Sept. 28, 2000 issue 03 Loquitur

Page 8

Swift action taken in meningitisscare

A first-year student was diagnosed with Meningococca Meningitis on Sept. 19. Here, students line up inside the Rooymans Center as school nurses administer an antibiotic to students concerned that they may have come into contact with the sick student.

__.-.....,._....,. _;~ ...,...,.. Cab r 1 n 1 Co 1 1 e g e Vol. XLVII, No. 3 Thursday, September 28, 2000 Radnor, PA 19087
photo by Jessica Snow

Student diagnosed with form of meningitis

Brian Fry, a first-year resident of Xavier Hall, was diagnosed with meningococcemia, a less severe form of the rare disease, meningitis. Many students took a precautionary pill, Cypro, even though they had no close personal contact with Fry.

Meningitis touched campus last week when Brian Fry, a resident of Xavier Hall, was found to have meningococcemia.

Meningitis, a rare disease, sometimes fatal, has a slightly higher occurrence among college residents.

Fry's condition was discovered on Tuesday, Sept. 19, when he was unable to leave his room and called a friend, who then promptly called the Health Services Center.

"A friend of his called, did not think he could come up [to the Rooyman Center], so I went down to his room and saw him. I recognized the problem and had him taken to the emergency room directly," Sue Fitzgerald said, school nurse.

Fry was taken to the Intensive Care Unit at Bryn Mawr Hospital. He has since been taken out of the ICU and is now in recovery.

"Now I'm feeling a Jot better and lucky," Fry said. "Dr. Checcio diagnosed me with Meningococcemia. If the doctor hadn't known that I had meningitis then and there, then in the next three or four hours I would have died."

Meningococcemia occurs when the bacterial meningitis never progresses to the brain or spinal cord but instead remains in the blood stream. This bacteria is called bacterium Neisseria meningitis. When it progresses to the brain or spinal cord the bacteria causes an inflammation known as meningococcal meningitis, which is life-threatening.

The bacterium is transmitted through air droplets and direct contact that leads to the exchange of fluids. Direct contact includes shared objects like cigarettes or glasses, as well as intimate contact like kissing, according to the American College Health Association.

Last Thursday, Sue Fitzgerald was still juggling phone calls and students seeking medical care.

Students wait in line at the Health Office for the precautionary pifl, Cypro, after teaming of the meningitis scare on campus last Wednesday, Sept. 20.

who felt they needed treatment, some of whom were reacting with caution, though they had no close personal contact with Fry.

The medication is called Cypro, which comes in a 500rnilligram pill. The Cypro was offered to students free, though it was purchased retail at $5 a pill. Fitzgerald feared that she might not have it for the students if she waited for a wholesale delivery.

''Typical college students often ignore the symptoms," Fitzgerald said. "Students that would be considered close contacts should be aware of the symptoms," Fitzgerald added.

or vomiting.

"Oftentimes people will have a sore throat that does not go away, which is easily confused with flu-like symptoms," Fitzgerald said.

A letter was sent home to parents similar to the one sent to student mailboxes, warning of the situation.

"You rarely find out where you got it from," Fitzgerald said.

The school is considering moving up the date that it will offer vaccination to October.

The vaccine is 85-100% effective, and remains effective for 3 to 5 years. The school administered medication to the students Symptoms include a fever, stiff neck, headache, nausea

Student ambassadors guide prospective students

Ever wonder who those people are you see leading groups of wide-eyed youngsters through the halls of Cabrini? They are Cabrini's student ambassadors, the individuals who represent Cabrini by giving tours to prospective students.

In addition to being a great boost for student enrollment, being an ambassador is fun, according to junior Gabby Beltran. "I like to help visitors make up their minds about attending college," said Beltran. "I try and give them some insight about the college and I enjoy meeting new people." Senior Gail Miller agrees about how enjoyable

the job is. "We work with the same people all the time. It's almost like a little family. We even have Christmas parties."

Although the ambassadors have a lot of fun while working, the job is actually hard to acquire. Student ambassadors are the first impression prospective students have of the college, so it crucial that the student displays good leadership skills.

The student must have a GPA of 2.75 before they can be considered for the position. In order to become an ambassador, a member of the full-time faculty member or staff must recommend a student to Vicki Maumus, coordinator and supervisor of the student ambassadors. She then sends out appli-

cations to all of the nominees, reviews their applications and hand picks those she feels will fulfill the requirements for the position. The process is concluded with an interview.

"Last year I received 80 applications and had to hand pick 30 of them," Maumus said. ''After the interview, only 20 were hired. The interview for ambassador is formal, and is taken as seriously as a job that someone would apply to outside of college, in the real world. The interview prepares them for the work force."

The duties of the ambassador vary. The job description includes giving campus tours to prospective students, answering phones, scheduling appointments, present-

ing presentations to large groups of students and assisting admissions counselors with special projects, like announcements and speaking to local high schools. They also call students who have been accepted to congratulate them. Since the students are trying to reel in as many new students as possible, the ambassadors must be able to answer each question about Cabrini accurately. The ambassadors must know the statistics and facts about the school, such as the student to teacher ratio, the number of full-time and part-time undergraduate students as well as the number of part-time graduate students there are. They are also required to know how many professors there are, how many have

degrees and how many are currently in the process of achieving one.

There hasn't been many problems with visitors in the past concerning the tours. It wasn't until recently that problems occurred, due to the recent changes of regulation concerning student housing. Some ambassadors actually had to deal with angry students stopping tours.

"Although we were telling potential students that housing was not guaranteed," Miller said, "students still interrupted tours, telling visitors not to attend Cabrini. We have a job to do and people must respect our position. We're only doing our job."

2 NEWS Thursday, September 28, 2000
photo by Jessica Snow
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Outside agency to provide counseling on campus

Recent uproar between administration and students may be coming to an end.

Last fall unbeknownst to many, Cabrini College made a decision to change the design of the counseling services here on campus. Instead of having its own psychologists as employees, the college has opted to hire an outside agency to provide counseling.

According to Grandgenette, the Jefferson Main Line Health system will provide a diversified level of counseling.

"We wanted more flexibility with hours, supervision and more diversity within the counselors," said Myrna Grandgenette, assistant to the president. Grandgenette worked on the project for a couple of months over the summer before Dr. Laura Valente, vice president for student development, came to Cabrini.

According to Grandgenette, Jef-

ferson has counselors, but they also have links to other counselors and educators who can provide better individual service to the students.

The problems that the new plan is experiencing are due to transitions in positions that took place over the summer, which held up contracts with Jefferson.

According to Dr. Arthur Young, director of the Rooyman Center, if a student needs to see a counselor he or she should come to the Rooyman Center and make an appointment with Eleanor Di Donato, administrative assistant in the Rooyman Center.

The student will then be scheduled for an appointment with a counselor either off campus or on campus on some occasions.

Young added at the end, 'Toe procedure is a bit fuzzy to me though."

Irritably, he also added, "It was an administrative decision rather than a human decision."

Young's attitude follows those

attitudes of many on campus.

Jessica Stork, a junior, said, "I don't think that it was a smart decision. I had a counselor all of last year who knew my whole story and now I don't know how to contact her. I know a lot of students

According to Grandgenette, when Jefferson is brought onto campus, confidentiality will be higher than in the past because if a student has a single problem the counselor can then get the student the specific counseling that they need, without the student having to call around.

services have shown to work effectively with Neumann College acting as an example.

