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Coaches play dual roles on campus

Justine Di Filippo assistant photography editor

After a long day of working on campus, four employees of Cabrini College lace up their sneakers and prepare for part two of their daily schedule.


These four people take a group of students into their classroom, the field or the court. They do not only teach these students but they enhance the students ability as athletes, and a teammates.

Lesley Danehy, associate director of athletics and head soccer coach, Bridget Baxter, director of student activities and head softball coach, John Dzik, director of athletics and basketball coach and Steve Colfer associate director of admissions and head coach of men's lacrosse are the four people that spend their days going into nights here on campus.

Having a coach on campus fulltime benefits both the coach and the players of their team.

Liz Graham, first year student and soccer player said, "Having Lesley (Danehy) on campus has definitely benefited our team."

Liz said she sees Danehy at least twice a day. Graham also said, "She (Danehy) is good to go to when we have personal problems. She helps us out and also if we need it recommends us for stuff we are doing on camps."

Having a coach on campus full time creates a bond not only between the players themselves but a greater bond with their coach. Students have someone to go to when they are having a problem on campus and not be afraid. Not only for the student's sake but it also enhances the coaching experience knowing each player day by day instead of just at practice by practice.

Dzik said, "Working on campus has brought my team closer to me., Any coach on staff would just not as personal." All of them agreed that both jobs were equally difficult when it came down to it. lack of a field, "It's affecting academics, recruiting and fan-support. Nobody's going to drive an hour away for a game."

Though many people on campus feel that athletes on campus get a lot of special treatment it is actually the opposite. Many teams get a curfew on the night of a big game. Not only to make sure they are not out having a little fun, but to make sure they will be fully rested for the big game the next day.

Though in the housing lottery athletes get that extra point it is only because they practice at all hours of the day.

Scheduling a practice where everyone can attend is hard between classes and mealtime at the dining hall they either have early morning practice or evening practice. Many other people get extra points as well.

Baxter is concerned about obtaining recruits. She feels that recruits want both academics and softball, however, right now the girls can not have both.

Recruits see what the girls go through without a field and it deters them from wanting to be a part of it. An example of this is an occasion when the team was practicing on Eastern College's field. A recruit came to watch but left early bothered by the fact that there was a tractor in the middle of the field.

·Without a field of their own, the softball team stepped up to the bat with the #7 ranking in the entire nation.

·Everyday the team has to search off-campus for a field in order to practice.

•The team was featured in the April 4 edition of USA Today. -r-

•deep red center



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•Cabrini I.D. required personally be the closest to his team.They are not only there as coaches, but to mentor the team as well."

All of the coaches feel that being a coach and working on campus is not too difficult. Though when their seasons come around it can get a little hectic.

Dzik said, "The athletic realm in season is difficult to balance because he is making a personal impact on his team as a coach but as an athletic director he has a greater impact on more people

All four teams did or are doing well this year. The men's basketball team won the PAC this season, softball won the PAC last year and are looking forward to doing it again, the men's lacrosse is looking good this year and the women's soccer team had a great season as well. Though having a coach on campus full time did not make the team win, it did have an impact on the team.

They now look at their coach not only as a coach, but as someone they can go to regardless of the reason whenever they want. A friend as well as a coach.

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