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Campus accessibility shows strong and weak points

continued from front page

Founders Hall, the main classroom building, gives her the choice of talcing the elevator or using the outdoor ramps to get from the different floors of the building. To enter the building, however, requires a push of the bright blue accessible button that causes the doors to automatically swing open.


"Half the time, the buttons don't work," Caldwell said. Caldwell is a communications major and spends much of her time in the new communications wing. The doors to access the entire wing are not accessible. Although they are often propped, Caldwell sometimes has to struggle with opening the door. Once in the center, she has to struggle with two more doors to get the radio station, where she is a deejay.

After classes, Caldwell likes to go to the gym to work out. The Dixon Center, built three years ago, contains many accessible features. The accessible buttons, when hit, cause the main doors to open for over 15 seconds. If Caldwell chooses to use the weight room located on the second floor, there is an elevator that will take her up to that floor. If Caldwell is in the mood for swimming, a ramp that runs down one side of the pool on a steady incline contains ample room for her wheelchair to pass by. No matter where she chooses to work out, both floors are equipped with accessible bathrooms and water fountains. However, when Caldwell needs to do some work in the college's older buildings, she has more difficulties. Many of the buildings are not designed with the disabled person in mind. The Mansion, for instance, has only one accessible entrance and no other features that would help Caldwell maneuver around the building. If she wants to make an appointment with her adviser, whose office is on the second floor, they have to arrange to meet elsewhere because there is no elevator or ramp for her to get upstairs. The library does have an elevator and wide aisle, so she can use the facility. However, there is still more that can be done.

The main reason why older buildings like the Mansion and Woodcrest are not very accessible is very simple. There were no standards that had to be followed in the construction of these buildings. It has only been since 1992 that the Americans with Disabilities Act has called for these changes. The school has complied with these standards in the Cabrini Apartment Complex, Dixon Center and the new dorm. Renovations to main buildings have also benefited those with disabilities.

According to Mike Caranfa, chief facilities officer, the elevator at the end of Founders Hall is among those improvements. Installations of new automatic door openers in the radio station and Xavier were also completed over the past few weeks. Facilities also is considering many other improvements that could be done. proposed, according to Caranfa. Improvements to the elevators in the Apartment Complex and the new dorm are also in development.

In addition to physical repairs and improvements, students with disabilities have a large support staff behind them. Andrea Maneval, coordinator of Disability Support Services, expressed that there are a lot of people who are involved. "I think you'll find in support services we're much larger than many other schools," Maneval said.

April Caldwell, sophomore

Unfortunately, not every problem can easily be solved. Caranfa is limited in the money he can work with, and a committee must approve the project. "There are grants we have received in the past for accessibility items," he said. But many times these repairs cost much more than grants will provide for and the rest comes out of the maintenance budget. The decision to equip the radio station door was difficult from a financial standpoint. It cost $4,000 to complete. However, running the risk of having someone stuck in that room after hours was too great. "After looking at it from that point of view, we decided to do it," Caranfa said.

After the new dorm is finished a path around Woodcrest and the new dorm to Residential Avenue is

Fast Facts about CP

byAprlfCaldwell guest writer

Public Safety also offers to assist those who need their help getting around campus. They are strict in ticketing those who park in handicapped spaces. "\Ve do ticket if there are not placards in the cars," Charles Schaffner, director of Public Safety, said.

Schaffner also said that cars parked on the grass by the Widener Center would not be ticketed if there were not ten consecutive spots in Dixon Center, unless they are parked in handicapped spaces or at the end of rows.

David Carpenter, director of Residence Life, along with Caranfa, Schaffner and Maneval, all understand the need for accessibility on campus for all students.

Voicing her appreciation for herself and for others, Caldwell said, "People are good about helping, but I'd rather do it myself." With new renovations and the upkeep of current renovations, Caldwell will be able to continue to do just that.

Cerebral Palsy,commonly known as CP, is a non-progressive condition resulting from brain damage(sometimesresulting in the deprivation of oxygen) occurring before, duringor after birth. Cerebral Palsy is the inability to control the muscles of the body.The location and servility of the damage will determine how much the personwill be affected. CP can affect a person's motor skills and the abiliJ:yto see, hear and even communicate. Some symptoms of Cerebral Palsy can include: l. The retention of over reaction to stimuli that is commonly found in infants

2. Muscular weakness

3. Abnormal or awkward positions (if left uncorrected) can lead to skeletal problems

4. Poor muscular control and lack of coordination

5. Seizuresor muscle spasms

6. Trouble in interpreting senseperceptions

7. Difficultyin chewing and swallowing

8. VISionand hearingproblems

An infant with CP could have a variety of these symptoms.Although the infanthad complica• tionsat birth.it maketake a couple of years to make a formaldiagnoses.Mostinfantsare diagnosedby the age of five.

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