-Dr. Arthur Young, director of the Rooyman Center

who are in the same position as me."

Confidentiality is an issue that is brought up with counseling. When asked how confidential the situation is right now Young said, ''It is as confidential as the situation allows."

When acknowledging the problems in this system, Grandgenette said, 'There are some bumps in the road, but for right now there are counselors by appointment that can help the students. The students can also find alternative ways of counseling through campus ministry, RA's, or their adviser."

Other people on campus feel the opposite emotion on the problems. "Students have needs that are not being met and it frustrates me," Young said.

One rumor that Grangenette would like to clear up is that Cabrini did not hire Jefferson because of money issues. She went on to say that outside counseling

On Sept. 21, it was decided that Krista Russell, a licensed social worker from Jefferson, would be starting work here on campus on Sept. 27. Students may go and pick up her schedule in the Rooyman Center starting Sept 26. Russell will be one of two fulltime counselors here on campus; the second counselor has yet to be hired.

According to Valente, the college is trying to find a counselor who specializes in substance abuse, who will work with the peer educators and also will be available to work nights. ''We appreciate the patience and cooperation of the community," Valente said.

People have different feelings and solutions to the counseling problem, but if a student has any problems that they need to discuss, Young gives his standard advice to everyone, "Call Dr. Laura."

Former CBS president offers advice on media careers

CBS's loss is Cabrini's gain. Jonathan Klein, former president of CBS Television Stations, came to Cabrini on Thursday, September 21 to speak with English/ Communication majors about a career in broadcasting.

Klein, now retired after 30 years in the business, called Cabrini and as a result will be teaching here next spring. His class, Media, Sales and Presentations, will meet Wednesday nights.

Klein was the recipient of an Emmy for Public Service and was named Child Advocate of the Year by the Child Welfare League for the public service announcement campaign he started in 1982 in Boston. His announcements, ''For Kids Sake;' were about devoting time to kids.

On the flip side, Klein can also claim some responsibility for Howard Stern coming to television.

"Careers are a part of your life," said Klein. So he offered English/Communication majors three questions to consider: How do they want to spend their life? What are they willing to put into it? And what kind of person are they?

Klein recognized early in his own career that in order to make it, he would need to be willing to move a lot. He was willing to make

that sacrifice and moved 11 times. "I found it exciting," said Klein.

Klein points out that it may cause problems in a social life. His proposal to his wife included, ''We're going to have to be prepared to move a lot."

Klein feels that in any career it is important to know that industries can be a lot different from where one starts to where one ends up.

Kleinanswered many of the students' questions. A question about censorship on television got an enthusiastic response.

"If your church or synagogue can't teach you what is right or what to do, how is television supposed to?" He continued, ''Censorship of almost all kinds is bad."

Another question posed had to do with what kind of questions are asked in an interview.

Klein feels that it's important to know what kind of person someone is before hiring them.

He suggested that everyone be prepared to answer questions like, "What do you do outside of work? What do you really like? Where have you worked? What kind of experience do you have?

Klein encouraged students that, 'Toe opportunitiesin media right now are greater than ever."

"It was an administrativedecision ratherthan a human decision."
photo by Anita Pirri
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Johnathan Klein, former president of CBS Television Stations, encourages English/Communications majors to know what they are good at and that there are many opportunities for jobs in the media industry.

New writing course leads to revised publications

At first glance COM 320 looks like just another creative writing course offered by the college. But the class known as ''Writing for Publication: Creative Writing" is more than a class; it's a revamping of the Cabrini literary magazine as well as the yearbook.

The class, taught by Dr. Seth Frechie, professor of English, takes i~ cue from the Loquitur's Journalism classes in that the students are responsible for the production and publishing of the literary magazine, now known as Woodcrest, in a classroom setting.

'The class will be devoted primarily to the establishment of the theme for the fall issue, kind of an overarching editorial agenda," said Dr. Frechie. He added that the students will be responsible for the

publication schedule, layout and most of its content. This differs from the literary magazine practicum, headed by English professor Dr. Charlie McCormick, which will be responsible for advertising, fund raising and developing a Cabrini Day program based on what the literary magazine does. But both the practicum and the class will work closely together to produce the literary magazine for release early next semester.

In the spring, the class will be offered again but it will be focused on the production of the Cabrini College yearbook, also entitled Woodcrest. This time around, Dr. McCormick will teach the class and Dr. Frechie will teach the practicum. Both publications will have similar themes as Dr. Frechie refers to them as "brother-sister publications," an important reason

why both publications share the same name.

For the last few years, the literary magazine and the yearbook had fallen on hard times. The yearbook was two years behind in terms of publishing and the literary magazine was " a club of one" according to Dr. Frechie. Both publications were faced with a severe lack of student interest. So at the end of the 2000 Spring semester, Dr. Frechie, Dr. McCormick and the head of the Communications department, Dr. Jerry Zurek, had a series of discussions concerning Cryptic and Woodcrest, which is where the idea to have a class similar to Journalism for both the literary magazine and the yearbook was formulated. To revive student interest and to better use the funds allocated to the publications, it was decided that both publications would have a com-

mon theme and would also be redesigned ''for a more sophisticated look." The yearbook will be receiving the bigger revamping as Dr. McCormick is looking "to get away from the traditional yearbook sense" as well as being "more in-depth." Also, Dr. McCormick hopes to intertwine the photography classes that Cabrini offers into the yearbook's production, much like how the photography courses work with the Loquitur.

When asked about whether or not the alumni would be upset about changing the name of the literary magazine, Dr. Frechie said "It is my impression that Cryptic had fallen on such hard times that alumni would be happy to see it reincarnated and reinvigorated." He also added that ''the Cryptic name was not indicative of what (he and Dr. McCorrruck) set up to


According to Dr. Freebie, the Writing for Publication classes will give students "a chance to invest more significantly into the publications." They also get students involved in ''the overview and planning (that) doesn't happen outside the classroom." So far the current Writing for Publication class regarding the literary magazine has formulated ideas around the common Woodcrest theme for this year, the heart, and have also worked out a schedule for writing and publishing. The students are now beginning the process of writing material for the Woodcrest literary magazine. Woodcrest will also be calling out to receive original works from writers outside the class like they always have. Information on how to submit material will be made available later in the semester.


The "Edge" is no longer. The Cabrini College radio station, formerly known as the "Edge" will be changing its name this fall. The frequency, 89.1, and the call letters, WYBF, will remain the same.

There will be a campus-wide contest to rename the radio station, according to Krista Mazzeo, the Communications Center Supervisor and head of the radio program.

"Within a week entry forms will be in the mailboxes for renaming, and the executive staff will then vote on the name they like best," Mazzeo said.

A $50 gift certificate to John Harvard's Brew House on Lancaster Avenue will be awarded to the student who submits the winning name. The contest will be open to both residents and commuters. The contest began Tuesday, Sept. 26.

In the event that multiple students selected the winning name, the student who submitted first will receive the prize.

The name change is going to take place because a commercial station in the Midwest has copyrighted the name.

"If we were to continue with the name, we could be sued for using the name," Mazzeo said.

"The name should be something both catchy and fun," Mazzeo said. She hopes the new name will bring a new image to the station.

To go with the new name, the radio station will create a new logo that will replace the old one on banners and on a new sign outside the studio.








