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Last week's resultsfor Cabrinisports
by Jessica Snow sports .editor
Men's Soccer
The men's soccer team came out on top last week after a shaky start. The team lost an away game to Franklin and Marshall College 3-2 on Wednesday, ~t. 1 I. Cabrini's goals was scored by senior Michael Braun and first-year student Kevin Silberstein.
At home against Wesley College the team won 3-1 on Friday, ~t. 13. First year students Philip Catagnus and Costello and sophomore Michael Rennie scored the goals.
At home again the next day, the men defeated Catholic University 2-1. Catagrms and Rennie scored again for Cabrini.
Women's Soccer
The women's soccer team was completely victorious last week.
The first team to fall to The Lady Cavs was Neumann College, who lost 5-0 on Tuesday, Oct. 10. Senior Katie Hecht had three goals and first-year students Lauren Kwiatkowski and Stephanie Heinz each had one.
Against Eastern College on Thursday, Oct. 12, Kwiatkowski got two more goals and sophomore Cathleen O'Neill had one. The woman beat easter 3-0.
At Baptist Bible College on Saturday, Oct. 14 the women won yet again. This time the score was 4-1. Again Kwiatkowski scored two goals, Heinz had one and first year student Colleen Feeney had one.
Field Hockey
The field hockey team went 2-1 last week. It improved its record after a 4-2 loss to Marywood University in which juniors Adrienne Maiocco and Nicole Schulz scored on Tuesday.
The first win came against Neumann College on Thursday, Oct. 12. The team won this one in overtime and Schulz scored both of its goals.
A 4-1 victory over Rosemont College completed the week. Senior Monica Paolucci scored two goals and senior Kathleen Ross and junior Carolyn Katkowski also scored.
The volleyball team won 3-0 over both Marywood University, Monday, and Gwynedd-Mercy College, Wednesday, last week. However on Saturday, ~t. 14, the team lost to Philadelphia Bible College, 3-0, Kings College, 3-0, and Marywood, 3-2.
The tennis team beat Neumann College 7-2 on Monday, Oct. 9 in a n away match. The team's match against easter College started on Wednesday, Oct. 11, but was postponed until Thursday due to darkness. The woman won this one 54. On Saturday, however, they lost 5-4 to Wesley College.
Cross Country
Both the men's and women's teams competed in the Albright College Invitational on Saturday, Oct. 14. Both teams came in third out of five teams competing in the race.