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Lady Cavs stick it out in the PAC
by Justine Di Filippo assistantphotographyeditor
After having three games cancelled because of the weather, two teams finally met on a soggy field to compete against each other in a game they live for, lacrosse.
Cabrini's women's lacrosse team hosted Gwynedd-Mercy Tuesday,April
3. Fans were cheering on their teams as Cabrini dominated in the first ten minutes of the game. By half time, everyone knew the fate of this game, the score was 9-1.
First-year student defensive wing Maureen McQuade dominated the offensive side of the team taking charge of opportunities on the field, setting up plays and using her teammates. Senior Angela Grassa and junior Stephanie Masucci took control of the defensive side of the game, keeping Gwynedd far from getting too close to the net and making too many goals.
Deanna DiBruno, who was injured in a game last week said, "Gwynedd was- n't one of those games where we could sit back and relax, but we knew they weren't a threat."
Junior co-captain Adrienne Maiocco said "Gwynedd was pretty good this year, and we needed to play well against them to build our confidence."She went
"We are working on playing as a team consistently. We know that we have to hustle and give 100 percent every game."
Adrienne Maiocco, junior on to say, " We are a temperamental team, we win some that we shouldn't and lose others that we should have won. We are working on playing as a team consistently. We know that we have to hustle and give 100 percent every game"
Cabrini finished the game the way they started it, by dominating the field, with a final score of 14-2.
The women's lacrosse team just won its last two PAC games, though they had a surprising loss to Eastern its second PAC game. The team is looking forward to meeting Eastern again in the playoffs. Eastern's win over Cabrini puts them higher in the ranking, but the women's lacrosse team is waiting to take its spot back. This is the first time in three years that the Cabrini team has lost a PAC game.
The team is playing its fifth game in the PAC on Thursday, April 5 at Neumann College. This team has been a threat in the past years to the women's team. With each year Neumann keeps getting better, and the urgency to defeat Cabrini has also grown.
'The biggest challenge in this game is mental. Neumann has great fans who love to express their feelings about their team," DiBruno said Maiocco predicts the team doing well this year. "I can see the team going far this year;We-ftally~er.' season and talk about the great games during the regular season and the NCAA tournament. But do not take too long,, next season will be here before you know it.
That is the best thing about college basketball, there is always another season. Next season is five to six months away.
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