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iiiner Cinter facel changes o arqpus Minis


The Cabrini O,Uegc swnmerfticelifthas


E°'1gbt many changes tc>Ollt oonmn:mity.A new ciormQpenedits doors for the first time and profesors are returning to theirofficesin Grace Hall.

CulTently,the bangsand dust of~ fill the first floor of the Widener Center. The project plansto convertthe old student~vities office,commuter IQungeand lowerconferenceroom into a Ceo-ter for Service and leadersbjp. This project is revampingcampusministty whilebuilding on service projects for our community.

Manychangesare bejq made in die physical aspect of campus ministry along with the interpersonalaspect.

Mary Laver,coordinatorof communityoutreach and partnerships will be relocating to die center. PreviOU$ly,Lavu and John DiMucci had served as campusministersto die community. FatbetSte\'eAlbero,camtmsmfeisw 'illldJesaica mini•. Wt.-:•.._.,._ will be locatedin the new center.

This year, we are going to work closely with service and campus minislty activities," said Laver."We see them intertwined."

The center will strive to link .-vice with academics."Eventually, Laversaid, "we aregoingto havea majorfocus on service learning."

DiMucci, a formercampus minister, bas left his work al' Cabrini. "Almost every ma~ campus ministty event on campus w~ due to him," Laver said. •'The community buildingof spirit wasbrought/ by John."

Laver plans to build on DiMucci's vision ofi community spirit to sttuc~ die new center.

Jon Rania,music director, will be leaving 111 October. Campusministryis seekinga new music di rector.

Msgr.RobertMcMammsis the newcampus chaplain. Alberowill still say muses, however, his work:as a campus ministerrequires additionalhelp in ihat area. Masses are held Sundaysat 7 p.m. and Tuesdaysat 4:45 p.m..

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