2 minute read
1Oreasonswhyyoushouldbea president
You may also wonder why you should run for SGA in the first place. "What is in it for me?" you may ask.
Well, in addition to the honor of serving your school, here are 10 good reasons to run for SGA:
10. Your high school friends will think it's funny.
9. "I'm the president ofthis school, you know" is an effective pickup line on girls from other schools.
8. It looks great on your resume.
Chris Nielsen
Hi everyone! Hope you all had a nice Easter and ate lots of candy. All right, enough with the small talk.
Elections for next year's Student Government Association are coming up, and we're looking for candidates.
No, I will not seek re-election for SGA President. Now, don't worry, it will be all right.
I know that there are lots of good people out there looking for a leadership position in this school.
There were what, about 50 students applying to be Resident Assistants this year?
Being on SGA won't get you free room and board, but at least you'll still be free on weekends.
You may be thinking that you are too young or too inexperienced to run for a position on the SGA Executive Board.
Well, don't worry about that, because a big part of the job is just learning along the way. Experience is great, but enthusiasm and dedication are just as important.
7. President Iadarola may learn your name.
6. You will have good stories to tell your kids someday.
5. Public Safety will think of you as a role model.
4. You can use meetings as work grant hours (I just found this out).
3. You can leave a campus-wide phone message whenever you feel like it.
2. You can use "Executive Privilege" as an excuse for messing anything up.
1. Sometimes you will get to attend important administrative meetings, which always have good food.
So I hope that these reasons are enough to entice some of you to run for SGA.
As a wise man one said, "It ain't an easy job, but somebody's gotta do it."
ChrisNielsenis a sophomoremajoringin English/communication. Heistheassistantperspectiveseditorof Loquitur.Please,please, PLEASEsomeonetakethejobandgethimoutofoffice.
dents who are setting fires in Xavier and relieving themselves in the hallways of the Dixon House.
Another factor that comes into play is the distance from home. Students from California and New York do not have the option of commuting.
Cabrini has gone to great lengths to recruit students from outside this area but all of these efforts will be in vain if this policy continues.
Another housing problem that arises involves students who get capped out of housing. If these students commute next year and points are based on number of semesters lived on campus, they will be even further behind in the next lottery.
So now I ask the executives of our "college business" to take what I have said into consideration and re-examine this policy. Good businesses are responsive to feedback from their clients and remember, satisfied customers=$atisfied alum$.
JennaManciniis a sophomoremajoringin Special andElementaryEducation.Sheis a guestwriterfor Loqultur.She'sprettytickedoff.