Oct. 05, 2000 issue 04 Loquitur

Page 1

First-year student Brian McNally registers to vote with the help of Amnesty International members Patrick Hutton and Christina Vergara. The members, along with other students, set up a table outside of the Food Court on Monday, Oct. 2. They registered voters, as well as publicized the goals and mission of their organization.

If you missed this chance to register, find other ways to do so on page 2.

C a Vol. XLVII, No. 4 Entertainment .~.. ,_________ ..,--'--~-b r i n 1 C 0 I I e g e Thursday, October 5, 2000 Radnor.
photo by Joe Holden
Armed with a paintbrush and shielded with an easel, Joseph Sweeney crusades against environmental disaster through his art. Find a review of his work, currently on exhibit in the Grace and Joseph Gorevin Fine Arts Gallery, on page 7.

Voter registration information available online

The deadline for registering to vote in the presidential election is fast approaching, but a federal website makes getting the form easy. Nov. 6 is Election Day this year. The last days to register are Oct. 7 and 8 depending on which state you live in.

If you are not already registered to vote, here is your chance. Go to www.fec.gov/votregis/vr.htm, to get the voter registration form. In New Jersey, the guidelines state that the voter must be a U.S Citizen be at least 18 years of age and not serving a sentence in any correctional institution. In Pennsylvania the voter also must be a U.S. citizen, at least 18 years of age and "not confined in a penal institution for the conviction of a felony within the last five years."

The website www.fec.gov/votregis/vr.htm, supplies the form. All that is needed from the voter is to print the form out and send the form in. This site gives the address for each county in the United States where the voter registration forms in your area are to be sent. Along with the forms, there are also instructions on how to fill them out so the voter is not left with any questions. The voter registrations need to be mailed in by certain

dates. For New Jersey, you must have the envelope postmarked 29 days before the election. In Pennsylvania, the voter must have the envelope postmarked 30 days before an election or primary votes are taking place.

In case you expect not to be home on Election Day, to cast that vote go to WWW.absenteeballot.net to receive information about the absentee ballot.

If the voter is from New Jersey, the voter can receive the ballot on-line. There are a few specific reasons that you can receive this ballot. If the voter is a resident attending a school, college or university on Election Day, the voter may receive this absentee ballot.

The ballot must be printed out and sent in by Oct. 31. Addresses are provided for the voter on this site.

If the voter is from Pennsylvania and cannot vote in person, they cannot receive the ballot online. The voter has to contact the chief state election committee in their state. There is list of addresses and telephone numbers listed at www.absentee ballot.net.

Also, in Pennsylvania, living away at coJJege is a valid reason for an absentee ballot.

For those students who are from other states, this site also supplies information for your state as well.

On Monday, Oct. 2, Amnesty International allowed students to register to vote in the Widener Center.

Students share views on voting and political interests

The 2000 presidential election is now a hot topic all over the country, but on a smaller scale, is it on the minds of collegeage Americans? Moreover, what does it mean to Cabrini students?

According to a recent survey conducted by the Kaiser Family Foundation and MTV, fewer than half of college age Americans (ages 18-24) say that they will be voting in November. More specifically, the poll noted that 64 percent of all adults plan to vote in the upcoming election, while 46

percent of adults under the age of 25 say that they are planning to vote.

Although many college age Americans are not planning to vote, most do have strong opinions on the issues. Six out of 10 of those polled who do not plan to vote explained that they think the country seems to be going in the right direction. They feel that, instead of voting, they could better contribute by being volunteers in their communities.

Republican. Of the Democrats, 75 percent were registered.

Vice President Al Gore, the Democratic candidate, proved to be the more popular candidate on campus. Junior Heather Woodward said, "Before I started learning about the candidates I was going to choose the lesser of two evils, but then I started learning about Gore's views and I really agree with his platform. I like him because he's got a genuine personality, he's real and he definitely shares many of the same views I do."

think that if we elect George Bush we,re in a serious hardship, mainly because he rode in on his fathers coat tail. He doesn't know when to shut up and he won't even admit his past. This will be the first election I've voted in 12 years and it'll be for Gore. I'm from Texas and I know Bush's record first hand. I've seen his accomplishments and none of them are good."

In an unscientific survey of 40 Cabrini students, 90 percent said they were Democrats, seven percent independent and three percent unaffiliated. No one was a

Another student planning to vote for Gore, junior Mark Conway-James said, "I

Although Gore is more popular than Bush on campus, some students really don't like either candidate very much. Senior Ben Lunn said, "I don't like Gore or Bush, but Bush is not as bad." ---------·

Tobacco use still prevalent among ·students in college

If you have been watching any television lately you have probably seen one of those ''The Truth.com" commercials. If you have not, it is the one with those young adults filling out name tags with "profit margin" and other business terms in place of their real names. Then one of them signs his name as "worst nightmare" because he does not smoke.

You would think this is an accu-

rate representation of today's youth with all the anti-smoking ads and the proven fact that tobacco use causes cancer. We have come a long way from handing cigarettes out to our armed forces in World War II. Everybody knows cigarettes are bad for you. A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association suggests we don't stop to consider other forms of tobacco.

The survey, conducted by the Harvard School of Public Health and Massachusetts General Hospi-

tal, found that 46 percent of 14,138 college students in 1999 used one form of tobacco in the past year. That is almost half the students surveyed in 119 colleges. This study is the first to include cigars and smokeless tobacco, such as dip or chewing tobacco in their survey.

The study found that while 28 percent of both male and female students were current cigarette smokers, total tobacco use was greater among men because more men smoke cigars. The study also

found that cigars were more popular with "first-year students and sophomores and people who rated fraternities and sororities and attending athletic events as important." Cigar smoking actually accounted for the largest share of tobacco use besides cigarette smoking. The study also found that while black males were less likely to smoke cigarettes than white males they were just as likely to smoke cigars.

It is evident from the study that cigars are steadily growing in pop-

ularity. Nancy Rigotti, the director of tobacco research and treatment at Massachusetts General Hospital and associate professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School, said, "Essentially, college students are playing with fire, putting themselves at risk of a lifelong addiction to nicotine."

It is recommended that all school buildings be made smoke-free to protect non-smokers from passive smoke exposure, a view not shared by most students who smoke a form of tobacco.

r_ 2 Thursday, October 5, 2000 NEws---------------
photo by Matt Holmes Senior Karen Rupacz talks to Amnesty International members, seniors Azeen Keramati and Susan Sipes, about how to register to vote.

Co-op office offers 0nline career search website


Instead of searching through a large book of co-ops in the Co-op office to obtain a job, students can now log online to the new career services website and choose from the 1,100 jobs available in various careers.

The new service allows students to upload their resume to the website or complete an online form that then constructs a handsome resume for students. Nancy Hutchison, the director of the cooperative education program, and Kristie Beucler, the assistant director, electronically send out the resumes to potential employers. The employers can also search the student database to find those who they feel will qualify for the job. Hutchison and Beucler, who personally review each resume and offer suggestions if improvement is needed, guide students who do not have experience in creating resumes.

Prior to the new online service, everything was done on paper. A student can now easi1y search for a job from their dormitory

room or from home. The transition to completely offering co-op services online is a slow one, but hard copies are becoming used less. Hard copies are timely, and the internet service is faster and convenient. A resume used to be faxed to each potential employer, which also proved timely since many students applied to several different employers.

Every student at Cabrini has already been placed in the system and may begin searching for jobs online. In order to access the service, a student should go to the school website and click on the link Directory.

From the Updated Administrative Dept. Fact Sheet Information menu, choose the Cooperative Education and Career Services link. Go to Links, then under the headings of Links for Students and Alumni, and Job Listings and Job Search Services, click on Career Connections. Students then punch in their student identification number, which is their social security number, and enter their last four digits of their social security number as the pin. Even though freshmen must wait until sophomore year to take a co-op,

all students may use the service to check out future co-ops or to look for summer or parttime jobs.

Cooperative education is an academic course that enables students to actually take what they are learning in the classroom and apply it to a real job experience. The student becomes a part-time employee and gets hands-on experience in the field they're interested in. The service isn't only used for co-ops but also for summer jobs and job positions when students graduate from school. In the last three years, the percentage of coop students being offered full time jobs upon graduation of school has risen. Last year, 59 percent of co-op seniors were offered full-time jobs.

Cabrini's co-op program is called a parallel program, which means that Cabrini students, unlike Drexel's, take co-ops in the same semester they are taking other courses. The student works for about 15 to 20 hours a week during school and can earn two to six credits for a co-op. Each student is allowed up to four different co-ops.

In order to qualify, students have to be on

the second semester of their sophomore year or have 45 credits. Transfer students must complete 15 credits before they can apply and have a grade point average of 2.0. Beucler wishes students to consider the value in having a co-op. "The benefits are endless," Beucler said. "Obtaining knowledge, self confidence, money, and exposure to what is out there is excellent for students. I encourage every student to consider the program."

Alumni who have gone thorough the programs have called Hutchison. Feeling Cabrini has helped them establish themselves in the work force through the co-op program, some are offering jobs to students as well. "Graduates saw the experience as such a value that enabled them to get ahead," Hutchison said. 'They want to help current students as well."

