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school hands out at the beginning of the year? Well, rumor has it that the school stands by what they put into that book. I think that is a load of crap. It is just a facade. It just makes the school look like it cares.
Joe Elliott
Have you ever just sat there and wondered why Cabrini College always seems to do the wrong things for the students? Or have you ever sat there and wondered why you came to this school, or why you have not transferred out of this school?
Well, I have asked myself these questions many times and I always come up with the same answer: this sucks!
See, I tried to transfer to another college, but I was not offered enough money, unlike Cabrini, who has been most generous to me with a nice financial aid package. But it was a little harder to get out.
See, Cabrini is like a giant magnet, one that is going to suck you in and never let you get out. I give a lot of credit to those people who manage to get out of this school, because it sure is hard.
But then there are all these people that come to Cabrini. It never makes any sense how the school attracts students.
Cabrini College is this small little school. Sure it attracts people, but why do they come? I think this school sucks sometimes, and the way the school treats its students often seems to be very unfair.
I have always felt that this school was so busy bending and lying about the truth that they never had time to spend all their money. On the other hand, the school has definitely managed to make itself seem as though it cares.
Have you ever read or looked at the Student Handbook that the
Back when I came to Cabrini in the fall of 1996, I was under the impression of a lot of things. I thought that this school was going to be very good for me and it was going to be a good time. I was wrong and right in a couple of ways.
One way I made the school fun was by making it fun by doing things that were fun and making the best out of things. I figured that the rest would just come naturally. Unfortunately, every time I started to have a fun time, the school would go and do something stupid and ruin it for me.
I think the school has been able to constantly make decisions that severely hurt the students. As most of you already know, we have been hit with another tuition increase, and what will it do? Nothing. It will just add a little more prestige and income to the people who run the school.
One of my biggest points is that the school is able to ')ustify" the constant increases every year. Sure, you would kind of figure that it is alright for the school to put an increase on the tuition since it goes along with inflation, but at the same time, how can the school constantly justify raising the tuition almost 10 percent? I mean, that is a lot of money for the school to get from each student.
I think that the craziest thing about the school getting all of this money is that it does not go for anything that most of us will be here to use or see.
When most of us came to school, we never thought in our craziest dreams that we would end up paying so much. I do not see why this school should be so expensive. I mean, it is not like we are at Harvard or Penn. We're at Cabrini, where the recognition is not as big.
I can see that the school is trying to make Cabrini a big-name school, but they are doing it too quickly, and I am sure they are losing people every year to other, better schools. I do not think that the majority of the students leave the school because it is too expensive. They leave because the school treats the students here at Cabrini poorly.
You can literally walk around campus and ask people what they think about this school and how it has treated them in the past and how it will treat them in the future and I'm sure they will say, "poorly."
I mean, what kind of school is going to go out of its way to make sure that the students are unhappy? Most schools would probably make sure that the students are happy. But, of course, here at Cabrini, we make sure that the students come last, the administration comes first, and the parents get lied to at all times.
Cabrini has always made sure that they deceive the people that matter the most. So this is a wakeup call to all parents, to make sure that they start to speak up for their children here at Cabrini. We all know that the only way to get things done here at Cabrini is to have your parents call and speak up.
This greatly disappoints me, because we are expected to make a stand for what we believe in, and speak out against the administration.
We might not live in the '60s, but I think it is about time that we start acting like it.
Joe Elliottis a juniormajoringin English/ communication.Heis the perspectives editorof Loquitur.Everyoneis invitedto the partyPresidentIadarolawillthrow whenhe is kickedoffcampus.
Top 10 Reasons Why Cabrini Raised Tuition
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