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The Real World - Cabrini

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In this and subsequent issues of Loquitur, there will be a new feature to be known as "The Real World--Cabrini College." This segment works in conjunction with the Seminar JOOstudents taught by Dr: Seth Frechie and Dr: Charlie McCormick.

The students conducted semester long research on issues of importance to the underclass population. They have worked in groups and individually on research from professional writings as well as field work at Cabrini. On March 27 and 28 they sat down with Loquitur perspectives editor Chris Nielsen and assistant perspectives editor Meghan Merkel to discuss their findings.


What do we feel a need to be initiated into and why?

Students from the Seminar 100 classes met to discuss "Gender and Initiation" The followlng are some highlights from the stuck!nts' term papers and Interviews.

"ls body piercing and tattooing the body an act of initiation for both males and females to fit into society or is it simply an act of individuality? Some claim such acts are expressions of individuality while others argue that it is the teens' need to get into society."

-Kim Clayton

"Initiation to me means a challenge, something that a group has for potential members to

"Cabrini, being a small Catholic college with no frats, may seem like it has no real initiations, but it does. The soccer, lacrosse and basketball apartments act like the frats. The underclassmen players of those sports go through initiations to become accepted by the upperclassmen .... Initiations like these are a good thing because they allow the team to bond and make the underclassmen of these sports feel like they have a family and people who will be there for them when and if they need them."

-Kelly Christian

"I think by being initiated into something--no matter if you are a male or female--you are building self-esteem. I think this is true because by getting initiated you feel a part of a group, a certain culture or an organization."

-Ron Branca

''The transition from adolescence to womanhood is a very emotional time for a young girl, which makes the initiation process even more difficult for females."

-Melissa Ke/shaw

"One example would be fraternities or sororities; these groups are always under watchful eyes now, due to their initiations."

-Stacey Gregoretti overcome. The challenge is something that all the members have down and are extremely proud of. One example would be fraternities or sororities; these groups are always under watchful eyes now, due to their initiations. In the past, deaths have accompanied these initiations. Young American college students have drunk themselves into a grave. Universities and colleges have new roles regarding fraternity and sorority initiations against hazing. Another example [of initiation] is when a member of the military reaches a higher ranking, they receive a pin for their uniforms."

-Stacey Gregoretti

"The initiation process of becoming a male differs from that of becoming a female. The initiation of becoming a woman is more of an emotional and physical experience for a young girl. It may take place over a few years. The transition from adolescence to womanhood is a very emotional time for a young girl, which makes the initiation process even more different for females.

The initiation process of becoming male for young boys is more of a physical and mental experience rather than physical and emotional experience. The physical experience for boys could be the building of muscles, deepening of voice, and height increase. Some males begin to walk, talk and act in a macho fashion. This allows them to feel like a_manor at least think they are a man."

-Melissa Kelshaw

"A man's gender is constructed upon his "manhood," his strengths or accomplishments. A woman's gender is constructed upon her intelligence, fragileness and her beauty. Initiations test these qualities in different ways and are gendered for each sex."

-Jon Pennington

"College life can be a big change for some students. Sometimes going to college makes a person mature because they are out on their own fending for themselves. Others students head in the opposite direction, acting like wild animals. For instance, there's binge drinking, drug taking and piercing different parts of their bodies.

When I'm on campus, I do see some risk seekers. I see students with all kinds of body piercing and wonder "why?" At first I thought that it was the "in" thing, but I see it more and more and wonder once again, "why?"

What I did find out is that people like to express themselves in different ways. I asked some students why they want to put themselves through that kind of pain. They really did not give any kind of answer. Some students said that it looks neat--that it's some kind of a personal statement. Other students said that they had the piercings before college. One student said, "My parents didn't want me to get my tongue pierced so that's why I did." Maybe it's just that students take risks in college because they know that their parents aren't around watching over them."



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