To find out more about the services offered to students, visit Nancy Hutchison and Kristie Beucler in the co-op office, which is located in Grace Hall across from the Registrar's office.

Light walk to focus on concerns, flaws on campus

Ghosts aren't the only troubles around campus that make students feel uneasy.

Broken safety devices and the Jack of these devices are the cause for this uneasiness.

Because of this, the Student Government Association has come up with a plan to let the administration of Cabrini understand the exact feelings of a student here on campus. The plan is to perform a light walk.

The light walk will take place as a tour that will cover the entire campus at nighttime. The tour will cover traditional pathways and also the non-traditional pathways that are used by students here on campus


Seniors Nick Luchko and Janice Funk, president and vice president of SGA, will head the tour. According to Luchko, he is also interested in taking along some random students. Luchko and Funk will then guide the invitees of the evening who include: President Iadarola; Stephen Lightcap, vice president for finance and administration; Charlie Schaffner, director of public safety; and Mike Caranfa, chief facilities officer.

The tour will focus on broken lights, handicap accessibility, broken and non-existent phone boxes and dark pathways that are used by students on a daily basis.

"We hope to find places that are unsafe and make a student feel uncomfortable when it is dark outside," Funk said.

The light walk was supposed to occur last year, but was interrupted by Hurricane Floyd. It was postponed and never occurred. This year is different.

"Even if we do the walk on our own, we will also do it with the school," Luchko said. "The board wants to work with the school."

The outcome that Luchko and Funk hope for will be that the administration can see what it is like for students to walk around on campus at night. For many students it is an emotion of restlessness.

''When I walk from the houses at 2:30 a.m. from behind the library and then along the side of the library the lighting is poor and it is very scary for me," Desiree Lemoine said, a first-year student.

Not only is lighting a big issue with students, but handicap accessibility is too. "If you try to open the door for a handicapped person it is hard because many of them don't work or are extremely slow," Kaitlyn Barnes, a sophomore, said. "Also, if your hands are full or you want to be lazy, you can't use them because they don't work."

According to Luchko, he hopes that the walk will take place sometime in October, but he wants the nights to become really dark before the walk occurs. Funk also adds that if any students work nights and have any suggestions about the walk to call SGA at 610-902-8415. She also adds that you don't have to give your name.

.. Loquitur NEWS 3
GAAftnoun Freshman Clcus .Blectiou a,iU tab place oa
Oct. l 9-20 outside of the cofderiaanti Widener Center ~MW..._ lunch and dinner. P'laqorms are due Oct. J3. For more U\(or,nation call Jcudce Funk @(610) 225-3148 orpte -..aw,, in the . . ' ., ,,,,,,,,.I• ,J J I SGA offtce. , r 11 I t 1 , , 1 I • , t I I I J ' 1 ,·,

More West Nile virus cases found close to home

Recently, in the South Jersey town of Tuckahoe, a 6-yearold thoroughbred gelding was confirmed to have the West Nile Virus. Health officials assure area residents that there is no need to panic. However, concerns are growing in and around this small Cape May community.

The horse, who had been stabled at the Old Tuckahoe River farm, grew ill three months after it's arrival there. It underwent an array of lab tests and as a result, New Jersey's state veterinarian confirmed that the horse, did in fact, have the West Nile Vrrus.

When a horse is bitten by a mosquito carrying the virus, it too, like humans, can become infected. However, a horse cannot spread the virus to other horses, humans or pets. Nor can a person spread the disease to other people or animals. The virus can only be transmitted primarily through a mosquito-bird cycle. Mosquitoes breed in stagnant water that can be found in birdbaths, buckets or gutters.

There are an estimated 200 people who carry the virus for every one reported case. The reason these people have not reported it is because they are not suffering from it. According to Dr. Sherry Fuller-Espie, assistant professor of biology, people who are not immuno-compromised are not as

likely to get sick. Whereas, the elderly and small children are more likely to fall ill to the virus because of a weakened immune system or one that is not yet fully developed. However, college students may be at risk during very stressful times because stress weakens the immune system.

The virus attacks the immune system and its symptoms are flu-like. They include muscle weakness, fever, severe headache and mental confusion. When the Tuckahoe horse fell ill, it showed all of these symptoms. He was later euthanized on September 8th.

Up until the Tuckahoe horse was diagnosed, it was believed that the virus had not moved further south than Monmouth County, New Jersey. It is not yet clear how the virus arrived in South Jersey. However, there is one theory that a bird was bitten by a mosquito up north, carried the virus south when migrating and was bitten by another mosquito which then bit the horse.

With the reported cases of the virus getting closer to home, one may wonder how we can deter the virus from affecting us. According to Dr. Fuller-Espie, there are ways for us to lessen the chances of contracting the virus. People can minimize the chance of transmission by removing stagnant water, which is the ideal mosquito breeding area, from around their homes. Others things we can do include screening in our outdoor porches, wearing insect repellant

and minimizing our outdoor activity when mosquitoes are active (which is in the summer months). To protect our pets we can try to red~ce their exposure to stagnant water and limit their time outside during the summer months. In areas known to have West Nile Virus activity, area-wide spraying for control of adult mosquitoes has been carried out.

If a case of the virus did show up on campus, Dr. FullerEspie believes there would be no need for the campus to panic because it can't be transmitted from human to human. The biggest threat the campus would face is if the carrier mosquito bit many people. If a student was infected, they would have to immediately be hospitalized. There is no vaccine available nor are there any antibiotics that can treat the virus. Vaccine development is presently being facilitated by the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, which is an affiliate of the United States Department of Agriculture.

Even closer to home, on Sept. 13 two crows were found infected with the West Nile Vrrus in Wayne Tredyffrin Township and one in Levittown Bucks County.

In Wayne, a local resident found the dead crow on Country Gate Drive, which is off of West Valley Road near Pugh Road.

The dead birds were the first discovery of the disease in Pennsylvania.

College Board reports SAT scores at an all-time high

SAT scores are rising. A rise in three points, the highest national average in 30 years, was reflected in the mathematics section, bringing up the l average to 514 and the verbal average has held strong at 505, according to the College Board.

Remember the days of chewed up pencils and silent prayers that the batteries wouldn't die in your calculator?

What's causing this rise in scores? Gaston Caperton, the president of the College Board, believes it's related to students' increased enrollment in tougher math and science courses. In 1991, the

average math score was 500 and has steadily risen since.

The average score for the verbal section has remained the same for five years. In itself, that is a great thing. Since 1987, the number of foreign-born and first-generation college students that take the SATs has jumped by 47 percent.

According to the College Board, SAT testing is a factor in admissions in 83 percent of colleges. These schools believe it will reflect college success.

FairTest is an organization against the SATs. They believe that the change in average is misleading. Robert Schaeffer, the public-education director of this organization, has this to say about the rela-

tion to students' taking harder courses: "you don't need the SAT to prove that."

Men often do better than women on both sections of the test. On average, men scored 35 points better on the math section and three points better on the verbal section.

Caperton feels the difference in these scores is because more women take the SATs more times than men. He also points out that those women are more likely to be members of minority groups.

Ethnicity also plays a role in the averages. On the verbal section, Caucasians had the highest average at 528, followed by Asian-Americans, American Indians, Hispanic and Latinos, Mexican-Ameri-

cans and African -Americans.

In math, Asian-Americans held the highest at 565, followed by Caucasians, American Indians, Hispanic and Latinos, Mexican-Americans, Puerto Ricans and African- Americans.

The number of people who took the SATs nearly equaled the number of college first-year students this year. This alltime high number has soared to 1.26 million students from the class of 2000.

Each section of the SAT testing is scored from 200 to 800 points. These averages are taken from high school seniors in 2000.

• Last Day for Se- • lmprov Troupe, 8

• W's Volleyball vs. U.

• W' Field Hockey vs. niors to Apply for p.m., Red Cloud Cof- College Misericordia. May 2001 Gradua- fee House 1 p.m. tion

• Workshop, Devel- of the Sciences, 1 p.m. oping Your Resume

• W's Soccer vs. and Searching for Alvernia, 2 p.m. Co-op Jobs Online,

• M's Soccer at Ran- ,, 3:10 p.m., Grace dolph-Macon, 3 p.m. Hall, Room 160

• Dean's Fall Holiday

• M' Soccer at (No Classes) ingYour Resume, 3:10 Franklin & Marshall, 4

• Workshop, Develop-

• W's Tennis at Neu- p.m., Grace Hall, p.m. mann,4p.m. Room 160

• W' Tennis at Eastern,

• Mass, 4:45 p.m., 4p.m. Maryood, 7 p.m. Brockmann Chapel

• W's Volleyball vs.

• W's Volleyball vs.

• W's Field Hockey at Gwynedd-Mercy, 7 Marywood, 4 p.m. p.m.

• W's Soccer vs. Neu- • Bingo, 9 p.m., mann, 4 p.m. WCGA

4 NEWS Thursday, October 5, 2000

College and University News

Vassar College

Vassar College students, faculty and community members protested the history department's exclusion of the staff of the Program in Africana Studies from the selection process of an African-American history professor.

Community members gathered "and picked with signs reading, "Give me my major" and "Stop neo-colonialism in the department." The protesters hoped to convince the History Department that a position focused on the African-American experience should be conjointly appointed by the Department.

