3 minute read

Workingongettingoutof here

Ipeople in the house for all of the destruction. It was quickly learned by our next RA that it was not the people of the house and their guests doing all of the damage. People would just show up randomly and trash the house at will. All I can say about that is that I am not a babysitter for what people do when I am not around.



can remember when I was in high school preparing to graduate and make the jump into college life. I now have that same excitement in getting the hell out of Cabrini. I can remember when I was in high school preparing to graduate and make the jump.

When I visited here, I was all about becoming a part of the soccer program. I think it was mainly because of the great times I had when I was here on recruiting trips.

I quickly came to the realization that my soccer days were over after the season started.

My free time had increased, and I was finding all sorts of things to do. Drinking in Xavier Hall became a profession, and all of the people who lived in the 270 quad down the hall from me know what I am talking about.

During my sophomore year, I became involved with what I wanted to do with the rest of my life. I took journalism classes to help me with my writing skills and advertising classes because they interested me. Writing and designing ads became the focus of my college career.

Then I lived in House Six for the spring semester of '98. I would have rather pitched a tent over at Valley Forge park and commuted than live in that hellhole that was neglected by resident life.

I remember walking downstairs one day and seeing these green little bugs running in and out of the chimney.

They were fast little suckers, too!

The fact that "LSD" was written in blood on a wall in the lounge, a hole the size of myself and a bathroom with vomit and fecal material literally sprayed throughout the bathroom led to some of my discontent.

I still do not know why it took so long for resident life to get an RA in the house. They tried to blame the

So anyway, I survived and managed to get most of my money back mainly because I lived upstairs. Now, this year I live in House Seven. Well, I must be a glutton for punishment, because this house is only a little bit better. For the people living in Seven next year, getting new carpeting and painting the walls again will not be enough. I get to listen to woodpeckers beating their beaks into the side of the house while their babies living in the nests inside the walls chirp for food and scratch and flap their wings. People will also learn that the ants only come out of the deteriorated wood when it is warm. As far as the bathrooms go, they are in a league of their own. I am not the only person complaining about the living situations. Hell, I consider myself lucky to have a chance to live on campus, since I live an hour and a half away. I have spoken to people who live in Houses Two, Four and Five who are not happy with the living situations.

Then, we have our dear president pulling in all of this money for the school, and she is never to be seen. She is great at making the school look good; however, it is rotten on the inside. From what I hear about her is that she is a stubborn as a mule. One thing I have learned about her is that she will only talk about issues that are positive for the school. If it is a negative topic, more answers can be obtained by talking to a wall, rather than the one who should have the answers. Maybeshe should lighten up and take into consideration the internal issues of the college. Technology is great. Living in clean places is fantastic as well. I wish there could be a better balance in the living quality on campus and the technology available to the students. How I wish I could see the budget report, but like almost every other important document on campus, it is confidential.

I am just tired of this school. I cannot wait to get the hell out of here.

Nick Levandusky is a junior majoring in English/ communications. He is not permitted to pitch a tent at Valley Forge, or at Cabrini, Tor that matter.

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