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Bookstore to go online by fall semester

Students will soon be able to reserve books from the bookstore by going online. The system is currently hooked up and will be ready for use in the fall semester of 1999. Other merchandise, such as clothes, accessories, school supplies and CDs will be available online as well.

by Kristen Williams assistant copy editor


Beginning in the Fall semester of 1999, students will be able to reserve books at the Cabrini College Bookstore by using the Internet.

With the bookstore becoming a part of the school's growing Web page, students will be able to see what stock the bookstore has, and will be able order and reserve their books ahead of time.

Along with books being on-line, the rest of the merchandise that is found in the book store, such as clothes, accessories, school supplies and even CDs, will be able to be viewed on the web page as well.

Mike Barouki, manager of the store, said "We haven't really started using the Web page yet.·I am hooked up, but I'm in the process of learning right now."

All Barouki could say was that he felt the system was a very, very good program.

"The whole deal will be to allow students to reserve their books early," Barouki said.

In speaking to students, however, no one seemed to give much thought to the newfound "home" of the bookstore.

"We still have to walk over and get the books, right?" sophomore Aimee Sirois asked. "What exactly is the point of reserving them?"

"As long as the books are actually there when I need them, I don't care what the bookstore does," John Ferrise, a first-year student, said.

'To be honest, I don't really care if the bookstore is on-line or not. I'm not too sure too many students will care either," junior Corinne O'Connell said The bookstore's web page, like other department web pages, will be accessible through Cabrini College's home page, which is located at http://www.cabrini.edu.

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