5 minute read

You'llmissmewhenI'mgone S

~rin_g IS ID t h e air-or as the weather has been the past couple of days, so is winter, fall and the summer.

It seems that Mother Nature JOE ELLIOTT has been pulling our chains as much as the administration at Cabrini does. But in all actuality, when I sit back and think about all that has been said and done, it has been a pretty crazy year.


We have seen and witnessed a lot of things this year and a lot of things have influenced us and the way we think, both in school and everyday life. Of course, I have had some great high and lows. I have had some people here at Cabrini really not like me and there were a couple of people that were able to rally behind me and give me the confidence to stand up against the school, which really got my brain moving and me thinking that if I were to open my mouth and speak to the masses, things were bound to get accomplished. I started to talk about the ways that the school was screwing us around and the thought that we meant nothing to the school. Fortunately, I did not let this persuade me into not continuing my random writings and the search for the truth.

We all remember the great commentary about the technicolored ham. Well, sure, the members of the Wood Dining Services were not very happy about it, but I felt that it helped us reach an equal level with the food that was being served in the dining hall. And I feel that it has slowly started to get betterwith time, and the food that has been served has been the food that the 1students want.

I even remember how I made Penny Becht, one of the assistants to President Iadarola, so angry that she decided to take the time and write a very mean, demeaning and stooping-to-my-level letter to the editor. This started to make me think that it was not just the students that were listening. I guess I owe Penny a debt of gratitude for helping to feed my fire to expose the truth.

But, it was not until the rumors of some of the administration members, and how they freely would downplay the importance of my commentaries to the student body, that really made me think of what I was writing.

I started to think before I wrote, and to put meaning and feelings behind what I would write. This is when I decided to steer away from the constant assaults on the administration and move towards things of less controversy like snow, my dad and abortion.

• thought that it would be more important and •TJterestingfor me to see what kind of writing I and to see if I could make a serious impact ~oples' minds. I more or less wanted to ·tart to think.

•hat this campus is completely apa~tudentsjust don't care enough to 11tis was probably one of the greatest problems with this year. People are afraid to take that initial stand on something they do not like because they are afraid to. They think that their friends are going to make fun of them or, even worse, refuse to help them get their voices across to the administration.

A great man once said that standing up and speaking out is like ordering a grilled cheese sandwich from the dining hall. So many of the students here on campus are just afraid to go and ask one of the kitchen staff members to make that grilled cheese sandwich. But they would be extremely surprised if they would just go and ask them for that sandwich, because they would get it.

I never really understood the idea that people always think they are bothering others for stuff. I mean, the grilled cheese idea is just one of the many things that make me angry, because I know that the cooks have no problem helping you out if you want something specific to eat.

I think what really needs to happen is that the school should have more focus groups with the students. I think that the SGA needs to become a more vocal entity here on campus and that they should not hide behind the doors of their office.

I cannot say that we have had a very vocal SGA president here at school in a while. Sure, they say that Dean Bob cuts all their voices, but is that fair? Look at it like this: they are supposed to be the voice of all the students, so why not get involved with the students?

If anybody in school calls the students lazy, I think that it has been our own SGA, and that is a low-down dirty shame.

I cannot say how many times they have said we are lazy and that all we care about is drinking beer. Well, some might say that this is untrue, and we are not lazy, but when it comes to drinking, it's part of college. You cannot honestly say that everybody here on campus drinks, but a lot still do. This is because we are expected to drink-not only by our friends, but by the administration and our families as well.

What is really bad is that the school tries to tell us that they are constantly holding these big events, and nobody shows up, and they can't figure it out.

The reason is that their idea of fun activities is bingo. If I wanted to play bingo, I would go to the local parish and play with the elders. But what the school needs to do is turn the school back into a school.

All you, the administration, really need us to do to get you to listen to us is to make the incoming students stop incoming. I will tell you how to do that. Just tell the kids on the tours that this school really sucks.

Tell them that they do not care about what the students want, and to get out while they have the chance.

Unfortunately, I would put my money on the administration not worrying about it, because chances are nobody will say anything.

JoeElliottis a juniormajoringin English/communication. Heis the perspectiveseditorof Loquitur.Hemaystandupto lhe admilistration, but he is still!he puppetofthealbinodeer.


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Loquitur is established as a forum for student expression and as a voice in the uninhibited, robust, free and open discussion of issues.

Loquitur is a laboratory newspaper wriuen, edited and produced by students of Cabrini College registered in COM 346, 350, 351, 352, 353 and 354. Members of the campus community are invited to work on or submit stories for publication. Only students registered in the above classes, however, are eligible to receive academic credit. Subscription price is $25 per year and is included in the benefits secured by tuition and fees. Loquitur welcomes letters to the editor. Letters should be signed and the authorship known to the editors. However, if the writer wishes and the editor agrees. the writer•s name may be left off the publication and an inscription insened. such as "name withheld at the request of the writer." Letters to the editor must be submitted by noon on Mondays.

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