Syracuse University

Research at Syracuse University suggests that sex may actually keep your heart healthy, increase your immunity to disease and might even make you physically stronger. Scientists at the University of Tubingen's Institute of Medical Psychology and Behavioral Neurobiology in Germany recently studied 51 men between the ages of 20 and 47. Of that group, the men who had sex 16 or more times per month had stronger hearts and lower average blood pressure than guys of the same fitness level and age group who had sex eight times or fewer per month.

Texas A&M University

Texas A&M University students must pass a test in a subject far more difficult than calculus or accounting. They must overcome the tragedy that occurred last year, due to the collapsing of the partially constructed bonfire site made of logs.

The leaders of the Aggie Bonfire were busy preparing cut sites, giving safety-training courses and otherwise preparing for the two-month-long process of constructing the largest bonfire in America.

This year as a way to preserve part of the missing residence hall unity, the bonfire leaders have attempted to get students involved in as many activities as possible.

Websites offer advice about college

Having problems with that new roommate or you are ready to break up with that high school sweetheart? The World Wide Web contains many sights aimed at the college students. These websites offer advice stories and information that can help the college community.

Collegeclub.com is set up like Yahoo when you first look at it. The site contains free e-mails, a chat room, searches, advice and many other topics. This site will give you ten ways to "dump that high school sweetheart without breaking your bank". The section on love has a lot of advice. Also, if you're not getting any action on campus, check out the link on how you can tell if you are a bad kisser. This could help your chances.

This site has advice for many other topics as well. For those new first-year students there is a section on how to avoid the "freshman fifteen". Not just saying not to eat all the junk food that you can, but little things you do everyday to help maintain that original weight.

Collegeclub.com has a section on academics. This part of the site helps the student to prepare for tests. The first thing to do is selecting the topic and off the user goes to play games about the certain topic. It teaches the user in a unique way. As well as the games it has a search directory to help the user with those last minute papers that are due at 8:15 the next morning.

Also, Collegeclub.com offers local job listings, horoscopes, movie reviews, e-mail, chatrooms and daily polls. If you think you have funny stories to tell your friends at home think again. Check out collegestories.com. This

University of New Mexico

At the University of New Mexico, Gov. Gary Johnson discussed plans to push drug legalization on a national level while speaking to the New Mexico chapter of the Humanist Society recently.

Johnson said he presented his stance on drug legalization to the Western Governors Association during one of their meetings and it was met favorable. He said he presented it to the eight governors and every governor in the room said they would reconsider their drug policies.

University of Miami at Ohio

At the University of Miami at Ohio, the men's soccer, tennis and wrestling programs were cut due to the Title IX decision in April of 1999. Several of the teams' members chose to transfer to different institutions for another chance to play their sport or just for a necessary change of scenery. But some decided to stay at Miami, or even come back after transferring, due to the great educational programs that they offer.

website is mostly about stories of college experiences. Going to North Carolina never looked better then after reading some of these stories. This site contains stories about: drinking/parties, studying/tests, spring break, road trips, studying abroad, pranks/jokes, Greek life, smack downs and disturbing acts. There is at least one story that everyone can relate to.

Besides the stories this site contains a list of puke terms, the ultimate list of drunken terms and for those first-year students there is a college slang dictionary so you'll never be confused in a conversation again.

If you 're bored and looking for something to do check out, campusparty.com. This site lists every event that is either going on at your campus or in the area. Cabrini College is listed on there. Listings of sports games that are going on campus this week can be found on this site.

Also, if you are looking for something to do off-campus, there are listings for comedy theater, classic rock concerts, spoken words shows, college football, hockey, soccer and volleyball games, theater shows, folk music concerts, art exhibits, Latin salsa shows, Irish Celtic shows and classic opera. Dates and times are listed for area shows on this site.

This site also has a job listing section. Here the user can choose what kind of job they are looking for and the site will tell you who is looking for you.

For those students who are looking to transfer or looking for ways to pay for tuition check out colleges.com. By telling the site what you are lool,cingfor in a college, they will tell you what college is right for you. They also send you recommendations from real students who will tell you about campus life.

Up wrt!tPtct,11.!~ intetnatill!la!and ~UUtiOniltu!tural or111oln11°". ,s llnng,ng e.C•hflVn.,. mu$.Wp10duthon to yo11, community bllt lllty nttd Yollf lltlP 11~1tamiries art neec!tOIO no11sestOGtntJ)etfotmttS.

Weleom,ngtl!nt bf,g1tt.taft!ltet:t111,dtnts11110yO\lrheme tS l tit~ to Sllart wnurU P,O~•llO \Jnt,:ptettd 111$l~fllS a worldt, pmp«;tm lor ttotll ho$t a!ICI9uest for !DO!elllfo«natiOII. ca11tht Up"1t1iP"'1/I,AdV11lCtTnm.

BE A HOST FAMIL1' FROM OCTOBER12t.tl to OC'fOBIR 16 th 2000 call u at 610-902-8S07, or ext 8497 or ext 8496

••c:,(kftO- • ..,. CHIVIOI.IT~

, • Loquitur NEWS
becomea hostfamily.

Localband "LoveSyndicate"sets its sightshigh as Open Mic nightsat the GryphonCafe create a fresh followingfor musicianson the rise.

for a band that has only been together for two years, the members of Love Syndicate seem more like a family of four brothers and one sister than they do a fivesome of friends.

In its infancy and before settling on a name, Love Syndicate consisted solely of Josh Kmorowski, guitar and main vocals and Erin Ryan, cello. Before coming together, Komorowski and Ryan had been working on other projects as musicians. Komorowski had been in a hippie band, which he decided to leave because each member was headed in different directions.

Erin Ryan played classical music for a long time before realizing that she was stuck and didn't know where to go. Her hopes were to expand on her classical music while simultaneously doing something different.

When Komorowski asked Ryan to join him musically in Aug. of 1998, he bad already been writing material for potential song lyrics. "I can't get rid of her," Komorowski jokingly says of Ryan.

That year was also the start of Open Mic, a weekly Monday night event for local musicians, writers and artists, which has turned into a ritual for fans of Love Syndicate.

During this time, Komorowski and Ryan were searching for a bass player. After a few temporary stand-ins, Christopher Luxton arrived on the scene. Luxton has been a part of the group ever since.

Meanwhile the drummer at that time quit. Luxton brought in his friend, Robert Wolfer. Wolfer and Luxton bad met from doing previous projects together.

But how long each member has been in the band doesn't matter because, "It's really about the Gryphon," JonJon, lead guitar and backup vocals, said.

The Gryphon Cafe, located on 105 West Lancaster Avenue (right outside Cabrini's door in Wayne) is Love Syndicate's home base so to speak. This is where Open Mic is held each Monday. This is also where any one of Love Syndicate's three managers, Sean Akers, Lenny Mojzes, or Alison Van Fleet can be found, working in the Gryphon or planning the band's upcoming shows and events.

"We have a great love for the band, for the music and for the people involved," Ackers said, speaking for himself and for his two co-managers.

"We have made it our lives to see that these people succeed. It is our privilege to be a part of a group where, at times, we see the purest of artistic genius at work. I don't know if I have ever had such an opportunity before , and I doubt that I will be this close again. I know that I work hard and the band was extremely complimentary · but really, I am the lucky one."

Ackers is not the only one~to feel so privileged. Mojzes adds, "The three of us are completely busy and we still haven't even touched the surface."

"Sean's the man," JonJon quips.

"One day you wake up and realize you're a musician. That's the one thing you love. You eat, sleep and breathe it. Growing as a musician you learn to play as a musician," Komorwoski said, expressing how lucky he feels concerning the band and how it formed.

So Love Syndicate is a great band. But what do they sound like, you ask. Another local, unsigned bands of the Philadelphia area, K-Floor, have described Love Syndicate's music as a cross between folk and funk.

'These guys have got quite an original sound," K-Floor attests. "Folksy, funky, soul, in-your-face-fun, serious, quiet, loud; we could go on. One thing is certain. The song


Of course Komorowski is aware of the reality behind having a band. "We can't do this without the people that move us like our three managers." The other Love Syndicate members agree with Komorowski that their managers are their driving force.

''We can all shine in individual spotlights, but we're whole as a band," JonJ on said.

All five of the members agree that the joining of their individual talents wasn't so much planned, as it was an ultimate destiny. The hardest part was figuring out what to call themselves.

Komorowski stumbled upon a name when he accidentally befriended a current Wayne resident after moving there himself. The two were out one night when Komorowski' s friend turned to him and said, "You guys should be Love Syndicate. You know, mobsters for love." This same friend happens to have painted a mural in The Gryphon Cafe.

The meaning of the name Love Syndicate becomes clearer as the band grows together. Komorowski attempted to explain what it was so far.

''This is a band with a purpose," Komoroski said. "Corning to see our band is something greater, like getting to know us more."

But this band is not all about themselves.

Love Syndicate's recent release, "Love On Trial," goes to the specific cause, "Hamell On Trial." JonJon calls it, "a labor of love," pun intended for their friend.