4 NEWS Thursday, September 28, 2000
• W's Field Hockey at Eastern, 4 p.m. • W's Tennis at Cedar Crest, 4 p.m. • W's Tennis at U. of District of Columbia, 11 a.m. • "Oils and Pastels," Joseph Sweeney Art Exhibit Opening Reception, 3-S p.m., Joseph Gorcvin Fine Arts Galle.iy • W's Soccer vs. Montclair State, 4 p.m. • M's Soccer vs. Alver- • W's Soccer at Goldnia, 4 p.m. ey-Beacom, 3:30 p.m. • M's Soccer at Johns Hopkins, 7 p.m. • W's Volleyball vs. Ursinus & Kean.Noon • W's Field Hockey vs. William Patterson, 1 p.m. •M's Soccer at St. Mary's • Mass, 7 p.m. Brockmann Chapelof St. Joseph • W's Tennis at Albright, 4 p.m. • W's Field Hockey vs. Wesley, 4 p.m. • W's Tennis vs. U. of the Sciences, 4 p.m. • W's Volleyball at Alvernia, 7 p.m. • Mass, 4:45 p.m., Brockmann Chapel

College and University News

University of California, Berkeley

The ninth annual Nude and Breast Freedom Parade was held on Sept. 17 at Peoples Park on the Berkeley campus.

The parade, organized by the X-Plicit Players (a local nudist group), consisted of nude students .and activists chanting, "Truth sets breasts free, truly they are good to see, good to feel and feeling good-let them be top free."

Ambiguous onlookers met the parade. Some enjoyed the celebration freedom while others were not so receptive.

Arizona State University

In football news, the Arizona State Sundevils won their home opener against a 25th ranked Colorado State.

Sophomore kicker Mike Barth put one through the uprights from 41 yards out as time ran out to put the Sundevils up 13-10.

Barth, who was undoubtedly the game's MVP, also made a touchdown-saving tackle on the opening kickoff.

University of Pennsylvania

UPENN implemented a new electronic privacy policy on Friday, Sept. 15. The new policy outlines circumstances in which the university can check students', faculties' or staffs' emails or computer files. For example, e-mail and computer files can be checked if law requires it, or if it will yield information towards an investigation.

The policy also requires the university to notify anyone whose files were read.

School officials do not believe the policy will have a significant day-to-day impact.


Plan ahead. Go on a Co-op assignment with some of the nation's top employers in business, industry and government. Obtain practical experience, get college credit and set up contacts for the future.

For more information, stop by our office in Grace Hall, Room 160, or call 902-8304,5,6 to set up an appointment with one of our coordinators who will show you how to sharpen your focus.

Cabrini College

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University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

Students at UNC-Chapel Hill are still active in their efforts to put back their community after it was ravaged by Hurricane Floyd a year ago.

Every Saturday, the Carolina Center for Public Service sponsors bus trips for students who want to volunteer in the clean-up.

Initially, trip participants focused on the "rip and strip" efforts of removing destroyed property and salvaging what they could. Their latest efforts have shifted to reconstruction_ and rebuilding.

Michigan State University

A new condom is being distributed to Michigan State students.

The "inSpiral," a revolutionary new condom claims to be stronger and more effective at preventing sexually transmitted diseases while being more pleasurable than the leading condom.

The condoms are being given away at a Tower Records location near the campus and will continue until the store runs out of condoms.

The students' reaction to the free condoms seems to be a positive one.


Loquitur NEWS
are pe.rfecf for any special occasion. To improve communica1lonin the event of an emergency during health services officehours,we have a newemergency number: And don 4 foreef abouf our Bi8 Moufh Bureers. Baby Back Ribs. Fajifas. Salads and more. 810-585-8847 Dine in or sef if fo fF· Wayne 312 W. Lancaster A1il!J. West Dekalb 610.687.1001 610.992.089_;,-...,;;;.........,;;;;,,;;;;;....;&BAR 'Offer valtd e.vuy 11onday.11 a.m..d=e..5

Bogosian rises theater go-ers

One night, one show, one man, one incredible experience. Eric Bogosian, the author of last fall's theater department production, "subUrbia," wrote and stars in "Wake Up And Smell The Coffee." This 95 minute piece is a series of inter connected monologues on "making it to the top of tqe ladder, falling off the ladder and the exhilarating thrill of the ultimate crash and burnt accordiJ:igto the performer's website.

On the regal, wooded Bryn Mawr College campus, inside an old church that has been converted into a theater in soft, but small, unsteady seats over one hundred people sat, gazing upon an empty black stage, when the lights dimmed and an old friend began to chat about life. From the moment that Eric Bogosian appears on stage, the entire audience is suddenly captivated and fixed on his every world. It appears as if the performer has decided that this night of his 12-college tour with "Wake Up and Smell The Coffee" will be different. It seems as though Bogosian is pissed about sex, religion, politics, the apathy of the general population and so many other things. So mad that he will not be performing tonight, but ranting about these issues with his audience, his confidant, maybe the last sane soul in the universe. Slowly Bogosian's monologues merge

into different characters, and a diverse group presents life in the information age, each character made real by one man.

Bogosian has been stirring up audiences with performances like Bryn Mawr's Friday, Sept. 8 presentation of "Wake Up And Smell the Coffee" for many years. His many other one-man shows include "FunHouse," "Men Inside," "Sex, Drugs, Rock & Roll" and "Pounding Nails In The Floor With My Forehead." Bogosian has also writen successfull plays and screenplays, and has appeared in movies.

Last year's production of "subUrbia" at Cabrini was not only incredibly successful, but also had a large impact on many of the people at the sold-out shows. Bogosian's characters in the 1994 play were believable and interesting, due to both the author's talent and the execution by the performers. Students were able to empathize with the characters and draw comparisons to their own lives.

"I write my plays to create an excuse for fulltilt acting and performing. I provide the bricks and mortar with the words and situations - the director and the actors and the designers build the house," Bogosian said.

"Wake Up And Smell The Coffee" is set to become the next of Bogosian's works to rock both the theater world and the world outside of it.

Movie Reviews

Top movies this week

• Urban Legends: Final Cut

• The Exorcist - The Version You've Never Seen

• Almost Famous

• Bring It On

• The Watcher

• Bait

• Nurse Betty

• What Lies Beneath

• Space Cowboys

• Woman on Top

Movies out this~k

• Bea!,Jlifu1 1---r

• Remember the Titans

• Barenaked in America

• Best in Show

• The Broken Hearts Club

• Girlfight ~\ ?I

• Surviving Paradise ¥J

• The Price of Air

• Twilight; Los Angeles

L 6 A&E
Thursday, September 28, 2000


If it seems like anyone can turn out a C.D. these days it's because they can, especially when it involves the organization "One Hit Wonder." A few students took advantage of the campus activity and created a single that may not be on Billboard's top 10, but at least is a hit to them.

The music-loving and the extroverted of our campus were given a special treat on Tuesday Sept. 26, when "One Hit Wonder" took over the Wigwam that afternoon.

"One Hit Wonder" travels across the country to various college campuses and corporations to give individuals the opportunity to sing their favorite hit songs and have them recorded onto a CD. After the recording session ends, the performer poses for a personal album cover that they design themselves.

Although most students just sat and watched, unmoved, some were actually brave enough to participate.

"I embarrassed myself completely, but it was fun and the first time I have done something like this," Patrick Kelly, a firstyear English major, said. He sang the very popular "Freebird" by Lynyrd Skynyrd.

