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Last week's results for Cabrini sports
by Jessica Snow sports editor
Men's Cross Country
The men's team won its race at the PAC Championship meet. First-year student TJ Bruzek came in second and Senior Jason Bull in third, both were named to the first team all PAC. Senior Ryan Jones came in 11th in the race and made second team all PAC.
Women's Cross Country
Senior Captain Lauren Dean came in first at the PAC championship meet last weekend for the women. The team ended in third place. Junior Kristin Zielinski was third in the race, and both Zielinski and Dean made the first team all PAC. Dolores Edkins, who made second team all PAC, came in 14th in the championship race.
Men's Soccer guard Eric Snow got into a little fight with Tracy McGrady. He refused to comment on the game or the officials.
The team ended its season with a 1-0 loss away at Misericordia. The game, Wednesday, Nov. 1, was a PAC semi-final game.
"We have 79 games left," he said when asked about the team's 3-0 start. That was a great response. He knows that the fans and the so-called experts will be talking about how great this team is so far. He doesn't want to comment on that or hear about that. As far as he is concerned, this team has done nothing but win three games at that point.
So, now we will have to see what the team does from here. Matt Geiger has yet to come back, but we will see how his rehab goes with his knee. So, all of the fans out there, let's calm down because this team has done nothing yet. Let's sit back and win the next game. It is a long way till the end.