The members of "Love Syndicate" performing

cover of the new release, "Love On Trial."

writing is fabulous. Lately these guys have taken over our title of hardest working band in Philly."

Love Syndicate has also attempted to define their sound, which is comprised of their influences and idols. "We've drawn our influences from Miles Daves, Al Green and Stevie Wonder," Waltersaid.

Komorowski interjects, "If people wanna see here we're coming from, pick up some Otis Redding."

Besides music's greats, Love Syndicate also finds inspiration from their family. Luxton learned ho\\,'.to play the guitar from his father. "Now I can't stop," Luxton said.

For Wolter, no one in his family plays instruments, but his friend and fellow band member, Luxton, inspired him.

Komorowski feels that many things inspire him to write music. The people in his life are his source for passion and creativity for sharing life experiences with others through music. ''This music is my life. It's a blessing and a curse at the same time."

The curse is getting the music to sound just as Komorowski hears it in his mind. The blessing comes with the satisfaction of having an attentive audience and of being surrounded by people who possess the same passion as

The release of "Love On Trial" coincided with JonJon joining the group a few months ago. The disk solidified the summer, 'but we have still yet to learn," Komorowski said.

Through "Hamell On Trial," Love Syndicate plans to lead to other great things that will make them better musicians, give theme a chance to take it to the next level and, "do what a band is supposed to do, while still retaining integrity," JonJon said.

The band is currently looking at a studio album. For those of you who missed Love Syndicate's previous releases, "Anything Other Than You" and "Live At The Blarney,' they are available by contacting Sean Akers or Lenny Mojzes through Love Syndicates website, www.LoveSyndicate.com, along with other information such as performance dates.

6 A&E Thursday, October 5, 2000
photo obtained from CD jacket cover on the

bJtReneeQi Pietro

staff writer

Joseph Sweeney, artist and environment crusader, captures central Pennsylvania in his pastel countryside paintings before his worst fear happens- it disappears. His paintings are on display, and for sale, from now and until Sunday, Oct. 29, in the Grace and Joseph Gorevin Fine Arts Gallery. The opening of the exhibit took place Sunday, Oct. 1. The Cabrini Community and local friends and family of Sweeney who attended to see his chosen works for display.

"I want to capture the land before it becomes suburbanized, like around here," Sweeney said.

Another goal is to establish a permanent center for landscape painting on the Rameau Farm in central Pennsylvania. Sweeney has already conducted workshops with the center for the past three summers, but is ready to create a permanent schedule. At the center people come and stay a short period of time, like the weekend, escaping from the polluted city atmosphere.

"People at the center will wake up, paint and sleep and then start the cycle over again," Sweeney said.

Yet the experience is not only to learn and encourage painting, but also to educate the public about the need

for open lands and the danger of suburbanization.

Sweeney's collection of countryside paintings brought back strong feelings for visitors Daniel Dry and Bernadette Curran, ceramic teacher.

"It's refreshing to see work that you can associate memories to," Curran said, referring to past days she and Dry had at Pennsylvania State University.

Sweeney enjoys going to Lewistown, Pa for the ridges of the Appalachians Mountain, in central Pennsylvania, to capture his tranquil settings. Yet his "Brush Fire #2" painting was very intense compared to the surroundings. A huge orange inferno illuminates 50 percent of the picture as it eats away a wooded area, leaving behind a trail of silhouetted decapitated trees. The color of the sky behind the fire is an intense blue completely indescribable.

The "Studio en Plein Air" painting is a pastel image of a man painting the landscape from the bottom of a valley on his easel alongside his van.

The man in the painting is the direct representation of Sweeney himself. He has a natural talent of communicating exactly what he wants the observer to feel.

'Urban Legends' 2 will never go down as one

Scary or disgusting: I don't know which it was more. Maybe it was the fact that I was in the theater and not curled up on my couch with a blanket that I can pull over my head and a small screen with a low volume. No, it wasn't ''The Exorcist" (even though I will be going to see that).

I went and saw "Urban Legends 2: The Final Cut."

I think it was a bit less than what I expected. I thought it should have had a little more playoff from the first one, which I thought was much better. It almost seemed like a totally different movie. I really didn't understand what urban legends the killer acted out on his victims. The very first killing is the only one I recognized. It is the one where a girl wakes up in a tub of ice and finds out her kidney is missing. However, she doesn't die from losing her kidney.

The first movie actually dealt with a person killing people in forms of urban legends. The only link I got to the last one is this: Amy Mayfield, played by Jennifer Morrison, is in a well-known film school: Alpine University.

She and many other seniors are up for the Hitchcock Award, a prestigious award the college gives to a senior for the best film and the winner gets a chance to have a career in directing in Hollywood. As Amy was trying to think of her thesis film, Reese, played by Loretta Devine (remem-

her her, she was the security person in the first one), suggested making a film about a killer who, like I mentioned before, killed their victims in an Urban Legend fashion such as the tale of Pendleton University, the school that it happened to in the first movie. As she got to thinking, she decided to go for it.

This is the only part of the movie where urban legends are remotely shown. I think you see maybe one but barely even enough to call this Urban Legends 2.

Finally the movie started tolling. People started disappearing, actually dying, and it got more intense. Many of Amy's friends were winding up dead, but who was the killer? I will tell you this, there were many times I had to turn my head or cover my eyes.

Some things made me nauseous just looking at them. I also don't think there was enough mourning. Their friends died, they screamed and well that was it; next.

The plot of the movie, however, makes you think. When Amy's crew starts becoming victims of these fatal accidents, she has to find out who is doing this and what is happening. Everything seems to be coming back to her and she has to discover the killer before she too becomes extinct.

There were many cast members who really didn't seem to have too much reason for being there. I think they were basically there because they needed to kill someone. 0th-

ers in the movie were Mathew Davis, Eva Mendes, Joseph Lawrence (Whoa!), Anson Mount, Jessica Caulfield, Michael Bacall, Anthony Anderson, andMarco Hofschneider.

So what you are looking for is, who gets killed, who is the murderer and who will win the Hitchcock Award. It's a strangely swprising end to the whole movie. I really want to tell you more, but I don't want to ruin it for you, if you should decide to go see it.

Although he may not be the best of actors, but for us females, if you want to please your eyes, check out Travis or Trevor (Matthew Davis), whichever you prefer to call him. Ladies, he's no Jared Leto, but he is definitely a hottie. Sometimes I think that was the only reason I enjoyed the movie..

I am still evaluating whether it was worth spending $7.00 or if I should have waited to see it on video. I do, however, like to see movies in a theater because the special effects and the noise areso loud they scare you alone.

Wait a minute, what am I talking about? I am a poor college student, It really wasn't worth my seven dollars and, to my knowledge. it didn't do too well in the box office anyway. So, take it from me, don't waste your money or at least wait until it comes out on video.

photo courtesy of Gallery postcard "Studio en Plein Air" by Joseph Sweeney is currently one of the works on display in the Grace and Joseph Fine Arts Gallery, located on the third floor of the Holy Spirit Library.
Catch "On The Spot," Cabrini's lmprov Troupe the first Friday of ever month at 8 p.m. Friday Oct. 6 will be a FREE SHOW!

Bon Appetit

Cabrini's newest club is hitting the kitchen. The Cooking club is a way to meet new people while learning how to make exotic meals. Run by senior Dave Wiley this club will meet once a week for cultfilal cooking events that will have an international theme and presenter. Members of the club are encouraged to come and sign up for the events that they are interested in learning to make.

"The club is just getting started we only have about 20 members so far, so we are really unsure of where exactly the meetings will be held Wiley said."

However the club is always open to new memoors. If anyone is interested in joining the cooking club call Dave at 610-902-8646 or the club's vice president Toni Pirrone at 610-902-3127.Dave also known as "Chicken Parmisan Wiley" gave us this recipe for his favorite dish.

Chicken Parmesan

-boneless chicken breast

-1 jar of spaghetti sauce

-lib of your favorite pasta

-1 container of bread crumbs

-1 8oz pack of shreaded mozzarella cheese

-Cooking oil

-Take the chicken and coat it with bread crumbs

-Heat sauce pan on med. heat

Add oil to the pan

-Brown chicken in pan on both sides

-Heat water for pasta

-Heat oven to 400 degrees F

-Place chicken on a baking sheet. Put some spaghetti sauce on the chicken and top it with cheese

-Bake for 15 minutes-be sure to make sure chicken is cooked completely.

Give 'Activities' a chance

Cabrini Cavalier Bernie takes head-first dive into school activities

My name is Bernie. I am a complete and utter loser.

Friends? None.

My social life is about as active as a rock. Wait. Scratch that.

At least rocks hang out in a garden with other rocks. Being a first year student at this college or any college can be an incredibly difficult task. Walking around campus I see things that I want to avoid completely. By this I mean the cliques. Cliques are, without a doubt, what holds people like me back.

To my right I have the soccer team, each of them wearing the same exact jacket and to my left I have the Abercrombie girls talking about how much money they just blew at the mall. It's all very disturbing. So one might ask himself (namely me) what can I do?

As a hobby of sorts I dial numbers at random and see what I come up with. So I dialed, the phone rang and a woman picked up. I asked who I was speaking with and it turned out that it was Bridget Baxter, the coordinator of student activities. Paydirt.

