1 minute read
Althetes sponsor run for autistic youths
by Amy Gassen news editor
Spring is here, which means that Spring Fling will soon enliven our campus. The CAP board and WYBF-FM are busily planning to make Spring Fling weekend full of activities and enjoyable for all.
They, however, are not the only people busily planning for the weekend's festivities.
Katie Hect, Jessica Huda, and Tara Robuck, senior women's soccer captains, are busily organizing a 2.2-mile run for autism. The run will take place on May 5 at 11 a.m. on campus.
The run is benefiting COSAC, a community outreach service organization lo- cated in N. J. that helps autistic organizations raise money.
Robuck works for COSAC and thought that it would be a good idea to give the campus an opportunity to help.
"All the student athletes are being asked to run and donate for community service," Leslie Danehy, assistant athletic director, said.
The race, however, is open to all. The registration fee is $5 for students and $10 for non-students. The first 200 people to register for the race will receive a free t-shirt. People interested in registering for the race, or with questions about the race, should call Danehy at 610-9028517.
"If you can't run, you can donate," Danehy said.