Another passionate performer was Donna DiBlasio, a senior computer science major, who sang Sheryl Crow's "My Favorite Mistake."

"I liked it because no one could see me in the booth, so I felt comfortable." DiBlasio's friends cheered as she went on to do Brittany Spears' "Sometimes."

Later in the afternoon Salvatore Iaquinto Jr., a senior liberal arts major gave an en-

Free as a bird

• The Philadelphia Museum of Art is celebrating the re-opening of its Galleries of Modem and Contemporary Art with free admission to the museum on Sunday, Oct. 8.

• Speaking of art exhibits, The Grace and Joseph Fine Arts Gallery will be featuring "Oils and Pastels," Joseph Sweeney Art Exhibit Opening Reception from 3-5 p.m. on Sunday, Oct. l. The Gallery is located on the third floor of the Holy Spirit Library.

• Interested in a free meal at John Harvards Brew House? Think of a new name for Cabrini's radio station, WYBF FM. It is no longer known as "The Edge" and needs legal I.D. If your ORIGINAL idea is chosen, you win a $50 gift certificate. Look for the entry boxes in the cafeteria and food court or submit forms to Room 256 in Founders Hall. Don't forget to include

thusiastic rendition of Creed's "Higher." However, he was a little disappointed in the end because "they didn't tell me it was the cut version."

Most of the amateur vocalists appeared to be having a great time despite the fact that the crowd was not very receptive. Only one over-excited table chose to applaud when each performer finished their serenade.

Nicole Jupin, a senior computer science major summed up the majority opinion best when she said, "I could never sing in front of the whole cafeteria."

"One Hit Wonder" is heading to Philadelphia next so the Wigwam will be a little less exciting and quiet once again.

Loquitur A&E 7
photo from 'One Hit Wonder" Getting into the groove, clockwise from top, Bridget Baxter, Coordinator of Student Activities; Katie Vallone; Meg Merkel and Donna DiBlasio
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C <C cc -'-'Naughtychildrenlose their Rn,ers~ '' Join hosts Mike "B0's" Butler, Mike Huth and Lisa Finegan for two hours of radio fun that you can't tell Mommy about. Friday nights from 10 pm - midnight Only on 89.1 WYBF FM Warning; Radio Club may make you cry. Listen at your own risk.
photo by Stacey Hanby

So close yet far enough away

Although Cabrini offers various on campus activities, the Mainline provides an a different outlet for students. Some of Cabrinistudents favorire hot spots for entertainment inclde a wide range, yet are generally in walking distance.

Counterclockwise at the top, Minella's diner is opened 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Located on Lancaster Avenue, it is surrmmded by numerous restaurants, such as Chile's, Bertucci's, John Harvard's, yet is still always packed. Luckily, the waiting line moves quickly.

Peace A Pizza and Xando are two very diverse selections of dining and hanging out. Peace A Pizza has uniqe styles of pizza slices, ranging from taco salad pizza to rigatoni pasta pizza. Xando is a trendy coffe shop where many students go to study and relax.

Villanova University is right down the road from campus. Since Cabrini does not have a football or baseball team, it can reenjoyable to attend the Villanova athletic events. The university also has held many concerts, such as Bare Naked Ladies and Stroke Nine in recent months.

Below is just a small part of the King of Prussia Mall, located just a few miles from school. Many students hold part time jobs here, while others look forward to shopping there on a weekly basis.

Lastly, Valley Forge National Park is a huge tourist attraction for people all over the country. The historical intregity and the landscape of the sight are worth the jowney. However, a slow walk through the park can reveal a great place to exercise as hundreds of nmner pass you by.

8 FEATURES------------Th-~_d_a_~_s_ep_re_m_re_r_2s_._20_00
all photos by Meghan Merkel

An adventure only a flight away

In only an hour and a half, tired and stressedout students can be exploringChicago,America's third largestcity and a mecca for entertainment,culture and just about everything else. Situatedon Lake Michigan,Chicago can be a four-season destinationif you plan accordingly.

The downtownarea of Chicago,also known as the "Loop," is a two-levelcity with streetsbuilt on top of lower streets. The ChicagoRiver runs throughthe downtownarea The river is famous becauseits currentwas reversedat the turn of the 20th Century to alleviatethe amount of waste flowing into Lake Michigan.The rivernow flows from east to west, as opposed to west to east.

O'Hare InternationalAirport is locatedapproximately30 minutesnorth-westof the downtownarea and is the second largestin the nation.

Clockwise from top left: The skyline of Chicago illuminates the night sky as seen from Northwestern University's Evanston campus along Lake Michigan, 15 miles north of the city; the remainder of photographs are from the State Street Bridge on the Chicago River. The scenes from the bridge have been used in a variety of televsion programs that were shot in the Chicago area. photos by Joe

Does someone desene a little reco1nltJon for a job well done, an honor they received, or the fact that they are just too darn nice to 10 unnoticed? Give them a spot of glory and a moment to shine as the ..Cavalier Of The Week-."

Loquitur FEATURES ------------9
Leave a nominationincludingname, phone number and a brief descripcionof what makes tbis person so lenific in the newsroom,locatedon the top Door of the WidenerCenter. O,.• t• .U ••ahn •I 1M C.rllll coa aU,. ..


Worried: simply take this pill

A potentially fatal form of the bacterium that causes meningitis came close to the campus community last week.

At lunch tables and in check-out lines, conversation dealing with the extreme possibilities that this condition could warrant could only be curbed by the college's rapid distribution of 500 milligrams of the pill Cypro to anyone on campus. Students flocked to the Rooymans Center to seek some reassurance that they would be safe in the hands of Cabrini College in the form of a pill that was taken without allergenic screenings or any questions asked. This was ironically similar to Hollywood's portrayal of mental hospitals' pill distribution: the patients come forward after having their names called out and receive a pill in a cup.

Most students are oblivious to any allergies they may have. Some students complained of minor discomfort after having taken the pill. It is likely that this was just mind-over-matter, but who would know? Students questioned the precautionary measures taken by the college to curtail further incident. The college should have closed Xavier for extensive cleaning so that there was little to no chance for further .contamination. The bacteria that causes meningitis lives in air droplets, according to the American College Health Association. Air droplets can be foun4 in any buildings' air-conditioning and heating duct systems. Even if it was certain that there was no way for further contamination from the environment, being Xavier Hall, it would have been exemplary if the school invested further concern into the situation and ordered the building to be cleaned.

Sue Fitzgerald, college nurse, stated that "typical college students often ignore the symptoms." The symptoms for Meningococcal Meningitis are fever, severe headache, stiff neck, nausea, vomiting, rash and lethargy. Which student on this campus doesn't complain about the even the mildest of headaches?

For the first time, students were informed promptly of a situation on campus. Numerous letters were sent out from the Heatlh Office and parents received a letter from President Iadarola. It takes a near crisis to hear from the college administration.

These are the cars of my life

the car. It didn't cause any damage, but each time you put it in reverse there would be the opening chords of something that resembled "Pop Goes the Weasel."

not under any circumstances use Brillo pads on car paint.

imitating the wolf whistle.

Then there was Lady of the Night and no, not the "stands-onthe-comer-paid-by-the-hour-determining-on-the-uh-uh- factor" kind of gal, but a different one. She was mainly used by my Dad, who is a musician and would work at night. She was green so she blended into the dark nicelyget it?

