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Graduation to be held outside
The decision to hold graduation ceremonies behind the mansion was made last Thursday, when Dr. Robert Bonfiglio, vice president for student development, announced this to Senior Class President, Colleen Murphy. The students are very pleased with the decision, but there are some questions that still need to be answered.
br Chris Nielsen persistent rumors that President four tickets inside the Dixon Cen- The reason for these specifica- solved is regarding the graduation assistant perspectives editor Iadarola had already decided to ter. tions has not yet been determined, ceremonies in upcoming years. move graduation outside. Also, each student's guests will and Bonfiglio is currently unavail- Whether or not the Class of 2000
The long-running debate over A few students claim to have able for comment. will be allowed to choose the locathe location of this year's gradua- known about the changes as early
Also unanswered is the question tion of their graduation has yet to tion ceremony is finally over. as last week.
"They [the adminis- of how the occasion will be orga- be determined.
Graduation will be held on the Reaction to the change has been nized. Despite all these unanswered ·lawn behind the mansion. very positive among the senior tration] made the Since most graduates want to questions, the senior class seems to senior class president
This is according to Dr. Robert class. right decision." bring more than three guests to be happy with the decision. As Bonfiglio, vice president for stu- However, there are still some im- their graduation, there may well be Murphy said, 'They [the adminisdent development, who told Senior portant questions to be asked re- many students who choose to tration] made the right decision." Class President Colleen Murphy garding this year's graduation and -Colleen Murphy bring more than their assigned Administrators had previously about the change last Thursday. the status of subsequent gradua- three guests. said that the event would be held in Bonfiglio stressed that this deci- tions for upcoming classes.
How the school intends to handle the Dixon Center, prompting stusion came as a compromise with As part of the compromise, grad- this situation is yet to be deter- dents to protest the break in tradithe wishes of the student body. uates will be given three tickets for be required to come in one car, ac- mined. tion.
This news comes after a week of guests, as opposed to the proposed cording to Murphy. Another issue that is not yet re-
Mission Corps sends forth new missioners to fulfill services
Although interest from the Cabrini community has historically been low, the Cabrini Mission Corps has reported that since their move to Founder's Hall, they have received many more inquiries. This year, although no community members were accepted, the Corps sent five people off with a special ceremony.
by Melissa Lessig news editor
The Cabrini Mission Corps has sent forth their new missionaries to partake in volunteer service in the United States and overseas.
The five new missionaries, none of them Cabrini graduates, underwent a three-week orientation to prepare them for their missions.
This culminated with the Commissioning Liturgy held on Saturday, Feb. 6 at 4 p.m. in the Chapel of the St. Cabrini Home on Callowhill Street in Philadelphia.
The Cabrini Mission Corps is a lay mission organization of the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart.
Men and women join the mission corps to give full-time volunteer service in the United States and overseas, such as Argentina, Nicaragua and Swaziland.
The missionaries serve in such areas as health care, education, child care, parish and youth ministry and retreat services. They serve for one to two years and live in community with sisters and other missionaries.
Despite the absence of Cabrini students among the five new missionaries that were commissioned, Alison Arnold Ryan, director of the Cabrini Mission Corps, does not view the students as apathetic.
Ryan says historically the Mission Corps office has been tucked away on the top sion, and what gifts and talents they can floor of the mansion, but their new location bring to the mission." brings them in greater contact with stu- Then a preliminary packet of information dents. is given to the applicants.
The Mission Corps office is now located According to Ryan, it is quite thorough next to the cafeteria. and it explains the purpose of the mission who we are and our hopes match, we proceed," Ryan said.
"Recently, there has been an increase in corps as well as the community of the Misinquiry and people sionary Sisters of the applying with us," Sacred Heart.
At this point, upon arrival at Cabrini, the applicants must perform an interview with Ryan, the director, or the associate director.
They undergo an interview from a psychological perspective, and another interview with a committee of about three people who are familiar with the Mission Corps.
Ryan said.
"Recently, there has Then a preliminary However, the new form is given to the missionaries range been an increase in in- applicants requesting form Maine to Cali- quiry and people their educational fornia. background, previous Ryan explains that applying with us." volunteer experience there is a Response and geographic interDirectory listing all ests. volunteer and mission -Alison Arnold Ryan "If we feel their organizations in the director, Cabrini Mission Corps gifts, talents and United States and the hopes resonate with majority of people reach the Cabrini Mission Corps through this directory.
"Our information is disseminated to such great lengths, and that's why we have people from California and Maine," Ryan said.
Once the initial interest is demonstrated on the part of a potential missionary, from whatever geographic realm, a thorough and involved process begins.
First, the Mission Corps gathers basic information.
Ryan says, "We get a sense of their own history and background, what they envi-
The next step involves a written application packet of essays, four written references and a medical form.
According to Ryan, the next aspect is somewhat unique to the Cabrini Mission Corps.
Every applicant must go through an extremely thorough interview process.
Ryan says, for example, the new missionary from California was responsible for coming to Cabrini College to spend a week with the Mission Corps.
Among looking for the basic in an applicant, such as prior volunteer experience, the mission corps looks for certain personal qualities.
Ryan says, "We look for a desire to be open to spiritual growth and personal growth,a desire to share gifts, talents and services with others, to be open to crossing of cultures and new cultures, and make a community of commitment because they live with the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart."
The five new missionaries selected were Thomas Hollywood, Karla Jaramillo, Dana Kainer, Katherine Pedriana and Melissa Yezbak.
During the commissioning service and liturgy on Feb. 6, these missionaries renewed their baptismal vows and were sent forth.
"This was an opportunity for the community to come together to support. Friends and family of the missionaries as well as Cabrini friends and family celebrated and supported," Ryan says.