2 minute read
Cynthia? The voice of reason? Well, yes
This commentary is going to make me look like a complete hypocrite, but I'm willing to take that chance. I know that I am not the first person to write about this certain topic, but I still feel that it is worth mentioning.
Cabrini. People complain about the administration and the president and this and that, but if all you can do is complain then you're wasting time because you're letting your voices be heard to the wrong people. If you don't plan on saying something and just want to lounge in your room, then suck it up and deal. This is the way things are. If you want to make a change, then let your voices be heard. You have the opportunity, do it.
As I mentioned, I am being a hypocrite for mentioning this. I, too, have bitched about things such as the parking and the stupid issue of not having call waiting on our phones. (I swear, I don't know where my head was. It was such a stupid thing to complain about.) Like others on this campus, I didn't do anything about it. I've bitched to my roommate, my friends and in the paper, but I never really did anything about it. I just blew off steam with no results because I didn't do enough.
Come on, people, this school is not THAT bad. I got screwed last year and spent half this year living in the donns, but I don't have such a horrible opinion about
Stop and think: Is this place so horrible? If it is, then why are you here? Is it because you're graduating in May or December and it's too late? Is it because you don't want to go through the hassle of transferring? Do you not want to leave your friends? I left my friends in New York when I came here, but whenever I come home, they are always there for me and welcome me with open arms. If transferring is an issue, let me tell you as a transfer student, I only lost six credits when I came here, so for me it was no problem. There is no such thing as a "perfect" school. The faculty and staff are not bad people. I have never run into a hostile member of the administration, and even if I did, so what? Everyone's entitled to a bad day, and we are all guilty of being m a bad mood and taking it out on some undeserving victim. That doesn't make a person bad. It makes them human. The housing issue has become a very controversial topic in the last few weeks and people have voiced their concerns, as they should if they want something to be done. I just heard that there is another meeting this Thursday. However, when it comes to the point where people are saying, "Don't come to Cabrini, you'U get screwed out of housing", then something is wrong.
Come on people, we could have it so much worse. True, it could be better, but no school is perfect and neither is any school's administration. If you're really that unhappy here, then do some soul searching and decide what to do. We all have choices; we just have to decide which are the right ones to make.
Cynthia Taura is the copy editor of Loquitur. If she survived a semester as a senior living in Woodcrest, then maybe we can all survive "Housing Crisis 2000."