If there was anyone who could help me, as well as others, with getting involved it would be this woman who not only coordinates student activities but is also the Cabrini softball coach, talk about being active. She must have sensed that I wasn't too hip right off the bat, I mean who couldn't see that. We got to talking, I hoped it helped my case.

My main concern for wanting to get involved is to get to know other students and not feel like a lazy sack of you know what. One of the most important functions of student activities is "to meet people," said Baxter.

Great, this is exactly what me and my kind need. The student activity board is made up of several people and anyone can get involved. Mostly all of the ideas are generated via the Campus Activities and Programs board which is composed of six chairs.

There's one head chair, which is occupied by Senior Tricia Arnold and five co-chairs. This doesn't mean that only they can pick and choose the ideas for what goes on around campus. Every single student is open and encouraged to make suggestions.

Let's say a student wanted to get a certain band to play at the college. Well then that student would be in charge of trying to book the band and heading up the event. "The students are definitely involved with their activities," Baxter said.

It may also help you to land a seat on the CAP board, as I already said, Tricia Arnold is a senior. That means that some room will be opening up for next year.

Well, what about the events? Baxter didn't seem to mind that I called her out of the thin air so we

talked some more. I want to know what I can do, how can I live a more activity-filled life? Baxter said that the dances are still the most popular event that the college holds. Even though they can't serve alcohol at the dances anymore it hasn't affected the turnout of students, plus as a substitute to alcohol there will be a much larger selection of food to choose from and nothing draws a crowd quite like free food. "There is a definite increase in the number of people who attend the activities recently," said Baxter, "one of the reasons being that there are more students on campus than ever before."

If you're a bit to cool too go dancing you can always try bingo, which is surprisingly one of the college's most popular events.

"The students really don't have to do anything to play bingo," Baxter said. That makes sense. Most people by the age of 20 are about as enthusiastic as bunch of old gals at a church hall on Saturday night with a purse full of chips.

OK, OK, I feel like I'm making a bit of progress here. Quick checklist: Dances, bingo. Got it. Coming up on Oct 14 the college will hold its annual family weekend. This time, however, admission for students is free.

That got my attention.

Mom and pop still have to pay but hey it's not your money. While that's all well and good I need to meet some women and I'm sure it's the other way around. Not that I'm saying women want to meet me in particular but just guys in general. As we all know being single isn't the easiest thing in the world but that's another story for another time.

Baxter assured me that there are a fair number of males and females who attend the events, but some occasions can draw a lopsided crowd. For instance many more men attended the paintball activity, while more women went to see Rent.

So if you're in this looking for other singles, then choose what you go to carefully.

If you are interested in finding out more about what's going on there are these gigantic orange calendars that outline all of the upcoming events.

You can get these from the student activities office on the first floor of the Widener center next to the commuter lounge.

And while you're there you can stop in and say hello to my new friend, Bridget Baxter, who I'm sure would be more than happy to fill you in with any other information that you may want to know.

So what lies ahead for me and all of my fellow losers? I'll tell you what, it's time to get one of those orange calendars and start to actually go to some of things listed on it.

It's happening, I can feel it.

One day I'll have more friends than a rock.

FEATURES------t·_~ ___ 1 _.____ Th_ur_s_&_y_,o_c_rooo_r_5,_2000_
Chicken Parmesan. Wileyprepares the big meal

Freshmen fit t i--n-g

Teachers, the backbone of the welcoming committee for this fall semester, came out shining brighter to help the first-year students adjust.

Nervous and excited, first-year students entered their first class in late August. Some came from their new, independent dorm rooms, and some from their commuting forms of transportation.

All ready to begin a journey they heard so much about si~ce the day they were born. "College, the best time of your life," said by every graduate that ever survived.

So how are the first-year students surviving the jungle this year?

"Feels like high-school all over again," said Jennifer Radolovic, a commuter. Radolovic is a nursing major and hopes to get involved with the track team in the future.

Her two friends Mary Naum and Rita Franco, both undecided majors and also commuters, feel their first month was also like the early days of high school. Each day was a little awkward for the students, with a million questions running through their heads.

However, every day the routine gets more familiar and things have started settling into place.

"The people seem so nice here," Radolovic said. Yet the girls feel the college should try not to segregate the commuters as much as they do, for example, by fixing up the lounge area.

"The commuter lounge is a piece of crap. It smells. The television only gets one station." Franco said. Nawn wishes the ID cards for the commuters were not so mug shot-style. She would also prefer the resident background with only a slight difference to signify a com.muter.

"But the teachers are greirthere," said Naum. "Miss Menna, my religion teacher, makes me so comfortable. I used to be shy, but now if I have something to say in her class I raise my hand. She never leaves anyone out. The class is all around really cool and it's not like, 'read the Bible every day'."

Christine Boffa, a friendly Woodcrest resident and a history major, agrees she also likes her teachers and classroom atmosphere. She said, "The teachers are patient and understanding, and reach everyone on a personal level." Boffa also loves the whole feeling of the campus. She says the people are so nice and the actual campus is really pretty. She rarely misses home, except for not having a car on certain days. Boffa is very passionate about her major.

"I want to get involved with related activities to the history major," she said, "and also hope to take part in campus ministry."

Rob Eshelman, a commuter and a marketing major, says his first month was fast but enjoyable. He anticipates getting involved with the haunted trail, campus ministry, and is excited to attend the dances. When asked if he had any strong feelings he would like to share about the school, he said, "I love the wigwam's pizza."

Eshelman's only disappointment is studying Spanish again, by force. Though it is something almost unavoidable at colleges, he wishes that he could leave his Spanish days back in high school.

Dori Cutler, an education major, is very happy with her first month. Cutler is a transfer student from Kutztown University, residing at neighboring Rosemont College now. Cutler, though not able to live on campus, is having a great time with the other transfer students who have to live at Rosemont, but finds it tough because the Cabrini news is delayed.

Cavalier of the week

Sometimes the individuals that seem to go unnoticed are the ones who do so much. That is the case when making reference to Clara La Porta.

La Porta is the pianist accompanist to Cabrini's chorus. She plays the piano while accompanying chorus and vocal groups.

The Cabrini Chorus has been graced with Clara's presence since 1980. "Anytime that her services are needed at Cabrini she is always here willing to help;' Dr. Adeline Bethany.professor of fine arts and chorus director, stated. La Porta also has accompanied the Delaware County Community College Chorus for the past 25 years.

La Porta, originally from Philly, now resides with her husband Frank in Springfield, located in Delaware county. She belongs to St. Donato's Church where she and her husband were married and where, as a young girl, she made her novenas to Mother Cabrini. She is a graduate of the Philadelphia Music Academy, today known as the University of the Arts, where she received a bachelor's de-

"It's tough, you don't know anything until last minute," Cutler said. She chose to come to Cabrini for the reputation of the small class sizes. Cutler, like the other first-year students, also found her teachers to be one of her favorite aspects of the school. 'The teachers here are fabulous. They are so caring," she exclaimed.

gree in music.

La Porta is a mother of three and grandmother of five. Besides playing some pieces by Chopin, who happens to be her favorite pianist, she loves to sew, knit and quilt. She belongs to a group named S and B (Stitch and Bitch). When La Porta is not dedicating her time to Cabrini she volunteers at the Crozer Hospital thrift shop in Chester.

La Porta and her husband like to go to Cape May, N.J. on the weekends to visit their shore house. They also enjoy traveling to northern Italy to visit her family. Her favorite Italian dish to prepare is Risotto, a rice dish and a northern Italian delicacy.

La Porta has visited 17 countries over a span of nine trips since 1982 along with the chorus and Dr. Adeline Bethany, whom she refers to as her "longtime friend and working companion."

La Porta most enjoys the music, the people and the final results of her work. "It's exhilarating to see how well the students progress" she explained.

The chorus performs twice a year. The Christmas Concert will be on Dec. 3 at 3 p.m. in the chapel. The spring performance, which is held in the atrium, is yet to be announced.

·_Loq_w_·~_-_ •• _,_.,_.,__________ pEATURES----T--•-----~---- 9
Photo by Joe Ho/de~
--· ---
Clara LaPorta has tickled the ivories at Cabrini for two decades. photo by Michelle Palandro Smiling freshmen women surf the web in their cozy triple

The editorials, viewpoints, opinions and letters to the editor published in Loquitur are the views of the student editorial board and the individual writers, not the entire student body or the faculty and administration.


A call for young people to vote

Being passive and not caring about the election of the president or any elected official who legislates laws shows a tremendous amount of apathy and ignorance towards the democratic system. Getting students aged 18 to 24 to vote is the first step in helpmg them to see the connection between their lives and national and local politics. Two days before the 1998 election, John Glenn said from the space shuttle Discovery: "If you don't get out and vote, you give up your franchise to somebody else. And that's not the American way of doing things."

However, the American way for most first-time eligible voters in the 18 to 24 age range has been to skip the polls and forget about the election. According to Medill News Service of Northwestern University only 15 percent of those aged 18 to 24 cast ballots in the 1998 election.

