2 minute read

Homophobia: a disease of the mind, spirit and body

ing about homosexuals is probably "I do not think that gays are bad, but I'm not gay or anything." It's funny, because we all know that the real homosexuals are the ones seem the most afraid of gays.



Fags, gays and homos. What do they have to do with anything? The funny thing is that the great majority of people in this world really do not care about any of these people. Even worse, it seems like every time somebody talks about gays, they are going to be immediately accused of being a homosexual.

I've noticed that over the past couple of years here at Cabrini College, the only time we talk about homosexuals is when we are making fun of them. We all know it's true, because almost all of us have poked fun at a homosexual or insulted a person that we think is gay.

The most popular line to use when talk-

Homophobia is a disease that can eat away at a person ·s mind. It is an illness that is going to make you, the homophobic person, want to hate more and more. Homophobia is something that can be controlled, but is usually avoided and played off as something funny, as a joke with friends.

I know plenty of homophobic people I also know some homosexual people. It seems funny that the real angry ones are the homophobic people, always ranting and raving on how bad gay people are. The whole time, they insist on how gay people do not belong on earth and how evil they are. They sit around and drink with their friends and think of evil things to do to gays. All the while, gay people do not even bother them.

I think that people need to get away from the idea of hating people. Hating people in general bothers me. I cannot understand why people hate, or say they hate, with no other reason for disliking the other person. Why do we hate? I think that we really hate because we r}o nnt understand what is going on in the otht:r person's head. I think that hate is just another excuse for the person to understand. I think we cannot really hate, because we are not smart enough to hate. I know that we all hate though, because we are afraid to understand what confuses us. For instance, I hate Santa Claus, because every year 1 send my Christmas list and every year I get the same stupid gifts with my dad's handwriting. It really pisses me off sometimes.

But, you don't see me going out and planning on beating up all of the Santa Claus impersonators during the Christmas season. I let my anger be vented every week in my column.

Back to the situation at hand. I'll give you my stance on homosexuality among men. With women it's a whole different story. But with men, I think as long as they do not bother me, then I'm fine with them. It's that one time a guy would start hitting on me, that gets me to the point of feeling uncomfortable. I don't bother them, they

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