1 minute read
Surfing through the best sites online
by JessicaGiordano staff
If you enjoy the pop-psychology culture we live in and if you like to learn more about yourself, than you might like emode.com. This website has as many quirky personality tests as former president Clinton has inappropriate pardons. Emode.com allows you to discover "what breed of dog you are," "what's your workout style," "what type of flirt are you" and many other random test categories. There is also a .fun "celebrity matchmaker quiz" where you find out who your true Hollywood love is. I am not sure if these quizzes have much value, but they are pretty fun. On this site I finally learned that I am a silly-flirtingyoga-practicing Burmese Mountain dog who wants to date John Cusack. Profound answers to profound questions.
If personality tests are not your idea of fun, than maybe you will enjoy a fun interactive game. "Guess the Dictator/Sit-Com character" (smalltime.corn/nowhere/dictator).
The game is simple: imagine yourself as a sitcom character or real-life dictator, then answer a series of yes and no questions as if you were that person. The game's computer will almost always guess who you are. Beware: when you first play this game you might feel spooked and think you are one of the guys from "2001 a Space Odyssey." It's weird when a computer can read your mind, but don't think you can go and smash it.
Girls, you know you want to look good, and there are many Internet sites out there claiming they can help you. One that can assist us to achieve our beauteous goals is icompact.com, where real women review every beauty product imaginable. You can look up a product by brand or by category and each product is reviewed and given a rating from I to 5. I have to admit that I was addicted to this website for two days straight. Who can resist finding out which brands make the best lipstick, moisturizer and eyeshadow? And is that body glitter really worth it? You know you want to know.
And now for something a bit more serious. Ever wonder how some people seem so serene all the time? Well, maybe they work at it. One place where you can work at it too, is be1iefnet.com, a site tliat has information on every major religion. Just when you thought the Internet was driving people apart here comes a positive use of the technology. Beliefnet.com features discussion groups on various spiritual topics, inspirational literature and basic information on many different beliefs and religions around the world. Get some guidance on meditating or solving a moral dilemma. We all need it sometimes.
•emode.com •smalltime.