The reason most students do not vote is that they think that their vote makes no difference in a country of 260 million people. Students think that the rich and old dominate the American political arena: people too far from the students' mentality for them to even be bothered with. Other students just do not want to take the time to vote because of the remote role that politics play in their lives.

Thirty years ago the Vietnam War was passionately in the minds of the American youth. They could not understand how one could die for his/her country at the age 18, but still could not vote for another three years. Their efforts won them the ratification of the 26th Amendment, which lowered the voting age from 21 to 18. Might it be possible that since there has not been a Vietnam of our age or any other national crisis affecting the American youth such as Vietnam, that there are really no issues that we can get behind and vehemently support?

Do not get caught up in the details of why your vote may not count because common sense tells you that every vote does count and every vote makes a difference. The fact that you are voting helps raise the percentage of young participating voters. In the 1960 election between Kennedy and Nixon and the 1948 election between Truman and Dewey, the candidates were in such dead heat that every vote did count. Polls show Gore and Bush to be in a similar dead heat. Young American voters must show their importance in this year's election by voting and raising the low percentages from recent years.

Knowing where the candidates stand on the issues in preparation for casting your vote also makes you aware and perceptive of the election and American politics. Understanding what the American political parties represent along with their candidates will help to create your political position. Help to change the way the political system views the youth of America. Tuesday, Nov. 7 is the day to participate in the freedom of being able to elect our leaders, the freedom that was only gained through the sacrifice of blood, sweat and ultimately, life.

Unfocused,but with a point

opinion can be heard by the masses. It is the section where the truth can be heard.

some integrity.

Editor's note: read the previous two pages of this section before reading this column. Trust me, it will help you enjoy my column even more

Unlike my collegue Chris Nielsen on the next page, I am not close to even considering a cease fire on the administration. I don't blame him though for talcing a more diplomatic route to ending this so-called war. He's the senior class president. He's supposed to be diplomatic and dignified. I, on the other hand, do not have to be.

I know that whenever I hear that the administration is angry at the Loquitur, they're usually talking about me and my section. This is good because ticking off people is in the Perspectives editor's job description. I know this section has been a thorn in Laura Valente and Laura Keenan-McGarvey's sides since issue one. Why? Because this is the section that tells it like it is. It is the section where anyone with a valid

And this week there are some massive truths coming out regarding the students that were banished to Rosemont because of an over-anxious admissions office. I'll allow you to judge for yourself whether or not they love it at Rosemont like Dr. Valente claims that they do after supposedly meeting with these students.

I love getting letters to the editor. I enjoy getting different viewpoints on things and putting them in the Loquitur. It makes the phrase at the top of the staff box mean something when I get letters. And the best part about those letters is that anyone can send me one. Anyone at all. Students, faculty, outside people, and yes, even administrators. Surprisingly, I haven't gotten any letters from the administration. Are they afraid that I won't print their letter? Let me put their minds at rest. If the administration wrote me a letter to put in the Loquitur that wasn't comprised of a lot of mindless runaround that amounted to no point whatsoever by the time the letter ended, then by all means I would make every concievable effort to put it in the Loquitur. Believe it or not, I do have


- The women'ssoccerteam did not win the championshiplast year.

-Flag footballwill beginon Sept. 30, not Oct.30

We apologize for our mistakes

I would like to write cohunns that aren't about how callous our new administration is, but alas they give me more material than this current presidential election could ever give me. Besides, things are now personal, especially after last week's episode of WYBF's "Sound Reason" where our administrators proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that they don't care about us. If I'm the only who feels this way, I must be over-sensitive.

Our last dean Paul Weaver may not have done everything (or possibly anything) right, but we did see him a human being. I remember meeting Paul Weaver while he was here. I felt like I was talking to an actual person. I have also met Valente and Keenan-McGarvey. I wish I could say the same about them, but I honestly can't.

To close my vastly wandering rant this week, I would like to end by doing something very Cabrinian right now. I heard that Valente is upset that an interview she gave to the Loquitur was not published. Well, I would just like to say at this time that "It's not my responsibility." Now if only I could use the "I wasn't here last year" excuse for something.

see related article on page 2 PERSPECTIVES Thursday, October 5, 2000
I ft f

Peace, understanding and Guinness

All right, enough is enough. Yes, this is a commentary, but I'm not going to do what everyone thinks I'm gonna do. I'm not gonna freak out, man. I come in peace.

Last week's Loquitur was pretty raw. Don't pretend that you didn't read it, Student

Students, this approach isn't working. Student Development is not likely to come away from any of this with a moment of enlightenment. They're not going to think to themselves "Hey, you know, they're all right and we're all wrong. Thank God they told us!"

There is a war going right now between Student Development and the student body. And guess what? We're not winning. So it is time to try a cease fire.

First stop: not Camp David, but Camp Brownies.

plying non-alcoholic drinks and snacks. It just can't be a sleepover.

Or maybe we should just go to Cafe' Xando for a nice soothing cup of non-caffeinated herbal tea. We could order smores, listen to some James Taylor and get to know one another.

Development.We know you did.

But read this because it is a peace offering. I'm pulling a Jimmy Carter and I'm gonna be civil. As a matter of fact, I am not going to say one derogatory or inflammatory thing in this whole article. All I want to know is why can't we be friends.

Hey, right now I wouldn't want us as friends either. Every time somebody writes an opinion in the Loquitur, it is fundamentally to say you suck. When the newspaper actually interviewedyou, it didn't get printed. And we even made a movie thatmight as well be entitled "Hey Administration, You Suck!"You refused to watch it and that is fine. I wouldn't want to watch a movie with a full lecture hall talking abouthow much they dislike me.

Sound crazy? No crazier than getting kicked off campus for a month for walking inside the wrong room on a Thursday night. Here's my basic concept: We find an agreeable meeting spot somewhere off campus. Just a few students, a few administrators and a few pitchers. We start off with some small talk. During this time period, the terms "sanctions," "policies" and "resident" are not to be spoken. We sit back, drink a Guinness and listen to some music.

Right now you may thinking "There goes Nielsen trying to solve all of the world's problems with Guinness again." Well, maybe beer isn't for everybody. I do have a few other ideas.

These people are new to the school. We didn't throw either of them a welcoming party. Therefore I volunteer to throw a ''Welcome Valente and McGarvey" party. We could have it in my apartment. We'll even register it, sup-

This is what we are missing. It is easy to make policies about people who you only know by word of mouth and misplaced records. It is equally simple to point fingers at new administrators who we wouldn't know to see walk across a street.

Everyone talks about the things that Paul Weaver, our last dean, did wrong. He did a couple things right, though. I will remember Weaver for one thing he was overheard to say to a student during a lacrosse game: ''Thank you for sitting and talking to me like I was a human being during this game. Even when things were tight, and they were, we could talk to the big man, and he would talk back. Not as an administrator, but as a grown man with feelings and a life outside of his career.

Being a dean or a residence hall director ain't a popularity contest, but it can't be a fun job if the people who you are hired to be an advocate for consider you to be evil. Let's not fight anymore. Let's hug and make up.

And if you really don't read Loquitur, the deal is off.

Letters to the editor

iheiiiwlien ey were worry that I might possibly -:veso my to , w~ and live in a place with such an incredibly tere karma.

had planned to plead for an advocate for students in a e where our voices are ignored unless a lawsuit or withwal of money is threatened. I was gQU'lg to ask for a re-se to the questionof imposed values by a school that continually de-valuesthe lessons taught in it& classroo • own PQlicie. • s aud chaflJe$. I wanted to ask th.at matea sincereeffortto read the Loquitur eac ~tqfipd • tothe intendedIQ

o ong10 er

Dean Bob) was attributed with the followmg Common Good course focuses on~ shared view~of the good life and to:aouidet"their responsibilities to the ~umty aa4 • life. We Di.Otivatestuand responsi-

• • questions, obligatbe adinssat,-

·. .,~t,1~ . ··- -·· ~---·······~----··----____ __ I Loquitur PERSPECTIVES 11
to share mmunity. howenrag longer gi 50 lllO

More letters from Rosemont-housed students

Here are some more letters from Cabrini students at Rosemont College who Dr. Valente 'claims love it there.

Hi, my name is Nicole McCaig. I am a sophomore transfer student here at Cabrini. I am sure that many of you have heard about the girls that live over at Rosemont College. Well, rest assured that we are not because we '¥ant to be by any means.

Two weeks prior to our arrival at Cabrini, we were sent a

letter saying that we were to be housed at Rosemont College. This was a VERY unexpected surprise to all of school, let alone the unsettling factor of being housed off campus and NOT by our choice. Upon our acceptance to Cabrini, we all signed paper work stating that we were guaranteed on campus housing. OBVIOUSLY Cabrini accepted more students that it could house, but this is not our fault and we should not have to be

dealing with what we have been thrown.

1S tile ahonie.l

• alffl)blemwi aiyllmkrigbthOJ!Jtbmijb.;


On August 27, 2000, ten transfer students moved into Connelly Hall at Rosemont College. What lay ahead for us in the weeks to follow nobody could have even fathomed. We had to ASK to have our bathrooms cleaned, to have a tub removed that was so disgusting and have two new showers put in its place. We ASKED to have our carpets cleaned, to have fungus removed from the sinks in our rooms and to have an exterwbc>1e a"C'ibrim~:-Mepa.Noet

minator come in for the bugs in our dorm (which still has yet to happen) I could just on about the problems we have had. The point is that these are basic things that should have been addressed prior to our arrival at Rosemont. The ten of us have done nothing since we have been here but battle back and forth with Residence Life about the living conditions.