The Millenium Parakeet, an obnoxious orange-colored thing that I don't know anything else about, was next. There really aren't any of those good ol' time stories about it and I've given up SHANNA FANELLI pondering why it was named after a bird that has a talent for Did you ever notice that no matter how hard you search for the right word, it never comes out until after the moment has passed? I hate that. It's like when you dream about what you think tomorrow is going to be like when you can't get to sleep. You make up a really great day. Maybe you're even one of those people who likes to plan out their outfits only to wake up and find out that the weather blows and so does reality. That can be disappointing.

But then again, that's life. As the saying goes, "poopie happens" (that's the G-rated, paperfriendly version). You deal with things and move on, unless something happens that causes a cataclysm in your personal universe.

Take my first car for example. Now I'm not one of those people who pants over mufflers or has compulsions to lift up the hoods of cars and run my eyeballs over every inch of an engine, but there is something touching about that first vehicle. A black 1986 Buick Regal that flew down the highway with just a kiss of the toes to the pedal.

When the Lady turned into the Hag, we impersonated the rich and famous and found a younger version. Actually, it was a creamcolored Oldsmobile Regal that was dubbed Lil' Queenie due to the fact that we thought her interior was so plush (Hey, when you're eleven and the backseat has flippy ashtrays in the seats, that's lux).

The birth of the Nintendo System influenced the world and my family was no exception. Our new maroon (well, new for us), Buick was christened Koopa Troopa, after those bad turtles with wings in Super Mario Brothers. It sounded cooler than Goomba.

Our biggest car, The Boat, was, well, huge, and red. My Dad taught me how to drive in it. When I went for my test, the little guys in the grey hats had to move the cones so I would be able to parallel park. Needless to say, the Boat didn't really fly to well with us woman folk. My dad loved it, but hey, he was outvoted three to one. Nowadays, my Mom and Dad have a cute, little Buick named Rhiannon.

And then there was ah, my car Tori, a.k.a. the "Grungebuggy." I lived in that car. Despite the reprimands over my untidy interior, I knew where every piece of paper was that littered the seats.

Unfortunately, Tori died. Literally, on the Blue Route around llp.m. The next day, she was gone, towed away and out of my life forever.

Guess what that meant?

Her name is Druscilla Rose. She's a red 1996 Corsica and she was owned by a little old lady who never drove her. I love this car and so do the birds; I'm constantly Windexing the windshield.

So now you know a little about my past. This does not make us friends and if you like life, you won't ask me for a ride as I have a tendency to drive creatively and can guarantee you that getting lost is a definite.

But if you like, I'll wash your car for five bucks and give it a name if you want.

I named her Tori. I never thought it was strange to name my car. All the cars that I've ever come in contact with over my history of family car ownership have had names. Melvin was the first

Following in the tire tracks was a black Bonneville we recognized as Tapau. That car, named in honor of Spock's mom on Star Trek, got washed a lot by us neighborhood kids who were trying to think of honest way to get car. I don't remember much about\ our parents to give us money. that one except that one of my I Note for any entrepreneurs: do baby toys got stuck somewhere in \


-We called Lori Gibbons "Lisa" in a story last week about tennis.

The editorials, viewpoints, opinions and letters to the editor published in Loquitur are the views of the student editorial board and the individual writers, not the entire student body or the faculty and administration.
.1'1 ••
Thursday, September 28, 2000
We apologize for our mistakes
Shanna Fanelli is A&E editor of the Loquitur. We needed a nice, happy column this week and Shanna was glad to oblige.

Taking the ''student'' out of Student Development

One thing has been made readily apparent to me over the past couple weeks: the Student Development office seems to have a clear disregard for its students' development.

I am not simply referring to the visitation policy requiring students to leave at 4 a.m., thus promoting drinking ll!ld driving, or to the lack of courtesy displayed by the administration in not notifying students of policy changes prior to the start of the year. I am not even referring to the disappearance of counseling staff on this campus for the past month which has disrupted the emotional well being of Cabrini students. Perhaps what concerns me the most is the fact that the mere presence of students in the Student Development office appears to be a nuisance to its staff. If students at this college are seen as annoyances, bow will our voices ever be heard?

Last week I entered the Student Development office to speak with secretary Nicole Nordberg. Nicole wasn't there, but I told the front desk receptionist that I was going to say hello to John DiMucci and Mary Laver, the Campus Ministers. As I began to walk down the hallway that adjoins student development to Campus Ministry, I was instructed by the receptionist to exit the office and enter Campus Ministry from their own door. I suppose the presences of a student in that hallway woulddisrupt the work of the Student Development staff.

It concerns me that the only staff in the Student Development Center that have any contact with students are

the Campus Ministers. The Student Activites Office, where student members of the Campus Activities and Programming Board did most of their work was moved out of Student Development to a room downstairs. The Student Peer Educator Office, formerly across the hall from Campus Ministry, was sent to the Rooymans Center. However, the campus' Peer Educators can't even begin their work because they don't have a supervisor. Whether intentional or not, the Student Development staff has sent a message to its students that we are not welcome. Cabrini's "Education of the Heart" is futile if its own students are ignored and decieved. How can an office be called Student Development when it has no contact with its students? On Sept. 25, Laurie Keenan-McGarvey stated live on the campus radio talk show "I don't read the Loquitur." If administrators have little contact with their students and do not even read the student publications, this office is not deserving of the title "Student Development."

While I can appreciate the fact that Dr. Valente, Laurie Keenan-McGarvey and Charlie Schaffner appeared on the campus radio station this past Monday, I can't say that they truly listened to the students. It seemed that their purpose of appearing on the show was to simply pacify students rather than work with them. A student with a disability called the show complaining about the college's lack of accessibility and was told that this was the concern of another office, not Student Development. Last time I checked, this office worked on the development of all students, including disabled ones. The Student Government Association was also insulted for not inviting administrators to the Student Union meeting. Well, the students were a little upset that none of them were invited to meetings

with the administration where these radical policy changes were discussed. Furthermore, it is not the duty of the SGA to schedule student union meetings for the administration. If the administration was so concerned that they were not invited, why haven't they scheduled a meeting of their own with the students?

Lee Noel, an authority on retention of college students, once stated the following: "Students are the most important people on campus. Without them there would be no need for the institution. Students are not cold enrollment statistics, but flesh and blood human beings with feelings and emotions like our own. Students are not people to be tolerated so that we can do our thing. They are our thing. Students are not an interruption from our work, but the purpose of it. We are not doing them a favor by serving them. They are doing us a favor by giving us the opportunity to do so."

Student Development, we are the reason you are working for Cabrini. Listen to us and welcome us into your office. Give us a chance. Don't impart these harsh policies on us based on the actions of a few students from last year who took advantage of the lack of administrative leadership. You have the power to change the climate on this campus from one of cold discontent and mistrust to one of mutual respect simply by listening to our concerns. Don't just tolerate us and hear us, but LISTEN to us. And who knows, if you listen to us, we might just listen back.

Jenna Mancini is a member of the SGA Executive Board as the Academic Board Chair

Letter to the editor

Dear Loquitur,

I am a senior, and I have seen many many changes and dealt with many attitudes toward the students. Every administrator has a different point of view and perspective on students. However, in my three years here, I have never, ever been so disgusted at the administration as I am now. On Sound Reason, a radio talk show this past Monday, Laurie Keenan-McGarvey, the director of Residence Life admitted that she doesn't read the Loquitur. No wonder you have no idea what is going on. I've listened to the show, and it seems to me that all three guests spent more time dodging questions by saying that they don't know, or "that happened before I got here,• than they actually said anything useful. There is an easy way to know what is going on - read the Loquitur! What better way to know what the students' issues are than to read them in a forum that is written for the students by the students?

