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Full-court shot sunk, wins game, PAC
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Alvernia had already begun doing their victory dance and taunting Cabrini spectators when Kareem Brunson charged the court with the shot that would declare the Cavs the true PAC champions.
''After I threw the ball, I fell on the floor not realizing I had scored the winning basket," said Brunson. When Brunson sunk the ball, the immature taunting and evil chants quickly diminished from the Alvernia bleachers. However,the Cav's managed to pull tprough thanks to the full-court heave by Kareem Brunson.
Brunson was blessed with the honor of receiving the Most ValuablePlayer Award due to his famous full-courtshoot Brunson might have sunk the winning basket,but each player on the team poured his heart and soul into the game. Kris Pittman, guard, scored 16points, Gary Goldman, guard, scored 12points,forwardsTim Gordan and Brian Wood scored I I -points each and Kareem Brunson scored a total of 15-points after he sunk an
85-foot swish across court
Cabrini managed to claim the victory over Alvernia for the PAC championship title, however, both teams demonstrated smooth technique and quality sportsmanship.