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Whichis the better stress reliever?

Marianne McKim and Geri Lynn Utter debate the merits of their favorite stress relievers.


Do you know of a heated issue that deserves attention? Write Mike '80s Butler and give him that beef at Tri~le80s@aol.com picture from www.buyaromatherapy.com

Feeling stressed? Light a candle. Like the oils, aromatherapy candles give off calming, relaxing scents that relieve stress.

by Geri Lynn Utter sports editor

What do you do to relax after a taking an impossible midterm? Some people may kick back and drink a few beers, while others pass out in front of the television. I prefer to do something a little different: aromatherapy. Aromatherapy is the use of essential oils such as, lavender and chamomile. You're probably asking yourself,who cares about aromatherapy when I can just watch the_"Simpsons" or suck down a couple of beers to relax.

Aromatherapy does a lot for your physical and mental health, as well as acting as a relaxation agent. To prove that aromatherapy works, lavander oil was massaged on people that had undergone cardiac surgery in order to alleviate anxiety and the results were incredible. Each person's recovery was a complete success due to the aid of aromatherapy. Ok. Maybe you are still saying, who cares? Look at his way, rather than dancing,exercising or over exerting yourself at the risk of getting injured in order to relieve stress; you can stick a couple drops of lavender into the bathtub or on a hot washcloth to relieve your body of stress.

The most essential Aromatherpy oils that are used to relax the nerves and relieve stress are lavender and chamomile. These oils work togather to calm both your physical body and mental health. For instance, chamomile is best known for its calming properties.

You have heard enough about these essential oils and how great they are for you. How do you get them? This is the easy part. For the ladies, most of those pretty smelling lotions you smother yourself with from Victoria's Secret and Bath & Body Works Inc. are full of oils like chamomile and lavender that are essential for aromatherapy. For the guys, the same applies. Aftershave lotions and colognes, as well as most hair products already include the essential Aromathearpy oils that help relieve stress. It is all in the nose. If you open your sense of smell, the lavender and chamomile fragances will relax and relieve your tensions. If you are looking for a more pure form of aromatherapy you can find these oils in the Garden Botanical store at the King of Prusssia Mall.

Remember, drinking beer and vegging out in front of the television may feel good to you, but it is not good for you. Try treating your body and mind with Aromatherapy. Or you can always dance or workout like a maniac at the gym for three hours to get the similar results.

Loquitur Dome is looking for someone to debate Chris Nielsen on the legalization of marijuana. Nielsen will argue the pro-legalization side. You'll have to tackle the reasons why it should be illegal. Send an e-mail to Trlple80s@aol.com.

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