location for such ceremonies would intrinsically tie us to the positive educational and interpersonal experiences that we have all shared as students of the Cabrini College community.

After carefully reviewing the Mission Statement of the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart, under whose sponsorship this college was founded, it is evident that all members of this Cabrinian institution are called to work toward justice. Since the Commencement and Baccalaureate Ceremonies are the public recognition of the academic growth of the students, it is expected, in the name of justice, that those ceremonies be planned and coordinated so that the wishes of those same students are taken into full consideration.

Since the inclusion of the new Dixon Center in the graduation ceremonies might also be the result of other underlying circumstances or concerns, we are prepared to assist the administration in the planning of events other than the Baccalaureate or Commencement that could be held in the Dixon Center. We remain committed, however, to our decision that the Baccalaureate (Saturday, May 15, 1999) and Commencement ceremonies (Sunday, May 16, 1999) not be held in the Dixon Center. It is our hope that the administration will take this petition and its message seriously, and act justly by rendering a decision that is mutually acceptable to everyone involved. Should this not be the case, we are prepared to collectively take further measures to insure that our positive experience at Cabrini is not concluded with a negative memory that will last a lifetime.

The Graduate and Undergraduate Classes of 1999.

Thumbs Up and Thumbs Down

Classic mail: The Loquitur c/o Cabrini College

610 King of Prussia Road Radnor PA, 19087

Requirements: compiled by Joe Elliott perspectives editor

~.famemust be included. If you choose not to have your name printed, we will leave it out.

Thumbs up go to the sophomore class board for running a very successful Mr. and Ms. Cabrini Pageant on Thursday night.

Thumbs down go to the stu# dents who always complain about the lack of things to do. A good amount of you missed the Triskaidekaphobia Fest.

Thumbs up to Lori Gibbons for preparing an Italian dinner for the residents of the Sullivan house on Sunday night.

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