2 minute read
Housing meetings clear up questions, concerns
by Nick Luchko staff writer
David Carpenter wants students to know that there will be exceptions to the set housing rules as long as students speak up.
On Monday night, Carpenter, director of Residence Life, met with over 50 students at two separate meetings concerning the upcoming residence hall selection process. Meetings were held in both the Xavier Great Room and the Dixon House lounge and were sponsored by the Residence Life Office and the Student Government Association (SGA).
At the beginning of both meet- ings, Carpenter introduced himself to the students and explained the packet that had been given to them in their mailboxes. He began each meeting by clarifying the nature of the residence hall process and how many of the ideas were initiated by the student committee that had met in the first semester with Shayla Hasic-Stamps, assistant director of residence life.
Carpenter said, "the school is working to build as positive a residential community as possible."
Sophomore Lauren O'Shea said, "I was well informed, and I feel that Dave is doing the best that he can."
Carpenter said, "I want to make the residence hall experience as easy for the student as it can be. I have been told in the past that it has been an issue on campus and I would like some stability."
Sophomore Candice Linehan said, "Dave answered all the questions that were asked in a yes-and -no manner. He seems very experienced and very organized. He had the answers and we (the students) have not had that for a long time."
One of the major parts of the packet that has caught the eye of students has been the 89.5 credit factor and that if you have more than this number you will not be included in the residence hall selection process.
Carpenter said, "a good thing to look at is that an opportunity to appeal existed for nearly every area of this housing process and that based on issues there will be exceptions made."
One student brought up the point that because she plays a sport that she has to take a smaller credit load during the season. Due to this, she might not be able to reach the 45 credits that are needed for the apartment complex. Carpenter said, "suggestions such as these will help residence life in the future, but it will be up to the students to make the effort to speak their mind."
After both meetings, students seemed relatively happy from what they heard and that someone had made the initiative to talk to them. Carpenter said, "If you have a suggestion or a concern, leave me a note and I will get back to you. Just make sure that your phone number is on there."
Linehan added, "that packet is pretty damn good for (Carpenter) only being here for three weeks. I hope he stays for awhile." Most of the students who attended the meetings agreed.