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College and University News


-Mike Butler


A superior court judge lifted the ban on tattooing in the state of Massachusetts, declaring that the law was unconstitutional. Massachusetts had been one of three states in the U.S. that listed tattooing in the state a crime. The prior penalty for giving someone a tattoo in Massachusetts could be as severe as a $300 fine and up to one year in prison.

Universityof Pennsylvania

Members of the group Penn Students Against Sweatshops are once again criticizing the Penn administration for not joining the Workers Rights Consortium, a factory watchdog group with a large human rights following that monitors working conditions in factories that produce college apparel. The PSAS staged a nine-day sit-in six months ago to protest the school's affiliation with the Fair Labor Association, another watchdog group. The sit-in forced Penn to leave the FLA, but the university is considering rejoining them.

Brown University

A recent study has found that 80 percent of drunk drivers who get into accidents get away without any punishment. One of the major causes of this is that when a car accident victim is brought to the hospital, their blood alcohol level is checked by a doctor, but that information cannot be given out because of doctor/patient confidentiality. Thus the prosecution lacks evidence for a drunk-driving conviction.


In the waning days of Election 2000, the Brandeis politics department sponsored "Bushwhack and Gore: Four Pulitrer Prize Wmning Cartoonists Discuss the Art of Poison Penmanship," a forum featuring Pulitzer-Prize-winning cartoonists. Among the issues discussed were how newspaper editors are becoming too wary of upsetting readers and how it is the cartoonist's mission to deliver a message and not necessarily to be funny.

UCLA fession and teachers should be very proud of what they do." Bove said this when asked what he would say to the students of Cabrini who want to become a teacher.

A Public Policy Institute of California report revealed that supporters of Ralph Nader and undecided voters are draining Al Gore's support in the state of California. Gore still leads George W. Bush 44 to 39 percent, but Gore's lead has dwindled by four percent since September.

Alex Bove knew early on that he wanted to teach English.

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