1 minute read

Last Week in the World of News

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3/13, Littleton, Colorado


A final investigation is 3/11, Maputo, in order to elucidate the Mozambique enlire attack of the Relief agencies

Columbine High School scrambled to get food massacre. All of of the and shelter to the vievictims• parents will re- tirns of Mozambique's ceive a detailed copy of floods before more rain 3/10, Frankfort, the incident on a CD fell. Military helicopters Germany Rom. The final report from Spain, South Deutsche Bank AG confirms that the two Africa, Germany and announced a takeover killers, Eric Harris and Britain left the Maputo of the cross-town rival Dylan Klebold, acted airport to take advanDresdner Bank AG in alone and then killed tage of a break in the a deal which will cut themselves. bad weather, which had 16,500 jobs and will disrupted relief misherald a withdrawal from unprofitable resions on Friday. tail banking.

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