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Cabrini to host U.S. team


Even though the Lady Cavs captured the PAC title, women's lacrosse will still be ranked as one of the top four in the nation for Division I play. According to Chip Rodgers, editor of the "Draw," a magazine on U.S. lacrosse, the team is using the match with the National team as a warm-up for the NCAA tournament in May. at Center.A.ttea fur 38 points and added14 points. 10 and 6 steals. Anyone who sawthegame knowsthathis team is for real andthatd1eyare hungry for the startof the playoffs.


The National team is the three time World Cup Champion in lacrosse. The team will be hosting the British National team during the summer in a test match three-game series.

According to Rodgers, Penn State coach Julie Williams approached U.S. Lacrosse to set up the exhibition bout with the National team because of room on their schedule.

As for a reason for holding the match at Cabrini, Rodgers said, "Philadelphia has always been a hotbed for women's lacrosse."

The Lady Cavs could not recover from this event and lost the game 3-1.

Overall, it was a good season for the Lady Cavs, but a championship would have made it even sweeter. Look for mostly everyone coming back for next year and for the Lady Cavs to improve from this year.


However,they probablysbould not get too excited justyet. They still havea few games left in the season.A couple of wbicbare dates with the DetroitPistons. The gameswiththePislonshave been VCJIentertaining this season.~ haveano1hergame face the Knicks. they played in Garden.they got will haveto see to face the sports editor 'IbeFlyers.whoarenow trying to advance to the second round of the playoffs versus the Toronto Maple Leafs, are clearly missing their captain, Eric Lindros. If the Flyers had Llndros. this series would be over.

However, the Flyers are without their captain, who is making great progress towards his recovery from his collapsed lung he suffered not too long ago.

played at Dixon Field. An exhibition game will be played between the Penn State University team and the United States National women's team.

The game will take place on Saturday, May I, at 2 p.m. The Penn State team is currently

The National team, coached by Philadelphia native Sue Stahl, will return to the city for Game 3 of the series if it is necessary.

The game will be played at LaSalle University on June 20.

*The final show for this year is next Monday, May, 3 1999

Lindros says he is hoping he will be able to strap on the equipment soon and hopefully take it a step further. He has been sk:ating lately for more than anhourand has participated in somesa:immageswith the team.

He says he feels better every day, but gets the feeling that be is back in training camp. He is on schedule for recovery thus far.

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