1 minute read
Senseless adults-wake 1.f.P
Justine Di Filippo ohoto editor
Every summer the same tragedy happens because some adults do not think. I feel sick when I turn on the news and see that another child or pet died because of a senseless act.
Many parents and adults bring their children or pets on shopping trips and leave them locked in the car with the windows cracked. Once inside the store these socalled adults get distracted by either the great sale the supermarket is having or maybe they run into a friend and lose track of time. A half-hour later they return to the car to find that their child or pet is now dead.
What makes me even more furious is that the people wait for
Triple A to come and unlock the ·door.
If I was that parent I would grab whatever I bought and smash the opposite window to get them out as soon as possible. The reason why they do not do this is because it costs at least $400 to get a new window.
What I do not understand is that in the home we do not leave the young children unattended for more then five minutes because we are afraid they might get into something that could hurt them. Here we have people purposely locking their children in the cars for up to a half-hour when it is 95 degrees outside when inside the car temperatures can reach up to 120 degrees inside the car.
If you do not want to bring your children into the store, leave them at the neighbors for the halfhour of shopping. I really think they would not mind a half-hour.
The dog can get tied up outside with a bowl of water and will be fine when you return.
The worst part is our society feels bad for the parent or the pet owner. How come these people are not charged with animal cruelty? Why are not the parents charged with murder?
Last time I checked, if you accidentally shot someone you were charged ' with murder, negligent homicide, or many other charges.
_ Granted I wait in the car when my mom is shopping, but I'm 20 years old. When I get hot, I can get out of the car. Little children are only thinking mommy or daddy will be back, they love me, and when's lunch? They do not know what is happening. When I think of the torture that these children or pets endure in their last few minutes, it makes me sick to my stomach.
We need to wake up and realize that this cannot be dismissed anymore. Some adults need to wake up and realize what they are doing.