2 minute read

Organize: Don't let clutter get

by Renee Di Pietro perspective editor

Everything is in place, you are so proud. Finally, the carpet is visible. Then you wake up and see your mess just where you left it, here in reality.


Being disorganized is a killer... a time killer, a schedule killer and a mental killer. Being disorganized is mentally stressful. Picture that office, room or area in your life that recently or has always had a life livingforce of its own. You have surrendered to the fact that control is never going to be a graspable option. Disorder is just the way the cards were dealt.

But there is help and the 'I don't ever have time to straighten up' excuse is not going to cut it, because the real reason is much deeper than that.

People let clutter overrun a room, a garage, or a closet because they acquire a fear, a voice that haunts a person into not striving for success. Success becomes represented by this voice as scary and feared because with success comes a threat of not being able to maintain the success.

Here are some tips on bow to overcome this fear:

In your bedroom, the only articles that should be in there are the ones that you use or love. Every thing else needs a place outside of the room. When coming across ii ms that do not belong in the room, try new areas such as the trashcan or a garage sale.

In each room throughout the house a central theme is necessary. If the dining room is going to be the eating room then all objects that differ from this theme need to be removed.

The majority of jumble throughout households mainly resides in the den or garage areas. Problems usually revolve around these areas because these rooms are frequently missing a theme and the items in the room never have a permanent home within the room. Each object within a room must have a permanent home where the object can always be found and returned to again.

Clutter can make you sick when uncontrolled. People constantly are talking about how they wish they had more time to clean up and organize at home. In August, the Oprah show discussed the stresses of disorganization. Woman after woman stood up and described the feeling of living with the cloud each day because she could not tackle the disorganization of her life. Embarrassment, depression and uneasiness resulted from their battle with confusion about what to do to fix their disorganized disarray.

To help, first the women were taught why they were holding onto the mess of their •lives. Reasons ranged from being stuck in _a transitional phase of life, like switching jobs, or that they were holding onto the past too tightly and could not trash anything, even if it was useless to them. They continued to hold onto the past feeling safer with the mess, in fear that if cleaned up that then

Clutter how to unclutter your living space. they would be forced to more forward in life.

After these women applied the organizational tips from above they felt pounds lift off them. They felt ready to move on in their lives. Even one woman put it as being a way

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