2 minute read
Improvement in lineup creates promise for Phillies
It is now late February and the baseball season is right around the comer. That means spring training is underway under the hot sun in the south. The Philadelphia Phillies had all of their belongBRIAN O'CONNELL ings and equipment shipped to Clearwater, Florida this week to begin what should hopefully be a great season.
It all starts with, well, not just one player but every player on the team. The Phillies made some key trades in the off-season, which included acquiring pitcher Andy Ashby. This addition will only help the pitching staff that has been
Jacking in the past several seasons. The only real star pitcher was none other than Curt Schilling, the club's ace. The addition of Ashby will help other starters and certainly adds another threat to the opposition.
I always get excited when baseball season rolls around. I have always enjoyed the Phillies even when they are playing the worst baseball imaginable. That was when Jim Fregosi was manager with the exception of 1993 of course. It seems that ever since Terry Francona has taken over as the manager of the club there has been a tremendous improvement in the effort and excitement in watching the team play. There is no question in my mind that this team, under Francona gives one hundred and ten percent every night. This is key for the success of the team. This is something the fans want to see. But, everyone knows about the Philadelphia fans and how critical they are of their sport' teams when they do not win. I do not always see that with
Last weeks results for Cabrini sports
by Stephanie Masucci
assistant a&e editor
Men's Basketball
The men's basketball team defeated Gwynedd Mercy College on Feb. 19, in the PAC quarter finals by a score of 70-59. Senior Jim McTamney scored a season-high 18 points. The team ended its season on Feb. 22, with a loss against Misiericordia College. The Cavs will say goodbye to five seniors this year: Co-captains Jim McTam- ney, and Tun Anderlonis, Randall Sims, Ron Realer and Tom Gorman.
The women's basketball team ended its season on Feb. 22. at Wesley College. The Lady Cavs lost by a score of 55-52. The team will be saying goodbye to two seniors Jackie Pierangelli and Erin Barney.
Men's J.V. Basketball
The men's junior varsity team lost to Gloster County Community College on the Phillies. The crowds are pretty decent, and it seems they appreciate the effort the team gives.
Feb. 19, by a score of 99-56.
This year could be a surprise year for the Philadelphia sports fans. This Phillies team returns everyone and according to New York Yankee manager, Joe Torre, the Phillies have an outstanding lineup, one of the best in baseball. Just take a look at the lineup. On the pitcher's mound is Schilling and Ashby. Behind the plate is all-star catcher Mike Liberthal who also knows how to swing the lumber. Offensively, the Phillies are loaded with star Scott Rolen, Bobby Abreu, Doug Glanville and several others.
I just really feel this team is very talented and has a very good chance of finally making the playoffs again. With a great manager who gets nothing but the best effort from his terun, an improved pitching staff and several players who are great at swinging the bat, this Phillies season is definitely one to get excited about.
Congratulations to the winter sports teams for a hard-working and dedicated season.
The spring sports season will be starting after spring break.
The following teams will be in training over the break:
Softball-FortMyers, Florida
Men's Lacrosse-Virginia
Women'sLacrosse-St.Petersburg, Florida