I also noted the hint of utter contempt when the name Loquitur was uttered. Why? Is there anything wrong with the paper? Are you above the lowly student paper? The alumnus association, the board of trustees, and most professors here read the paper and listen to what the students say. Why don't you?

The student body bas a voice and deserves to be

heard. They are using that voice, high, loud, ii.nJrepeatedly. It's just that the voice is falling on deaf ears. There is an easy way to solve all of these problems. Practice what the college preaches. We are taught understanding, respect, the common good, and most importantly love. Where is that in the school? The only love and understanding I've seen have been on the faces of my professors who honestly believe what they are teaching. Where all of my lessons, where every belief in the common good that I learned dissipated, was in my conversations with administrators. Time and time again my well being (the well being of the students in general) has been passed over for the love of the almighty dollar. Over the past years more and more people have been crammed into areas designed for a fraction of that amount. Handicapped students are lied to regarding the accessibility of the buildings, students are charged for damages done to their dorms, but for some reason, those damages are never fixed. I have to ask myself, why? The only answer I can find is simple - money. More people mean more bucks. What should be more important, educating the students, not only through our Sem 300 classes, but educate them through actions? They speak louder than words. Run the college like the loving educational institution it

professes to be.

I've been told that this school is a business. We can't function if we don't make money. From what I've ever learned we are a non-profit organization. That means no profit. Following that line of logic, shouldn't the concern for money fall to the wayside for the well being of us all? For arguments sake, however, let's say that this school is a business, not a non-profit educational institution. Then using a business perspective, I am the product. Your goal as a business is to produce a productive working member of society - me. But would any business (any business worth anything) take such dangerous shortcuts in the creation of it's product? If I am not produced (educated) correctly will I not end up flawed? How long could the Cabrini Factory function? I encourage everyone to read this, read everything, and pass it on to those who haven't yet read it. Pass it on to other administrators, other teachers, and your parents. That is the only way we can seem to get through the wall of "I don't know" that is thrown up to us. Just some thoughts.

.u..l~ ,< Loquitur PERSPECTIVES 11
Benjamin Lunn Disgruntled Senior.

And now, it's time once again to play the feud

might hurt for a little bit but the feeling passes and your life goes on. And what offends one person may not offend another, therefore practically anything will offend someone in the world.

from Valente or Keenan-McGarvey.

First off, I would like to tell all my readers that I can count to ten. The reason that there were only nine TV shows in last week's top ten list was because one of them was removed because of a conflict of taste with my editor in chief. It was feared that it was too offensive to be printed in the Loquitur. But as much as I would like the reader to make the decision for themselves, being the adults that they are, I lost the battle.

Maybe it's just me, but I see no problem with being offensive. Being offended by something is like stubbing your toe. It

But since I am in no position of power to dictate tastes, nor do I want to be, I leave it to you, the reader, whether you want thiligs edited for taste or to be "uninhibited" and "robust." Write in and let your voice be heard.

Now that I got all that off my chest, let's get back to your favorite punching bag and mine, the administration. If anyone heard the radio show on WYBF on Monday night with Dr. Laura Valente, Laurie Keenan-McGarvey, and Charles Schaffner, you heard what quite possibly could have been called "Issue Dodging Radio." I listened to the show twice and I do not recall hearing a concrete, satisfactory answer

So let's play Family Feud for a moment. The top three answers are on the board. The question is "What answers were most commonly given by Valente and Keenan-McGarvey during their time on WYBF?" The number one answer is "We weren't here last year!" Well, guess what? You're here now. It's easy to blame people who are no longer around.

The second most common answer was "It's not my responsibility." This was a very peculiar response considering there was a lot of talk by Valente and KeenanMcGarvey about personal responsibility, especially regarding the House 2 fiasco. If it's not your responsibily then who's is it? And furthermore, what are you responsible for anyway? After the show was over, the only thing I

Letter to the editor

knew that Valente and KeenanMcGarvey were responsible for was utterly annihilating campus morale.

The third most commonly given answer of the night was more vague as Valente and Keenan-McGarvey kept referring to other schools they had visited or had been employed at before. Here's a news flash: You're at Cabrini. You're not at St. Peter's. You're not at Rosemont. It seems as if our current administration wants to overhaul Cabrini to create an unwelcomed amalgamation of colleges on the resumes of Valente and Keenan-McGarvey. It's almost as if the Cabrini Col-

lege we knew is being destroyed right in front of our eyes.

The administration had a chance to try and make things right on this radio program. Instead it was squandered with a lot of condescension and airs of superiority. And the way they handled the handicap access question posed by Jose Jalandoni was absolutely abhorrent.

Our last administration may not have been well-organized, but at least we felt they respected us as human beings, not as inferior lifeforms who need to be forcefed unwanted values. Say it loud, students: WE ARE PEOPLE!

Loquitur is established as a forum for student expression and as a voice in the uninhibited, robust, free and open discussion of issues.

12 PERSPECTIVES __________ Th_ur_sda....,.Y.:....,S__.ep...._te_m_be_r 2_8,__2_000
News editor Linsey Heiser Editor in chief Joe Holden Managingeditor Stephanie Masucci Sports editor JessicaSnow A&E editor Perspecthu editor Features editor Meghan Merkel Shanna Lynn Fanelli Pbotogn,phy editor Matt Holmes Staff writer, X.ndra Clark Jill Hindman Mike Butler AdvertisingEditor Jose Jalandoni Adviser Dr. Jerry Zurek Design editor Janice Funk Editorial board Mike Butler Mike Bevelacqua Beth Ann Conahan Jennifer COOis Matthew Coughlin Jennifer Devereaux Justine Difilippo Renee DiPietro AmyGasscn Jessica Giordano Georgiana Rushworth Jenine lkelcr Shanna Lynn Fanelli Linsey Heiser Mike Kazanjian Marianne :\ofcKim Lauren Norton John O'Donnell Julia Teti ReneeTomcanin Geri Lynn Utter Staff photographers Laura Givey Mike Fenn Justine DeFillipo .Mike Bevilaqua Michelle Pal:ndro Anita Pim Janine .lkcler Stacy Hanby Tori Ey Matt Holmes Joe Holden Stephanie Masucci Meghan Merkel Jessica Snow Matt Tooley Loquitur ts a labor.uory ncwspeper wriuen. edited and prodllCCdby students registe~ in C0"1 3A(i, 350, 351, 353 and 354 Memben of the campus oom.muttity arc inviied to wort on or subn:ut f« Only 1111dcnts ~gistcred in the. abo,-e cb$cs, howc~cr, arc ch&iblc to receive acackm,c crediL Subscription price is $25 per )·earand is included in the benefits sccond iD ruition and fees. Loquitur welcomes letten 10 the cdJ.tor. Uucn should be &i.goed and the authorship bwY.'Dto the editon. Names are 1witheldooly io unusual circum&Wlees approved b) the oiit<Wlll ctuef. Ultcl$ to the cwtor should be S\lblruttedby noon on Mondays. Let Loquitur know what's on your mind! Commentaries and letters to the editor may be submitted by the entire Cabrini campus community using the following format. We look forward to hearing from you! •Email: •Classic Mail: The Loquitur 610 King of Prussia Road Radnor, Pa. 19087 •Phone: (610) 902-8412 ------~ •Length: No more than two typed pages •Requirements: Names will not be withheld from letters to the editor or commentaries, even at the author's request.

