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Siblings Weekend offers much fun for youth
by Kate Pelusi copy editor
The presence of vugm eyes and ears quelled the usual weekend roar of debauchery on Cabrini's campus during Siblings Weekend.
Unlike some other schools that offer sibling weekends directed at older high school students, Cabrini directs the weekend's activities to the younger crowd. This g1ves Cabrini students a good opportunity to spend quality time with their younger siblings that perhaps they do not get to see often. Cabrini also encourages those students who are the youngest child in their family to invite their younger cousins.
The weekend started out with a showing of "Toy Story 2" in the Widener Center Lecture Hall. Luckily for everyone who attended, free goodie bags were distributed. After the movie, everyone headed to the Wigwam for the ice cream social.
Sophomore Amanda Cappelli said, "We are having fun and we really enjoyed the movie and the free candy." Cappelli was visited by her 7-year old sister Audra and their cousin Morgan Brawly, who is also 7.
The goodie bags featured Chinese yo-yos and prompted several of the kids into a sword fight during the ice-cream social.
"The kids really seemed to like the sundaes," commented sophomore Brandon Lawler.
A carnival was held in the Dixon Center on Saturday and featured a moon bounce, a caricature artist, Hilby the skinny German juggler and basketball in the gym.
Disappointingly, many children were not able to get their pictures drawn by the caricature artist because of time constraints. Also, the scheduled entertainment on Saturday night from 6- 7 p.m. turned out being non-existent.
On Sunday, the kids and their older brothers and sisters went swimming and played games in the pool in the Dixon Center.
As expected, fun was had for all over Siblings Weekend. The weekend activities offered some
Siblings of Cabrini students enjoyed swimming and playing games in the Dixon Center pool on Sunday, Feb. 11. Other activities during Siblings Weekend were a slumber party, a showing of "Toy Story 2" and a carnival.
Cabrini Students an alternative to their usual weekend plans. It also offered the younger siblings an opportunity to see what it is like for their older brothers and sisters living at college.
Audra Cappelli, Amanda Cappellis 's younger sister said,
"This is my first time at Siblings Weekend. I didn't want to come last year, but I'm glad I came this year."