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Loquitur missing the symbolism of the Confederate flag

submitted by Dr.Joseph J. Romano


Dear Editor,

Your editorial support of the women's tennis team trip to South Carolina prompts a response. Not only does the Loquitur editorial condone the visit of our team to a state that flies the confederate flag atop its State Capitol, but it applauds the team for a laudable act of independence by resisting the slavish following of several area schools who cltose not to go.

It is detestable enough that the Confederate flag, as exhibited on clothing and vehicles of myriad groups who har-

Not at all impressed by the "low increase" in tuition

submitted by Kevin Quaglia

I am writing this letter in response to President Iadarola's letter that the entire student body received in their mail. I can't believe that she would have the audacity to announce "the lowest increase in tuition" to the student body. As a friend said after reading this letter, "what kind of oxymoron is that?"

If a letter is going to be sent out on the tuition of this school, it should be announcing the decrease of our already huge bill to go here. This is especially true of this year since the school screwed up and tore down perfectly good trees and then realized that they didn't have the proper paperwork. For some of us, the scenery is the reason that we came here.

Recently, the Loquitur published an article on the price of a college education in the area and state. Wasn't our tuition already one of the highest tuitions in the area? The kicker is that she says in the letter that the college has to "learn to do more with less." I don't know what's less about 17,500 dollars, but I do know that there are colleges that have lower tuitions but do many good things that we might actually be able to get ideas from to conserve our money.

Of course, now that the tuition is increased, why don't we raise my scholarship from the school? The 5.6% increase from each student would fit that raise perfectly.

I just hope that I am not the only student that was upset by this letter.

bor latent hostility and bias to others; that the flag is the brazen symbol of white supremacy groups and other hate groups wbo are anti-black, anti-Catholic, and pretty much anti-all other things most people hold as decent. These being bad enough, South Carolina flies the flag over its State Capitol. Specifically, the flag stands as an insult to African-Americans whose ancestors were subjected to the unspeakable cruelties and degradations of slavery in which human beings were bought and sold as property. The flag symbolizes the fact that the cruelty continued under Jim Crow laws of the South after the Civil War ended, as blacks were still treated as property, denied basic civil rights and beaten, mutilated and lynched when they dared to "step out of line." What message does South Carolina send by flying that flag from the seat of government? As long as we deny the real significance of that flag, we live in the shadows of studied ignorance that borders on the darkness of hatred. o~.Y~··'·~ '(u<St•O,.1S l,Jkc.1,. of4~ .t.110~:.,. k,s /ltll(r bu,.-C,v~J '" "" X.11rtr Jor! (l>o,,,? Ts ;4 A)Pot 8)Atlo; c) A /11°"''\ o< \)) Q ,11 ?

I suggest that Loquitur do an informative series on slavery and the subsequent treatment of blacks under Jim Crow. The series might conclude with an exploration of present day attitudes of race relations-especially in the backwaters of South Carolina. Publish these studies in all their harsh reality and then let us judge what the flag really stands for.

Two groups of Cabrini students left campus to spend spring break in the south. One group went to play tennis in a state whose capitol flies a symbol of intolerance; the second group went to serve society's poor in Appalachia. Which Cabrini group do you think really "Stands out from the Crowd?"

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