It's been five weeks now and we have FINALLY accepted where we are. We realize that we are OBVIOUSLY not going anywhere anytime soon and so we reckon that we will make due for this year and this year ONLY. However, we have not put the issue to rest. We have proposed

the possibility of a contract for next year stating that we are guaranteed housing ON CAMPUS next year of OUR choice. We will hope for the best with that one. It should be noted that NONE of us have EVER met with Dr. Valente (we wouldn't know her if we passed her on the street) let alone say that we "love it here at Rosemont." The school has been giving us the runaround and like it or not, the issue needs to be addressed. I would hate to see this type of situation happen to other students, especially transfers in the future.

established as a forum for expression as a uninhibited, robust, free and open discussion of issues.

=-12 PERSPECTIVES-----------Th_u_rs_da~~-O_cto_be_r~S,_2000_
Editor in chief Joe Holden Newseditor Managing editor Sports editor Linsey Heiser Stephanie Masucci JessicaSnow A&Eeditor Penpecti,-.s editor Features editor Shanna Lynn Fanelli Photognipby editor Matt Holmes Scaff wr~rs Kendra Clark Jtll Hindman Mike Butler Ad>-ertlsingEditor Jose Jalandoru Adviser Dr. Jeny Zurek Meghan Merkel Design editor Janice Funk Editorial board ~{ikc Butler Mike Be>claqua Beth Ann Conahan Jennifer Coots Matthew Coughlin Jennifer I)e\."CICaux Justine Difilippo Renee DiPietro AmyGassen JessicaGiordano Tracy 'Timson Georgiana Rushworth Jenine Ikeler Shanna Lynn Fanelli Linsey Heiser M.ikeKazanJian Marianne McKim Lauren Norton John O'Donnell Julia Teti Renee Tomcanin Gen Lynn t:11er Staff photographers Laura Gi\'ey Mike Fenn Ju'iline DeFillipo Mike Bevelaqua ~{ichelle Ptlandro Anita Pini Janine lkcler Stacy Hanby Tori Ey Man Hobnes Joe Holden Stephanie Masucci Meghan Merkel Jessica Snow Matt Tooley Loquitur is a laboratory ne:w,;papcr wrinen., edited and produced by den~ registered in COM 346, 150, 351, 3~3 and 354. Mem~rs of the campu5 commuruty arc im,iled to v."Orkon or submjt 'JIQficsfor publication. Only students registered 111the abo\'e claues.. ~n~r. are eligible to ~Ci\'e Kademic credit. Subscnption pncc is $25 per year and ii tneluded 1n the benefits secured 1t1 1uition and fees. Loqu.;wr welcome:.i kiters to the editor. Leu.en should be ~igned and the authorship known to tM edit.On. Names arc Wllhcld onl}' in unu:.uaJ Clt'Cwru~ appro\Cd by the odilor m chi.d. Leners to lhc editor should be submitted by noon on Mond.ays preceding I.bedcSlrcd Thursday pulication. Let Loquitur know what's on your mind! Commentaries and letters to the editor may be submitted by the entire Cabrini campus community using the following format. We look forward to hearing from you! •Email: Triple80s@aol.com •Classic Mail: The Loquitur 61 0 King of Prussia Road Radnor, Pa. 19087 •Phone: (610) 902-8412 •Length: No more than two typed pages •Requirements: Names will not be withheld from letters to the editor or commentaries, even at the author's request.

Student-athlete Dean dedicated to teaching

Devotion. This one word describes Lauren Dean, a senior, perfectly. Dean has been an asset to Cabrini's cross-country team for the past four years. She spends a great deal of time in her running shoes and can be seen running around campus and the surrounding area quite frequently.

When ~sked what the best benefits of being part of a team are, she answered, "The life-long

Dean compares her cross-country friends to her family. She explains that she spends most of her time with her teammates on and off the track, so they could be nothing less.

Dean's expectations for the new season are high. As of right now, the women's cross-country team is made up of only five women, which is the least amount necessary to qualify for a meet.

"It is extremely critical that we keep the team as healthy as possi-

ble," Dean said. One of the priorities that Dean, her fellow teammates and coach share is the need to build the team. The season began at the end of August and meets continue every Saturday until the end of November. And, as always, Dean and her teammates would like to compete in the Pennsylvania Athletic Conference finals.

Off the track, Dean is dedicated to her major of early childhood education. She enjoys all of her education courses, especially Foundations of Education and

When she is not running around campus, Lauren Dean, a senior, studies education at Cabrini.

Reading and Language Arts. Dean's focus for her senior year is based around her education classes and also her field experience for Cabrini's education department requires her to teach children for an entire semester.

Her hopes after graduation are to either become a teacher or possibly go on to obtain her masters degree as a hearing specialist in Boston. Whatever her plans, Dean will be missed from the cross-country team and the Cabrini community.

Last week's results for Cabrini sports

by Geri Lynn Utter team. On Saturday Sept. 23 the Cav's defeated St. Mary's College in Maryland 2-1.

staff writer

Men's Soccer

The men's soccer team lost 2-0 to College Misericordia on Saturday Sept. 23 and on Thursday Sept. 28 fell 4-0 to Johns Hopkins University. Finally, on Saturday Sept. 30 the Cav's tied it up with a 2-0 loss to St. Mary's College in Maryland.

Women's Soccer

The Women's soccer had a little more success this week compared to the men's

On Wednesday Sept. 27 the women's team lost 2-1 to Wesley College and on Saturday Sept 30 they lost again 2-0 to Gwynedd Mercy College.

Field Hockey

The field hockey had a roller coaster of a week. On Monday Sept. 25 they defeated Immaculata College 7-0 and on Thursday Sept. 28 they lost 4-2 to Eastern College.

On Saturday Sept. 30 the Cav's lost again to William Patterson College, but the tables

Cabrini College proudly p.Mse its oldest and best imt::]ov troupe

were turned on Sunday Oct. 1 when they defeated Cedar Crest College 5-3.

Women's Tennis

On Friday Sept. 29 the Women's tennis beat Cedar Crest College 6-3 and on Saturday Sept. 30 the Cav's were defeated 7-2 by the District of Columbia.

Women's Volleyball

The Women's volleyball team is not off to a strong start this season. On Saturday Sept. 23 they were defeated at Swarthmore College 3-0 and on Monday Sept. 25 the Cav's

lost 3-0 to Notre Dame College in Maryland. On Wednesday Sept. 27 the team experienced another defeat of 3-0 to Eastern College and on Saturday Sept. 30 it did not get better, they lost a double header to Ursinus and Kean College with a score of 3-0. Better luck next week.

Cross Country

On Saturday Sept. 30 the Men's and Women's Cross Country team ran in the Belmont Plateau Classic meet, where the Men's team placed third out of ten teams and the Women's team did not place at all.

Dixon Center



Tuesdays- Basketball8-10 p.m. starting10/6/00

Wednesdays and ThursdaysSquash 3- 5:30 p.m.

Loquitur SPORTS 13
photo by Anita Pirri
On the Spot ~(sp~ comedy livin~De improv (n.) -unscripted, unrehearsed
based on
suggestions Cabrini College - Grace Hall - Theatre ~THE FIRS'IFRIDAY OF EVERY MONTH 8 PM - OCT. 6th -FREESHOW 8 PM - NOV. 3rd -to be announced 8 PM - DEC. 1st -to be announced {Look for special guests and 2-show shows) e-mail us at onthespotimprov@hotmail.co Matt £;;?e watcaakeof ourselves ...................................... ................. : .::
comedic theatre
p.m. starting1O/a/00
'........ . C

Dixon gym· gets new floor after flood

The Dixon Center gymnasium is currently out of use as facilities repair the floor. During this past July, an errant soccer ball crashed into one of the sprinklers and approximately 500 gallons of water flooded the gym floor. Luc1tily, the havoc was contained to the gym, but the floor was damaged beyond repair.

The Dixon Center is one of the newer buildings on campus, and the gym floor was state-of-the-art. Right now it appears to have the consistency of sawdust. Chris Winkler, director of recreation and facilities at Cabrini, is overseeing the repairs.

The only sports team that uses the Dixon gym during the fall is the women's volleyball team. The team has been practicing and playing their home games at local colleges.

"The floor will be repaired and ready to go by early to midOctober, so it will not affect any other team," said Winkler. He added that the repairmen are working diligently to meet the scheduled deadline.

Precautions are being taken to ensure that this type of accident can be avoided in the future. Steel bracing is being welded around the sprinkler heads that are below the ceiling. The ceiling sprinklers are two and one-half stories high. Wmkler said that precautions will also be taken to protect these sprinkler heads from the remote chance of accidental impact.

Sports teams and student body alike are awaiting the reopening of the Dixon Center gym for the upcoming winter sports. "We apologize to the whole student body for the delay, and appreciate the sports teams, athletes and students for being very patient," Winkler said.

