4 minute read



I always thought the school was cheap, and wondered why we never got things that we wanted. I always wondered where all this money that we give the school goes. Well, I cannot answer that question, because I have no clue, but I'm sure it goes somewhere.


Philadelphia 76ers renting out the Dixon Center for a practice arena, that I thought this whole building was going to be a problem.

So far, it seems as though there have been more problems than people imagined.

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school. Sure, it's for the students

As far as money goes, you must figure that a great amount of it goes to the beautification of the J

Inever thought th~t :-W,asthe to be able to walk around the earntype of person that ould pus and enjoy the campus as the complain a lot, at least weather starts to get nicer. Sure, complain about things that were they make it look nicer so that the not that important. I try to talk families that come to the campus about things that are important to on the weekends to visit with their us as a community, and some- sons and daughters can admire times just personal things. how the school has really taken

One thing that really gets me pride in making the landscape and angry is the way the school treats appearance of the campus nice. its students. It always seems as So why were they so deterthough we are just given the run- mined to have the graduation in around. Actually, we are given the the Dixon Center? Why did they run-around, and the school thinks want the community to squeeze that what they say is the truth. into Cabrini's own "money trap,"

It gets me really steamed that the Dixon Center? I mean, the the school gives us the run- building is really beautiful and a around. First, the whole thing definite plus to the campus. I love with the graduation. I think that the place. there is no reason why the school Well, I should really rephrase should have taken so long to de- that, because I spend lots of time cide to have the graduation out- in the lobby of the Dixon Center side. I think that there is no reason trying to get into the squash courts for the school to have taken so to try to get some time to play long to change their minds. The basketball. Actually, I think that school should have changed its Dr. Verde, the guy who is in stance as soon as the students said charge of the Dixon Center, has they did not want graduation in definitely developed into a real the Dixon Center. It should not administration team player. You have been sat on for such a long know the kind of person who only time. look out for his kind: the ones

I think that a big problem lies who make all the money, the ones in the principles here at Cabrini. who forget the little people all the We, the students, figure that we time. should get whatever we want at all I always thought that the Dixon times. All in all, I feel that this is Center was going to be a really a half-truth. We are entitled to a good thing for the school. Unforlot of things, but do we really de- tunately, it was when the school serve all we want? started to talk about the idea of the

The school, which does not seem to like to plan things out-usually because they are so far behind on everything anyway-has gone on along with the president. I mean, it is like President Iadarola has gotten a new toy, the Dixon Center, and has to show it off to everybody.

Like they care. I'm tired of caring about the Dixon Center, because it is old news. It does not interest me anymore. You would kind of figure that it does not interest the whole world either.

I think the school is constantly so busy worrying about their selfimage that they are forgetting the little people, and those are the ones that matter the most.

My father always told me that you have to stand up for what you believe in, and that you should never get bullied around. He also told me that for every company to work well, you need to take care of the people that make it work.

It does not surprise me that the students at the school care so little about what the school looks like. It does not surprise me that the students break things on campus, because the school does not care about us. The Dixon Center impressed us for a couple of months. Now it's time to try something new that will bring our loyalty back to you.

JoeElliottis a juniormajoringin English/ communication.Heis theperspectives editorof Loquitur.He'splanning a sit-in onthesquashcourtsto keepthosemean oldAgnesIrwinSchoolgirtsaway.


To Campus Ministry for providing the community with the celebration of Fat Tuesday. And to the three guys who played music, even though there were not too many people in attendance.

To Dr. Verde, for always renting out the Dixon Center to other schools. At least he is keeping with Cabrini tradition: not caring about the students' needs.

To the administration, for finally realizing that they have to do what the students ask, especially because the students make the school functions work.

compiled by Joe Elliott • - - - - - -perspec#vesedito; -

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