5 minute read

M'i'CabriniDay 2000 promises to educate the heart

by Beth Conahan

staff writer their lives to helping those less fortunate and for that reason this day is to honor them.


Cabrini Day 2000 is just around the comer and this year's theme, "Coming · to America: The Human Face of Immigration," promises once again to educate the heart.

Cabrini Day 2000 is Thursday, Nov. 2 and everyone in the Cabrini College community is encouraged to participate.

The theme of immigration was especially picked for this year, 50 years after St. Frances Xavier Cabrini was named Patroness of Immlgrants.

Cabrini Day is a tradition in learning about injustice throughout the world and why it is important to be dedicated to changing it. St. Francis Xavier Cabrini and the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus dedicated

10 a. m. - Noon

The day kicks off with a Celebrity Brunch from 10 a.m. to noon. The Cabrini Day tradition continues with professors and staff members serving students brunch in the cafeteria. Making waffles, serving bacon and eggs and waiting tables are now included in the staff's job description.

The first session begins at 12:45. Shirley Dixon is moderating a program called "Getting Along." It deals with conflicts, crises, mediation and alternatives to violence. This live, multimedia presentation, given by Key Arts Production Company, includes video clips, lectures and live voices. Dixon is certain this program is related to the theme of immigration because "it's about

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more than moving from one place to another."

The Cabrini Mission Corps is giving a program called "Bridging the Cultural Divide: Ministry to Immigrants." Lisa Grzyboski is a young missioner coming to Cabrini to discuss her work with immigrants in New York City with students. Her work has changed how she views the world and she hopes to help students see that they can make a difference.

2:00. Lisa Grzyboski will be speaking with students again in her program "Bridging the Cultural Divide: Ministry to Immigrants."

Cabrini's improv troupe "On the Spot" will be having a show in the second session. They will take audience suggestions to put on an improvisational show on the day's events and themes.

"Working in Another Culture," "Amnesty International at Cabrini College," "The Border Experience," "Philadelphia and the Rest of the World: Immigration, Migrants and Refugees," "Where Do Presidential Candidates Stand on the Issues?" and "Children and Women: Other Victims of Civil War" are all programs included in the second session.

"Immigration Through Sponsorship," "Celebrating and Transmitting Our Amenian Heritage," "Freedom from Hunger: Learnings from the Hunger Project," "Corning from Bosnia to Cabrini College" and "Reaching Out to Sudanese Refugees" are the other programs planned for the first session. "Words We Bring with Us: The Immigrant Experience" is being held in the second session. "It is people reading work they wrote that is about immigrants or works by immigrants," said Chris Vesci, senior. It will also feature a speaker. Father John McNamee will be reading some of his poems from his published book of poetry "Clay Vessels." His poetry falls within a wide range of topics.

Cabrini Day 2000 will also have an awards ceremony at 3: 15. The Charles A. Matronardi Awards for Leadership and Service will be awarded to four students who have demonstrated the qualities of good leaders as well as a strong interest in service to the community.

Cabrini Immigrant Services in New York will be presented with a Cabrini Award for their work and the impact it has had on individuals, local communities, the country and the world. The second session begins at


Celebrity Brunch. (Founders' Hall cafeteria) See your favorite professors and staff members demonstrate their skills in making waffles, serving bacon and eggs and waiting tables.

Session One: 12:45 p.m.-1:45 p.m.

''Getting Along: A Live Musical Performance and Video" (Lecture Hall) Through live performance and video, Getting Along helps people identify why conflicts occur and avoid crisis situations. Moderator: Shirley Dixon, Coordinator of Diversity Initiafrves.

''Bridging the Cultural Divide: Ministry to Immigrants in NY" (309) Lisa Grzyboski's year of service with Cabrini Mission Corps has changed her views. Talk to her about what she is doing in her work with immigrants in New York City. Presenters: Eileen Zebrowski, Madeline Bialecki and Lisa Gnyboski, Cabrini Mission Corps.

''Coming to the United States: Acting as Sponsors" (352) How can immigrants get the rest of their family members into the United States? How do they get green cards? This workshop is of special interest to students interested in global issues. Presenter: Linda J. Collier, Esquire.

''What do Cabrini Students Say About Service?" (210) Talk about how you feel about community service and service learning. Presenter: Dr. Janet Lohmann, Co-Chair, Cabrini Institute.

