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Stressed? Try some music EDITORIAL Misplaced prioritiesby those who serve

There are 800 million hungry men and women, boys and girls in this world. This year 3.6 percent of American households were hungry. In the last 50 years, almost 400 million people have died from hunger or poor sanitation in the world. This is triple the number of people killed in all of the wars fought in the 20th century. Those who go hungry do not usually earn enough income to buy the food needed to sustain them. Local authorities, who we elect, are wasting tax money on debating the placement of near-billion dollar stadiums, sports complexes and art centers in this region.

How long is it going to take these politicians to realize that the difference between Kentucky Blue grass and artificial turf pales in comparison to whether someone is going to go hungry or not? The local politicians must prioritize bills that see to aiding the hungry and less fortunate. To be nutritionally sustained is more important than to have the local athletic club competing in the best arena.


President Clinton signed a foreign-aid bill on Nov. 6 that supplies $435 million to forgive the debts of the world's poorest countries. This will allow the countries to direct more funding to its poor through food and education. Does the right hand know what the left hand is doing? While federal funds are being dispersed to fight hunger, state and local authorities are concerned with unimportant issues. When a person is poor, not only do they lack money, they also lack power. The American government is driven by the wealthy. They have influence and are able to propose alterations of the government to their liking. The poor do not have a voice in the government. They need the help of many to influence change and revamp the government to include all.

Right now Philadelphia authorities are feverishly searching for funds for stadiums, entertainment and art centers, while the shelters and soup kitchens are just other expenditures in the ledger. The city authorities cannot even allocate proper funding for the city's school system. Without a proper education, children will have a difficulty finding an adequately paying job. This further adds to the dilemma of nationwide and global hunger with more people being unable to buy needed food and thus begins a domino effect.

All government must work for all of the people. This means drafting bills and taking measures to fight hunger and homelessness through tax dollars and government programs. The government must work to be fair for all people, rich or poor. It should not be one or the other, but rather both.

There are various ways to relieve stress. There are hobbies such as sports, crafts, reading, and most importantly to me, music. People choose various types of music according to his or her own tastes. Some people find relaxation in jazz, rap, pop and even classical. I enjoy listening to all kinds of music. However, I find the ultimate way in relieving stress is either through playing drums or bass guitar.

Both of these instruments are two different ways of accomplishing the same goal. The drums are not only a physical release, but a mental release as well. The drums focus both the anger and frustration that accu- mulates in my everyday life. The bass guitar is more of a focused and quiet relief to stress.

I have been playing the drums for over six years, and I am currently in an emo/punk band with two of my high school friends. My bandmates and I join twice a week, once on Thursday and once on Sunday. We gather to rock and release our creative energies.

During our practices the stresses and problems that have arisen throughout the week are released and relieved. I have only been playing bass for a year. I am currently enrolled at Harcum Medley Music School, and participate in a bass class every Wednesday night. Bass lessons help me relieve my mental stresses that have occurred during the week.

Overall, I enjoy playing music and learning about new things involved with each instrument. One of the greatest feelings is watching oneself improve within and upon their instrument of choice.

If someone needs to find their niche, and needs to relieve stress, try releasing it through music. Not only will you develop a skill, but you will also learn how to relieve everyday stresses using your creative intuitions.

Matt Tholey is the Assistant Features Editor of the Loquitur. Matt also likes to yell at his drums to relieve stress because he knows they won't yell or hit him back. His bass guitar, on the other hand, doesn't put up with such petulance.

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