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What is the best Halloween costumeyou've ever worn? Video dance party 'something to do,' probably won't be back

by Beth Conahan

staff writer


Legal parties may not be legal anymore, but Cabrini students haven't hung up their dancing shoes yet.

On Saturday, Oct. 21, CAP Board hosted a Video Dance Party in the Grace Hall Atrium.

The DJs, two brothers from New York, were hired from Big Wave Entertainment. Unlike the typical DJs students have become accustomed to, they specialized in Hip Hop and Underground Hip Hop.

Tricia Arnold, senior and SGA CAP Board chair, was disappointed with the variety of music they played. ''The didn't seem to cater to what we wanted them to play."·

Colin McGinley, junior and CAP Board member, said after leaving a Board meeting held after the dance, ''The general consensus was that other than the music, we thought it would be a lot better."

The Video Dance Party consisted of dancing, music and video clips projected onto a huge, white screen in the center of the room.

The huge screen turned out to be a challenge for CAP Board members. They had originally intended to place it in a comer of the Atrium. Big Wave Entertainment, how- ever, accidentally brought a larger screen than the Board members expected. It was too big to fit in a comer and was, in fact, too big to put anywhere except in the middle of the room, cutting the dance floor in half.

All in all, the screen was a point of criticism for many of the students that attended the dance.

"I think they could have found a better place for the screen," said junior Casey Smith.

Junior John Ferrise thought, ''The big TV was a nice try" but wasn't very impressed with it.

Amy Arcuicci, junior, had a suggestion for improvement. ''They should have used the videos for the music they were playing."

Arnold, McGinley and the rest of the board were not completely satisfied with the dance. Arnold remained positive. "Overall, it was a success," she said.

But McGinley was not. "Most likely we're not bringing it back."

In the course of the night, 270 people came through the dance, some stayed to dance and others just passed through.

Arnold and her board stand behind the dance. "It was something to do," she said.

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