Women's soccer looking for new start

The women's soccer team really began to heat up as cheers from fans filled the playing field. The score was 2-0 Wesley, until Krista Stella, a junior, scored Cabrini's goal with five minutes left in the game. The women knew that Wesley College was a pretty tough team, but felt confident because they beat them last year 1-0 in double overtime. The Lady Cavaliers underestimated Wesley this year and finished the game 2-1.

The Women's soccer team's record is 5-3 and 2-1 in the Pennsylvania Athletic Conference. The women cannot risk another loss in the conference and have to stay focused for the - remainder of the season.

''It was a real eye opener," Jamie Matozzo, a junior, explained, "and we now know that we can't take any game lightly. We ~veto go all the way or none of the way. Luckily we still have games, so that we can make a come back and prove to everyone that we are a strong and talented team."

The Lady Cavs now have the challenge of overcoming their defeat Jessica Storck, a junior, said, 'We have to put that conference loss behind us and move onto the future. We will learn from our mistakes and as long as we step up as a team and not as individuals we will get the job done."

The Women's soccer team is full of talent and determination. There are many leaders on the team to help everyone stick together. 'This is the first time in years that the entire team

gives 110 percent and has had the same positive outlooks and goals. The freshmen are also a key aspect in the success of the season," Storck said. Not only are the freshmen pulling their own weight, but the veterans Jess Ruda, Jessica Storck, Jamie Matozzo, Cathy O'Neill and Katie Hecht really help to keep the team alive in games.

"Jess Huda always puts out her all and as a goal keeper she has saved us a lot," Matozzo said

The team knows that the road to success is never easy competing with Eastern College, Beaver College, and Gwynedd-Mercy College, but now the team knows what is important and that they have to keep their priorities straight.

'We have to play soccer the way we know

how to play soccer, with no hesitations" Storck commented.

This next week will be the time that the girls can show their togetherness. They will be playing five games, so support from the fans would help to keep theteam's motivation high.

'The fans are a bigpart of ourgame,"Huda said, ''when we're down, they'll help to get our spirits back up. We want everyone to come out and support us causewe're going to win the PAC."

The Lady Cavs hope to finish the season on a healthy note and to have shown their talent for the 90 minutes they are on the field ''We know we've got it, we just have to utilize it when we hit our peak." Matozro said.

Cross country teams set personal records

Both the men's and women's cross-country teams participated in a meet at Belmont Plateau on Saturday Sept. 23. There were 18 other schools there. To name a few, the opp<r nents were Richard Stockton College of New Jersey, Wesley College and Rutgers University (Camden campus)

It was rainy and cold, but the cross-country members competed anyhow. Courses are only canceled for thunderstorms.

The women ran first at a time of 12:15. Running for the women were Lauren Dean, Dolores Eclkins,Andrea Dragone and Celena Blasucci. Kristin Zielinski did not run due to illness.

Lauren Dean won the race at 19:56 for a 3.1 mile course, which was very hilly. The other top runners for the women were Dolores Edkins who came in tenth, Andrea Dragone who

came in the top 30 and Celena Blasucci. All three runners had very strong finishes.

The men were placed third out of 18 teams. There were about 150 runners total.

Jason Bull placed first at a time of 28:10. Both first-year students T. J. Bruzek placed seventh at a time of 29: 10 and Chris Wagner was in the top 50, Ryan Jones placed eighth at 29:12 and Joe Butler was thirtieth at 31:21.

The men ran for five miles, also on a hilly course.

The team captains, Ryan Jones and Lauren Dean, feel that this is the cross-country teams' strongest year in the past 10 years. There is a lot of talent and heart, which makes for a good start, placing Cabrini cross-country in third place.

The team is excited about the future and is currently focusing on PAC, which is the crosscountry team's first goal of the season. Their final goal is to be in the top ten of the region.

Currently, the team is trying to get a feel for the other cross-country teams.

The men and women were at Belmont again this past Saturday, Sept. 30, this time competing in the Belmont Classic.

Some of the other schools were Bryn Mawr, Richard Stocton, Beaver College and Gwynedd. Many of the teams that attended were PAC teams. There were 20 teams for both men and women.

Again, only four people competed for Cabrini's women; Dean, Zielinski, Edkins and Blasucci. This time, it was Dragone who was not able to compete. Since there were only four runners, the women ran for individual goals. The top 10 were given awards individually.

What made the next Saturday different was the weather. It was a nice day, sunny, at 70 degrees. Dean felt that it was a perfect day. Everyone had a better outlook because of the weather, but both team captains agree there is

still room for improvement. The women are still having trouble placing as a team because there are not enough runners.

Dean won at a meet record at 19:42. lt wasn't the best time, but it counted for Belmont.

All teammates bad competitive races and strong finishes especially senior Blasucci who improved her time by three minutes.

The men came in third out of 18 teams again. Bull was in fourth place, Jones was in 14th and Bruzek came in twenty-second. There were about eight or nine men running for Cabrini. Altogether there were 120 to 150 runners. Jones says that the team has to ''pull together a little tighter and stronger. Each runner has to step it up a notch and put in 110 percent at practice."

Dean and Jones are both looking forward to next week when the cross-country team competes at Dickinson. This race is expected to be a challenge. Meanwhile, they are trying to

~14 _____________________ SPORTS~---------------Th_ursda __~_o_ct_ob_e_r5_,_2000_
photo by Jessica Snow Derek Nicholas, right, and Bill Reed work on the hew floor. The lack of a cavalier in the design was not their decision and they are disappointed by it.
I' • J • ' , I• • • •

US wins 97 medals in Sydney Olympics

The torches are out and all the athletes are on their way home. Some are going home with a feeling of victory and accomplishment, while others go home with a fire burning inside of them for four more years. The United States brought home the most medals with a total of 97; 39 gold medals, 25 silver medals, and 33 bronze.

The United States won gold in many team sports. The men's and women's basketball teams, the b·aseball team and softball team earned the honor of being named Olympic champions.

Out of the 97 medals won, 10 gold were won in track and field, along with four silver and six bronze. The United States earned twenty medals in one section of events and one field.

With approximately 50 total events, Olympic watchers kept their eyes on the screen, watching the track and field stars compete their heart out.

Marion Jones, an Olympic track and field competitor, had a dream to win five gold medals, one in each event she was involved in. In the end, Jones brought three gold and two bronze. Her gold streak ended with a bronze in the long jump, which is said to be her weakest event. Although she did not get all five gold medals she ended up with a great title. Jones is the first female track and field athlete to bring home five medals at the same Olympics.

Michael Johnson is another 2000 Olympic star. Johnson had already competed in the 1996 Olympic games in Atlanta. He was the only man who had ever brought home gold medals in both the 200-meter and the 400-meter events. This was Johnson's last Olympics and last chance to bring home the gold.

His event was the 400-meter relay and the individual 400. Johnson and his teammates brought yet another gold medal for the United States. According to a report on NBCOlympics.com, Johnson said, "More importantly, I was just happy to be able to come in here and compete in my last Olympics, and finish my Olympic career-my Olympic and World Championship career-with all gold medals."

Swimming was another one of the popular events. The United States fared well, winning 33 medals overall, 14 of which were gold. Notably, the men's and women's 4x100m medley and 4x100m free relays brought in gold medals. The U.S. men's 4x100m relay, in the middle of an Olympic winning streak, was defeated by Australia. Australia's Ian Thorpe "the Thorpedo" was a key player in the upset. Later in the games,

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1 0 0 0 2

Weightlifting Wrestling 1

he won gold in the 400m freestyle and silver in the 200m freestyle.

Gymnastics is an event that has been popular in previous years, most recently as a result of "The Magnificent Seven," the gold medal winners in the 1996 Atlanta games. However, 2000 was not such a lucky year for USA Gymnastics. Romania won the women's team competition, followed by Russia in a disappointing second and China in third. In men's gymnastics, China won the gold, followed by Ukraine and Russia.

In the women's all-around, Romania initially swept the medal's race with Andreea Raducan winning gold, Simona Amanar the silver, and Maria Olaru the bronze. However, Raducan tested positive for taking an illegal substance and was stripped of her gold. Xuan Liu of China was then awarded the bronze.

6 0 1 3


The star male gymnast of the 2000 summer games was Alexei Nemov, who won a total of six medals. Nemov won gold in the all-around competition and on the high bar event.

Laura Wilkinson of the United States won gold in the 10-meter platform diving competition. She is the first American woman to win a diving gold in 36 years. "I thought I had nothing to lose. I didn't want to hold back," Wilkinson said on a report from NBCOlympics.com.

The United States provided another upset in Rulon Gardner. The Greco-Roman wrestler defeated nine-time world champion Aleksandr Karelin to win gold.

The success and hard work of all athletes involved were important to the overall success of the games.

Loquitur SPORTS:------------------1_5 '

Dixon floor gets faceli1t

.,. s;s;·;·, i :I Lo q u 1 tu r Vol. XLVII, No. 4 Thursday, October 5, 2000 Radnor, PA 19087 -
photo by Jessica Snow
Story on page 14.~I ,j -
Bill Reed, pictured right, and Derek Nicholas are designing the new gym ~ floor in the Dixon Center after a flood ruined the old floor over the summer.

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