2 minute read

Peer educators available to listen and educate

by Renee Tomcanin assistant news editor

College life can be stressful, and it is not always easy to talk to friends about certain issues. Professional therapists and counselors may appear a bit overwhelming, too. There is somewhere else to go, to the peer educators in the Rooymans Center.


After losing their permanent office last semester, the peer educators are back in business in a new location. They are ready to listen and have some plans to help the Cabrini community.

Peer educators are a support group. They are regular students who are available to listen to any problems. These can be as basic as a roommate problem, or as complex as eating disorders or substance abuse.

Sessions with the peer educators are confidential unless it is life threatening to the individual or someone else. Each of the peer educators has signed an agreement stating this fact. What makes a meeting with one of them different from a counselor is that they can better identify with students because they are one.

"We aren't professionals. We won't tell you what to do," senior Amy Hulbert said.

Each of the peer educators described the atmosphere as open, honest and trusting. "We're here to listen," senior Jenna Mancini said.

The peer educators are ready to listen and are planning programs to educate the Cabrini community. The peer educators are (first row): seniors Jenna Mancini and Amy Hulbert, (second row): sophomores Eva Nagy and Elaine O'Malley and junior John Wood. Missing from picture are senior Azeen Keramati and supervisor Susan Irwin.

Students who would like to speak to peer educators can either call to make an appointment, or show up during office hours on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday in the Rooymans topic were the ones that were gone the fastest from the bin in Widener Center. Information sessions and potential speakers are part of this month-long campaign.

The Stress-Free Zone will return for Inid-terms and finals. As in semesters past, this will be an area where students can take a break from studying and relax. Refreshments and massages will be provided. Tentative dates for the Stress-Free Zones are March 20 and 22, and May 10 and 15.

An anger management workshop and questionnaire are also in the works. Students will be given the questionnaire to see if they, or someone they know, has problems with anger, and hopefully, the workshop will help them deal with these issues.

Other projects that the peer educators are organizing are a daffodil sale to benefit cancer research and Women's Issues Week. Alcohol awareness will be covered as well.

The peer educators are: seniors Amy Hulbert, Azeen Keramati, and Jenna Mancini; junior John Wood; and sophomores Eva Nagy and Elaine O'Malley. Susan Irwin is the supervisor. Center.

The peer educators also have a lot of information on various health and social problems, such as anorexia, drug addiction, and sexually transinitted diseases.

Other than being available for students one-on-one, the peer educators are also planning programs to better educate the Cabrini community on various issues.

February will focus on eating disorders. Mancini said that the peer educators decided to do this because pamphlets on this

To make an appointment with the peer educators call x8286 or e-mail them at Peers@cabrini.edu.

Office hours are Monday and Thursday from 5-7 p.m., and Wednesday from 6:30-8:30 p.m.

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