"Celebrating our Armenian Heritage" (205) In the early 20th century, the Armenian people were victims of genocide. How do people retain and transmit their cultural heritage in the face of oppression? Presenters: Harry Andonian and Mary Zakarian. Moderator: Professor Bob McGee.

"Freedom from Hunger: Learnings from the Hunger Project" (279) Students in Biology 250: Nutrition were assigned The Hunger Project. Five students will present their projects and talk about the people they worked with. Presenters: Justin Christian, Eric Kenny, Renee Lewis, Megan Lomas.Nyetta Pendleton. Moderator: Dr. Sherry Fuller-Espie

''What do you Know? A Quiz Show on the Environment" (211) Raise your awareness of environmental issues. Match wits with fellow students, faculty and staff in a highly interactive quiz show format. Moderators: Dr. Lou Nudy and the Science Department.

''Coming from Bosnia to Cabrini College" (358) Sjela (Shayla), Assistant Director of Resident Life, came to the United States after she and her sister escaped from the war in Bosnia. Talk with Sjela about her experiences. Presenter: Sjela Hasic-Stamps

''Detention of Immigrants in American Prisons" (207) The US Immigration and Naturalization Service is currently holding 15,000 detainees in American prison. Dr. Westerman will discuss the situation. Presenter: Dr. William Westerman, Director of Programs for Immigrant Traditional Artists for International Institute of NJ. Moderator: Dr. Leonard

"Reaching out to Sudanese Refugees'' (313) Talk with Alice Muludiang, a Sudanese refugee, who is now a social worker with the Southern Sudanese Relief Foundation in Philadelphia. Presenter: Alice Muludiang, Southern Sudanese Relief Foundation. Moderator: Mary Laver.

Session Two: 2:00 p.m.- 3:00 p.m.

''Where do Presidential Candidates Stand on the Issues?'' (Lecture Hall) Hear a panel of Cabrini faculty members analyze key issues in the campaign and learn where each candidate stands. Moderator: Dr. Jerry Zurek

''Bridging the Cultural Divide: Ministry to Immigrants in NY'' (309)

"AmnestyInternational at Cabrini College" (203) Join students in Cabrini's Amnesty International Chapter and Alliance for Justice in exploring the effect gun violence bas on families and communities. Speaker TBA. Presenters: Melissa Shannon and Azeen Kermati

''Philadelphia & the Rest of the World: Immigrants, Migrants and Refugees" (202) Maybe you never knew Philadelphia is a center of immigration. Tallt to Father Betz about how the city relates to immigrants, migrant workers and refugees. Presenter: Father Tom Betz, Director of Archdiocesan Pastoral Care for Migrants and Refugees

''Words We Bring With Us: The Immigrant Experience" (Grace Hall Board Room) Woodcrest, Cabrini's literary magazine, sponsors a reading ofliterary works. Speakers include faculty members, students and Father John McNamee, renowned poet and inner city priest Presenters: Carolyn Ashton and Chris Vesci. Moderator: Dr. Seth Freebie

''Civil War: Hidden Victims in the Sudan and Bunmdf' (208) Kristen Schwarze spent six years in Africa doing volunteer relief work in Sudan and Burundi. Talk about her work with women and children who are the hidden victims of the civil war in the region. Presenter: Kristen Schwarze. Moderator: Dr. Sharon Schwarze.

"Immigration 'On tile Spot'" (Red Cloud Theatre) Cabrini's Improvisational Troupe, "On the Spot," will do an improvisational show, based on themes from the day's events. Presented by Cabrini Improvisational Troupe: Matt Holmes, Lisa Fmegan, Tony Barrett, Stephanie Masucci, Jessi Snow, Kit Dewey. Moderator: Neal Newman

''Detention of Immigrants in American Prisom'' (207)

''Working in Anotlaer Culture" (351) Brother Corso bas lived and worked in Peru and now works with the Norbertine Outreach Committee with migrants at Mission Santa Maria, an agency that helps migrant workers who labor in the mushroom fields in Kennett Square. Presenter: Brother Blase Corso, 0. Praem, Daylesford Abbey

3: 15 p.m.-4:30p.m.

Awards Ceremony (Grace Hall Atrium) Charles A. Mastronardi Awards for Leadership and Sevice, Cabrini Award presented to Cabrini Immigrant Services of New York. Prayer Service 8:30 p.m.

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