Where were you when Cabrini College died?

I've never hated this school. Sure I've disagreed with a lot of their practices, but isn't that the way everything works in the world. It is said that every five minutes a great Cabrini injustice is happening to another student on campus, but as a student you learn to just take the nonsense on the chin as being just another part of the college experience. So I ask you, what the hell is going on around here? When did Cabrini College become such a hostile environment? I'm expecting to pass the front gate and see a big sign reading "under new management!" Now nothing is acceptable, there is no comfort factor in anything you do and the first people you point the finger at for this great injustice is the administration. Well I'm here to say what I and every other student on campus believes, the finger is well pointed.

I find it hard to believe that it's just a coincidence the drop in morale happened at the same time the new administration took over. Every basic human right has been violated this year at Cabrini since day one and the residents aren't the only ones affected. The faculty is upset, the commuters feel discarded, and the parents are pissed.

Just think Cabrini, how many parents are going to send another one of their children to such a place? How many successful graduates are going to talk about Cabrini's poor business ethics that, for example, may distance employers from the co-op and career services program? How many more mistakes have to be made before the school realizes that they're shooting themselves in the foot.

It's scary up here. I have never seen so many people as collectively miserable in my entire life. Student body morale is at an all time low, and it is noticeable in every step I take on this campus. Everybody feels violated, beaten down and tossed aside, and they have every right too. Every basic value and moral that is taught at this school is being contradicted in the actions of the administration. We're being lied to and treated like children and contrary to popular belief we're adults, and we take offense to it. The administration openly admits that they feel our generation is naturally defiant, well everybody is a product of their surroundings, and our surroundings were established by prior generations.

It's bad enough that we're stereotyped, but we're generalized. This is a big issue in many of the courses that are taught here, breaking stereotypes and understanding individuals. We're paying more money to go here then many of the nationally known colleges and universities in our area, and this is the type of administration the school wants to have? This school stunts creativity and social interaction on a level that can most properly be described as punishment. Why have we been punished? Is it because of the school's lack of administrative talent in past years? Or maybe it's due to admissions accepting too many people when they knew they didn't have the facilities to house them. Well sure, these are just two random examples, but if it's not these, then what is it? We are sick and tired of paying for other people's mistakes around here. It seems like the more money we pump into this machine, the less we get in return and it has to stop now.

I live in an all twenty-one year old apartment, and we usually have some form of alcohol in our fridge. While I was writing this article I was sitting at my computer with a beer, just calming my nerves and having a casual drink. My friend, who is twenty years old I might add, dropped by after his night class and popped into my bedroom to chat. We sat and had an hour conversation about philosophy, while the whole time the alcohol content in the room never exceeded the 12 ounces of beer I had already started to polish off. After he left I sat back to review my topic and realized I was just in a situation where the both of us could have been collectedly fined for about two hundred dollars. That totally disgusted me.

The fact is there was a very slim chance an authority figure would have came in during this deviance from my work, but if they did, for all intents and purposes I was being irresponsible and defiant in my conduct. It shouldn't have to be like this. The no-tolerance issues

schools can say that after one month of operation, over fifty percent of their first year students hate the place and want to leave before next semester. This is true, but they don't want to advertise that on their website. I don't consider this a "community that is conductive to academic achievement" or "an opportunity for personal growth and the development of leadership and human relation skills," yet that is exactly how the 'publicity' department states it.

Think seniors, this is the last chance you have to truly have this type of experience with these particular people. Just think about how many of your high school friends you still see.

No matter how much you hate to admit it, things are going to change after the diplomas are handed out. Why must we wake up every day wondering what the next great injustice is going to be? You're going to wake up on your first day of the summer realizing that it's all over and it's never coming back.

We were cheated, and we would simply like the situation resolved. We've had everything that meant anything to us stripped away for the good of the school's public image, and we've felt that we've had absolutely no say in the matter. If this school has in fact discarded their mission statement to become a selfish money-hungry business, you'd think they'd remember the first rule of retail, the customer's always right.

on this campus have breed an environment in which I can't even be comfortable having an unannounced guest, for an intelligent conversation for fear of the college pointing a finger at me for being disrespectful to the codes of conduct. The problem also is that in situations when you're not breaking any "rules," you're always on edge and looking out for the thing that just might put you in a bad place. I was talking to the director of public safety during a break on Sound Reason this Monday, the WYBF talk show that pulled in possibly the most listeners in the station's history. When I brought up a similar situation he basically told me that if I feel like I should constantly be looking over my shoulder then they're doing their job. Well if this is their job, I think we should change the name of the Student Development office, because I don't consider breeding mistrust "development." Speaking of office names, can anybody tell me why the name of the Resident Life office was changed to Residence Life? Is it possibly because the office is now more concerned with the buildings then the students themselves? Think about it. These are the types of things they're hoping that as these classes graduate and new troops come aboard, they'll have never known any better to complain. Well how right is it to think like that? What happened to taking care of the here and now in an effort to better the future? When you go online and read the way other people view the school for consideration, it's disgusting to think how low they would stoop to bring more money in, the funny thing is that this is something that the freshman have already realized. How many other

I'd now like to take this time to tell the school something. With every pen stroke that someone in power makes around here to further destroy the community aspect, the school slowly loses more and more respect. If this goes on for an entire year, I can't even fathom the amount of poor publicity and bad business this place is going to receive. And in two to three years when the entire administration has to be overhauled again to find another grand solution to another problem they've created for themselves, we're not even going to be around to say "I told you so." After treatment this disgusting I can guarantee that you and your wallets will never hear from any of us again, and what a shame that is for so many people to think so low of their alma mater.

I find it hard to believe that it's just a coincidence the drop in morale happened at the same time the new administration took over.
John "Dark Knight" Dell'Osa is a guest writer for the Loquitur and co-host of the now critically acclaimed Cabrini radio show "Sound Reason." There is no photo of him because he was banned from the newsroom as well as from other places on campus for such independent thoughts.

Johnson sisters, team excited about season

Imagine looking across the volleyball court and seeing a familiar face. Not only a familiar face but also the face of your sister. That is how Jamie Johnson and Kristin Johnson feel at their games and practices. Having the sisters on the team is a "definite benefit" according to Coach Jim Harrigan. Although they play different positions both sisters play their role on the court with passion and drive. They have an "excellent arm swing," Coach Harrigan said. ''They can really hit the ball hard."

Jamie Johnson, a junior, and her sister Kristin Johnson, a freshman have been playing volleyball for eight years. Not only did they grow up together but they also became better and stronger athletes together.

"It's nice to have someone from home on the court," Jamie said.

means it is her first year as a Cavalier.

"Playing with my sister," Kristin said, when asked what her favorite thing about playing volleyball at Cabrini was so far this year.

"It is our first time actually playing on the same court together."

It is well known that Cabrini's biggest competition is Neumann College. This year the team did not bring home a win. The Cavaliers lost to Neumann 3-0. If the team makes it to the playoffs it will have another chance to beat its rivals.

The team has many hopes for the upcoming season. The most common hope is as Jamie said, "that we will make it to the PAC championships." each other's every move."

Jamie, a Special Ed/Elementary Ed major, has been playing for the Cabrini Cavaliers for three years now. The women do many things together as a team.

Things like trips to New York City or just going out to dinner is common for the team. It brings team unity, which help them play as a whole in-

They have practiced together since they started playing, which in Kristin's mind makes it "fun because there is a better trust because we know stead of as individuals on the court.

Harrigan feels that "getting back into the playoffs would be a great new start" for the Cavaliers. Trying to make it to the championships requires a lot of practice. The team practices five days a week, Monday through Friday, and has games three times a week, often including Saturdays.

Harrigan feels that having sisters on the team "adds a different dimension" to the Cavaliers.

The two girls work more in sync than the average This is Kristin's first year at Cabrini, which player due to the many years of practice together.

Intramural sports set to begin in coming weeks

If you like to play sports, but do not have enough time to play, division three athletics intramurals is a great option. Anyone can play including faculty, staff, administrators, residents, and commuters, and prizes will be awarded to the

winners. Sports available are co-ed volleyball, squash, 5 on 5 basketball, ultimate frisbee, flag football, and swimming. The starting dates and times are as follows. Squash will be on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 3:30-5:00p.m. starting this week. Co-ed volley-

ball will begin Sunday, Oct. 8, from 1-3 p.m. Basketball begins on Oct. 6 on Tuesdays from 8-10 p.m., and on Fridays from 7-9 p.m. Flag football will begin on Oct. 30 from 11-lp.m. Ultimate Frisbee will also begin on Sept. 30 from 1-3 p.m. The swim club will be announced at a later date.

Before signing up, each team should designate a captain, and choose a color Rules and regulations will apply. Questions or comments can be forwarded to Recreation and Facilities Director Chris Winkler, or Gabrielle Beltran, the intramural coordinator. Stay tuned for more information.

Last week's results for Cabrini's sports teams

Men's Soccer

The Men's soccer team lost 4-0 to Beaver College on Wednesday Sept. 20 and fell 2-0 to Misericordia on Saturday. The Cavs fell to 2-5 and 13 in PAC competition.

Women's Soccer

The Women's soccer team had an up and down week. On Thursday they lost to York 5-1, the lone goal . ------.

scored by Katie Hecht. On Saturday the Lady Cavs defeated St. Mary's 2-1. Cabrini's goals were scored by Jessica Stork and Colleen Feeney. The team improved its PAC record to 2-0. • Cross

Although the women didn't place, Senior Lauren Dean finished first and also set a meet record of 19:56.


olyn Katkowski scored 2 goals. They defeated Immaculata 7-0 on Monday night. The team boosted their record to 6-4 and 3-0 in PAC competition.



On Saturday the Mens and

The women's vo1leyballteam went 0-2 on the week, losing 3-0 to Beaver and 3-0 to Swarthmore. Senior Tricia Arnold had 14 kills and women's Cross Country team trav- 25 digs in two games.

eled to Philadelphia Metropolitan where the men placed third out of 18 Field Hockey teams. Senior Jason Bull finished On Thursday the field hockey team first and set a meet record of 28:10. defeated Gwynedd-Mercy 5-1. Car-

The tennis team dropped two tough matches this week. On Wednesday they fell 6-3 to Beaver College and lost 7-2 to Philadelphia University on Thursday. Freshman Robin Blanda posted a 1-1 singles record this week.

_14______________________ SPORTS~--------------Th-~_d_a_~_s_~_re_m_re_r_2_s,_2_000_
photo by Jenine /kier Kristin and Jamie Johnson's parents met through volleyball and now the sisters share the court as Cavaliers.

Soccer looks for more than a PAC title

staff writer

Tenacity, teamwork and togetherness are words best used to describe the attitude of this year's women's soccer team. Although the team is relativecy young, they have set high aspirations.

Last year, the women's soccer team won the Pennsylvania Athletic Conference championship,

offs for NCAA. This year, they hope to make it into the tournament.

"Once we hit our peak we'll be unstoppable," junior Jamie Matozzo said.

So far the team is 4-1, and undefeated in the PAC. Many of the players attribute their success to senior goalie Jess Huda and the new keeper coach, Ken Prothero. Huda credits her success to that of the whole team, especially the freshmen.

"I'm really happy with the way the freshmen are playing;' Huda said.

Other players to watch are freshmen Colleen Feeney and Mandi Lutner, sophomore Kelli Romano, who is playing after two injuries to her anterior cruciate ligament, and juniors Carly Atkinson, Jamie Matozzo and Jessica Storck.

The women's team's biggest opponents will be Beaver College, Eastern College, Wesley College, and Gwynedd-Mercy College.

Danehy said that there are no single players from other schools that should pose a big threat.

Michael Bevelaqua Junior Ellen Casiero flies above the competition for a headball. Casiero, as well as teammates, has overcome injury this season, to lead the Lady Cavs.

but was eliminated in the first round of the play-

"Without them the team wouldn't be playing as well as they are."

Assistant coach Leslie Danehy says that the leadership of the team's captains, Katie Hecht, Jess Huda and Tara Robuck, is key.

"We try to keep everything positive," Hecht said.

A sense of commradary is what keeps this team together according to Danehy and many of the players. This sense of togetherness helps make playing on the field a good time and is letting the team have a lot of fun.

''The biggest difference from this year's team and last year's is attitude," Danehy said."That's what can make them champions."

Cabrini runner eyes 2008 Olympic spot

Every four years the torch is lit in a special town somewhere across the world. Gifted athletes go there to fulfill their lifelong dreams, all hoping to win a gold. Many just honored to be part of the Olympic magic. Many athletes dream of becoming part of the Olympics, however only a chosen few actually make it.

Cabrini College even has its own Olympic hopeful, Jason Bull. Bull, a senior, from near Pottstown, PA, has this dream and has had it for the past four years. Bull runs cross country and track at Cabrini. He has been in-

volved in running since his freshman year in high school. Bull's biggest influence to follow his dream was his high school crosscountry coach.

"He is a big part of everything I do," Bull said.

Bull's goals for himself after graduation include a career in video production and a spot in the 2008 Olympics in the men's 1500-meter event. He hopes to be part of the Olympic trials in 2004. His future jobs must allow him to work no more than 40 hours per week because of his love for running. Bull requests a job like this so he can continue his training with Moroccan coach, El Mostafa Nefchadi. Being

seen running around campus. coached by this man will be a great honor because Nechadi was a worldclass runner in 1989. Bull's training includes running mostly with Cabrini's cross-country team.

He does an average of 65 to 75 miles of running a week. Running with the team is something Bull enjoys.

"Without help," Bull said, "it's a lot harder."

Over the years the team has bonded and helped each other push towards their own individual goals.

If an athlete wants to make an Olympic goal come true they must have love for a sport.

"You just have to really want it," and must give yourself entirely to your practice and training.

"Remember everytime you feel yourself falling off," Bull said, "it equals one less day you have to work towards the goal."


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photo by photo by Michael Bevelaqua Senior Carly Atkinson is leading her team this semester,both off the field and on it, as show above. photo by Jessica Snow Senior Jason Bull relaxes in his apartment, he is more commonly

Women's soccer has lofty goals

New first-year students and strong upperclassmen leardership give the women's soccer team a lot of confidence about how far it can go this season. Story on page

Lo q u 1 tu r Vol. XLVII, No. 3 Thursday, September28, 2000 Radnor, PA 19087
photo by Michael Bevelaqua

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